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UK General Election - 8th June 2017 |OT| - The Red Wedding

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That's not how tax bands work
You are taking me too literally.
catching up with the andrew neil interview with may on iplayer. god she's actually worse than expected when put under even the tiniest pressure. pitiful.

ohhh if only there were head to head tv debates
She used the same tactic she uses in PM's Questions, deflect the difficult questions by simply repeating some other mantra she's got stored in her brain from her PR team. Usually something about strong and stable leadership during Brexit negotiations. It's insulting to the general public.

It's interesting that the narrative of the election debate has started to shift away from Brexit, partly due to Labour's major manifesto pledges, and also partly due to May's own doing with the social care reform pledge. But once Brexit is taken away, May struggles to come up with any solid reasons as to why we should be voting for her. Of course, Brexit is the biggest challenge our country faces in the next few years, but suddenly not so many people seem to be talking about it over the last week. Instead, it's social care, NHS, tuition fees, nationalisation.


Unconfirmed Member

I laughed a lot at this. It's clear that much of the joy about this u-turn is just enjoying twisting the knife in May.

I know she's still going to win but my schadenfreude levels are through the roof at this recent news.

also this tweet makes me laugh every time I think about it.



I believe you are correct (in that your home's value can be assessed if you are no longer living in it). The key change in policy, from my understanding, is that your home is assessed even if you continue to live in it. Thus, anyone trying to illustrate the change should be talking about that case - where you receive in-home care - otherwise they lead the reader/viewer to beleive the change is small or even a positive one.
I agree this should be clear, but there are actually 2 changes here. The change to in-home care (which is bad for those affected) and the increase in the amount of capital/savings you can have from £23k to ~£100k (which is good* for those affected). So I'd also like to know how many people are able to stay on in-home care compared to being forced (by circumstance) into residential care. I tried looking for this already and couldn't find much in the way of comparison.

*Turns out this might not even be true. While searching again I found this page which suggests the upper limit was already set to increase to £118k by April 2020.

Which means the new policy is bad for absolutely everybody! And any arguments that May has increased the amount you can save to £100k are ignoring that this was already planned!
I think what we are seeing is a Labour campaign machine that learned from the shambolic Milliband 2015 campaign. They have too many liabilities on their front bench to make a convincing pitch to be government, but Labour has found it very easy to campaign on fundamental Labour values and policies. At least in theory.

My suspicion with Labour however is that it is pooling support into the metropolitan areas and losing it in the rural and suburb areas of England. Which means Labour is going to bleed hard.

The question ultimately is how much crap can the press throw at Corbyn before the extremely embarrassing dementia tax fiasco blows over - which if the Lib Dems have their say will not be until 9th June.

And yeah, looks like a terrorist attack in Manchester. :(

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Honestly, I'm just not sure how much people care. I mean, there's a small minority that care a lot, but the attitude of most British people towards Northern Ireland is "...we still have it? Do they speak English?". Let alone the fact this was in the '80s. I think the reason the Conservatives haven't used it as a line of attack all that much is because it just isn't that effective compared to "he'll fuck the economy".

It's like how Clinton was going to drop the oppo on Sanders by talking about him bigging up the Sandinistas. Never really got going.

Don't sugarcoat it. The flip side of your ignorant Brit argument is that plenty of people probably don't know that the rest of Ireland is a foreign country. It's irrelevant to Hazzuh's point, which is a fair one.

His sympathies are awful and a blight on his character.
Terrible news about Manchester, hopefully we get some answers soon.

On a somewhat related matter, if this does turn out to be an attack, I worry that this issue will now change the conversation for the election. I can imagine being 'strong and stable' will be seen as more important than ever.


Terrible news about Manchester, hopefully we get some answers soon.

On a somewhat related matter, if this does turn out to be an attack, I worry that this issue will now change the conversation for the election. I can imagine being 'strong and stable' will be seen as more important than ever.
I have the same concerns too but we'll see what happens. Just take it as it comes.

It's fucked up that we've now had two political campaigns in a row with two terrorist attacks.

Juicy Bob

Wow. All the people in Manchester coming out of their homes in the middle of the night to offer help to victims, people with nowhere to go and the emergency services.


I have the same concerns too but we'll see what happens. Just take it as it comes.

It's fucked up that we've now had two political campaigns in a row with two terrorist attacks.

Maybe this time the Daily Mail can bring itself to call it a terror attack.
Ok so I saw the reactions in here last night and thought all y'all were probably just watching that Neil / May interview through your anti-Tory glasses. But I just watched it and ugh, it was pretty hard to get through. Painful.

May should have stayed at home and marathoned some series on Netflix for the whole campaign. Probably still be sat on a 20+ point lead if she did.
Just to preface that I do not think there is any kind of conspiracy.

But holy fuck, Theresa May must be glad there's something to distract from her trainwreck day yesterday. I was quite looking forward to seeing her flounder today, though it is definitely the right thing to temporarily suspend campaigning for the time being.

It's utterly awful, but I hope this doesn't come to dominate the rest of the election.


Neo Member
I think the horrific news coming out of Manchester will be a dominant factor for the rest of this election. As much as I dislike May it's the right call to suspend campaigning for the time being.


I hope any party that tries to politicise this is rightly condemned

There's politicising deaths, and then there's politicising security, which is the usual way politicians get around not seeming like heartless bastards in situations like this. I would expect to see a push for "greater security and investigatory powers", alongside possible stepping-up of "immigration enforcement", depending upon the bomber's nationality. I would also expect vague mumblings about clamping-down on end-to-end encryption in messaging apps.

Anything to appear strong on terror.


Unconfirmed Member
I hope any party that tries to politicise this is rightly condemned

I like this thread because we can have a bit of a moan and a laugh at our silly country but when things like this attack happen it can bring out the worst in people. I just want to say here and not in the main thread since this is specifically about politics but I think it's proper to have a discussion about the challenge of security and I would hope we're big enough to do that at some time but I too hope nobody tries to use this for point scoring on any side of the debate.
I like this thread because we can have a bit of a moan and a laugh at our silly country but when things like this attack happen it can bring out the worst in people. I just want to say here and not in the main thread since this is specifically about politics but I think it's proper to have a discussion about the challenge of security and I would hope we're big enough to do that at some time but I too hope nobody tries to use this for point scoring on any side of the debate.

Both those hopes are in vain, sadly

Mr. Sam

I'm really baffled by this u-turn. Yes, it is a u-turn - but the new policy is patently worse and even more monstrously unfair.

"How dare you even think of taxing dementia!"
"No, no, you've got the wrong end of the stick - we're only going to tax poor people with dementia. We'll calculate just how poor at a later date."
"Oh, that's alright then."

It's like, if you're going to weasel out of it, how is making it more regressive the way to go about it? Tories gonna Tory?


Both those hopes are in vain, sadly

Yeah. People on reddit and other shit places on the internet are already drawing their own conclusions to whats happened too, not even waiting for confirmation from the police. Its pretty disheartening

Interesting spectrum of coverage on the U turn, one of the biggest stories of the election so far, in tomorrow's front pages...

From straight acknowledgement

To pretending it's a positive or doesn't exist

Do the Express normally report temperatures in Farenheit? Or have they only put that on the front to make it seem really hot
Do the Express normally report temperatures in Farenheit? Or have they only put that on the front to make it seem really hot

I noticed the other day that the temperatures on the BBC Weather page are colour coded, and start to get into the 'cor-blimey-its-gonna-be-a-scorcher-better-get-your-sun-cream' shade of orange at about 16°C.


I noticed the other day that the temperatures on the BBC Weather page are colour coded, and start to get into the 'cor-blimey-its-gonna-be-a-scorcher-better-get-your-sun-cream' shade of orange at about 16°C.

Given that it's supposed to hit 28c this weekend, people are going to melt


Junior Member
have a horrible feeling last night's attack will spell the end of labour's surge. The rhetoric from the right will be endless, and it'll work
Terrible news about Manchester, hopefully we get some answers soon.

On a somewhat related matter, if this does turn out to be an attack, I worry that this issue will now change the conversation for the election. I can imagine being 'strong and stable' will be seen as more important than ever.

There was a terrorist attack before the referendum and it didn't really shift the conversation or influence the result.

Par Score

What's happened in Manchester is terrible for many reasons, but I don't think the immediate political implications should be ignored.

Even though campaigning has been suspended indefinitely, the framing of this attack is going to have a huge impact on the election. The last month of Strong and Stable May Vs Terrorist Sympathiser Corbyn does not fill me with a great deal of hope.

Do the Express normally report temperatures in Farenheit? Or have they only put that on the front to make it seem really hot

The express have a long and notable history of being inflammatory about everything, and that includes the weather.

So when it's cold they report in C and when it's hot they report in F, and everything is always the hottest or the coldest it's ever been ever.


There was a terrorist attack before the referendum and it didn't really shift the conversation or influence the result.

Paris etc. definitely extolled an influence on the referendum, heard a lot of people citing refugees in Europe as a concern in light of free movemenr; people worried about Turkey gaining membership.


At the risk of bringing a little politics into the Manchester situation - I have to say thank fuck Andy Burnham was installed as Mayor before last night. Solid guy, and someone at the forefront to deliver the messages that everyone needs to hear at this time.
There was a terrorist attack before the referendum and it didn't really shift the conversation or influence the result.

True, but we've already seen personal attacks of 'a threat to national security' previously that I wouldn't be surprised if they reared their ugly head again today, particularly when we've got a Crosby led campaign. I hope they're better than that though.

At the risk of bringing a little politics into the Manchester situation - I have to say thank fuck Andy Burnham was installed as Mayor before last night. Solid guy, and someone at the forefront to deliver the messages that everyone needs to hear at this time.


I like this thread because we can have a bit of a moan and a laugh at our silly country but when things like this attack happen it can bring out the worst in people. I just want to say here and not in the main thread since this is specifically about politics but I think it's proper to have a discussion about the challenge of security and I would hope we're big enough to do that at some time but I too hope nobody tries to use this for point scoring on any side of the debate.

This will be very interesting when we know more - IIRC the fast few incidents on UK soil have tended to people known to the security services, so it's less an issue of tracking everyone, but making sure we keep following those of interests, but it seems that's never where it goes politically. We give them broader powers to sweep us all, not to go depeer with those.


I'm sure none of you actually need this advice but don't even fucking bother going anywhere near Katie Hopkins social media outlets today. She's on a special kinda of twatness today.

Par Score

At the risk of bringing a little politics into the Manchester situation - I have to say thank fuck Andy Burnham was installed as Mayor before last night. Solid guy, and someone at the forefront to deliver the messages that everyone needs to hear at this time.



I'm sure none of you actually need this advice but don't even fucking bother going anywhere near Katie Hopkins social media outlets today. She's on a special kinda of twatness today.

She's already been reported to the police, don't give her the attention beyond that.


There was a terrorist attack before the referendum and it didn't really shift the conversation or influence the result.

More death and children being killed. Not to mention it now compounds feelings from the London attack. Ultimately, emotions will be all over the place right now.

8th of June is a while away, but it's still fairly soon. I'm certain the date won't be pushed back, but I'd understand if it was. The last thing many want right now is a week of political bickering and business as usual with the parties fighting each other in the news. This full investigation will take at least days but probably a week+.
She's already been reported to the police, don't give her the attention beyond that.

It's fine, she'll now just have some other shit to rail against on her LBC show when she can complain she's being silenced despite having the platform a national radio show with an employer seemingly fine with using Nazi language

(I'm venting what I won't on Twitter to not join in and give her actual attention, LBC would have given Hitler a show if they thought he'd make a good provocateur)

Lego Boss

I think what we are seeing is a Labour campaign machine that learned from the shambolic Milliband 2015 campaign. They have too many liabilities on their front bench to make a convincing pitch to be government, but Labour has found it very easy to campaign on fundamental Labour values and policies. At least in theory.

My suspicion with Labour however is that it is pooling support into the metropolitan areas and losing it in the rural and suburb areas of England. Which means Labour is going to bleed hard.

The question ultimately is how much crap can the press throw at Corbyn before the extremely embarrassing dementia tax fiasco blows over - which if the Lib Dems have their say will not be until 9th June.

And yeah, looks like a terrorist attack in Manchester. :(

I am not sure this is going to be the bloodbath people think it will be.

Going for S+S win by 40 seats.

Apologies - that wasn't what I intended to say. I won't change it as it was a metaphor for politics not Manchester.
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