What's this weird strawman argument about talking to Isis? They are, and correct me if I'm wrong, effectively a stateless army. They have conquered areas but their hold isn't exactly strong enough to say they are a state. They aren't growing in a way a nation does - having and raising children. Definitely on a long term that model works, but for such a young organisation it can't work.
It's spoken about all the time in the UK, radicalisation. Is that not how they expand in the Middle East? I know that it will seen unfavorably in the public eye, but foreign aid and investment in the vulnerable areas is surely the only way expansion via radicalisation can be prevented.
German and Japan became world leaders after being devastated in the Second World War because of aid and investment from their enemies during the war. Yet wars in the Middle East have devastated the region and the investment in those countries after western powers have pulled out is hardly comparable.
So no, it's not about talking to Isis, it's about talking to and investing those areas that Isis is targeting and showing them a better option.
I'd love to hear others opinions on this, if anyone thinks I'm wrong please let me know.