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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
I started dusting, because I hated dust. Then I started generally tidying up. Then I went too far...

I've now filled three crates with books, games and DVDs. I've recycled all my old Uni notes. I discarded old relationship momentos.

I've basically just tidied my life out and it feels really, really good.

The books were the hardest, being an English grad and all, but I'm down to just three bookshelves of material now. It's liberating.

Feels good man, when I got back from uni for summer I rearranged my room and in the process cleared out/threw away SOOO much shite.


Maturity, bitches.
Not that this is the most jolly thing to say but I have no idea what I will do with all the books that I will inherit from my mother. She is an extreme hoarder and jumble sale addict.

There are books everywhere in this house.


Not that this is the most jolly thing to say but I have no idea what I will do with all the books that I will inherit from my mother. She is an extreme hoarder and jumble sale addict.

There are books everywhere in this house.
Take like five ones that are amazing and give them to friends.

Donate the rest to charity shops.

It's so hard letting go of books, but I rarely re-read. Today I had three rules:

1 - Read it? Get rid of it.
2 - Got halfway through it but then put it down? Get rid of it.
3 - Not read it but had it for more than a year? Get rid of it.

Sole exception in novels were a couple of formative books that I do tend to revisit every couple of years. Reference books I wasn't quite so ruthless with, but I still slashed 2/3s of my collection.

Going forward, I want no more than one shelf of unread novels, to be got rid of the moment I am done. I'm through with hoarding books that I think I'll get around to reading at some point, or keeping hold of books I loved but know I'll never read again.

I can always buy something again if I suddenly get the urge to read it.

s3 ebook readers > kindle.


C'mon son.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister

As I understand it, it was the event organisers , not the council, that pulled the plug. Sure it was the council that set the curfew in the first place - and that seems reasonable to me, after all there are people who live nearby who might need to get their sleep.

Have absolutely no idea where the "police state" bit comes in - can't see it has anything to do with the police at all.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
The crowed should have rioted and destroyed the place to make a point.

Thats my thoughts.


I'm getting better and better at dealing with panic at work.

As in, I don't panic anymore. Just let it wash over.

This is an important step because it means I can actually get on with my work and also not knock years off my life with stress.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I'm getting better and better at dealing with panic at work.

As in, I don't panic anymore. Just let it wash over.

This is an important step because it means I can actually get on with my work and also not knock years off my life with stress.

Good on you. Important life lesson - just because everyone else is panicking doesn't mean you have to. Panic is a choice.

Similarly, sometime soon (if you haven't come across it already) you will have a boss who says "your job is to make me happy". The correct, and stinging, response to that is "No. My job is to do X Y and Z and if after that you aren't happy that is your own problem, not mine".


Good on you. Important life lesson - just because everyone else is panicking doesn't mean you have to. Panic is a choice.
Sometimes it was my own. Jobs I had to do that mentally overwhemled me in concept because I'm inexperienced. I once wasted an entire morning staring at my workload, clicking through it and generally just worrying.

But I don't waste mornings with worry anymore, so progress!

Similarly, sometime soon (if you haven't come across it already) you will have a boss who says "your job is to make me happy". The correct, and stinging, response to that is "No. My job is to do X Y and Z and if after that you aren't happy that is your own problem, not mine".
I suspect there's a good anecdote here. Do tell.



I was at the show and it was just embarrassing. Ashamed to be a Londoner. We call ourselves a cultural city but we have two rock icons on stage and someone decides to fade out Twist and Shout because it is 10.40PM on a summer Saturday night. I didn't queue up and stand around in mud all day for that finale.

Bruce happily pays the fine everywhere he goes, he paid the fine when he played for 'too long' at the Emirates a few years back. It was obviously the last song or penultimate song at worst, they could have kept it going for another five minutes or at least turned his mic back up for him to say 'thanks and goodbye' but nope they couldn't even do that. Awkward as hell and disrespectful to the 75,000 fans not to mention Bruce, the band and Sir Paul. (And the people that live there should just accept they live near a public park used for such events a handful of times a year and get on with their lives).


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I was at the show and it was just embarrassing. Ashamed to be a Londoner. We call ourselves a cultural city but we have two rock icons on stage and someone decides to fade out Twist and Shout because it is 10.40PM on a summer Saturday night. I didn't queue up and stand around in mud all day for that finale.

Bruce happily pays the fine everywhere he goes, he paid the fine when he played for 'too long' at the Emirates a few years back. It was obviously the last song or penultimate song at worst, they could have kept it going for another five minutes or at least turned his mic back up for him to say 'thanks and goodbye' but nope they couldn't even do that. Awkward as hell and disrespectful to the 75,000 fans not to mention Bruce, the band and Sir Paul. (And the people that live there should just accept they live near a public park used for such events a handful of times a year and get on with their lives).

OK, so Bruce happily breaks the regulations and pays the fine. Megamillionaire pays peanuts and that isn't news. Megamillionaire gets cut off that's news. What does that mean to the people who live nearby? Means more noise. Means breaking the rules set well before the event. Means the rich guys get away with what the poor guys don't.

Great image.

Way to go.

[FAKE EDIT] we're not exactly talking the poor in this area, but the rationale is the same


Maturity, bitches.
(And the people that live there should just accept they live near a public park used for such events a handful of times a year and get on with their lives).

Eh. A nightclub established itself down the road from where I live and let me tell you it's not fun trying to sleep when people are making noise. It's not a matter of when the show ends, but also the time it takes them to leave.


Its the Glasgow fair, scottish bank holiday

That explains why the roads were quiet this morning. I - too - am working today :/

Chili said:
(And the people that live there should just accept they live near a public park used for such events a handful of times a year and get on with their lives).

They should rent out one of their rooms and make a freakin' killing instead of bitching about noise.


OK, so Bruce happily breaks the regulations and pays the fine. Megamillionaire pays peanuts and that isn't news. Megamillionaire gets cut off that's news. What does that mean to the people who live nearby? Means more noise. Means breaking the rules set well before the event. Means the rich guys get away with what the poor guys don't.

Great image.

Way to go.

[FAKE EDIT] we're not exactly talking the poor in this area, but the rationale is the same

I understand that if the concert was going to go on for another hour or something. But as I said it was five minutes more at most. How much more inconvenience is that going to cause local residents? Besides, if they fine him they can make some money out of it and give back to the local residents.

It's just the general nimbyism though that people feel so dreadfully inconvenienced by a major event in their area. I went to see the man in Madrid and he finished at 1.30AM on a Monday morning, and that stadium was in much more densely populated residential area (and it was actually loud, unlike at Hyde Park which was far too quiet).

Edit: As for the 'rich guy getting away with it' - he pays it not just so that he can perform longer but also for those that come to see him. He sings about the plight of the working class and the working man so to be silenced in that particular neighbourhood for playing a few minutes too long is pretty ironic.

BGBW said:
Eh. A nightclub established itself down the road from where I live and let me tell you it's not fun trying to sleep when people are making noise. It's not a matter of when the show ends, but also the time it takes them to leave.

If it's a new establishment or indeed a nightclub that goes on all night then you have my sympathies. I'm referring to an open air concert at a public park at 10.40 on a Saturday night. If they allowed it to go on until 11PM it wouldn't have been the end of the world. Also, if they hadn't have closed the majority of exits to the park and the two closest Tube stations I guess people would have dispersed a little quicker although I understand the crowd control reasons for doing even if it it seemed a little counterproductive at times.

Also the folks that live around Hyde Park have to 'put up' with something like 13 concerts a year so it's hardly a daily pain they have to live through.


Also, if they hadn't have closed the majority of exits to the park and the two closest Tube stations I guess people would have dispersed a little quicker although I understand the crowd control reasons for doing even if it it seemed a little counterproductive at times.

They pulled a similar stunt when I went to see Rage Against the Machine in Finsbury Park 2 years ago. Closed most exits except one. Police on horseback all over the place. I only just managed to get into the Tube station and catch the last train to my bed by pushing my way in because they had security guards shutting the gates. One second later and I'd have been stranded. Absolutely mental.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
It's only noise fellas lol who the fuck is in bed for 11 o'clock at night anyway. We have ears for a reason and that reason is to hear noise. Anyone who is against noise is against the very human race its self. You lot sound like oaps and it makes me sad as fuck.

I'm working seven days in a row this week to pay for my Amsterdam trip. Fuck saving up man two weeks of overtime and I can afford any European holiday. Life's good with no debt.
Someone from LOCOG was at the bank today and I overheard a conversation that sales of mascot soft toys and fees from appearances as schools and sports clubs was well behind expectations. Apparently they wanted to generate over £70m worth of revenue from the mascots, right now they are saying they will be lucky to hit half that amount.

What a bunch of James Blunts, should have had a Lion and a Unicorn instead of the two one-eyed dildos.


Someone from LOCOG was at the bank today and I overheard a conversation that sales of mascot soft toys and fees from appearances as schools and sports clubs was well behind expectations. Apparently they wanted to generate over £70m worth of revenue from the mascots, right now they are saying they will be lucky to hit half that amount.

What a bunch of James Blunts, should have had a Lion and a Unicorn instead of the two one-eyed dildos.
Anybody who thought those mascots were worth shit should be fired.

Make the mascot a fucking animal like everyfuckingwhere else. Kids fucking love fucking animals.
Anybody who thought those mascots were worth shit should be fired.

Make the mascot a fucking animal like everyfuckingwhere else. Kids fucking love fucking animals.

Yup, the guy was lamenting the design and was saying that animals would have been better, but the decision to have these dildos was a PC one from the government that they couldn't pick an animal in case it upset animal rights groups. D:


but the decision to have these dildos was a PC one from the government that they couldn't pick an animal in case it upset animal rights groups. D:
For fuck's sake.

This is worse than GAF banning "cunt".

I'd move to Canada but they got worse than us lately HOW DID THEY DO THAT?!


Maturity, bitches.
It's only noise fellas lol who the fuck is in bed for 11 o'clock at night anyway. We have ears for a reason and that reason is to hear noise. Anyone who is against noise is against the very human race its self. You lot sound like oaps and it makes me sad as fuck.

I'm working seven days in a row this week to pay for my Amsterdam trip. Fuck saving up man two weeks of overtime and I can afford any European holiday. Life's good with no debt.

Well I was talking about a nightclub where people are leaving at about 3am in the morning. I need my beauty sleep.
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