Hey, if/when I meet people from this forum in real life, do I call them their names, if I know them, or their usernames?
Yeah we just introduce ourselves by our username and then real name, and call each other by our real names, Mark.
Yeah we just introduce ourselves by our username and then real name, and call each other by our real names, Mark.
That would be awesome.Also, real names all the way with usernames as an initial way to introduce yourself. I know I'd get some funny looks all day if someone kept yelling "hey shorty!"
Rules of Sumo Sundays:
- £19.50 - As much food as you want off the belt (but no grey or yellow plates), unlimited miso and green tea. No custom orders.
- One hour time limit.
You can rack up the £20 of food very quickly and then it's just pure savings from there on out. I ate £35 of stuff today as I wasn't feeling too hungry.
With his posting history i conclude he only eats at chain places without taking the time and effort to finding an awesome local place.
We can't all be the masters now.
All other Sushi restaurants are mega expensive.You ate £35 of Yo Sushi! sushi, which is like £5 worth of fish and rice. Yo! is such a huge rip-off, £20 for an hour is ridiculous. Are there no other sushi restaurants in your area?
I don't post about the awesome local places because none of you schlubs live in Plymouth so you wouldn't understand.With his posting history i conclude he only eats at chain places without taking the time and effort to finding an awesome local place.
We can't all be the masters now.
But breaking any restaurant down to base food cost will seem a rip-off. You're not paying for ingredients; you're paying for service and location.
let me put it this way: I wouldn't expect £20 to get me the amount of food I had yesterday in another restaurant that wasn't called McDonalds. And it was all tasty.Yo! is especially expensive though, you're paying more because they're in a shopping mall and so rent is super expensive, and what service? It's the Nando's of fish and rice.
let me put it this way: I wouldn't expect £20 to get me the amount of food I had yesterday in another restaurant that wasn't called McDonalds. And it was all tasty.
I was happy with my purchase. Stop being an organic hipster. Next you'll be telling me the S3 is the nandos of phones.
The only jellyfish I see here is you. You're so peanut butter and jellyfish about my amazing food deal.You disgust me, shouldn't you be the one in sandals extolling the virtues of hybrid cars?
What's happened to you man, to turn you into this jellyfish of consumerist apathy?
The only jellyfish I see here is you. You're so peanut butter and jellyfish about my amazing food deal.
Pizza Hut will send you to an early grave and they never have enough food out yo satisfy everyone.Pizza Hut All-You-Can-Eat is like £7 and they don't care how much you leave, and they don't shoo you off after an hour. You even tighten your purse strings the wrong way.
£7 too much for Pizza Hut.
Pizza Hut will send you to an early grave and they never have enough food out yo satisfy everyone.
Play games. Sometimes.You guys do anything except eat and drink?
You guys do anything except eat and drink?
I've been tackling some deep-forest gardening for the last five hours - damn brambles everywhere. Got to hoover the car, do the month end accounts, clear the garage and rustle up a roast in the next seven. Hell of a day. Anyone up to give me a hand?
You guys do anything except eat and drink?
I'm fairly sure one of your most recent posts in this thread was anti-local and pro-chain (maybe the burger discussion?)
Be consistent, Kent!
people want the best. Why pay for anything else?When it comes to pizza some people will not look past big chain places like pizza hut/domino's. Thats what really grinds my gears and makes me as a person give up faith in the public.
I support tesco in these cases. When it comes to pizza some people will not look past big chain places like pizza hut/domino's. Thats what really grinds my gears and makes me as a person give up faith in the public.
When it comes to pizza some people will not look past big chain places like pizza hut/domino's.
I've been known to complain here 'n' there.You guys do anything except eat and drink?
Absolutely but I think my colleagues might kill me. I'd much rather do that than spend today making sure my Welsh customers are groovy with their new fee-scales.I've been tackling some deep-forest gardening for the last five hours - damn brambles everywhere. Got to hoover the car, do the month end accounts, clear the garage and rustle up a roast in the next seven. Hell of a day. Anyone up to give me a hand?
Because Tesco is clearly a better choice, that lovely independent green grocer...
I hate going into smaller shops and feeling like i have to buy something.
You guys do anything except eat and drink?
I've been tackling some deep-forest gardening for the last five hours - damn brambles everywhere. Got to hoover the car, do the month end accounts, clear the garage and rustle up a roast in the next seven. Hell of a day. Anyone up to give me a hand?
Yes the UK will be a great country when all we have is Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury's. All of those independent retailers and green grocers can wither and die because all we need is three choices.
You guys do anything except eat and drink?
I've been tackling some deep-forest gardening for the last five hours - damn brambles everywhere. Got to hoover the car, do the month end accounts, clear the garage and rustle up a roast in the next seven. Hell of a day. Anyone up to give me a hand?
To be fair, as much as I love independents, some of them need to wake up and smell the fucking coffee, it's not 1950 anymore and having opening hours based on women being housewives and doing their shopping during the day is laughable.
Sick of these whining shopkeepers who open 9:30 till 5:30 yet whine they have no customers, that's because they are all at work you plebs, and when I finish work and want some food, guess who is open: the chains.
*raucous round of applause that lasts for hours*
I'd give you a hand if I lived in the South West!
Damn I love the South West.
Morrisons pizzas > all other supermarket pizzas.