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UFC 207 Rondo Rousey vs Amanda Nunes |OT| No Love & NO MORE QUESTIONS

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I don't have much confidence in Nunes either. Holm should still be the champ, Meisha's insane hail mary against her should not have worked like it did.
Holm is not that great and only looked good because of how bad Rousey's striking is.
Like you saying Conor would destroy Nate and Sage would murder Mickey Gall??

Sure? I never have a problem with saying I've called a fight wrong ever lol. Who really cares about that? Talking about fights is fun.

No one who realistically picks fights regularly has a much higher than 50% average and anyone claiming to tell you they have the mystical power to predict fight outcomes is kidding themselves
Sure? I never have a problem with saying I've called a fight wrong ever lol. Who really cares about that? Talking about fights is fun.

No one who realistically picks fights regularly has a much higher than 50% average and anyone claiming to tell you they have the mystical power to predict fight outcomes is kidding themselves
It's not about getting them wrong, it's about insane hyperbole backfiring.
It's ribbing, not attacking.
I'm picking Nunes by TKO and Cruz by Mayweather.

I mean I get it but we could play this game all day. I also got tons of shit when I said McGregor would make easy work of Eddie and that it would be much easier fight than Nate. It goes both ways, sometime we are right and sometimes we are wrong. That's what makes MMA so exciting you never really know.

But if your just teasing all good in my book!
Q from a casual observer: why do so many dudes seem to hate Rousey? I know it's a loaded question because I said "dudes" instead of "people" but I'd be lying if I said I heard a single female talk shit about her.

edit: Mmm, sounds like legitimate reasons you guys are giving. Now that I think of it, my impression of Ronda was embellished by the remote Pete Holmes shot with her a few years back.

The Beard

Damn, Ronda is looking good.
Q from a casual observer: why do so many dudes seem to hate Rousey? I know it's a loaded question because I said "dudes" instead of "people" but I'd be lying if I said I heard a single female talk shit about her.
Not a likeable person, says "fuck" too much, has a douchebag boyfriend, etc...
That's me though...
Q from a casual observer: why do so many dudes seem to hate Rousey? I know it's a loaded question because I said "dudes" instead of "people" but I'd be lying if I said I heard a single female talk shit about her.

This dude right here hates her because she's a Sandy Hook and 9/11 truther. Also she's an arrogant jerk. :)

N° 2048

Not a likeable person, says "fuck" too much, has a douchebag boyfriend, etc...
That's me though...

I can't tell if some of your posts are jokes or not lol

You must hate like 90% of MMA fighters if saying "fuck" is an issue.

It has been explained tons of times, and everyone is different. But her shitty past statements and opinions, lame personality and arrogance, unbearable sham head coach, and the outrageous hyperbole used to promote her have made her intolerable for me.

People like Conor are actually funny, actually humble in defeat, and KO'ing Aldo and Eddie the way he did is an accomplishment Ronda will never, ever even come close to being able to match.

Q from a casual observer: why do so many dudes seem to hate Rousey? I know it's a loaded question because I said "dudes" instead of "people" but I'd be lying if I said I heard a single female talk shit about her.

It has been explained tons of times, and everyone is different. But her shitty past statements and opinions, lame personality and arrogance, unbearable sham head coach, and the outrageous hyperbole used to promote her have made her intolerable for me.

People like Conor are actually funny, actually humble in defeat, and KO'ing Aldo and Eddie the way he did is an accomplishment Ronda will never, ever even come close to being able to match.


ronda can be really mean to her opponents for no reason.. iirc she's even mean in victory as well. like at the end of the day conor respects jose, and i dont get that from ronda, shes just petty.

main reason im not a huge fan these days.
ronda can be really mean to her opponents for no reason.. iirc she's even mean in victory as well. like at the end of the day conor respects jose, and i dont get that from ronda, shes just petty.

main reason im not a huge fan these days.
She reprimanded Paige Van Zant on congratulating Holly after she beat Ronda too.
Who does she think she is???
ronda can be really mean to her opponents for no reason.. iirc she's even mean in victory as well. like at the end of the day conor respects jose, and i dont get that from ronda, shes just petty.

main reason im not a huge fan these days.

Yeah same. I'm not a huge fan of her anymore either even though at one point I was all in on that hype train. She's a pretty crappy person it seems like by and large.

That said I'm glad she's back in the fight game because it's always exciting when she competes
ronda can be really mean to her opponents for no reason.. iirc she's even mean in victory as well. like at the end of the day conor respects jose, and i dont get that from ronda, shes just petty.

main reason im not a huge fan these days.

This is a perception thing and it all started with Tate. Ronda used to be more respectful but Tate took things to another level and since then Ronda doesn't bother with niceties.
Mmm, sounds like legitimate reasons you guys are giving. Now that I think of it, my impression of Ronda was embellished by the remote Pete Holmes shot with her a few years back.


Q from a casual observer: why do so many dudes seem to hate Rousey? I know it's a loaded question because I said "dudes" instead of "people" but I'd be lying if I said I heard a single female talk shit about her.
She's a mixed bag.

Perfect example is her refusing to touch gloves or when Misha Tate tried to help her off the mat after she tapped and she brushed her away.

She also has chosen one of the worst fucking coaches in MMA to be her head coach. Somebody whom her mother (an unfucking believable badass btw) can't stand and she's fucking right. When grappeling and takedowns are your strength why would you listen to a coach who wants you to stand and bang with an 18 time kickboxing champion? Also she showed up out of shape to defend her title against Holm. She was looking past Holm because everyone thought she was some jobber Dana set up for Ronda for her to take time off before a Cyborg mega fight after thinking she would be the next Dwayne Johnson.

Plus say what you want about Conors antics the dude wants to be a fighter and when he lost he moved hell to get back his heat from Nate. Ronda is such a poor loser that she wants to quit anything she loses. Its why she quit Judo at 18 and why she will probably leave MMA the next time she faces any adversity.

Also for everyone claiming she forged a path ignores the fact that she is fighting other Women. Even now this show is being broadcast as the Ronda show and I don't see WME or UFC brass trying to get Nunes on Ellen or Conan.

Part of me wants to admire Ronda for her acomplishments and for doing them with some sense of retaining humility then the other part of me sees her in the cage and it's a completely different person. Even now with the shit she is pulling with the Media whom made her the star she is today.

She's a complicated person.


Hail to the KING baby
This is a perception thing and it all started with Tate. Ronda used to be more respectful but Tate took things to another level and since then Ronda doesn't bother with niceties.

How did Tate take things to another level? I vaguely remember all their animosity and remember Tate doing nothing but almost the bare-minimum required trash talk for a fight and Rousey just flipping out and extending it to post-match (which is usually off the table even in a legitimately heated rivalry, which Tate-Rousey definitely was not at least on Tate's end). Rousey's not universally this horrible person but she does remind me of a lot of athletic prodigies where they are 100% occupied by their sport from an insanely young age and seem to have many serious and almost perplexing issues as a result.
Tate earned every negative thing Ronda has done or said. It amazes me that people have turned a blind eye towards how toxic Tate and Carroway both are.

Anything else people have against Ronda is fair game. Some things I view as more valid than others but that kind of thing goes with any fighter. But the love for Tate and dislike of Ronda because Ronda refuses to hide her genuine and justified dislike for her doesn't make sense to me.

How did Tate take things to another level? I vaguely remember all their animosity and remember Tate doing nothing but almost the bare-minimum required trash talk for a fight and Rousey just flipping out and extending it to post-match (which is usually off the table even in a legitimately heated rivalry, which Tate-Rousey definitely was not at least on Tate's end). Rousey's not universally this horrible person but she does remind me of a lot of athletic prodigies where they are 100% occupied by their sport from an insanely young age and seem to have many serious and almost perplexing issues as a result.

Tate does her trash talk and shitty antics away from the cameras. Ronda's said as much but most people write it off. What cemented her claims to me was this:


So the act that Tate and Carroway put on of being respectful fighters who are innocent of any non-fight hype bs just doesn't ring true.


Man watching these UFC clips with Tate interviewing Nunes.

Its incredible to me that Tate lost her spirit the second she won the belt. Wouldn't you be a little ticked off candidly talking with somebody that grabbed the title from your hands?


Hail to the KING baby
Tate earned every negative thing Ronda has done or said. It amazes me that people have turned a blind eye towards how toxic Tate and Calloway both are.

Anything else people have against Ronda is fair game. Some things I view as more valid than others but that kind of thing goes with any fighter. But the love for Tate and dislike of Ronda because Ronda refuses to hide her genuine and justified dislike for her doesn't make sense to me.

What did Tate do though? Her boyfriend seems to get into stupid Twitter beefs all the time (not sure how even that is "taking it to another level" but OK) but I'm honestly curious what beyond-the-pale stuff Tate herself did b/c I don't remember any of it.

The Beard

She's a mixed bag.

Perfect example is her refusing to touch gloves or when Misha Tate tried to help her off the mat after she tapped and she brushed her away.

She also has chosen one of the worst fucking coaches in MMA to be her head coach. Somebody whom her mother (an unfucking believable badass btw) can't stand and she's fucking right. When grappeling and takedowns are your strength why would you listen to a coach who wants you to stand and bang with an 18 time kickboxing champion? Also she showed up out of shape to defend her title against Holm. She was looking past Holm because everyone thought she was some jobber Dana set up for Ronda for her to take time off before a Cyborg mega fight after thinking she would be the next Dwayne Johnson.

Plus say what you want about Conors antics the dude wants to be a fighter and when he lost he moved hell to get back his heat from Nate. Ronda is such a poor loser that she wants to quit anything she loses. Its why she quit Judo at 18 and why she will probably leave MMA the next time she faces any adversity.

Also for everyone claiming she forged a path ignores the fact that she is fighting other Women. Even now this show is being broadcast as the Ronda show and I don't see WME or UFC brass trying to get Nunes on Ellen or Conan.

Part of me wants to admire Ronda for her acomplishments and for doing them with some sense of retaining humility then the other part of me sees her in the cage and it's a completely different person. Even now with the shit she is pulling with the Media whom made her the star she is today.

She's a complicated person.

Why would they? She's the 3rd champ in that division this year, she beat cream-puff cupcake to get the belt, and she doesnt speak English fluently.


Why would they? She's the 3rd champ in that division this year, she beat cream-puff cupcake to get the belt, and she doesnt speak English fluently.

She speaks English well enough and the UFC has sent Nate Diaz on Conan and Kimmil before. Part of the main stream success and promotion of the sport is crossing over to late night.
Ronda is astoundingly emotionally high strung

Like anything puts her into a crying rage

That being said people keep saying foul shit to her prefight (like that girl who said she'd suicide out of shame after she beat her) and then they get arm'd, IIRC Holm didn't say shit
What did Tate do though? Her boyfriend seems to get into stupid Twitter beefs all the time (not sure how even that is "taking it to another level" but OK) but I'm honestly curious what beyond-the-pale stuff Tate herself did b/c I don't remember any of it.

Sorry, I was editing into my last post then other things got my attention.
Tate does her trash talk and shitty antics away from the cameras. Ronda's said as much but most people write it off. What cemented her claims to me was this:


So the act that Tate and Carroway put on of being respectful fighters who are innocent of any non-fight hype bs just doesn't ring true.

Based on the tantrum's Ronda threw over the silliest shit, like the Edmund vampire doll, I find it extremely hard to believe her "bu-bu-but she's worse away from the camera's!" excuse.

Carroway's definitely a shithead though.

The Beard

She speaks English well enough and the UFC has sent Nate Diaz on Conan and Kimmil before. Part of the main stream success and promotion of the sport is crossing over to late night.

Before the first Conor fight, or after? Even with Nate's poor speaking skills, he's a wordsmith compared to Nunes.

I mean, I could maybe see her making some appearances on talk shows if she ends up beating Ronda (she won't win). Right now there's no reason to promote her. She beat Tate, who's looked like an amateur in her last 2 fights.


any fighter that is an asshole in victory is automatically put on my shitlist.

i really can't stand it. i don't care what history you have with them.

cody, you better not refuse to shake dom's hand after you win.


I personally don't like Ronda, but at the same time I like superstars. we have so few in the sport, when they fight there's a special buzz around the card.
Based on the tantrum's Ronda threw over the silliest shit, like the Edmund vampire doll, I find it extremely hard to believe her "bu-bu-but she's worse away from the camera's!" excuse.

Carroway's definitely a shithead though.

I don't find it hard to believe at all. Stuff like that happens all the time in the sport. The Cruz and Alpha Male issues started with out of the spotlight stuff, for example.

But with Ronda specifically, she didn't used to be so outwardly hostile before Tate. I can't think of anything she said or did that was out of line to Carmouche, Mann, or Zingano either. Don't remember anything of note with Davis. So the idea that Ronda is just vicious to everybody doesn't really fit. She's confident. Even cocky. But she doesn't typically just rip into her opponents unless provoked.
Rousey is like Cell Saga Vegeta

She's strong but aggressively unlikable.

You dont laugh when Goku tires himself out against Cell, or when Piccolo tries his best against Android 17, or when Tien desperately tries to pin Cell down knowing that its impossible, but you get this odd glee when Rousey gets knocked out by Android 18/Holm
Love watching Rhonda, so hopefully she comes back strong and plays to her strengths. I'd be happy to see her go out on top.

I'll never understand how nobody's managed to convince her to ditch that dipshit. Even her mom knows he's a fuckin' tool.
One of the great mysteries of the universe.
Why would they? She's the 3rd champ in that division this year, she beat cream-puff cupcake to get the belt, and she doesnt speak English fluently.

Because she has a real good chance of winning.
What then?
That division becomes irrelevant with Tate, Ronda retired and Holm going up.


So not worth it
Rousey is like Cell Saga Vegeta

She's strong but aggressively unlikable.

You dont laugh when Goku tires himself out against Cell, or when Piccolo tries his best against Android 17, or when Tien desperately tries to pin Cell down knowing that its impossible, but you get this odd glee when Rousey gets knocked out by Android 18/Holm

Vegeta was witty, though, or at least, had a sarcastic sense of humor one could appreciate.

Also, end of the day, he loved his kid man, it's not like he didn't have any redeeming qualities.

Rousey is just being a big baby, really. I mean, being mad at the fans and press and not doing media for what? Pointing out that she lost? I dunno, there's ways to be graceful in defeat and there's ways to be a cunt in defeat. Conor chose the first, Rousey chose the latter. Vegeta deserves better than this comparison.
Q from a casual observer: why do so many dudes seem to hate Rousey? I know it's a loaded question because I said "dudes" instead of "people" but I'd be lying if I said I heard a single female talk shit about her.

edit: Mmm, sounds like legitimate reasons you guys are giving. Now that I think of it, my impression of Ronda was embellished by the remote Pete Holmes shot with her a few years back.

Watch the Ultimate Fighter Season with Rousey v Tate and your whole impression of her will change. She's not a good person at all.
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