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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Write your book!! Writing is fun :) or you could trawl GAF, wait for November and do it in one hurried freak out and never look at it again like I do. What's it about?

Err - it's complicated

EDIT: lol, why the fuck would I post all this?!?!

I've got a lot of notes and drafts, but nothing I'm totally happy with to actually get started on yet.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Going to apply for a proper job in this warehouse, the pay bump would be pretty awesome.


Damn... A Level results day tomorrow...

Heart is running at 100bpm, and there is a colony of butterflies in my stomach.

First it was fancy ass bikes, now it's kids, I don't like having more people in this thread!

good luck, you'll do fine


As you wish, m'lady, so shall it be.

You will notice that I didn't actually edit my post. I went back in time and never typed it in the first place. Impressive, eh?

It was not necessary in any case. You wouldn't have been banned (or even had a finger wagged in your general direction) for that.

Mr. Sam

Damn... A Level results day tomorrow...

Heart is running at 100bpm, and there is a colony of butterflies in my stomach.

I felt like I was going to die the night before my A Level results. In retrospect, there was no reason to be worried - even if I'd totally flopped.





Err - it's complicated

So it's set in alternate Victorian London. SmokeyDave and kentpaul find they cannot hide their lust any longer. Atop a clock, which counts down the time until they reveal their love to world, they embrace.

Whilst this is all happening, Chinner wakes up after death in a strange land that seems hauntingly familiar - he's completely alone and begins a journey of discovery.

This sounds really cool. Thanks for posting this on a public forum where everyone is anonymous. >_>


haha, seriously though, that premise sounded great. I love me some alternate history.

Thanks - I'm gonna be asking people to proof read bits and bobs at some point, though I imagine that'll be a few months away at least. Shall post in here when that happens


Damn... A Level results day tomorrow...

Heart is running at 100bpm, and there is a colony of butterflies in my stomach.

Good luck man! Like Mr. Sam said, you'll be fine no matter what the outcome is :) I can still remember the week before my Higher results came out. I was underwater in some random Bulgarian swimming pool staring blankly at the tiles thinking about what my results will be.

Currently packing my stuff into boxes preparing the move at the end of the month. Will need to stay at the parents for a few days since the new place isn't available until the 5th Sept. It'll be good to catch up and get some home-cooking for a change.

Mario Party got me thinking, What's UK-GAF's favourite board game ever? Any hardcore Monopoly fans around? Risk? Scrabble perhaps?


I don't get it, is the word banned or not???

We don't have a list of banned words on GAF. There are various things that can result in a ban depending on context. A "u mad" might be acceptable in a community thread where it is obviously just teasing between posters who know each other and is not negatively impacting discussion, but not be acceptable in a thread in the OT, for instance.

Words like bitch, cunt, faggot, nigger, kike, etc. are essentially in the same category, but with a much higher level of scrutiny attached. It might be acceptable to use them in some instances, but those are narrowly construed. With cunt, for instance, I have ignored people using it in limericks as a sort of artistic exception, or people who were quoting what a person in a news story said. The general rule of thumb to use is to whether or not it is being used in an insulting manner - or what could be misconstrued as an insulting manner. And in that case, you guys have already come up with your replacement word and avatars.

Oh shit, see you later UK-GAF. We're being watched. Catch you guys in London. :O

I'm really nicer than you think.


Good luck man! Like Mr. Sam said, you'll be fine no matter what the outcome is :) I can still remember the week before my Higher results came out. I was underwater in some random Bulgarian swimming pool staring blankly at the tiles thinking about what my results will be.

Currently packing my stuff into boxes preparing the move at the end of the month. Will need to stay at the parents for a few days since the new place isn't available until the 5th Sept. It'll be good to catch up and get some home-cooking for a change.

Mario Party got me thinking, What's UK-GAF's favourite board game ever? Any hardcore Monopoly fans around? Risk? Scrabble perhaps?

I'm a big lover of board games. Favourites:

LoTR Risk / Risk 2210 - both great spins in their own ways
Blood Bowl Team Manager - a card game, so technically cheating, but amazing
Ankh MorporkRed November

always looking for more to play, though!

Wait, what was there before that caused Yenrot's post about privacy concerns?

I wrote out most of the main elements of a book I'm trying to write


I told you guys Mumei was reasonable.

Also, a mod just vindicated Jeremy. Does that make it more awesome or suddenly not cool, like your parents listening to your music?


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
I think I personally got too mad over the Jeremy-gate thing.

Board games, oh man.

Love me some Risk. Monopoly and Cluedo are all time classics, we play my copy of Pokemon Monopoly which is king. One of my housemates has the credit card one which is surprisingly good.


Playing Risk for the first time next week. A night of Risk, Cigars, Fine single malt and friends.

Should be good, need to learn the rules though...
My sleeping pattern is so fucked. Anyway good luck to anyway getting their alevel results in a few hours, I remember when I got mine, nearly shat myself when I got given the papers. Turned out okay though.


No work today which is nice. At Uni of Sussex for a regional training day/conference instead.

I had never walked around the campus before but it has alot more shops, cafes and restaurants then the Brighton uni campuses.


Going to apply for a proper job in this warehouse, the pay bump would be pretty awesome.

Chasing those Mad Stacks!

2012 Kentpaul > 2009 Kentpaul.

It was not necessary in any case. You wouldn't have been banned (or even had a finger wagged in your general direction) for that.
I didn't think so but I didn't want Musha worrying.

I'm kinda loathed to mention it lest I lose my Super Mod Powers, but do you have any idea why I can edit my posts without leaving a time stamp?
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