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Ubisoft Announces King Kong Game


works for Gamestop (lol)

Electronic Arts may have locked up Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson's last film project, but Ubisoft has the next one. The French publisher today announced that it's acquired the rights to produce games based on King Kong, Jackson's upcoming remake of the giant-gorilla classic.

Ubisoft plans to have the game out on "all platforms" when the movie hits theaters December 14, 2005. Rayman creator Michel Ancel and the rest of the team responsible for Beyond Good & Evil are producing the project, in collaboration with Ubisoft's Montreal studio (Splinter Cell, Prince of Persia) and Jackson's Wingnut Films production company, so it should be a cut above an ordinary movie adaptation.

"Through this creative association, Ubisoft shows its growing dedication to bringing intense emotions inspired by the movie industry to interactive games," says Ubi's Serge Hascoet. "In the King Kong game, players will be able to experience all the power, drama and emotion of the film thanks to the interactive possibilities provided by the game."

Jackson's film features a surprisingly eclectic cast, including Jack Black, Adrien Brody, and Naomi Watts in the lead role made famous by Fay Wray. Kong himself, of course, will be generated by a computer in both the movie and the game.

We'll watch out for more details on Ubisoft's project later next year.

Deku Tree

Wario64 said:
Rayman creator Michel Ancel and the rest of the team responsible for Beyond Good & Evil are producing the project, in collaboration with Ubisoft's Montreal studio (Splinter Cell, Prince of Persia) and Jackson's Wingnut Films production company, so it should be a cut above an ordinary movie adaptation.

Does this kill the BG&E sequel rumors? Or were those already dead?


Gold Member
I wonder if they will get Andy Serkis to do the Kong motion capture like he's doing in the movie.



Console Market Analyst
What, Shiny wasn't available?

I'm stoked for Kong, but can't imagine what kind of game this will be.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Yeah, I don't see too many interesting game scenarios here. When I think of cool movie licenses that need games, I don't think of one featuring a romance between a giant ape and a woman.

But if Michel Ancel is involved... I'm vaguely intrigued.
it'll be just like Wanda and the Colossus... only for furries!! seriously though, this group should make something exciting or at the least produce some stellar graphics.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
JasoNsider said:
This is a really big dissapointment, to be honest. To see Michel Ancel and his team attached to a license is really sad.


releasing late 2005 on all platforms.... xenon included? ;)
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