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Ubisoft Has Changed Controversial ASSASSIN'S CREED ODYSSEY: SHADOW HERITAGE DLC Ending (Forced heterosexuality)


Man I'm tired of this stuff popping up in games these days, you hear more about this than the games themselves....play and enjoy, stuff like this does not matter in games, and shouldn't.

If I didn't play a game or got upset because I felt my race or what have you wasn't properly represented then I would have never made it past playing Mario.
That sort of mentality is a VERY slippery slope.

For instance, games with battle mechanics, based upon that mentality, would have to let you kill ANY NPC, no matter if it would prevent you from progressing in the game, etc.

Unless you wanted to make video games a 1:1 direct parallel to real life, you're going to have restrictions on what you can do. Even then, you would have the consequences of said action, which could end your game if you were jailed for killing innocent randos. Also kind of defeats the purpose of a game.

There's no slippery slope involved in creating material tailored to a mechanic the game chose to codify with its DLC ending. My argument is not about creating hyper realistic games, but rather honoring the artificial choices that are offered to the player. In this case, allowing the player character to end in either a gay, straight, or non-relationship with the preset NPC(s).

[meme image]
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I am a virgin
There's no slippery slope involved in creating material tailored to a mechanic the game chose to codify with its DLC ending. My argument is not about creating hyper realistic games, but rather honoring the artificial choices that are offered to the player. In this case, allowing the player character to end in either a gay, straight, or non-relationship with the preset NPC(s).
I got you about the hyper realism thing; but I still believe it's a slippery slope. Next you would have people saying "Well, these people got noncanon endings based up their sexuality, why can't I kill this random NPC and not get a noncanon ending?" etc.

All about that inclusion ideology.
I got you about the hyper realism thing; but I still believe it's a slippery slope. Next you would have people saying "Well, these people got noncanon endings based up their sexuality, why can't I kill this random NPC and not get a noncanon ending?" etc.
This is a situation of looking for ending content specific to a mechanic highlighted by the game, rather than expecting endings that take into account random actions. Hypothetically as exmpale, if killing NPCs was a central mechanic and featured in a game's ending, players would want to see their choices (amount of kills, specific kills, etc.) reflected or at the least not have those choices dismissed. I do generally understand what you're suggesting, but I disagree in the context of Odyssey's DLC ending.
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I think these people are looking to take the L.

If they are doing it right it can apply to both.

Seriously though, if all this is does is allow people who were playing their character a certain way continue you that through the end I don't see a problem with it. Unless it's disruptive to people who are playing it straight. But that does seem to be the case here.

Not so seriously,

What did the Greek chariot maker say when the man tried to guess which blacksmith made his wheels.

Did you just assume my vendor?
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Really miss the old 16 bits day when a game was controversial if it has blood on it or the PS1 era when a game was evaluated due to fps, graphics , textures, gameplay , etc... lots of videogames are not games anymore....they behave more like agenda tools....and this is growing.
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If you don’t have children you don’t have AC... c’mon.

No matter you choice they should make a way to follow the story so they need to find a way to have a heterosexual relation at least once.


I'm tired of all this. Everyday a new story. I miss the old simpler times. I just played the games and all I complained about were the frustrating gameplay, if any.

Heterosexuality literally forced me to be born REEEEE
I wish their parents were gay so REEEE wouldn't have existed.


Gold Member
Honestly, this is one of those things that people complained about where I can sort of see the point of it (except the name of the trophy, that's fucking stupid).
It's not as much about LGBT as it's about the dev promising something and then suddenly changing it in one of the DLC's.
Like, for people that played The Witcher 3, wouldn't you have been a bit annoyed if you made Gerlat choose Yennefer in the main game and then in blood and wine they were like "nope, Geralt loved this new chick now!!".

Also, have you guys read the changes?

It's not like they made massive changes for enraged SJW's
They made an optional dialog choice which triggers the same montage as the other one but with a short scene removed. And they altered one word in one of the choices without actually altering the dialog it triggers.

For everyone that was fine with the original version literally nothing has changed
Are we really at the stage where game writers and designers are not allowed to follow a set narrative for their own game that makes sense anymore? Yes we are. Also coming soon to an author penning a novel near you.

It's not like they made massive changes

Give them an inch, they WILL take a mile. ALWAYS. This is why you don't give them inches.
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"Presumably not a single lesbian was consulted in any capacity about this highly touted lesbian character."

Lesbianism isn't a difficult concept. I mean, even school kids understand the concept. It isn't rocket science. Why do SJWs make everything out to be super hard to understand?
Some people need to make a living out of the stupidest things in this world because they might suck at everything else. Even if those stupid titles are the stupidest things you ever heard of.
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I was hoping they would let the players be in a gay relationship that discontinued the bloodline the series had going.

You could have an ending where they show all the villains from other games succeeding because of a lack of opposition, it woulda been great.
That would have been cool.


Curious, does the game actually let you decide that the characters are gay? As far as I can tell they're pre established characters and they could both be bisexual for all we know and you just get to decide who they fuck.


Why I cannot cross New Super Mario U levels riding a motorcycle? Society allows me to go to work on a bike, A GAME MUST LET ME DO SOOOOOOOOO AAAAAAAAH REEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!

Why did they make Assassins Creed a dating sim? Should all games be like that now?... You know, just so they fit some political/social narrative?

I never liked dating sims.


Give them an inch, they WILL take a mile. ALWAYS. This is why you don't give them inches.
Nah, Ubisoft wrote themselves in the corner. It is their own fault. They never should have promised that sexuality wasn't important to the game and that you can play any sexuality and the game will still make sense.
What Ubisoft also did in patch 1.14 is nerf drachmea earned (by 60%) when selling gear and also drastically increased costs of upgrading. Essentially increase the grind and push people more to just buying upgrades.. I guess the coveted XP and resource boosters didn't sell well enough.

I mean fuck Ubisoft, I'm at the point of just using a trainer to get infinite resources and just ignore the gear maintenance part the game.

So which part of this do you think the "jounalist" will report on? The exploitative nature of the publisher, updating a game to be more grindy well after reviews are out? Or that they can finally let Cassandra be gay?
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What Ubisoft also did in patch 1.14 is nerf drachmea earned (by 60%) when selling gear and also drastically increased costs of upgrading. Essentially increase the grind and push people more to just buying upgrades.. I guess the coveted XP and resource boosters didn't sell well enough.

I mean fuck Ubisoft, I'm at the point of just using a trainer to get infinite resources and just ignore the gear maintenance part the game.

So which part of this do you think the "jounalist" will report on? The exploitative nature of the publisher, updating a game to be more grindy well after reviews are out? Or that they can finally let Cassandra be gay?

Yeah Ubisoft are really sneaky. Waiting 6 months and then making adjustments. They must be making money hand over fist off the millions of people who have already finished the game. Genius!


Im straight and prefer straight romance options.
I am straight and I always play female characters in games and romance other females in game, because I am a guy and why the hell not?! This may be a bit childish but I would be pissed if I suddenly had to romance a male character in game. If there isn't an option for that I am ok with it but you could be a lesbian or gay in Odyssey before and suddenly forcing you to be one way is not to my liking.
Me, I prefer the romancing a woman no matter what, so if I'm man it'll be straight and if I'm a woman it'll be lesbian. I just can't get into trying to romance dudes.
This is pretty much me.
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Yeah Ubisoft are really sneaky. Waiting 6 months and then making adjustments. They must be making money hand over fist off the millions of people who have already finished the game. Genius!

Tf? Do you really think there are not people still playing it? Or that there won't be new players?



Are we really at the stage where game writers and designers are not allowed to follow a set narrative for their own game that makes sense anymore? Yes we are.
Well, that was pretty much clear after bioware caved and changed the ending for mass effect 3. That set a precedent and now it is not off the table that a game is being changed because of a vocal part of the player base. The customer is always right.

Give them an inch, they WILL take a mile. ALWAYS. This is why you don't give them inches.
Nah, life is compromise, you pick the battles you want to win and ignore the rest. I never cared about what gender or sexual orientation a virtual human on screen is. If that's the hill you decided to die on that's your choice of course, but don't expect that this is of any importance to a large number of people. ;)


What Ubisoft also did in patch 1.14 is nerf drachmea earned (by 60%) when selling gear and also drastically increased costs of upgrading. Essentially increase the grind and push people more to just buying upgrades.. I guess the coveted XP and resource boosters didn't sell well enough.

I mean fuck Ubisoft, I'm at the point of just using a trainer to get infinite resources and just ignore the gear maintenance part the game.

So which part of this do you think the "jounalist" will report on? The exploitative nature of the publisher, updating a game to be more grindy well after reviews are out? Or that they can finally let Cassandra be gay?

Pfft this is the kind of bullshit/scandal news which pushed Ubi to make the "LGBT" community happy and change the DLC's ending.

What's not written in this semi-fake news is that they rebalanced many other things other than that and trust me, you'll never run out of money if you play the game... I found myself with hundreds of thousand of drachmae by the end of the game and I have indeed spent them in upgrades.

By the way, upgrading the gear is utterly useless, you will always find stuff which is more powerful as you progress in the game. If you really want to use that particular piece of gear but higher level for aesthetic purposes, just customize the higher level gear to make it look like the lower and it's done.


That'll do it. I guess this means finally, we are all equal? No more whining and crying from the powerless, oppressed minority?

Fenris Wolf

to be honest i didn't expect them to change the scene entirely. i really love their commitment to this game.
actually, i love the new ubisoft (since R6S with their constant support and free content)


Also, have you guys read the changes?

It's not like they made massive changes for enraged SJW's
They made an optional dialog choice which triggers the same montage as the other one but with a short scene removed. And they altered one word in one of the choices without actually altering the dialog it triggers.

For everyone that was fine with the original version literally nothing has changed

Pretty much my view, it's nothing, we're complaining about more choice being added that has no effect on any of those complaining? Get a grip.
Pretty much my view, it's nothing, we're complaining about more choice being added that has no effect on any of those complaining? Get a grip.
I don't know about anyone else, but the amount of shits I give about what Ubisoft does can not be measured by any known measure of man. We'd need to create a new scale of shits given in order to accurately convey just how infinitesimal this number is. Infinitesi-shits, if you will. Of which I have 3. At best.

What I'm complaining about is a very small minority of entitled babies who think they know what is best for the game industry and for gamers, and demand that everything under the sun be changed to fit their increasingly warped world view. Admittedly, in the grand scheme of things, this change - when taken alone - is rather insignificant. But in the grand scheme of things, this change can not be taken alone. It must be paired with stuff like complaining that Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't have a transgender option or on using Dead or Alive 6 reviews as a soap box to rail against sexualization of one group by someone who writes articles praising the sexualization of another. And as part of this trend which is, I swear to god, ruining gaming, I'm going to complain on the internet because me simply choosing to not buy a game just isn't flashy enough to start a movement.

Basically, I don't care if the game industry listens to me. I just don't want them to listen to them. (Or, you know, the corporate side which insists on things like GaaS, microtransations, or selling incomplete products that haven't been tested yet because they want to sell a game by a specific date in order to maximize sales - but that's a different thread). I'd rather they listen to themselves and produce games they think are good without having to second guess every choice because some dumb asshole on Twitter is upset because the girl at the bar thought his woke ally m'lady speech was kind of gay.


It blows my mind that a single calorie is burnt on this non issue.
I'm more outraged by the continuous nerfs and resource changes to the main game.
I wish Ubisoft heard about those issues over this zero burger.


And as part of this trend which is, I swear to god, ruining gaming, I'm going to complain on the internet because me simply choosing to not buy a game just isn't flashy enough to start a movement.

I don't know about anyone else, but the amount of shits I give about what Ubisoft does can not be measured by any known measure of man.
So you don't care about Ubisoft, but you need to tell everyone about it?

You do realise that this manufactured outrage is just a marketing strategy?


If you look at Nike stock right now, it's higher than it has been the past 5 years. Manufacture outrage, make money.

If you really want to annoy Ubisoft, just continue to ignore them.


Basically, I don't care if the game industry listens to me. I just don't want them to listen to them. (Or, you know, the corporate side which insists on things like GaaS, microtransations, or selling incomplete products that haven't been tested yet because they want to sell a game by a specific date in order to maximize sales - but that's a different thread). I'd rather they listen to themselves and produce games they think are good without having to second guess every choice because some dumb asshole on Twitter is upset because the girl at the bar thought his woke ally m'lady speech was kind of gay.

I am very much in agreement with this.

I've always felt that if one day all the new videogames were not for me then I'd just go back and replay my old favorites. At this stage I have decades worth of gaming behind me and could easily go back to many of those experiences for another go.

I just think it's sad though. That "outrage" can influence a developer and change aspects of a game.

I thought years ago that fans demanding a reworked ending to Mass Effect were already going too far.
Here we are though.

The ability to reassess and redo aspects of a game can be a pretty good strength of the medium.
It can also weakness in gaming too, if it becomes open to exploitation.
This, for me, is an example of that exploitation.

I don't like the way this was framed as "the game forces the player into a heterosexual relationship".
This has implications for the viability of gaming as a storytelling format.
Plenty of games force the player to kill.

People will argue that the changes are insignificant or that they make more sense now.
That's fine but, at the end of the day, what happened here is that activists literally managed to harass a developer into changing the game to fit their worldview.
"This is an important first step towards mitigating the damage done by the game's latest DLC."

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It's kind of sad that precious time and resources are being spent by a company over which hole you stick your dick in instead of making a better game. Who fucking cares, it's A GAME, a FICTIONAL GAME. Why are we worrying about our fictional lives mirroring those of our real lives? The point is to get away from all that sewage, at least it is for me.
This is a game about DNA and how it creates the different generations of assassins. Scientifically, you can't pass down your lineage if you don't procreate.


It's kind of sad that precious time and resources are being spent by a company over which hole you stick your dick in instead of making a better game. Who fucking cares, it's A GAME, a FICTIONAL GAME. Why are we worrying about our fictional lives mirroring those of our real lives? The point is to get away from all that sewage, at least it is for me.

Something I had been thinking recently is how people use gaming as a status symbol in a lot of ways.

You can see it in XBox vs PS4 vs VR vs Switch type arguments where people are SO invested in the idea that the console that they own is the best one.
It's there in arguments over graphics too. People really want that impressive looking game that they can show off.

What's the point in having massive backlogs of games? Because people want to own the newest thing coming out even if they will never have time to actually play it in depth? People constantly "complaining" about their backlogs.

I see this newest drama as being another aspect to that.

There was a time where it was a big deal to be a kid who's folks allowed him to play Mortal Kombat.
Then PS1 came along and it was Grand Theft Auto that was the game you could brag about owning.

This new trend is a progression of that, I think.
DoA 6, Catherine, Kingdom Come, the THQ Nordic drama. The big deal that was made over Far Cry 5.
It's not enough to just have new games, the games must also not be "problematic".

The games you play need to embody your political beliefs and pander to them.
So now we can brag to our buddies about how we are playing the wokest game on the most expensive console with the bestest graphics and we've got a whole unplayed library of other woke games too.

Fox Mulder

They could have avoided this with better writing. You can't give people freedom and options like playing gay or straight then just take it away. It's lazy and of course people will get mad.
They could have avoided this with better writing. You can't give people freedom and options like playing gay or straight then just take it away. It's lazy and of course people will get mad.
Did Ubisoft say that they were making gay an option, or was that an assumption? Everything I saw was Ubisoft saying you could pick either gender and dialogue choices would be the same regardless. It was the game journalists *spit* who started talking about how Odyssey allowed you to play gay characters.
Here’s what Ubisoft had to say on the matter:
“Since the story is choice-driven, we never force players in romantic situations they might not be comfortable with,” Dumont says. “Players decide if they want to engage with characters romantically. I think this allows everybody to build the relationships they want, which I feel respects everybody’s roleplay style and desires.”

MacCoubrey explains the “goal from the beginning was to create an experience that could please the long-time fans of the franchise while encouraging new players to step inside the Ancient Greek world and discover the franchise for the first time themselves.” She continues, “As Jonathan says, same-sex romance in our game is part of the roleplay options and is there if you want to engage with it. From the first reviews and impressions we’re reading it seems our players are happy with the way it’s presented.”
While they do say they want to respect everybody’s role play style and desires, they never say the character can be gay - just that same-sex relationships are part of the choices they offer. In fact, they said the time period was perfect for this (on account of all the ancient greeks being bisexual). It’s about the choice to romance who you want, not a declaration of the character’s sexuality.

But then you have Kotaku going full retard.


I've heard recently that gay people have more children than heterosexual. I can't believe we're still living in the XXI century.


If we allow it, the forever offended will find reasons to throw everything in the memory hole. Everything you hold dear, be it Indiana Jones, or Star Wars, or Uncharted, or AC, will eventually be deemed offensive. If you remove the fringe, a new smaller fringe appears to be offended by.

We are watching the birth of 1984s Ministry of Truth, which goes back and rewrites culture to be compliant, and throws anything too offensive down the memory hole.

Everybody thought it would come from the right. It didn't.
If we allow it, the forever offended will find reasons to throw everything in the memory hole. Everything you hold dear, be it Indiana Jones, or Star Wars, or Uncharted, or AC, will eventually be deemed offensive. If you remove the fringe, a new smaller fringe appears to be offended by.

We are watching the birth of 1984s Ministry of Truth, which goes back and rewrites culture to be compliant, and throws anything too offensive down the memory hole.

Everybody thought it would come from the right. It didn't.

Which demonstrates how great left propaganda is. The Soviet Union is the inspiration of all these movements and SJW is just the evolution of marxism, since the clash of social classes is no more.

From Ubisoft's point of view I think they are not realizing that the noise is not coming from those who are their actual customers and choosing that side may have very bad consequences where it truly matters, the sales charts. Disney has had a good share of it and now they are coming for more. I wonder when they will ever learn.
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