Reading comics? iPad 3.
Reading books? Kindle.
There is no place for the S3, it's an also-ran.
So now that EviLore is shown to be nothing but a dirty sexual assaulter, shall we push to have a certain word made legal again?
What about reading on the move, do you fit a big ass ipad in your jeans pocket ?
Do you walk around carrying a backpack looking like a student ?
I don't read on the move. If I did though, I'd probably use my iPhone given the awesome iBooks syncing my bookmarks and everything.
I'm only playing with ya, use whatever makes you happy!I find iphones to be like toys compared to my S3, Each to there own though iPhones aren't to bad.
By on the move i meant wipping out the phone when your on the can to read a quick few pages.
I'l need to cut down on my S3 fanboyism before i get hit with a week ban.
I'm a lifelong member of the Beano Club. FTW.
Gamesmaster, Nintendo Official Magazine, the Beano and the occasional Archie comic were the magazines/comics of my childhood. I used to steal my sister's copy of Smash Hits from time to time too.
Oh, and you can't beat reading a good Oor Wullie and Broons annual while on the toilet. When I was abroad as a kid, my mum used to work with a guy who travelled to Glasgow every xmas to see his family and he'd always buy and import the annuals for me and my sister.
EDIT: Wullie would easily knock the teeth out of Dennis the Menace any day.
For some reason I never joined the club. Read the comic every week, got the annuals. Even bought older annuals and yet never put my name down for the fan club. A shame.
Did anyone else read the 'Just William' books as a kid? They were twee as fuck but pleasant little adventures. Much like the Famous Five.
Mate, StC was quality. I used to love it so much.I'm going to feel like a sad twat for saying this but for me as a kid it was always Sonic the comic. Don't you dare try to knock it, that comic series even looking back had some quality writing for the character and world it had. Luckily I left that kind of love there after Sonic Adventure 2006 and waking up to the reality of how bad that character and Sega become.
I was more of a Secret Seven fan.
By the comic digitally at comixology or something then convert it in Photoshop. It's easy.I wish I could get access to Marvel comics on the Kindle. I'd bite my left arm off for it.
I read the hobbit as a kid, then lotr, then it was Harry Potter and wheel of time. I now read just about all fantasy.
I'm going to feel like a sad twat for saying this but for me as a kid it was always Sonic the comic. Don't you dare try to knock it, that comic series even looking back had some quality writing for the character and world it had. Luckily I left that kind of love there after Sonic Adventure 2006 and waking up to the reality of how bad that character and Sega become.
A few when I was very young. I seem to recall listening to cassette tapes of them as well and also a tv series. I was more of a Secret Seven fan.
A good friend of mine is a fan of the wheel of time series. I am just scared looking at the depth of the series though after going through the Dark Tower. That's my favourite story told, you should give that a read.
WOT is good, books 5-8 are really slow. But the first three are some of the best fantasy written.
This is really fucking disgusting:
It's sad to see what the police can get away with.
Policeman used excessive force, citizen died. If this had been a regular joe caught on video you can be sure that he wouldn't have got away with it.It's a bit iffy really. Yes what the PC did is terrible, and he's probably a Jeremy, but a manslaughter charge seems a bit much. I guess there's no other way because he died, but wasn't it the case that be might have died anyway?
Yeah he was pushed to the floor, which is out of order, but that was a 1/1,000,000 thing that happened.
Policeman used excessive force, citizen died. If this had been a regular joe caught on video you can be sure that he wouldn't have got away with it.
Well, he was found guilty of unlawful killing in an inquest. As it was unintentional, that's kind of manslaughter by definition. It's an odd verdict.It was a jury trial, and I would argue members of the public are likely to be less forgiving to the police than to regular citizens. So, I'm going to assume that the evidence presented during the trial made manslaughter an unreasonable charge.
Well, he was found guilty of unlawful killing in an inquest. As it was unintentional, that's kind of manslaughter by definition. It's an odd verdict.
It was a jury trial, and I would argue members of the public are likely to be less forgiving to the police than to regular citizens. So, I'm going to assume that the evidence presented during the trial made manslaughter an unreasonable charge.
Something's afoot.
okay this guy needs to source that claim. I bet the figures have been massaged more heavily than a 55 year old divorcee trying to escape from the reality of his disappointing life in Phuket
okay this guy needs to source that claim. I bet the figures have been massaged more heavily than a 55 year old divorcee trying to escape from the reality of his disappointing life in Phuket
The facts are correct, but the statistic does not tell the full story (I'd be willing to bet a large majority of the deaths in custody were from alcohol / drugs, for example)
Please note I'm not some 'police defense force', I'm sure the institution is designed to protect itself and its members (often at the cost of justice being served), but I think Kavanagh is coming from a very one-sided viewpoint (perhaps due to the personal experience?)
Fair enough. I'm not saying I agree or disagree, I just don't particularly like discussing this topic online.
People going through Benzo withdrawals, having heart attacks, etc etc are likely the cause of the VAST majority of deaths in custody. If you put hundreds of people in cells over the course of 22 years then a lot are going to die naturally because 22 years is a bloody long time, especially considering the type of people that are getting locked up aren't likely to be the 5-a-day, yoga and jogging types.
Fair enough.
You're right, the police couldn't possibly have ever been involved in any wrongdoing.
I'm sure some of those deaths were caused by the police, but I'm also equally sure that the vast majority had nothing to do with the police.
What are you trying to get at Kavanagh? Any bad experiences with the police?