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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Bagged a 2:1 for my second year at university! Very happy since I had to self teach!

Even better I noticed it was a low 2:1 due to a very low mark in one of the exams I sat the other week (and thought I'd done really well in). I couldn't accept this, so queried the mark with the lecturer- turns out they put the wrong one down, got the exam bumped up by 20%, and my mark for the year up to a high 2:1!

Henceforth I shall be very smug.

Well done! People normally do better in their 3rd year I think so you're on the right track!

I just got my final mark at York: 63.2% - 2:1.

Chuffed with it really, I'm not very good at writing essays, I prefer face-to-face talking so a 2:1 is awesome.

Anyone else get their marks recently?


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
4 hours left of work before I get drunk and hit the club later on to shake some hands of old fiends, dance, chat... Won't be using my legal highs because I can't sleep after using them.

The work have me in again tomorrow then I'm off for a week. It's been harsh working 5 days in a row I turned into a complete working bot gaf.

When is meadows getting unbanned ?

Going to blow this entire Pay check on a trip to Amsterdam Lolz best use of the cash. Don't get paid till next Friday so il need to tough it out on doing free shit.


Well done! People normally do better in their 3rd year I think so you're on the right track!

I just got my final mark at York: 63.2% - 2:1.

Chuffed with it really, I'm not very good at writing essays, I prefer face-to-face talking so a 2:1 is awesome.

Anyone else get their marks recently?

I got a job offer from my placement so I guess that's a good mark!

I just acted as non-democratically-appointed ambassador for not-US-GAF regarding the "cunt" issue.

I assume I captured the feelings of UK-GAF in that post. Let me know if I didn't.
I only lurk that thread and I don't know if Mumei is a regular in it, but I don't think it's right for him to come into what is essentially a community thread, make a statement that has big ramifications for every UK/European GAFer then peace out without further clarification.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
This kind of shit worries me.

It should do. The only reason they noticed is because I questioned the mark. Even then I was told by the department office that the paper had been looked at by three people and was correct, but I could ask the module lecturer for advice. Then I changed tactic, and asked the lecturer to tell me where I went wrong in the exam, as it would affect my final year module choices (which it would to be fair). That must have got her to double check, as a day later the office appologised and sent out a corrected transcript.

I myself questioned the mark based on the feeling of how that exam went. Good thing my spidey senses started tingling.

Well done! People normally do better in their 3rd year I think so you're on the right track!

I just got my final mark at York: 63.2% - 2:1.

Chuffed with it really, I'm not very good at writing essays, I prefer face-to-face talking so a 2:1 is awesome.

Anyone else get their marks recently?

Cheers mate! Very well done to yourself! Doing anything to celebrate?
I hope that is true about final year. Either way it will be nice to be back at uni, with lecturers to teach me, rather than textbooks alone.


Cheers mate! Very well done to yourself! Doing anything to celebrate?
I hope that is true about final year. Either way it will be nice to be back at uni, with lecturers to teach me, rather than textbooks alone.

No not doing anything to celebrate, in Taiwan and a close friend of mine just died today. He was only 34, and his GF was 22. Too young.


Unconfirmed Member
Well I've had my first hang over after being drunk many times. I seem to get that if I mix drinks very badly, bah. Even still, it got me clenching this older women's fine ass and getting her number, she did applaud my confidence and charm, but man I need to be careful with How I act since who knows what women I could wake up next to 'shrudders'. What a nice night out for a typical English Friday!


That is horrible to hear. My condolences to you, his gf, and family.

It's tough, I think people throw around "close friend" a lot when these kind of things happen but I lived with him for a year, went drinking with him all the time (a lot of the time just us two). Felt really numb to read it on facebook 7000 miles away. I'll miss his funeral too.

Sorry, this isn't the place to talk about it. Back on subjeckt.

Kentpaul. Hero or hero?


Unconfirmed Member
I wouldn't like to see the word be removed. It's like removing one of the few fabrics that make who we are on here.
It's tough, I think people throw around "close friend" a lot when these kind of things happen but I lived with him for a year, went drinking with him all the time (a lot of the time just us two). Felt really numb to read it on facebook 7000 miles away. I'll miss his funeral too.

Sorry, this isn't the place to talk about it. Back on subjeckt.

Kentpaul. Hero or hero?

I know you don't want to talk about it but I just wanted to offer my deepest condolences.

Kentpaul. Cunt.

I kid. Love you really Kent.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Mumei has a point. I don't think use of the word should be banned but it should definitely be looked down on IMO.

Bro isn't a sex-specific insult.

"I'm having a party and every cunt is here" the word cunt is used In every sentence known to man.

Has the mod said anything else on it?


Bro isn't a sex-specific insult.
Outside of the US, neither is "cunt". Remember when Cameron said "twat" in a public statement and there was mild shock but then a bunch of articles basically concluding that in general parlance "twat" no longer means vagina and hardly anyone thinks of it meaning that anymore? That's what "cunt" is. It's really only in the States that the two words hold the meaning strongly anymore.

I dislike it when people use "cunt" to refer to vagina. It honestly just doesn't mean vagina to me and many others, hence how it is used in football threads.

A girlfriend once said "cunt" when trying to dirty talk. She actually meant it in the old meaning. It kinda killed the mood and I told her to stop watching American pornos.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I just acted as non-democratically-appointed ambassador for not-US-GAF regarding the "cunt" issue.

I assume I captured the feelings of UK-GAF in that post. Let me know if I didn't.

You'e got a fair point I think. But - just like Mumei you're in danger of generalising from your own experience.

It's a word that is in fairly common use among young male brits as a sort of mildly risque insult, which is far from the offensive slur that Mumei attributes to it. BUT, it isn't a word I expect to see or hear used in company - not in female company, not in front of your parents/boss/older people. As an older people myself, I find its (over-)use on certain GAF threads distinctly uncomfortable - and I guess that many women would too.

Not that I think it should necessarily be banned - at at least not automatically so, but it really doesn't have any place in a public forum - and certainly not when discussing, say, politics where some of us might try to get to grips with the issues only to be faced with swear words being bandied around regardless of the policies involved.

So, I don't like it. Actually I don't think I've ever used the word myself (except twice, in France and in French - where it is far more offensive than it is here. And that proved to be a big mistake!)


My point was not to generalise, though obviously I did that, but more to point out the the utter hypocrisy in trying to ban the word.

The statement that it is an implicit insult against the entire female sex irks me.

I don't use the word with anyone but my friends. But GAF is a place for friends. This place is casual. Also add a few notches of not-prim-and-proper because it's the internet.

If I was to call a fellow GAFer a cunt and not mean it in a jokey way, by all means, ban me. But banning someone for going "[cuntish footballer] is a cunt"? That's just silly.

I'll let Rob Gretton explain.
My point was not to generalise, though obviously I did that, but more to point out the the utter hypocrisy in trying to ban the word.

The statement that it is an implicit insult against the entire female sex irks me.

I don't use the word with anyone but my friends. But GAF is a place for friends. This place is casual. Also add a few notches of not-prim-and-proper because it's the internet.

If I was to call a fellow GAFer a cunt and not mean it in a jokey way, by all means, ban me. But banning someone for going "[cuntish footballer] is a cunt"? That's just silly.

I'll let Rob Gretton explain.

With you 100% Suairyu. I'm also part of the group that thinks it's an important word - most swear words no longer carry any weight after the age of 12, and thus it serves a useful purpose. And it's certainly not sexist.

EDIT: Does it prove or undermine my argument if I say that I find it a turn on when women say 'cunt'?
You'e got a fair point I think. But - just like Mumei you're in danger of generalising from your own experience.

It's a word that is in fairly common use among young male brits as a sort of mildly risque insult, which is far from the offensive slur that Mumei attributes to it. BUT, it isn't a word I expect to see or hear used in company - not in female company, not in front of your parents/boss/older people. As an older people myself, I find its (over-)use on certain GAF threads distinctly uncomfortable - and I guess that many women would too.

Not that I think it should necessarily be banned - at at least not automatically so, but it really doesn't have any place in a public forum - and certainly not when discussing, say, politics where some of us might try to get to grips with the issues only to be faced with swear words being bandied around regardless of the policies involved.

So, I don't like it. Actually I don't think I've ever used the word myself (except twice, in France and in French - where it is far more offensive than it is here. And that proved to be a big mistake!)

What you are giving here is just your personal opinion on the word. You don't like it, fair enough. But you can't speak for other people, I am a woman and I have no problem with it, I use it myself.

This is a forum of predominantly of young males, so of course the word is going to be used quite a bit. If you come on the forum you have to be prepared to put up with it.


Prodigal Son
I dislike the "it means something different now" argument because people deciding to normalise insults doesn't make them any less offensive to the people it originally denigrated. I'm astonished people haven't heard "cunt" used to specifically state to a woman how much her and her gender are worth. Please don't think I'm having a go at you guys (because I'm not) but it's like fag, gay or retard being normalised and apparently okay to just throw around.

Phisheep put my view on not banning it much more eloquently though.


Bagged a 2:1 for my second year at university! Very happy since I had to self teach!

Even better I noticed it was a low 2:1 due to a very low mark in one of the exams I sat the other week (and thought I'd done really well in). I couldn't accept this, so queried the mark with the lecturer- turns out they put the wrong one down, got the exam bumped up by 20%, and my mark for the year up to a high 2:1!

Henceforth I shall be very smug.

Congratulations and let me welcome you to the 2:1 club! The middle point between those who have a useless degree and swots. Damn at the lecturer screwing up. That isn't even funny.


I dislike the "it means something different now" argument because people deciding to normalise insults doesn't make them any less offensive to the people it originally denigrated. I'm astonished people haven't heard "cunt" used to specifically state to a woman how much her and her gender are worth. Please don't think I'm having a go at you guys (because I'm not) but it's like fag, gay or retard being normalised and apparently okay to just throw around.
But the difference is fag, gay or retard are still used normally to mean very homo, normal homo and special needs respectively. The implication behind their use as an insult:
Fag/gay - you are less than a man, just like a homosexual.
Retard - you're so stupid you look special needs

Cunt and twat haven't commonly been used to refer to vagina in a very long time. "Here's my mate Steve. He's a bit of a twat." "You are being a right cunt."

They quite literally do no have the meaning they originally had when used in this manner. Many aren't even aware of the meaning, which is certainly not the case with fag or retard or (especially) gay. None of those have been normalised in a "original meaning no longer applies" fashion.

But even then in the UK their is a different meaning again for fag. If someone says, "bum us a fag, mate," or, "I'm going out for a fag," is it offensive to homosexuals? I'd hope not. Context, context, context. Me calling someone a twat is likely a term of endearment. Me calling someone a cunt likely means I think they're a mean son of a bitch (another phrase that used to have explicit sexist connotations).

Cunt and twat, on the other hand, have been gender-neutral for the most part for decades. Again, the goddamn Prime Minister used 'twat' when talking about Twitter users. He did this in a deliberate statement to the press asking him why he wasn't using Twitter. Cunt is only a more rude version of twat.
Bagged a 2:1 for my second year at university! Very happy since I had to self teach!

Even better I noticed it was a low 2:1 due to a very low mark in one of the exams I sat the other week (and thought I'd done really well in). I couldn't accept this, so queried the mark with the lecturer- turns out they put the wrong one down, got the exam bumped up by 20%, and my mark for the year up to a high 2:1!

Henceforth I shall be very smug.

What he heck? How many credits was that one paper worth?

For my 120 credits in my final year I had at least 7 exams and 7 pieces of coursework. Then my thesis where I worked in a lab for 10 hours a day, 3 days a week. The modules were all on Cardiac Pharmacology, Neuropharmacology etc. Tough year.

What was it you studied? Congrats on the classification though. What career are you going into?


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Bagged a 2:1 for my second year at university! Very happy since I had to self teach!

Even better I noticed it was a low 2:1 due to a very low mark in one of the exams I sat the other week (and thought I'd done really well in). I couldn't accept this, so queried the mark with the lecturer- turns out they put the wrong one down, got the exam bumped up by 20%, and my mark for the year up to a high 2:1!

Henceforth I shall be very smug.

Nicely done you smart c
What he heck? How many credits was that one paper worth?

For my 120 credits in my final year I had at least 7 exams and 7 pieces of coursework. Then my thesis where I worked in a lab for 10 hours a day, 3 days a week. The modules were all on Cardiac Pharmacology, Neuropharmacology etc. Tough year.

What was it you studied? Congrats on the classification though. What career are you going into?

Let me think... 2nd year was 3x10 credit modules, and 3x30 credit modules. The 30 credit modules were a 30/70 split each in coursework tests/exams. So your second year score lives and dies by those three exams. In effect, each big exam is worth 17.5% of the year. So that one exam going up by 20% worked out at about 4% higher overall.

We were the last year to do that breakdown of credits. From now on its all equal credit modules, four in semester 1, four in semester 2, no more year long modules. Should actually take some of the pressure off for final year doing things like that. I'm studying economics btw. No idea on a career yet, the year placement I would have just been finishing now would have helped massively with that choice.

30 hours a week in labs? Holy bugger- I've had it too easy with 12 contact hour weeks.

@Cindres- cheers :-D


Unconfirmed Member
Well the date went ok but again a whole different personality that's not for me and lack things in common, god damnit. Now i am left at this bar after finishing the cocktail jug and getting fairly tipsy. I am going to go get drunk and go clubbing with this being one of last times drinking in a while. Im getting annoyed I've found no one yet who's an equal and got a lot in common :(


Also "a lot in common" is over-rated. You need some things in common, but not a lot. It's more about how personalities click.

That said ignore me I'm a hypocrite. I only ever dated one non-gamer and I turned them into a gamer fairly quickly.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
So drunk guys, been on a steady diet of beer since 6

Thinking about a line of my legal high before the cab, its an idea i prob wont

edit got the beer burp on the go, edit UK t

edit defo wont, still have jaw tension since my last dose




Nonono not mine. Some one night stand she had three weeks ago.

Told her to stop panicking and book herself in for an abortion on Monday.
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