The Specsavers ad in today's paper was hilarious.
Please give me a link to this video, it's an amazing reaction.
Todays paper, Yesterdays news.
what time is the james bond thing at?
got graduation today and got my suit on. think i could almost impress meadows, almost.
got graduation today and got my suit on. think i could almost impress meadows, almost.
Really? I've heard the opposite.From what I have seen/read of this opening ceremony, it sounds shit. Won't spoil it for anyone, but damn. Not sure where the money has gone really.
I think they've focused on the entirely wrong things. There are a few nice things thrown in there, but it really does sound ridiculous. Sounds too flavour of the month for my liking. Not enough history.
Keep a hold of that suit for court, I'm sure meadows will grass at you for having drugs at a future gaf meet up.
Summer has hit scotland yo
There ain't much beer in my beverage fridge.. that will change Monday morning.
This is a British mark of approval if I ever saw one!I fucking love Irn Bru. Not only is it delicious, but it's also very reasonably priced.
I imagine it'll be like that advert with Harry Hill narration, can't remember what it was for, some mobile company I think. Had a bloke running after a dog in it.
Stadium lights go out. Long, long pause. Build the tension. Searchlights start scanning the sky. Air raid sirens go off. Planes fly over head. Pyrotechnics go off in the stadium, buildings are ablaze. Re-enactment of the Blitz.
I'm sure ze Germans would appreciate that one.
Dude, those are proper self-hating and I know that self-hate is a British past time but come on, there's no need to show how many times Britain's been bent over a barrel by invaders.
Civil war
English language
Green and pleasant land
Industrial revolution
All the best inventions ever
Pop music
S3 breaks the space time continuum and can view the adverts of tomorrow!Todays paper, Yesterdays news.
I don't see the point in a paper anymore. I use my smartphone to browse news/internet on my lunch breaks.
You old gaffers are stuck in the 60s.
Why are you abandoning Hunt?OK, finally got my avatar back, but is it just me or does it look a bit... smushed
Those times where we have been bent over a barrel have been the times that have formed our national and national psyche. We would not be anywhere without the Roman Invasion, we would be nowhere without the Norman invasion etc.
Immigration has formed a crucial part in the history of Britain and I think that given that this is the Olympic games and one of the message is about welcoming people and integrating them, why not?
Why are you abandoning Hunt?
Should we switch to J?
OK, finally got my avatar back, but is it just me or does it look a bit... smushed
Why are you abandoning Hunt?
Should we switch to J?
History is history. We bombed the fuck out of each other but the fact that it is a landmark point of history for London is inescapable.
Sign of Being Unemployed for 4 Months No. 8: I thought it was Thursday.
I thought it was Monday. Your move.
There's a time and a place and the Olympic opening ceremony is not it. Having said that, your version of the ceremony sounds like it would be epic in its ability to offend the rest of the world and even eclipse G4S in terms of notable fuckups, so it has some merit.
Man, Sky1's new cop show looks AWFUL:
I know it's a spoof
I'm a little worried about the latter bit of the judgment where the court, I think, gets it wrong about the mens rea required for the crime. That's not something essential to overturning Chambers' conviction and I rather wish they had avoided dealing with it rather than lay up potentially more trouble later. The court's interpretation could mean that perfectly innocuous statements like "I'm coming after the Queen" (in the context of a game of chess) might still be criminalised - but that is a battle to be fought another day. Or not, if CPS and the lower courts get their heads screwed on right.