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UK General Election - 8th June 2017 |OT| - The Red Wedding

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You joke, but there was a guardian article at the weekend that blamed the Ransomware attack on Tory underfunding of the NHS. I stated in the comments that it's also because agencies like the NSA and GCHQ should not be trusted with 'back doors' into our computers and mobile devices. It was promptly deleted.
So I wrote it again. Deleted almost immediately.
And again. Deleted again.
So I wrote just one word - GCHQ. Deleted, and all my other comments on the article to other posters were also removed. Not kidding or exaggerating.


Either bots at work or shady shit going on (probably both)


Ah, for a few days, that's fair enough. Everyone goes on holiday after all.

However, when we're talking about a one-year sabbatical I think it's easier to say if your colleagues could 'cope' for that whole time without you then you were never really needed in the first place.

At this point though we're talking the difference between a company that would do the right thing and fill your role for a fixed term (ala maternity leave) or would use the sabbatical as an excuse to make you redundant rather than anyone genuinely filling an unneeded role.


You joke, but there was a guardian article at the weekend that blamed the Ransomware attack on Tory underfunding of the NHS. I stated in the comments that it's also because agencies like the NSA and GCHQ should not be trusted with 'back doors' into our computers and mobile devices. It was promptly deleted.
So I wrote it again. Deleted almost immediately.
And again. Deleted again.
So I wrote just one word - GCHQ. Deleted, and all my other comments on the article to other posters were also removed. Not kidding or exaggerating.



You joke, but there was a guardian article at the weekend that blamed the Ransomware attack on Tory underfunding of the NHS. I stated in the comments that it's also because agencies like the NSA and GCHQ should not be trusted with 'back doors' into our computers and mobile devices. It was promptly deleted.
So I wrote it again. Deleted almost immediately.
And again. Deleted again.
So I wrote just one word - GCHQ. Deleted, and all my other comments on the article to other posters were also removed. Not kidding or exaggerating.

maybe email Private Eye?


worth noting how ludicrous the daily mail's tory propaganda is on that front page.

like the tories or not that policy is just shit
It's kind of ridiculous, isn't it? I know the partisan papers go out of their way to protect their sides, but fucking hell.

No wonder all the Conservatives are talking about is Brexit if their big policy ideas are that crap.
With inflation at 2.3%, and the CIPD survey indicating businesses are planning average pay rises of only 1% this year, we're at the point where the Resolution Foundation is projecting the 2010s to be the worst decade for inflation-adjusted pay rises in 210 years.

That's when Speenhamland was in force. Interesting critique of the public wage subsidy system here, following its discussion in Karl Polanyi's The Great Transformation (albeit the writer appears to desire the overthrow of capitalism). There's an essay waiting to be written by someone much smarter than me about how tax credits are a descendant of the Speenhamland Laws with similar consequences. Wait a minute, a lefty sociology professor already wrote it back in 2011.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
There's a big portion of Don't Knows in the polls who appear to be Lab/Lib waverers. They're mostly younger (20-40) women with a past history of voting Labour. At least on the base evidence available, there's not going to be an undecided break for the Conservatives unless something crazy happens - their voters are pretty set.


I just got an email inviting me to the Lib Dem manifesto launch on Wednesday 15 March 2017.

How charmingly incompetent.

Time to get one of these


Steins Gate time travel microwave because it's one of the few good animes.


With inflation at 2.3%, and the CIPD survey indicating businesses are planning average pay rises of only 1% this year, we're at the point where the Resolution Foundation is projecting the 2010s to be the worst decade for inflation-adjusted pay rises in 210 years.

That's when Speenhamland was in force. Interesting critique of the public wage subsidy system here, following its discussion in Karl Polanyi's The Great Transformation (albeit the writer appears to desire the overthrow of capitalism). There's an essay waiting to be written by someone much smarter than me about how tax credits are a descendant of the Speenhamland Laws with similar consequences. Wait a minute, a lefty sociology professor already wrote it back in 2011.
but... we took back control?
Time to get one of these

You have brought anime into this thread! What have you done?!

More seriously I got that 15th March email - it was hastily clarified. In fairness, head office is pretty busy for some reason.

BBC News covered Farron's speech to the Royal College of Nurses at noon in its entirety. Comparison to Corbyn - Corbyn spent a lot of time on the "Labour was the party that founded the NHS/Nye Bevan" line. Farron talked about his family's experiences with the NHS. Different ways of grounding an argument.

ICM seem to have Labour consistently lower than other pollsters. Will be interesting to see how things play out, I find it mindboggling that some polls are saying Labour may do better than 2015 in terms of % of the vote.

Again, it's due to the big chunk of people who are unsure. As Crab says above there are a LOT of Labour waverers (if he's going out canvassing he'll probably be seeing what I've seen in Haringey). Lab/Con is rare - Lab/Lib is the main swing voters and it comes down to this Brexceptance phenomenon. Is it temporary? Is it due to the political climate?


Westminster voting intention:

CON: 48% (-1)
LAB: 28% (+1)
LDEM: 10% (+1)
UKIP: 6% (-)
GRN: 3% (-)

(via @ICMResearch / 12 - 14 May)

ICM seem to have Labour consistently lower than other pollsters. Will be interesting to see how things play out, I find it mindboggling that some polls are saying Labour may do better than 2015 in terms of % of the vote.

I always read that as Brian Elects


They don't post too much about Scotland, but I still think the local elections will mirror the GE



Labour being slaughtered and losing their last seat and the Tories going up from 1 seat to 5/6. There's going to be some razor thin margins. I'll be interested to see where in Scotland flips to the Conservatives. If it's some of the poorest or working class areas, /s. The again, it really is a case of yes or no for indyref2 up here now. That's how it's being framed by the Conservatives and that tactic will do enough to scare many.

You have brought anime into this thread! What have you done?!

More seriously I got that 15th March email - it was hastily clarified. In fairness, head office is pretty busy for some reason.

BBC News covered Farron's speech to the Royal College of Nurses at noon in its entirety. Comparison to Corbyn - Corbyn spent a lot of time on the "Labour was the party that founded the NHS/Nye Bevan" line. Farron talked about his family's experiences with the NHS. Different ways of grounding an argument.

Again, it's due to the big chunk of people who are unsure.

Once you invoke Anime we're at rock bottom. Only way is up now ^^^ Jeremy Corbyn probably has a subscription to Crunchyroll. The Tories should roll with that on their next smear campaign. Either a massive surge of popularity for Corbyn or a drop to single figure voting share. Roll the dice.

totes one of the very few good animes
You joke, but there was a guardian article at the weekend that blamed the Ransomware attack on Tory underfunding of the NHS. I stated in the comments that it's also because agencies like the NSA and GCHQ should not be trusted with 'back doors' into our computers and mobile devices. It was promptly deleted.
So I wrote it again. Deleted almost immediately.
And again. Deleted again.
So I wrote just one word - GCHQ. Deleted, and all my other comments on the article to other posters were also removed. Not kidding or exaggerating.

Criminals rejoice
Now that guy is a class act.

Something we agree on. Paddy is a legend and will go down as one of the all-time greats in Liberal history - him and the people around him, especially Rennard, rebuilt the party from scratch as what folks recognise as the modern centre-left Lib Dems.

I can't stress how lucky we were to get the calibre of politicians we got during and after the Alliance generation. Compared to UKIP who has had exactly one decent leader and a bunch of bag carriers especially.
Could you elaborate? I'm not sure what you're getting at here.

These "back doors" are the very thing that is used by police and military in law enforcement and investigations. Heck its even used to know how to improve cyber security.

You won't ever be able to deny people of these back doors....its lines of code. What you refer to would be making it illegal for police, military etc to use such exploits, which will only hurt law enforcement as criminals need not worry about legalities.

The problem here was how this code was leaked and also how to keep legacy software safe (MS obviously wants you to upgrade).


Those new workers rights pledges from the Tories are a bit pipe dream and unworkable with maybe a massive corporate giant being able, nice about it when pigs fly and small businesses having no chance. I imagine it will be watered down to nothing more than optional in the end which makes it worth less than the paper it's written on. Still going for fooling the votings.


G. Brown, E. Miliband, and J.Corbyn. Labour really have a thing for unelectable leaders.

The media sure have a way of smearing shit all over labour party leaders.

Unless you think May is somehow more personable and electable on her own utter lack of Charisma than any of the above.

Gordon was right, that woman was a bigot.
You joke, but there was a guardian article at the weekend that blamed the Ransomware attack on Tory underfunding of the NHS. I stated in the comments that it's also because agencies like the NSA and GCHQ should not be trusted with 'back doors' into our computers and mobile devices. It was promptly deleted.
So I wrote it again. Deleted almost immediately.
And again. Deleted again.
So I wrote just one word - GCHQ. Deleted, and all my other comments on the article to other posters were also removed. Not kidding or exaggerating.

Lib Dems are pledging to undo the Snoopers Charter, unlike (obviously) May and the Labour quote/unquote opposition that waved it through.

Not that I'll ever forgive them for opening the door to seven years and counting of Tory rule, but given that Labour didn't even get a look in here during the Blair years, it's my only option.

I believe our voting system (and government) is a total farce, and last time I 'NOTA'd my ballot after it looked like we were getting another hung parliament. Won't make that mistake this time, but I will be holding my nose when I tick the Lib Dem box.


Paddy Ashdown was on R4 this morning on a quasi-Question Time thingy for the West of England. Now that guy is a class act.

Ashdown and Kennedy are/were good people respectively.

Ashdown said he'd eat his hat if a poll was correct in the Dems getting destroyed in 2015. Breaking with Lib Dem tradition, he kept his promise and ate a hat (albeit chocolate) on TV.

Kennedy was very, very electable but the booze got him bad.
I believe our voting system (and government) is a total farce, and last time I 'NOTA'd my ballot after it looked like we were getting another hung parliament. Won't make that mistake this time, but I will be holding my nose when I tick the Lib Dem box.

What seat, if I may ask?


The problem with Labour leaders is some morons on their team try to make them something they're not and it's obvious to everyone. Be yourself is far better.

May, Cameron are just usually themselves and don't get desperate for media attention. May is so cold and dull, they've tried a little but not too far, still very restrained.
Ashdown and Kennedy are/were good people respectively.

Ashdown said he'd eat his hat if a poll was correct in the Dems getting destroyed in 2015. Breaking with Lib Dem tradition, he kept his promise and ate a hat (albeit chocolate) on TV.

Kennedy was very, very electable but the booze got him bad.

Oh man, I'd forgotten about that lol

Those new workers rights pledges from the Tories are a bit pipe dream and unworkable with maybe a massive corporate giant being able, nice about it when pigs fly and small businesses having no chance. I imagine it will be watered down to nothing more than optional in the end which makes it worth less than the paper it's written on. Still going for fooling the votings.

Yeah, I'm not keen tbh. I work for a small firm (<50 employees) and it's all very well giving people rights but it's really not easy for small firms to implement them. With the best will in the world if we've got four fee-earners and one wants to take 12 months off that's a massive upheaval. Recruiting is a ball-ache at the best of times, and trying and employ someone of the basis of "but you'll probably have to leave when they come back" makes it even harder.

It had its own Guardian story the other day, for some reason.

Your vote makes good sense then - Wells is a Con/Lib marginal. It is majority Leave though, so it may end up returning a stronger majority for the Tories this time. I hope not, though.

Here's that Guardian article:

It would be a major shock if Munt won back her seat. "Shy Lib Dems" could well be a major thing this election. Lots of people not entirely happy with us yet but will "hold their nose" as you say - our job after the election will be to stick up for what we're sticking up for to build a core voter base to move forwards with. Greens have environmentalists, Labour has socialists, we need liberals!

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, I'm not keen tbh. I work for a small firm (<50 employees) and it's all very well giving people rights but it's really not easy for small firms to implement them. With the best will in the world if we've got four fee-earners and one wants to take 12 months off that's a massive upheaval. Recruiting is a ball-ache at the best of times, and trying and employ someone of the basis of "but you'll probably have to leave when they come back" makes it even harder.

I actually agree. Maternity and paternity pay should be provided for by the state and paid for through general taxation, meaning businesses are impacted in proportion to their ability to pay and not as a result of bad luck.


There's a big portion of Don't Knows in the polls who appear to be Lab/Lib waverers. They're mostly younger (20-40) women with a past history of voting Labour. At least on the base evidence available, there's not going to be an undecided break for the Conservatives unless something crazy happens - their voters are pretty set.

That might explain why the lib-dems funded a specific, targeted campaign on the gay rights issue over the last few weeks. Being "gay friendly" is a litmus test for that group of voters, and they matter a lot more than the small % of LGBT voters out there.
Your vote makes good sense then - Wells is a Con/Lib marginal. It is majority Leave though, so it may end up returning a stronger majority for the Tories this time. I hope not, though.

Munt was a visible MP during the coalition. Heappey is stocky Tim Nice-But-Dim alike who only pops up around voting time.

It doesn't surprise me Wells voted leave. It's a rural area, our elderly population is through the roof (I once told my Gran off for liking Farage and reading The Mail), and there's nothing here for young people. And of course when there's nothing for young people (not that there ever was) they assume it's them gosh darn immigrants taking their jobs.


The problem with Labour leaders is some morons on their team try to make them something they're not and it's obvious to everyone. Be yourself is far better.

May, Cameron are just usually themselves and don't get desperate for media attention. May is so cold and dull, they've tried a little but not too far, still very restrained.

The tory campaign literature barely mentions the party, it's just MAY! and strong and stable and strong and stable and strong and stable everywhere.

Labour are bad at media in their own ways.
The tory campaign literature barely mentions the party, it's just MAY! and strong and stable and strong and stable and strong and stable everywhere.

Labour are bad at media in their own ways.

Don't forget that May also sits out TV debates, and fills 'public' events with paid audience members because opinion of her will only go down otherwise. It's only a couple of notches down the ladder from the crap Trump pulls in that regard.

I wonder when we'll get our first speech from May with paid clappers in the audience.
I actually agree. Maternity and paternity pay should be provided for by the state and paid for through general taxation, meaning businesses are impacted in proportion to their ability to pay and not as a result of bad luck.

I'm sure this makes sense but can you just walk me through it? Coming out of general taxation means we would all be paying for it, right? What about big firms that have the ability to pay but through various chicaneries manage to pay essentially no tax (I want to say...Starbucks?), aren't they just getting a free ride in that case?

Wouldn't an exemption for small businesses be better?
May is going to have to confront not showing up to the ITV leader debate this week. Farron and Sturgeon will make it a massive issue - especially Sturgeon, who will use it as a independence drum.
May is going to have to confront not showing up to the ITV leader debate this week. Farron and Sturgeon will make it a massive issue - especially Sturgeon, who will use it as a independence drum.

Politicians are supposed to serve the people, yet the current (and likely next) PM isn't comfortable in front of the people when she can't control the narrative. It also means she can say 'strong and stable' instead of putting forward any actual policies an get away with it.


No way... I was just talking about this muppet!

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