Damn.Nonono not mine. Some one night stand she had three weeks ago.
Told her to stop panicking and book herself in for an abortion on Monday.
No, she's saving to tip her GP.But did she tip her one night standee?
wait watAbortion is illegal in N.I/R.O.I so I wonder how that effects the decision of a potential mother. Some people travel to other parts of the U.K to do it but I can't help but wonder how many.
wait wat
brb researching
edit - goddamn R.O.I is a shittier country than the USA confirmed.
But why NI, too? That's UK territory and something as important as women's rights shouldn't be decided by local government.
I want a GIF of Kyle's face at the end.
Well then, chaps.
Law has been laid down and the term "cunt" isn't even permissible in UK-GAF thread anymore.
From now on, we are to refrain from speaking like proper gents and must conform to this fascism.
Female GAF members (hi, Musha!) are allowed to use the word, but ironically only when referring to their own vaginas, which seems to fly in the face of the reason why the word was banned in the first place. Maybe it was a calculated decision to mock our "it doesn't mean vagina" position. One can but wonder.
"Dick", "cock" and "willy" is perfectly fine as always, naturally. They didn't clarify "twat".
I'm going to go pour a drink out for the English language then retire to my bed.
Female GAF members (hi, Musha!) are allowed to use the word, but ironically only when referring to their own vaginas, which seems to fly in the face of the reason why the word was banned in the first place. Maybe it was a calculated decision to mock our "it doesn't mean vagina" position. One can but wonder.
I've just gone back and read the whole thread from where it started. I am very disappointed in the attitude of the mods, not allowing reasonable debate and generally having a "what we say goes end of" approach to the matter. Out of curiosity, are all the mods from the US? If not do they all agree on this matter?
I think I may have to talk about my cunt a lot more now, just to keep the word alive. Weird how they think it's ok for me to refer to my vagina using the word.
So yeah, I have a cunt, it's very cunt-like.
generally having a "what we say goes end of" approach to the matter
The hilarious thing is that I think there are more transgendered on GAF than there are biological women.Isn't that sexism? I don't use the word myself, but how does one prove one's gender online? Everyone knows it's one of the easiest things to fake. My avatar clearly indicates I'm a little girl.
Careful! You might not get banned for such sexually-charged swearing!Noo! We've now lost a part of what made uk gaf stand out on hereBollox.
Is fanny allowed still? It serves the same purpose in Scotland. Just use it instead lol
Fanny just means bottom in the US and bums are U for Universal.
Won't get through.Talking of censorship, can't believe this issue has reared its ugly head yet again: