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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Guys, check out Wonderland on iPlayer. It is some of the most amazing television you will see this year.

I shouldn't have read this thread. I was going to go to sleep but now I have to finish watching this.

That Chris Monk keeps losing his accent when he is speaking.


I agree. How anyone can think that Breaking Bad is anything but god tier is beyond me. Must be a Scottish thing ;)



Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
It used to be so much better, it's gotten a little over the top in the past few seasons.


Yeah early Breaking Bad was god tier.

Started falling off with Gus and the Cartels.

New season has been pretty zzzzz worthy tbh.


Left the house and forgot to pick up my change for the bus. Stood at the front of the bus like an arsehole for 5 minutes before getting off.

Delayed me by about 30 minutes that.. wish I could pay by card or something.
Many UK-GAF have tattoo's?

I'm hoping on having one done like really soon but it's driving me up the wall with what to have but I gotta get it done a good few weeks before going on holiday. I want my daughters name across the top of my back/shoulders, but I'm struggling to find a way so that it doesn't look lop-sided. Something like :


But with another line coming off the c, going around the e and then meeting up with the line that goes over the G.

Any advice?
Many UK-GAF have tattoo's?

I'm hoping on having one done like really soon but it's driving me up the wall with what to have but I gotta get it done a good few weeks before going on holiday. I want my daughters name across the top of my back/shoulders, but I'm struggling to find a way so that it doesn't look lop-sided. Something like :


But with another line coming off the c, going around the e and then meeting up with the line that goes over the G.

Any advice?

Currently have 4 and planning more. 1st was small Japanese symbol for 'friend' on left shoulder blade, 2nd was dragon on left thigh, 3rd was large Angel wings over my whole back, and last one was Jedi Order symbol on top of left arm. Next will be a sleeve on my right arm of my favourite comic book characters; Sandman (Gaiman not Spiderman), Eric Draven, Preacher and Lobo. Just waiting for my friend to design it.

Your design looks nice, and it's a lovely idea, your kids are always your kids! How big you thinking of having it though? I've always thought large writing on the back or anywhere looks a bit naf, smaller is better... so this is your first tattoo?


Everyone I know with family tattoos has their name and birthday up one of their wrists, normally the left, but I don't know why that is.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
No sun cream so I'm using body moisturiser. Hope this works out cause it's 20 right now jesus


I've got a tattoo at the top of my back and currently have a comic-book style sleeve in progress on my right arm.

How big is the tatt going to be?

Off topic: today's going awesome so far, did some gardening and now off to London for some beers and a free concert. Maybe even some clubbing afterwards. It's a lovely day outside, folks!
Currently have 4 and planning more. 1st was small Japanese symbol for 'friend' on left shoulder blade, 2nd was dragon on left thigh, 3rd was large Angel wings over my whole back, and last one was Jedi Order symbol on top of left arm. Next will be a sleeve on my right arm of my favourite comic book characters; Sandman (Gaiman not Spiderman), Eric Draven, Preacher and Lobo. Just waiting for my friend to design it.

Your design looks nice, and it's a lovely idea, your kids are always your kids! How big you thinking of having it though? I've always thought large writing on the back or anywhere looks a bit naf, smaller is better... so this is your first tattoo?


Yeah my first tat so I kind of want to get it right which is why I'm racking my brain as to get it more symmetrical. I want it just below my neck, going across the shoulders say between 7 to 9 inches? so thats not the whole width of my shoulders, but not small either. I also don't want it too girly and have all the wavey lines everywhere. I might ask to have a little star just after the e so the G and e space are similar size.

My other option was to have it just like above, but on the inside of my forearm. Only thing is, my forearms and puny as fuck!

Yeah my first tat so I kind of want to get it right which is why I'm racking my brain as to get it more symmetrical. I want it just below my neck, going across the shoulders say between 7 to 9 inches? so thats not the whole width of my shoulders, but not small either. I also don't want it too girly and have all the wavey lines everywhere. I might ask to have a little star just after the e so the G and e space are similar size.

My other option was to have it just like above, but on the inside of my forearm. Only thing is, my forearms and puny as fuck!

Don't worry about having skinny arms, tats will look good regardless!

I personally wouldn't have it that big on the back, but this is your tattoo and you should have it however you like. Just be 100% happy before you get it done. If you have any doubts or are not sure about it in the slightest then keep changing it until you are happy.

Also I would say don't make it too complicated so that it's unreadable! It's not good if people have to ask what it says.
Also I would say don't make it too complicated so that it's unreadable! It's not good if people have to ask what it says.

Yeah I'm just looking at some artwork right now and I definitely want it as simple as that image, maybe with a little details here and there, but yeah, it needs to be readable.
Question. What the fuck is with all of the paedophile threads on GAF lately? I can see like four threads on the first page about the subject!?


once you start catering for the weirdos, it escalates. frankly pedo-gaf has been around for awhile, theyve just been keeping it on the down low.


What happens if you found a lost crying child in a supermarket? Common sense would state that I approach the child, ask what's wrong, hold his/her hand and take them to customer services so they can announce it on the intercom system.

yeaaaaaaa, I don't see that going down well. I'll just leave the child and not risk my life/job/reputation.
I feel like I'll be perceived as a paedophile for even looking at a child these days.

I'm a primary school teacher. You should see the looks I get when I'm out and about in town and children smile and wave at me and I wave back. Society can't handle men that have regular contact with children, it seems.

I was in a school party taking about 60 children to London for a riverboat cruise and we did the necessary toilet stops. Logically, I went in to the toilets with the boys (about 28 of them) and even blokes in there were giving me looks. Yeah mate, I'm a paedophile that walks around in a fluorescent jacket and only stalk children who wear florescent jackets.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
What happens if you found a lost crying child in a supermarket? Common sense would state that I approach the child, ask what's wrong, hold his/her hand and take them to customer services so they can announce it on the intercom system.

yeaaaaaaa, I don't see that going down well. I'll just leave the child and not risk my life/job/reputation.

hells no, let the child wonder. I can't be fucked with getting shanked for asking if the kid is OK.


I'm a cub leader, luckily when I'm out in public with the kids we're in uniform. Unluckily, the uniform gets me weird looks anyway.

I'm afraid to even talk to another persons child on the bus if I'm not with the scout troop though.


I have no problem smiling at or talking to small children, do it all the time on the tube. Is that because I'm a girl?

Us men = instant paedophiles for being near children that aren't our own, despite news reports showing time and time again women can also be kiddy fiddlers! Modern society sucks ass.
I have no problem smiling at or talking to small children, do it all the time on the tube. Is that because I'm a girl?

Probably. It seems to be more socially acceptable for women to interact with children than it is for a man to.

We had sports day a few weeks before the end of term. Its a time of the year where children can achieve something and really get into an event. Its a really happy occasion for many of them. Its more acceptable for a female teacher to hug a child than it is for a male teacher to do so. I've been flat out told to steer clear of such interactions. Female teachers haven't had those warnings.

Strangely, its more acceptable for me to hug a disabled child than a non-disabled child in a school setting. Headmaster at my previous school didn't mind teachers (both male and female) hugging a child who was severely autistic if he approached you for a hug or did something really well. He did however dislike teachers having any sort of physical interaction with a non-disabled child, no matter how small the interaction was.

There is also a societal suspicion directed at males who get on well with children. I regularly meet people who find it perplexing that I am a Primary school teacher. Most people assume that I teach at a secondary school/college level when I say that I am a teacher. They can't seem to get it into their head that there are males out there who get along well with children and are effective in motivating/teaching etc. Its as if the concept of paternal relationships don't exist anymore.

The strange thing is (and this is a generalisation) that out of the interactions I have seen between child and mother and child and father around in a variety of social settings, the father seems to have the child under control better than the mother.

I'm not sure what to make of it all really. I think the media and 'stranger danger' have warped societal views on what men should and shouldn't be able to do, neglecting the fact that instances of child abuse are incredibly small in general. It seems strange that its okay to play down the paternal role that is often required in children's lives.

The school I teach at has a high proportion of single mothers relative to other schools. For some of the children, I am their only regular contact with an adult male. If I am continually hands off, not as 'warm' as a female to them or continually worrying about what other people will suspect. . .I think that the child in question is missing something very important in their lives and that it will leave a permanent mark on their interactions with male figures of authority in the future.
I'm not denying it's a problem with society, and I definitely understand why things like hugging other kids can be misinterpreted by idiots, but is it just me who has never noticed this sort of thing in day-to-day interactions with kids? If I saw a lost kid, I would not feel scared to intervene. If there's a kid doing something funny on the street, I'll give them a really enthusiastic high five; if there's a baby staring at me on a bus, I'll pull a funny face. I've never really felt like I'm being scrutinised.

EDIT: Galvanise, regarding the assumption about your position, would it not be fair to say that women (often young) are overrepresented in the nursery / primary school level?
Sad news that is actually relevant to this topic. That 12 year old girl from Croydon who went missing last Friday, well they've found a body at the grandmother's house, and they've arrested the grandmother's boyfriend on suspicion of murder :(
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