Things UKIP wants:
0. A bunch of nutcase fishing policies ("200 MILE FISHING ZONE!")
1. A cut to 0.2% international aid, scuppering a major block of our diplomatic and humanitarian activities.
2. An end the TV license fee - the BBC would be forced to move to a subscription model or advertising.
3. Huge increase in the inheritance tax threshold with a pledge to one day abolish all inheritance tax
4. "If we crash out onto WTO, all the trade tariffs we'll earn can be used for stuff!"
5. Launching a review into housing associations (presumably with a plan for abolition)
6. Anyone with an illness who wants to enter Britain has to prove they have "comprehensive medical insurance"
7. End sex education in primary schools
8. "A grammar school in every town"
9. A crackdown on university places based on future job prospects.
10. One-in-one-out migration, because leaving the EU wasn't already bad enough
11. Foreign people who want to marry a UK citizen will have to prove they're not doing it to get a visa
12. Migrants banned from accessing the NHS or any financial aid for five years.
13. As a knock-on of point six, British citizenship will be linked to you paying medical insurance for five years. You can presumably get kicked out if you do not pay medical insurance.
14. " we will test the social attitudes of migration applicants to foster community cohesion and protect core British values." Spun, naturally, as something to ensure we only have LGBT-friendly migrants. Absolutely not a proposal to ban anyone who has a faith we disagree with.
15. An end to multiculturalism.
16. Dog whistling on sharia courts as you'd expect.
17. An actual policy in the manifesto reads:
"UKIP will show zero tolerance to all these crimes and aim to eradicate them from our country. Bigots who shout racism or Islamophobia will not intimidate us. They legitimise the problem and demonstrate their ignorance. We are proud of our position. They need to get their moral compasses fixed."
"These crimes" are the already extremely illegal FGM and other forms of mutilation. UKIP are simply proposing stiffer laws. But good news - they're not afraid to be called islamophobic or racists!
18. A ban on the niqab and burka, because we're not afraid to be called islamophobic
19. Presented without comment:
We're not islamophobic or racist in ANY WAY guys said:
Three years ago, the Trojan
Horse scandal revealed how
Islamists had attempted to
take over several schools in
Birmingham and use them
to propagate their warped
The plot nearly succeeded, and
hundreds of young minds were
at risk. We must never again be
caught napping like this: we
must wake up to the reality that
extremism is taking hold in
our country.
Until such time as the Muslim community is better
integrated, UKIP proposes:
Immediately putting into Special Measures
schools found to be exposing children to
Giving schools the right to dismiss forthwith
any teachers, members of staff or governors
found to be actively supporting radical
mosques or imams
Requiring Ofsted to conduct snap inspections
of schools when parents or pupils have raised
concerns that:
° Girls are being offered unequal access
to music, dance, PE or drama lessons, or
are otherwise discriminated against
° Anti-Western, anti-Semitic, or antiequality
views are being expressed by
staff or governors
° Muslim or non-Muslim pupils who
challenge or do not share hardline views
are being bullied or ridiculed.
Strong actions, not political correctness,
are needed now, or we will all suffer the
consequences in the future.
20. An end to the European Arrest Warrant, because it should be hard for those accused of crimes abroad to be extradited (pretty much their own words)
21. Repeal of human rights legislation
22. Setting up a traveller pitch without a permit - i.e. being a traveller for all intents and purposes - made illegal.
23. "No foreign wars" - not even against ISIS, presumably...
24. Massive investment in the military
25. Make ex-military personnel immune from prosecution for anything they did in the military.
26. Build a big medical ship. Specifically it will have more than 500 beds. This replaces the 0.7% of GDP we spend on aid as an "ambassador" for Britain.
27. Presented without comment:
Everythingisfine dot jpeg said:
Not having an FTA with the EU
will not prevent our trading with
EU businesses, so talk of a cliff
edge is pure hyperbole. Neither
could we crash out of the EU,
because trade is not going
to stop, whatever happens. It
should also be remembered that
the EU is itself a member of the
WTO and subject to its rules,
so therefore extremely limited
in any hostile action it could
take against Britain. Trading
on WTO terms will never be a
punishment option, but may be
an economically sound choice.
28. Backing the rights of polluting diesel owners.
29. Scrapping air passenger duty, because polluting airplanes are also not a problem
30. A mark on all cars driven into the UK from abroad - called a "Britdisk" so they can be picked out of a crowd. Apparently so they can be identified if they break the law.
31. Bailing out farmers screwed over by leaving CAP by paying them in a broadly identical scheme with British coin instead.
32. Repealing the Climate Change Act, building more fossil fuel power stations.
33. Scrapping green levies
34. Pro-fracking - but not in national parks or AoONB
Oh hey we're on to the democracy bit, this is usually the stuff I agree with UKIP on...
35. English parliament, replacing the HoL. Elected the Scottish way! No objections here...
36. Wait a minute, replacing the HoL, so national law only has to pass the HoC to become law, removing a critical level of scrutiny - essentially allowing the PM to do whatever they want if they have a HoC majority.
37. Halving the number of MPs in the HoC...
38. But electing them via PR. At least there is that.
39. Referenda on anything that is popular enough, allowing the HoC to be ignored.