Dark Machine
blazinglord said:I'm struggling to think of a single privatised industry that was better run when it was state-owned. Privatisation brought increased efficiency, less bureaucracy and generally improved services.
Train services? BT? The Energy company cartels? Yeah Privitisation has really improved all those public services. It's not led to profiteering over customer care, or co-ordinated pricing to rip off the public. Look at the other EU countries, all of them have successful Train services, phone companies and energy companies, and guess what? They're all backed by the government having a controlling of majority shareholding within them. Hell most of OUR train services are now owned by the part-nationalised companies from France, Germany and the Netherlands. EDF is nearly completely owned by the French Government and is the most successful energy company on earth.
Privitisation was the selling off of our national assets by Thatcher, whose worship of the City gods has proven to be crippling for us all. Was Blair complicit and Brown similarly a market worshipper? Absolutely, that's why I'm voting Lib Dem.