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UFC Fight Night 81 - Dillashaw vs Cruz.

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Really enjoying this fight. It's Monday and I am at work so I have to watch it on my phone and make sure nobody is looking though...


If cruz wins I wonder where he'd go from there? Barao is nowhere to be found and I have to think Faber vs Dillashaw will happen.


So Cruz runs around the whole match so far and somehow you think hes winning. And if so, time to change the point system.
Cruz is so damn awkward with quick head movement and footwork. The funny thing is, he looks sloppy here compared to his prime and he's still taking these rounds fairly easily so far. Needs to get that gas tank up again though.

So Cruz runs around the whole match so far and somehow you think hes winning. And if so, time to change the point system.

Cruz pushed forward for more than half of the second round. He's landing punches while Dillashaw has been mostly missing widely.
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