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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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You're supposed to be private about your prayer. Fairly certain there's a verse in the Bible that goes on about the pompous men who pray loudly at the street corner are denied entry or some such. Phi will know the one I mean.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
You're supposed to be private about your prayer. Fairly certain there's a verse in the Bible that goes on about the pompous men who pray loudly at the street corner are denied entry or some such. Phi will know the one I mean.

The entire point of Christianity is to be a pacifistic humble person who is content with their life and environment.

But try telling this to Mrs. I'm The Best Christian In The World Please Look At Me.


Obsidian fan
You're supposed to be private about your prayer. Fairly certain there's a verse in the Bible that goes on about the pompous men who pray loudly at the street corner are denied entry or some such. Phi will know the one I mean.

Matthew 6

Matthew 6:1 said:
Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

Matthew 6:5-6 said:
And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
Don't use the scripture to beat her down, beat her down with the idea that she's dressed like a knob and putting something ridiculous in her back garden, much to the annoyance of some of her neighbours.

She'll likely have some smart arse reply to the scripture argument. She won't have any argument at all if you make her look like the knob she is.


Unconfirmed Member
Well that women I went for a drink with just now is not what I thought so bailed out. Now, I am semi tipsy and had cocktails. its 8 pm on a Saturday. Time to get drunk and find out what happens guys?


So can I also get permission to erect a large star of David, an Om, a Khanda, a wheel of Dharma and a loud megaphone that chants "Allah Akbar"?


Unconfirmed Member
its weird reading this topic in half understanding after 6 double shots of vodka/cocktails and then seeing some weird religious shit. Damn, we are suppose to be in the 21st century and not medievil times. People are crazy


At a family thing listening to the 07 ministry of sound annual. Id drink, but I got too drunk last night and I'm going out early.


Unconfirmed Member
saturday nights when you got nobody are boring.

Tell me about it Chinner. Saturdays with not that friend or special someone is shit, if its been like that for months. At least we got UK gaf.

Lir you bastard im drunk too. Why you so away and can't be drunk together!


Hey east coast gaf: is there anything to do in Dundee?

Move to glasgow Fred. There's only slightly less jobs here than everywhere else.


Unconfirmed Member
Hey east coast gaf: is there anything to do in Dundee?

Move to glasgow Fred. There's only slightly less jobs here than everywhere else.

Tempted my man but I got work here in Leicester, midlands, and love the job but not got much of a concrete circle here outside of friends in Kent I visit once a month, where I was originally from. I wish I could start life again in a new area with a good friend with same interests and tastes but got to play hard core mode on life for now untill the oppotunity arrives. James bonding up in this bitch!


Hey east coast gaf: is there anything to do in Dundee?

oh my, please tell me you aren't there right now. Actually! I was told there was a pasty bakery in Dundee that's open 24 hours a day. After the clubs are shut, buy a steak pie or a bridie, take a pic of it and post it here.


oh my, please tell me you aren't there right now. Actually! I was told there was a pasty bakery in Dundee that's open 24 hours a day. After the clubs are shut, buy a steak pie or a bridie, take a pic of it and post it here.

Not there now. Will be there some time in the near future


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
As much Glaswegian pride I have, I'm loathed to admit I'd rather live in Edinburgh. My best friend lives there, my parents live in the Borders, and the absolute nexus of the best takeaways in the world is the Dalry Road/Gorgie area.

Fuck salt and sauce though. Who in the fuckity fuck invented that shite combo, and then who in the fuckity fuck thought it was preferable to salt and vinegar as god intended?


Unconfirmed Member
I'm seeing the new Spider-man film tomorrow.

It's going to be awful.

I watched it on Friday from work. Its fucking shit. Garfield is a good Spiderman though and some good set pieces though but the rest is god damn awful. Favourite thing is the mirrors edge stuff.


oh my, please tell me you aren't there right now. Actually! I was told there was a pasty bakery in Dundee that's open 24 hours a day. After the clubs are shut, buy a steak pie or a bridie, take a pic of it and post it here.

Clarke's bakery! God it's amazing. Don't get a steak pie or birdie though. Ask for the helicopter or gutbuster. Thank me later.


Unconfirmed Member
It's not awful at all, it's pretty inoffensive tbh.

Lizard is fucking terrible, he looks like a poormans green pedophile and has nothing on the animated amazing Spiderman cartoon in terms of look. Good actor behind it but the cgi concept and execution of trying to make him menacing is a disaster.


Luckily TDKR is out next week, due to be the best superhero movie this summer by far. I too thought the Lizard was a disaster, even the action scenes didn't impress me. The only redeeming quality was Emma Stone/Martin Sheen.


Luckily TDKR is out next week, due to be the best superhero movie this summer by far. I too thought the Lizard was a disaster, even the action scenes didn't impress me. The only redeeming quality was Emma Stone/Martin Sheen.
After the disappointment of The Dark Knight, I'm not letting myself get hyped for that one.


After the disappointment of The Dark Knight, I'm not letting myself get hyped for that one.

The Dark Knight really suffers upon rewatch but I definitely left the theater feeling amazed. The press have been calling it the best yet but I wouldn't put much on that considering previous hyperbolic statements concerning hyped movies.
The only movie that should be on your minds is The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

Best cast.
Best soundtrack.
Best story.
All over my face.
Don't forget Skyfall. The only way is up after QoS and everything so far sounds amazing.


The Dark Knight really suffers upon rewatch but I definitely left the theater feeling amazed. The press have been calling it the best yet but I wouldn't put much on that considering previous hyperbolic statements concerning hyped movies.
Unfortunately I felt the same way watching it then as I do now. It was just such a step down from Batman Begins.


Casino Royale was just such a breath of fresh air. Its one of my favourite action movies ever and I fear it won't be topped again, not any time soon at least. Plus Eva Green.


Looking forward to Skyfall actually.Trailer looked good. Can't say the same about The Hobbit as the 3 extended editions of LOTR films bored the living hell out of me.


Unconfirmed Member
The dark knight rises will be the best film ever of all years, for comic characters, but skyfall will be film of the generation!!


Why are people who record videos on camera phones incapable of getting good angles or, indeed, holding the damn thing straight and still?

Still, looks like that girl has got a decent left hook.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Watched retreat today fucking loved every second of it.. Tomorrow after my night shift I'm going to watch 3 entire movies.

Also reading skag boys ftw. Installed SwiftKey for my s3 and fuck its better than the default keyboard by far... I badass grey keys to looks really nice
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