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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Also - did it!


Now I don't look like me any more :\ will probably bic it later on too.

I like it! I think it suits you. Especially with the beard.

Also like your surprised expression.


Maturity, bitches.
How long does it take to accumulate £320 in small change?! I dread to think how much I've lost over the years by ignoring 1p, 2p, 5p, and often even 10p coins. And what do you do? Lump it all in bags and take it to the bank to sort out?

I always pick up pennies for good luck.

Also never put a twenty into a Namco change machine.
Sure. (but bear in mind I'm doing this from memory!)

The High Court supported the Crown Court's interpretation of the mens rea of the s127 offence as being either (a) intent to menace or threaten or (b) awareness that the message could be taken as menacing or threatening.

That's the same definition as used for grossly offensive messages - and I think it is right for the "grossly offensive" offense.

But the mens rea should be tighter for menace. Probably it should be limited to where there is real intent.

The problem I foresee is with statements that are perfectly innocuous in their true context but might be taken as menacing if they stand alone - and where the person making the statement might well be aware of the possible alternative interpretation, and admit as much under questioning.

Consider some examples:

"I am coming after the Queen" - in the context of a game of chess

"You need to blow up the House of Commons by tomorrow" - in the context of making a photograph bigger for next morning's edition

"I'm going to slay them in the aisles" - in the context of the Edinburgh Fringe

Any of these might be made as individual messages, and any might be taken individually as menacing, none are intentionally so, none should be criminal.

Thanks for the elaboration Phisheep.

I don't think I'm too troubled by this though. The High Court decision does emphasise that context is king (see paragraph 31), and in all three of your examples there you give the reasonable context. As long as you weren't saying, say, the "Queen" examples to the Queen or someone responsible for her security it'd be pretty hard to misinterpret the statement.

As far as awareness that it could be taken as threatening, the decision also lays out that the relevant person here is the person of normal or reasonable fortitude (see paras 32-33). That one of your examples statements could possibly be construed as threatening by someone who lacks reasonable fortitude would appear to be by the by.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Thanks for the elaboration Phisheep.

I don't think I'm too troubled by this though. The High Court decision does emphasise that context is king (see paragraph 31), and in all three of your examples there you give the reasonable context. As long as you weren't saying, say, the "Queen" examples to the Queen or someone responsible for her security it'd be pretty hard to misinterpret the statement.

As far as awareness that it could be taken as threatening, the decision also lays out that the relevant person here is the person of normal or reasonable fortitude (see paras 32-33). That one of your examples statements could possibly be construed as threatening by someone who lacks reasonable fortitude would appear to be by the by.

I'm not that greatly troubled myself, though I do think it was the wrong call to make, particularly since it was unnecessary to even consider it in order to overturn the conviction.

Sure, the context stuff is very important, but even then the judgment places some emphasis on the internal context of Chambers' message - which is something that is missing from my examples.

So we're left with some obiter dicta from the High Court that give a potentially dangerous interpretation of the mens rea for menace. Just leaves me a bit uncomfortable that there is still that loophole that might trip somebody up.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I'm just back from seeing The Dark Knight Rises at the cinema. Absolutely stunning movie. Well worth the wait.

How long does it take to accumulate £320 in small change?! I dread to think how much I've lost over the years by ignoring 1p, 2p, 5p, and often even 10p coins. And what do you do? Lump it all in bags and take it to the bank to sort out?

Around March-April last year I started putting my NT$10 coins (roughly 20p) into an empty & cleaned out Dolmio jar. By September I had roughly NT$2000 (£40). That was just a few months - and with a generous amount of me taking exact change for lunches, etc. A year or so and I assume I would have a few hundred. I just bought a "proper" money box (in the shape of a London bus no-less, impulse buy on in-flight Duty Free) and I look forward to having a decent cut of savings by this time next year.


That Romney thread got funny. The gif was awesome, Steve, take a bow!

It is a microcosm of why the world hates America.

To be fair I nicked it from another Gaf thread about 30 seconds before I posted it.

I love America, it's just few of the Americans worth liking are on the internet...
To be fair I nicked it from another Gaf thread about 30 seconds before I posted it.

I love America, it's just few of the Americans worth liking are on the internet...

I love the US as well, it's my second favourite country after Japan. It's lamentable that they have so many wackos over there. I think one day I will probably move to the US for good, maybe to California or Oregon, the west coast of the US is awesome, not SF though, shitty place full of smug arseholes. SoCal is like the perfect place in the world to me, great weather all year round, great beaches, decent variety of foreign food and they even have Tesco which specialises in providing European style supermarkets with a lot of stuff from the UK.


Unconfirmed Member
Love the new look Jed!

Hmmm should I go out drinking and dancing tonight and get pissed? (None of my friends are free but that doesn't stop me going out jolly and then mixing in with the crowd :D)


Unconfirmed Member
Pulling into Bristol. Turns out I'm going to be by myself until 9 or even 10. What's good to do on a Friday night here?

Google map and web link it son, I know a few peeps here who come form Bristol and said it was a shit place (but that's all said for anything from people who come from an area they mostly lived their life).


Fuckit. Bought a bottle of wine and a takeout pizza. Gonna stay in my hotel room, naked, air conditioning on full whack, watching the pre-ceremony coverage.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Fuckit. Bought a bottle of wine and a takeout pizza. Gonna stay in my hotel room, naked, air conditioning on full whack, watching the pre-ceremony coverage.

Zomg hit the city centre after that wine socials you up a shitload.. Pubs clubs drugs and women/men and I'm sure you will pick up a few friends to tag along with on the way. Friday fucking night Bro. Fucking with I could go out tonight I'm stuck in work all weekend.. Meh il watch the dark knight tonight and have a ball.

Has jed been on that mkat again his eyes look stimmed


Unconfirmed Member
What the fuck, £49 for a plant in the pot? Fuck the Olympics!
Can't wait for the Queen to ignite the Olympic Flame, at which point she will cry 'Rise British Empire, Rise!"
Then it truly begins. Britain and the Commonwealth commit to an armed hostile take over across the world.


Unconfirmed Member
Can't wait for the Queen to ignite the Olympic Flame, at which point she will cry 'Rise British Empire, Rise!"
Then it truly begins. Britain and the Commonwealth commit to an armed hostile take over across the world.


Brings a tear to my eye.
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