The way he delivered those uppercuts was just raw.
Props to Tim and his corner for recognizing what he had to do... and actually having the balls to do it.
He actually came out fighting the 3rd round like he had no choice. Almost everyone just folds it up in the 3rd and pretend to go all-out in the last 15 seconds to look good. It's amazing that he came out strong and throwing.
Yup. Went for the KO because there was no way he'd get the decision. It makes so much sense, yet almost no one follows through.
FINALLY, someone ACTUALLY LISTENS to their coach when he says "you need a KO to win" and comes out TRYING TO WIN!!!
FINALLY, someone ACTUALLY LISTENS to their coach when he says "you need a KO to win" and comes out TRYING TO WIN!!!
I feel like im standing in front of the bellagio.
Silva took his soul people you will never see the same Okami