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UK PS2 sales triple with launch of new model


Sales of the PlayStation 2 have tripled since the launch of the new slimmed down model, ChartTrack latest hardware sales figures have revealed.

The new ultra-slimline model went on sale last week, and almost 50,000 units were snapped up immediately - more than triple the number sold the week before, with stocks of the original model having been in short supply for some time. It is believed Sony isn't far off breaking the seven million barrier for its UK installed base - an incredible number achieved in less than a four year period.

As a result of last week's sales spike, sales of the Sony console powered ahead of the Xbox, selling well over double that of the Microsoft machine in the last seven days, which nevertheless still saw its own sales rise by seven per cent - but not enough to outsell the GBA SP, which experienced an impressive 31 per cent sales rise.

Spare a thought for the cheap and cheerful Cube, though, which now finds itself outsold by the PS2 by almost 17 to one, although over the course of this year the figure is closer to six to one.

As for the poor old N-Gage, don't even ask. Three figure sales would represent a good week for the Nokia Game 'deck'. And before you ask, I use the QD myself, so I don't have vested interest in its utter failure to sell anything at all. It's just not really providing much business for games stores is it?

Deepthroat said:
selling well over double that of the Microsoft machine in the last seven days

So, Microsoft sold 25k? Damn. They were selling like 5-10k a week for the longest time. And it sounds like they've been outselling the shortage ridden PS2, at least last week and probably longer.

17-1 for the cube. Doomed * 1,000,000,000,000,000 (or at least *17)


PS2 sales triple yet only outsells Xbox by two to one. That's not much. I thought PS2 had been pulling away from Xbox every week.
B E N K E said:
PS2 sales triple yet only outsells Xbox by two to one. That's not much. I thought PS2 had been pulling away from Xbox every week.


there was a .... shortage?? :)

But, more than who's outselling whom, the Xbox sales seem to have achieved a new level. It would be interesting if anyone in the know could tell us how they're performing vs last year. There sales seem to have more than doubled, but I have no idea how long that has been happening.
My brother just bought one too. So freakin cute and awesome.

Couldn't get GTA:SA cos its sold out everywhere. He got the other two. Loading times are back in my life... I've been taking the lack of them for granted.
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