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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
what's more shocking dave giving up weed and fags or dave owning a DOA console/

Who knows? , Benzo fury comedown is over so i can start enjoying life again. Felt no depression like that before. Worth it though benzo fury gave me the peak of all peaks. The stuff is fucking GODLY. puts my old friend MKAT to shame.

intense euphoria looking at the bright lights and awesome people dancing, had some great conversions, and got convinced a chick was chatting up my girlfriend that sent me into a extreme horny state fuck so good, Can't be touching it again though, never slept for a good 35 hours after my dose.

I coudlnt dance really all i could do was move my arms slowly around fucking loving the music.

It totally fucked me up to the point i couldn't control my face at all, had to just pop some gum between my teeth and let my jaw go wild.

So good people.

Thats drugs over for me, Won't be able to top that experience at all.


Maturity, bitches.
I once wanted to take up smoking because people where I was working got like 3 or 4 smoking breaks a day. Whereas I got 30 minutes for lunch and thats it.

Luckily I decided that was a shitty idea.

I was tempted to buy a fake cigarette for this. The lower number of breaks is non-smokerist!


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I was tempted to buy a fake cigarette for this. The lower number of breaks is non-smokerist!

I just grab a soda or something during smoke breaks, find somewhere to browse the web on my phone and chill.


As you should, I ate like shit for my 20's and was always in pretty good shape, then I hit about 29 and suddenly found that if I didn't work out / eat well I would end up bloated, I never noticed until I saw some pictures one summer about 3 years back and it was morbidly depressing.

Now I hit the gym 4 -5 times a week and am constantly watching my carb intake, cut sugars, upped veg intake. I only drink at the weekends and almost never binge, even started swapping Beer for G&T's on long nights (where beer bloats you after too long).

I am adamant I won't let the "spread" happen, too vain for that shit.
Yeah, this sounds like the boat I'm in (or, about to get in). I'm just at the point where I've realised that I either buck up my diet and exercise, or I slide into absolute disrepair. Fucking aging.

You see, I'm never bored when I'm stoned. There are a million things that I can do. But when I'm sober, those things don't hold my attention like they otherwise would have. I could spend all day with a baggie and my iPad, but I have a hard time playing for more than 15 mins if I'm straight.

I don't know what this means, other than I have a possibly drug induced short attention span, and also that lots of the things we do to distract ourselves are trivial and silly.
Yeah, that's how I feel too. That's why I say it makes being bored OK because if I played 6 straight hours of MGS2 sober nowadays, I'd be bored shitless. Get high and that seems like the greatest idea ever (and feels like it too). Same with sitting and watching crap TV. If I did that sober, I'd go out of my box. Get me high and I'm happily chuckling away at Pawn Stars all evening.

Makes me wonder what I'll do with my time if I'm not baked all the time. Something productive or useful, hopefully.

I worry about replacing the thc with alcohol too, although I think I should be OK since I really really don't like hangovers. Just stick to spirits if you need to drink though, much less bad for you!

Maybe we're all just growing up a bit? Growing up is shite.
I'm worried that I'll just drink out of habit and to fill gaps in the evening. Thing is, I already do that whether I'm smoking or not so I haven't got much to lose in that area.

Goddamn creeping sense of responsibility :(
Dave, Jedeye, and whoever else is thinking of quitting, do it.

I quit smoking weed a few years back, yeah I've had the odd one since then but I feel so much better for not getting stoned every evening. I was so unproductive on the weed (even though I thought I was super creative on it, I never actually did anything). It definitely affected my short term memory which has never really recovered, so I'm glad I stopped when I did.

Also gave up smoking a year and a half ago. Again, I'm really glad I did it. I have had a few relapses recently when I've been out drinking, but I've put myself into check and will be working on not doing that again. The main thing I enjoy is the freedom, not being a slave to it. I don't have to put up with all sorts of weather, I don't have to leave the table when eating out at a restaurant, I don't have to worry about long plane journeys.

I would definitely recommend you picking up the book 'Easyway to give up smoking' by Allan Carr (not the comedian). It has an 80% success rate, everyone I know who has read it has given up including myself. For around £10 what have you got to lose? It's cheaper than smoking, and way cheaper that nicotine replacement shit. Even if you're not sure if you want to quit yet, pick it up anyway, start reading it. And thank me later.


what's more shocking dave giving up weed and fags or dave owning a DOA console/

I can't tell you how fucking cool the Vita is. I knew it was DOA before it arrived but as a dedicated handheld swansong goes, it's a cracker.

What's funny is that my 3DS hasn't even been charged since I bought the Vita. In my house, that one is the truly dead handheld. It doesn't do 'big' games as well as the Vita and it doesn't do 'little' games as well as my iPhone. I think I only bought it so I could prove to myself that I hated it. My GBC gets more play.


Maturity, bitches.
I went into a GAME and they did the Vita such a disservice at the demo stands. Play on one and I get a "memory card not found" error. Play on another and I get a "PSN account not found" error. Playing a game where you touch bubbles in numerical order is not going to convince me or anyone to buy one.


I went into a GAME and they did the Vita such a disservice at the demo stands. Play on one and I get a "memory card not found" error. Play on another and I get a "PSN account not found" error. Playing a game where you touch bubbles in numerical order is not going to convince me or anyone to buy one.

Sounds like the employees don't really care.


The Vita has so much potential, just check out the "sexiest console" thread and it's posted 2-3 times per page, the hardware is to die for.

If Sony can get a grip on it and maybe even mix it with the xperia for some Andriod love it may be the GOAT for dedicated handhelds one day.


Being a sexy handheld doesn't really help.

See: PSP Go.

Fixed :(

Why must Sony make such awesome handheld hardware? It's like owning a blu-ray equipped home theatre and then watching everyone rush to release their films on a portable DVD player instead.

Mr. Sam

Being a sexy handheld doesn't really help.

See: GameBoy Micro.

The Game Boy Micro played Game Boy Advance games.

So, who's got a nice Blu-ray collection? I do. Just thought I'd bring that up, seeing as Dave was sort of going down that path a bit maybe.


Maturity, bitches.
That would be tragic seeing as I've only ever seen one person own a portable DVD player. Then again thinking about it, that is more than the number of people I've seen own a Vita.

The Game Boy Micro played Game Boy Advance games.
I just wanted to give the Micro some love. It is the true drop in your pocket handheld.


I always get a "what's that" when I talk about my Vita. I have to describe it as a "Game Gear looking thing by Sony", which does it a complete disservice. People always reply with "never heard of it".

That's why I don't talk about it to anyone.


I'm going to just buy a PSP GO. I love the look of that console and I can load a bunch of emulators on the thing as well. Taking my 16bit and PS1 library everywhere will be sweet.


Fixed :(

Why must Sony make such awesome handheld hardware? It's like owning a blu-ray equipped home theatre and then watching everyone rush to release their films on a portable DVD player instead.

Yep, with it's yellow screen tint, wobbly hinges and still persistent screen scratching issue, even the 3DS XL is leagues below the Vita, "but still they come" in the words of Jeff Wayne.


Somewhat surprised that the new 3DS XL didn't have a 2nd anologue stick. If it did then I would've purchased one in a heart beat.

Although, I do wanna try Uncharted on the Vita...

Did anyone play Peace Walker on the PSP? Nobody I knew had any idea it existed until it came out on the HD collection.


Did anyone play Peace Walker on the PSP? Nobody I knew had any idea it existed until it came out on the HD collection.

Yes, it's even better on the Vita as you can set the camera to the second stick and it's the best mobile MGS by far, bite sized missions, no tedious cut-scenes etc...


Maturity, bitches.
I wasn't surprised because
  • It was just a revision.
  • To be sold in parallel like the DSi and DSi XL
  • Nintendo


Yes, it's even better on the Vita as you can set the camera to the second stick and it's the best mobile MGS by far, bite sized missions, no tedious cut-scenes etc...

I thought the MGS HD collection on the Vita didn't include Peace Walker. Is it available on the PS store then? Vita can't be backwards-compatible surely.
but yeah, I can imagine how better it'll be with the second stick. Controls weren't so bad on Peace Walker but on Portable Ops it was just.....annoyingly awful. I had more fun beating Metal Gear Acid than Portable Ops.

Jedeye Sniv

Dave, Jedeye, and whoever else is thinking of quitting, do it.

I quit smoking weed a few years back, yeah I've had the odd one since then but I feel so much better for not getting stoned every evening. I was so unproductive on the weed (even though I thought I was super creative on it, I never actually did anything). It definitely affected my short term memory which has never really recovered, so I'm glad I stopped when I did.

Also gave up smoking a year and a half ago. Again, I'm really glad I did it. I have had a few relapses recently when I've been out drinking, but I've put myself into check and will be working on not doing that again. The main thing I enjoy is the freedom, not being a slave to it. I don't have to put up with all sorts of weather, I don't have to leave the table when eating out at a restaurant, I don't have to worry about long plane journeys.

I would definitely recommend you picking up the book 'Easyway to give up smoking' by Allan Carr (not the comedian). It has an 80% success rate, everyone I know who has read it has given up including myself. For around £10 what have you got to lose? It's cheaper than smoking, and way cheaper that nicotine replacement shit. Even if you're not sure if you want to quit yet, pick it up anyway, start reading it. And thank me later.

I think it's definitely a double edged sword, creativity wise. I have some of my very best ideas while baked, but I need to be straight to execute them properly. Come up with cool story ideas, need to be straight to write properly. The only thing this doesn't affect for me is music, I can play in any state and don't really notice the difference. My songs are maybe less indulgent or heavy when I'm not high, I dunno.

I've stopped and started a number of times over the years, quitting and resuming for various reasons. I think it's tricky since both me and the mrs like to smoke, which means when we quit, we both quit like it or not, as the other person would have a hard time with one of us still chuffing away. It makes for a tense week :p

And I'm not kidding anyone least of all myself - this won't be forever, but it will be for a while at least. I just need to get the hang of being able to get a lil bit, smoke it and then not buy any more right away.

I'll keep the thread posted. When I need a cry I'll come blub here!


Yeah i gave up weed about 2 years ago. I can't function on it. I have no idea how people wake up, smoke a spliff and then go to work. Had to ditch a bunch of friends too but it was worth it.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Weed can be a good time if its done like once a month as an occasion. With no tolerance the stone can be pretty intensely awesome.

The DS was the last great handheld.

in hospital for a week. yay.

Read some awesome books.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.

no internet in new flat

going to starbucks everyday to use internet

hipsters everywhere

send help

Can't you connect your phone to your PC and use the phone as a MODEM ?

Watching "Piggy" right now, Need a movie cause i'm still depressed after that horrible comedown.

this actor is awesome


Watched him in,

Kill list

Wild bill

and now Piggy!

Through following his movies i have came across all these great british films.

no angel

Get well soon chinner.

Interesting to see people discussing giving up smoking, I've just bought myself an e-cigarette after a couple of friends used them to give up. Also have decided to rejoin the gym when I get back from my honeymoon. Figure at least it will give me something to do, it feels like for the last few months all I've been soon is sorting out wedding stuff and now it's over I'm at a total loose end. On the plus side the day went really well, i didnt fuck up my speech and it didnt rain at all!
Good luck Chinner, hope you have a laptop or something so you aren't bored.

Never smoked myself, normal or otherwise, I just didn't see the point, I'd end up poor and addicted with both.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I shouldn't have looked that up.

It's not that bad. Before I went to the doctor it was just searing pain. But to put it in a nutshell I won't be using using cotton buds after showering ever again.

But I'm on antibiotics and painkillers for a week. I don't want to end up looking like ol' crusty ears in the Wikipedia photo.
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