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Uhh...is deepdiscountdvd.com reliable?

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It has now been 12 business days since my order (Sessions 1-3 of Cowboy Bebop) allegedly shipped. Does it normally take this long for their products to get to the customer? I'm getting a little worried that my order may have gotten lost in the mail or something. :-\


It's not normal, but it happens a lot. It once took 27 days for an order to get to me. Blame the post office, not DeepDiscountDVD.


Yes, that's normal, when you get the free shipping. That's why I'm not cheap when it comes to deepdiscount.


My current order has been a bit slow too but 12 days is pretty lengthy. 10 is typically the max. They're very reliable though so dont worry -- it'll get to you. If it doesnt, send an email and they'll send you another set of DVDs for free typically.


Yah, they're cool. I got the email that they had shipped on the 22nd (I ordered on the 18th of June) and I just got the dvds today.

PS: Twelve Kingdoms owns you all!!! :D


Oh, the delay might also have something to do with the 20% off sale they had a couple of weeks ago. I hear they were really backed up because of it. I know I took advantage of it, and order 30-some dvds.


Just to echo everyone else, my experience with Deep Discount DVD has been entirely satisfactory. Your discs should show up shortly.



Hollywood Square
These people are all paid to say this bullshit. DDD is a horrible site and will steal your money, so kiss it goodbye because you'll never see it again.


I ordered $300 worth of stuff. Everything in stock at the time came about 4 business days after I ordered. Stuff on BO came about 6-7 bus days after I ordered.

Except Chappelle's show, it just came today and I ordered like 10 days ago, but it was on BO. Reno 911 shipped BEFORE chappelle's show, but hasn't shown up yet....

So I got like $250 worth of my stuff within a week, 2 items took 2+ weeks. All free shipping.

More hits than misses, but there are misses.


It'll take awhile, especially if you got in on the end of the sale. Add in the holiday and and mail is slow. I got my first order a coupla weeks ago. My sister made an order on the last day of the sale and It hasn't arrived yet. I'd contact them if It isn't here by the end of the week.
When you're ordering a "hot" item, i.e. something that they keep tons in stock of, they're usually very fast and reliable. However, off of the sale, I would assume they'd be a little slow.

I have noticed with animes too, they seem to take their time. The Kenshin OVA's took about 2 weeks to get to my place, even with expeditied shipping.
DDD is very reliable.

Ive always gotton everything Ive ordered from them......the free shipping will = a Slow shipping sometimes....there was once where i waited 2 weeks for my stuff...but for the prices...i cant complain.



I never ordered from ddd, but here's my two cents

I paid 15$ to ship a bunch of dvds using express mail instead of using the free shipping offer they had at another site. Sorry but i dont care about free shipping if i have to wait 2-3 weeks to get movies shipped from asia. Fuck waiting and wondering wtf is my package

I got them in 4 days ;)


Hmmm...I guess I'll just keep waiting. If my order isn't here by the end of the week I'll be pretty disappointed. I guess you guys are right with the sale going on and everything. Speaking of which, is that over now and how often do they have it?
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