Farron in Warrington today visiting the parents of one of the kids who was killed in the IRA bombing in 1993. Don't think the LDs will be in with much luck in either Warrington seat but I guess that isn't why he is there.
any links to the speech? Would rather watch it than read the transcript. I need to say the way he's delivering it.
any links to the speech? Would rather watch it than read the transcript. I need to say the way he's delivering it.
The only thing I even seen a hint of "working together" from Labour Scotland the SNP was bashing Davidson over the rape clause.
Yeah please vote SNP in Scotland if you're happy with their policies and absolutely don't want the Tories. Labour is a wasted vote and frankly Scottish Labour are an absolute shower of c....
Good to hear Corbyn made a good speech.
I've been thinking just how abject Tory failures have been. Over and over. Yet the media always gives the view that somehow the Tories are the default responsible leadership. It's a joke. They always talk about Corbyn as if he lives in cloud cuckoo land yet what he stands for was perfectly alright not that long ago. Socially responsible decent ideas like protecting the NHS and not getting into messy pointless and self defeating wars. Stuff that when people are polled on policy gets strong support but weirdly which parties like the Tories never stand for.
I really hope the Tories keep fucking up, I would be ecstatic about Corbyn getting in and us rebalancing the nation after its huge lurch rightwards.
If they do it probably puts off a Scottish referendum for a while and that is still something I want.. but it'd be worth it to see the UK as a whole not slide into the totalitarian ambitions of the Tories.
I posted it at the time, but as you've mentioned it again, I'll post it again. Kezia's best moment in politics by an absolute mile.
I still find it super weird that this isn't a bigger deal South of the border.
Yeah please vote SNP in Scotland if you're happy with their policies and absolutely don't want the Tories. Labour is a wasted vote
This is constituency dependent. He might live in Renfrewshire East or Edinburgh North and Leith or East Lothian or Paisley and Renfrewshire South or Aberdeen South and so on.
Sky picked a really very unfortunate picture of Farron to use here
It's Edinburgh South that comes up Labour here. Everywhere else pretty much comes up SNP.
Sky picked a really very unfortunate picture of Farron to use here
What about Tim Farron?
"Maybe a gap year."
Oh yes, but it's not just due to intervention - it's due to a really wide variety of things stretching back to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.
The causes of a home-grown terror attack like this being linked to our actions abroad doesn't wash. That's why I agree with Corbyn on policing (both our parties want to invest in the police, but we've done our policies differently) but not on foreign affairs.
If you're a radical islamist sitting in a cave in Syria, you're probably going to want someone like Corbyn to come along and say "well obviously the problem is the bombs we're dropping on you. That's why you're angry."
That's the sort of changing sentiment that these people want.
The Islamic State has attached great importance to the Syrian city of Dabiq, near Aleppo. It named its propaganda magazine after the town, and celebrated madly when (at great cost) it conquered Dabiq's strategically unimportant plains. It is here, the Prophet reportedly said, that the armies of Rome will set up their camp. The armies of Islam will meet them, and Dabiq will be Rome's Waterloo or its Antietam.
Literally impossible, given that, unlike Greece, the UK has control over its own currency.Really now? You're forgetting that this isn't the only policy, these aren't the only financial commitments. They're going to somehow be able to afford this whilst ALSO funding everything else they've pledged, including the re-nationalisation of every service under the sun, and additional funds for NHS, tuition fees etc. I have no doubt that Corbyn will actually follow through with these policies, I don't doubt his integrity, but I do know that we'll then eventually end up like Greece but without the EU to bail us out.
It is weird how many duff photos of Farron there are out there.
corbo's approach is the worst-case scenario for them. Can't have the Final Showdown if the other side never shows up.
Alright, now I've got to know the context behind those photos. Why was Farron posing with tescos milk?
Alright, now I've got to know the context behind those photos. Why was Farron posing with tescos milk?
The whole extent of campaigning in Scotland has pretty much been vote for us to oppose indyref2. I don't even think I've seen Brexit mentioned once
Alright, now I've got to know the context behind those photos. Why was Farron posing with tescos milk?
Alright, now I've got to know the context behind those photos. Why was Farron posing with tescos milk?
Farron always looks completely terrified
Like he's about to be told off every second
He probably is
IS is just one group, though. You have the Al-Qaeda inspired groups, for example.
And again, if IS is expecting some great final showdown and victory for their extremist view of Islam, it's incredulous to expect we can talk them down. If we don't participate in getting rid of them, either some other country will fill our place or they'll hang around and directly inspire more terrorist acts.
On March 11, 2005, Al-Quds Al-Arabi published extracts from Saif al-Adel's document "Al Qaeda's Strategy to the Year 2020".[95][96] Abdel Bari Atwan summarizes this strategy as comprising five stages to rid the Ummah from all forms of oppression:
1. Provoke the United States and the West into invading a Muslim country by staging a massive attack or string of attacks on US soil that results in massive civilian casualties.
2. Incite local resistance to occupying forces.
3. Expand the conflict to neighboring countries, and engage the US and its allies in a long war of attrition.
4. Convert al-Qaeda into an ideology and set of operating principles that can be loosely franchised in other countries without requiring direct command and control, and via these franchises incite attacks against the US and countries allied with the US until they withdraw from the conflict, as happened with the 2004 Madrid train bombings, but which did not have the same effect with the July 7, 2005 London bombings.
5. The US economy will finally collapse by the year 2020, under the strain of multiple engagements in numerous places, making the worldwide economic system, which is dependent on the US, also collapse, leading to global political instability, which in turn leads to a global jihad led by al-Qaeda, and a Wahhabi Caliphate will then be installed across the world, following the collapse of the US and the rest of the Western world countries.
also no one said anything about talking them down, so how about you take that strawman down, eh?
In brighter UK poltiics related news, other than hilarious Farron photos, LBC have apparently fired Katie Hopkins after the scum tweeted about wanting a "final solution" to the terrorism problem.
One step at a time.
IS is just one group, though. You have the Al-Qaeda inspired groups, for example.
And again, if IS is expecting some great final showdown and victory for their extremist view of Islam, it's incredulous to expect we can talk them down. If we don't participate in getting rid of them, either some other country will fill our place or they'll hang around and directly inspire more terrorist acts.
Now they just have to get rid of Nigel Farage, Iain Dale, Stig Abell, and Nick Ferrari and they might be fit to rejoin the human race
In brighter UK poltiics related news, other than hilarious Farron photos, LBC have apparently fired Katie Hopkins after the scum tweeted about wanting a "final solution" to the terrorism problem.
One step at a time.
That's just selected the biggest non-Conservative party in each constituency. There are many more constituencies which are Lab/SNP races that the Conservatives do not have especially good chances in, and where the meaningful choice is Lab/SNP. Telling people to vote SNP in those seats to avoid letting the Conservatives in is a deceptive way getting their vote.
I actually got a Lib Dem leaflet through the door today that said they will oppose a hard Brexit (secondary to opposing a "divisive referendum" of course but it's something). Got a Labour one in which has a really tiny mention of opposing a hard Brexit in between 6(!) mentions of "divisive referendum". It also gets bonus points for parroting Ruth Davidson's "Sturgeon needs to get back to her day job" spiel. They're all trying hard to get unionist votes but it's either the SNP or the Tories where I live :/
Consensus on the Corbyn speech? I'm in a bit of a hurry and can't read the whole thread unfortunately.
Alright, now I've got to know the context behind those photos. Why was Farron posing with tescos milk?
Corbyn's comment was that all conflicts end in talks - does that include IS?
Jezza said:I have spent my political life working for peace and human rights and to bring an end to conflict and devastating wars. That will almost always mean talking to people you profoundly disagree with. That's what conflict resolution is all about. But do not doubt my determination to take whatever action is necessary to keep our country safe and to protect our people on our streets, in our towns and cities, at our borders.
could you please stop talking about shit that just isn't so?
So your argument is that Corbyn is saved from this question by using the words "almost always"?
So would Corbyn talk to IS or would he not?
Any kind of snap poll on the Corbyn speech?
So your argument is that Corbyn is saved from this question by using the words "almost always"?
So would Corbyn talk to IS or would he not?
So your argument is that Corbyn is saved from this question by using the words "almost always"?
So would Corbyn talk to IS or would he not?
If he does not want to talk with IS, he wants to continue the WoT.
If he does want to talk to IS, then... ?