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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Chasing those Mad Stacks!

2012 Kentpaul > 2009 Kentpaul.

I didn't think so but I didn't want Musha worrying.

I'm kinda loathed to mention it lest I lose my Super Mod Powers, but do you have any idea why I can edit my posts without leaving a time stamp?

Checked on the site, looks like I'm a little late applying this time (ftl) But il be sure to try and get in for the xmas workers.

Payday tomorrow. I fly out to Holland in 11 days for the win of all wins. So tomorrow's wage pretty much will cover the rest of my spending money and my phone bill.


A slid stack, Not much there cause i had to grab some 20's here and there to live so fuck it. Once payday drops the stack will raise.

Looking to spend around 350-450 of Europe's legal tender when i'm over. That may not even be enough i hear amsterdam is expensive as fuck. Meh as long as i have the best weed in the planet in my tin il manage.

I'l update you guys on the full amount of legal tender once its been converted from real money to Europe's fail tender.


CHEEZMO™;41086345 said:
Yeah, you cant see the edit note on your own posts anymore. Kinda annoying.

Ah, rubbish. Mystery solved.

I thought there'd been some freak accident backstage that had left me with the superpower to correct small errors unnoticed.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I've probably left the edit message on a large proportion of my posts without realising it.

Take your time with your post and this will not happen. You can't always rush through life BGBW, It will be away before you know it.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
and difficult

fucking hipsters

the amount of people who go to Starbucks and just make out on the sofa for hours is fucking unreal

Well it's a lot more interesting than Taiwanese Starbucks, where people just go to have a nap with free air conditioning.

Mr. Sam

I wish people would be more specific than either of those vague terms if they're going to bother me with tales of their sexual conquests.

Jedeye Sniv

Damn... A Level results day tomorrow...

Heart is running at 100bpm, and there is a colony of butterflies in my stomach.

There's always resits, and if you're really obnoxious and entitled then you can say it was mis-marked and get a remark. But watch out, grades can go down as well as up! (I've said this a hundred times today already...)

Good luck though chap :)


Maturity, bitches.
On the way home yesterday I saw a couple making out outside a shop. Then this guy with a walking stick walking in the opposite direction looked at them and shouted "Stop it!". Thought it was rather bemusing.

Juicy Bob

How long do you spend searching for a job opportunity in the field you studied for before you bite the bullet and just go to Nando's or Wilkos or somewhere just for the sake of actually having a job?

Jedeye Sniv

Making out?

What's wrong with a simple getting off, boy? Are we not getting off with each other any more?

This country's gone to shit.

I think 'getting off' sounds more desperate and sloppy. Making out has that vaseline-lensed soft focus hue to it. Depends on your snogging style I guess...


Making out was said by curtain-coiffed skateboarding preppies on American school daze sitcoms when I was growing up. No-one said that to mean any specific form of kissing here, it was all getting off. Whenever anyone said 'making out' they'd do it in an ironic Californian accent because they heard it on Dawson's Creek.

I don't get the different definitions, I think they're the same thing but one's all yankified and glossy and literally makes even less sense than 'getting off'.

Maybe this lot mean 'making 'owt' as in 'making nothing', being Northern and that, it's the only explanation.


How long do you spend searching for a job opportunity in the field you studied for before you bite the bullet and just go to Nando's or Wilkos or somewhere just for the sake of actually having a job?

my plan:

get a graduate job (currently having a lot of success. Applied for 6 jobs and got 4 interviews)

if I can't get one by Christmas, apply to do a Masters at the University of Manchester, probably in something economics related and work part-time until that starts.

The missus' visa regulations mean that she can't leave the UK for more than 3 months a year for the next 2 years, so there's no escaping to Taiwan until 2014. Ah well, loving MCR at the moment, but fuck me if not having internet wasn't hard.

Ooh, I went to see Batman at the Printworks IMAX last night after a nice dinner at Tampopo. Quality night.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Just got a call to say I've got an interview for a job with the university I applied for, developing some online training modules. Said there's me and one other person getting interviewed and they were "very keen" on getting me in. Finger crossed I need this so fucking bad, £1200 tax free bursary, clears my overdraft.
my plan:

get a graduate job (currently having a lot of success. Applied for 6 jobs and got 4 interviews)

if I can't get one by Christmas, apply to do a Masters at the University of Manchester, probably in something economics related and work part-time until that starts.

The missus' visa regulations mean that she can't leave the UK for more than 3 months a year for the next 2 years, so there's no escaping to Taiwan until 2014. Ah well, loving MCR at the moment, but fuck me if not having internet wasn't hard.

Ooh, I went to see Batman at the Printworks IMAX last night after a nice dinner at Tampopo. Quality night.

Economics 4 lyf brah.


How long do you spend searching for a job opportunity in the field you studied for before you bite the bullet and just go to Nando's or Wilkos or somewhere just for the sake of actually having a job?
fresh graduate? Get a shitty retail/catering job immediately. You are not going to find the work you want quickly. Shop your CV around everywhere, apply for work experience placements, do voluntary work and keep working the shitty job to save up a war chest of funds that will allow you to relocate anywhere once you find the perfect job.


Economics 4 lyf brah.

Yeah. I'm looking at doing one of these MAs (if people have any input I'd appreciate it):

Development Economics and Policy MSc
Social Research Methods and Statistics MSc
Urban Regeneration and Development MA
Sociology MA


Social research methods and statistics MSc is probably the best for my career
my plan:

get a graduate job (currently having a lot of success. Applied for 6 jobs and got 4 interviews)

if I can't get one by Christmas, apply to do a Masters at the University of Manchester, probably in something economics related and work part-time until that starts.

The missus' visa regulations mean that she can't leave the UK for more than 3 months a year for the next 2 years, so there's no escaping to Taiwan until 2014. Ah well, loving MCR at the moment, but fuck me if not having internet wasn't hard.

Ooh, I went to see Batman at the Printworks IMAX last night after a nice dinner at Tampopo. Quality night.

Closet My Chemical Romance fan....


I'm a big lover of board games. Favourites:

LoTR Risk / Risk 2210 - both great spins in their own ways
Blood Bowl Team Manager - a card game, so technically cheating, but amazing
Ankh MorporkRed November

always looking for more to play, though!
I wrote out most of the main elements of a book I'm trying to write

Axis & Allies. Late nights and a whole lot of tension.

Board games, oh man.

Love me some Risk. Monopoly and Cluedo are all time classics, we play my copy of Pokemon Monopoly which is king. One of my housemates has the credit card one which is surprisingly good.

Mike, is Blood Bowl that turned-based american football game? I've always been meaning to give it a go. Same goes with Risk actually. That Metal Gear Solid one looks sexy! With my interest in games and world politics, I can't believe I've yet to play my first game :( I bet it can get quite rowdy! What's Axis and Allies like? similar to Risk?
Oh snap, forgot about Cluedo! I used to always pull the bluff smile to trick my friends into thinking I knew the end result. That coupled with Scrabble and excessive cheating on Monopoly made for good nights.


Mike, is Blood Bowl that turned-based american football game? I've always been meaning to give it a go. Same goes with Risk actually. That Metal Gear Solid one looks sexy! With my interest in games and world politics, I can't believe I've yet to play my first game :( I bet it can get quite rowdy! What's Axis and Allies like? similar to Risk?
Oh snap, forgot about Cluedo! I used to always pull the bluff smile to trick my friends into thinking I knew the end result. That coupled with Scrabble and excessive cheating on Monopoly made for good nights.

Yeah similar to risk but it's got a lot more strategy and less randomness even if it does still use dice. Started playing it when I was about 16 and it's still one of my favourite board games. Highly recommend it.


You never see your own edit timestamps while logged in, and there is a two minute grace period.

I was not aware that this was the case. I knew that there was a brief grace period (and if you edit really fast, it won't even show up for me and I can't see the previous version), but I've been able to see my edit timestamps while logged in even before I was a mod. I still don't know why I and some other people are able to see Dave's time stamp in this instance, but others are not, either.

Oh, and the best board game is Go. Damn kids and their new-fangled games with so many many parts and gizmos and whatsits.
So weird news for me. I got approached (via my recruiter) by Sony to work for Sony Financial Holdings Europe, a newly formed subsidiary that will be based in London.

Not sure what to do, the meeting is next week.


Mike, is Blood Bowl that turned-based american football game? I've always been meaning to give it a go. Same goes with Risk actually. That Metal Gear Solid one looks sexy! With my interest in games and world politics, I can't believe I've yet to play my first game :( I bet it can get quite rowdy! What's Axis and Allies like? similar to Risk?
Oh snap, forgot about Cluedo! I used to always pull the bluff smile to trick my friends into thinking I knew the end result. That coupled with Scrabble and excessive cheating on Monopoly made for good nights.

It is, but Blood Bowl Team Manager is just a card game based around it. Really quick and simple, but a hell of a lot of fun.

My group has actually just started playing Necromunda a few weeks ago. Loving it so far, but my gang is taking a beating like you wouldn't believe!

Have got MGS Risk too - it's actually not all that great compared to LoTR and 2210, but it's still worth giving a go if you've played a lot of the other versions.

I haven't played Axis and Allies, but your best bet is to go somewhere like boardgamegeek and take a look at what's about.

Where are you, btw? If you're not too far off then maybe we could set up some kind of introductory session to Risk or something?


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
they're not bad

black pararde was a bit too emo, but they know how to write a good song

And they were awesome at Leeds last year.

Three Cheers will always be up there for me.

EDIT: Oh and in my house at Uni we're fans of Settlers of Catan too.
You guys would be horrified if that were the case. I get the sense that it's like unpatriotic not to like that word or something. But no, I'm American.

Well considering my parents use the word, as does my girlfriend, it would be considered weird, at least, not to use the word.

But then again, we're dirty working class from the estate. I don't know how it is in the middle classes, but toffs love to swear.


So weird news for me. I got approached (via my recruiter) by Sony to work for Sony Financial Holdings Europe, a newly formed subsidiary that will be based in London.

Not sure what to do, the meeting is next week.

should you really be posting this kind of information online?


Maturity, bitches.
Unless he signed an NDA I don't see the harm in mentioning it. It's not like MI5 who ask you not to mention your job application with them.
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