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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Hanging out at Clapham Junction. The waiting room is unusually silent considering the number of people currently in it.

EDIT: Congrats Jonathan and Juicy Bob.
Congrats and congrats, mcflurries are bad m'kay?

Please explain the rickroll.

Pssh no. When you want some crap food and you've gone for a Maccy Ds, some free whippy-esque ice cream and chocolate? Excellent.

And my Pokemon/Rickroll bits in my speech:

We came to university not entirely sure what to expect, but with hope and ambition. We wanted to be the very best - like no-one ever was.


And things are going to be a challenge. Everyone’s going to have all sorts of practical advice on how to follow your dreams - making sure that you’re never going to give them up or let them down.


I could have been chowing on McFlurries all this time?!

Do you have to buy something else?

Medium or large meal IIRC. That or a cheeseburger.


I do wonder sometimes if kentpaul is permanently brain damaged from either drug overuse or being dropped on the head as a baby


I would throw SMB3 in there as well, but otherwise I agree.

I debated including SMB3 so I'm happy to review and alter my original decision.

OK, SMW / SMB3 > Super Meat Boy > All other Mario platformers.

I know it's sacrilegious to admit but SMG bored the tits off me. Quit halfway through. SM3DLand was better.


Jesus guys, it's only quarter past 11 and you're already pissed. Or you fell down the stairs or something.

You'd best not be dissin' Radiohead, son.
You'd just best not be, is all.

I debated including SMB3 so I'm happy to review and alter my original decision.

OK, SMW / SMB3 > Super Meat Boy > All other Mario platformers.

I know it's sacrilegious to admit but SMG bored the tits off me. Quit halfway through. SM3DLand was better.

All that fresh air you're getting on those bikes is seriously messing with your head, man.
SMG bored you?

PS. I love that this thread is by far most active during working hours in the UK.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Lol. They're so different, how can you compare?

That's like saying Radiohead > Chicken Tikka Masala. Which is totally true, but isn't really relevant to anything :p

There both video games. Close enough for me.

I debated including SMB3 so I'm happy to review and alter my original decision.

OK, SMW / SMB3 > Super Meat Boy > All other Mario platformers.

I know it's sacrilegious to admit but SMG bored the tits off me. Quit halfway through. SM3DLand was better.

SMB3 > SMW > PS1 RAYMAN > All others.

Never did like the 3D mario games, Back then i was a goldeneye player. To speak in pure facts i have to admit the N64 version of mario kart blows all other Karts before it and after it out of the water.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Radiohead is full of unrecognisable whiny lyrics over awesome instrumentals.

Creep and Lotus Flower are great songs though.


Maturity, bitches.
Graduated today.

On the good side, quoted Pokemon and slid a mini-Rickroll in to the ceremony in front of 1,500 people in my speech.

On the down side, no longer can get free student McFlurries.

A mixed day, then. :p
I thought you were better that that. You almost deserve to have your degree taken from you for Rick-rolling in 2012. I'll let it slide for the Pokémon bit.

I forgot about my free McFlurries. If I recall my local didn't do the offer so I had to go further afield if I wanted one.

I've recently finished my post-grad course. Never, ever want to do any more studying of anything ever again.
My mother thinks I should do a Masters at Birkbeck or someplace similar. I really don't fancy the idea of going back to education just yet.

And to contribute to this greater than comparison topic.

My opinion > Your opinion



I'd take a curry over depressing songs any day of the week. I'll admit that a Tikka Masala aint a decent curry though, but still.

Radiohead songs aren't all depressing - but I admit, there's a lot of downbeat stuff.
Tikka Masala is OK, but you need to spice it up. But then, at that point, you might aswel have a decent curry.

Radiohead is full of unrecognisable whiny lyrics over awesome instrumentals.

Creep and Lotus Flower are great songs though.

Radiohead have a fuckton of amazing tracks. See anything from OK Computer, In Rainbows, HTTT, Amnesiad, Kid A, TKoL and most of The Bends in that order.

Ignore everything on Pablo other than Creep.

My opinion > Your opinion

I couldn't agree more. My opinion > Your opinion.

Jedeye Sniv

Super Meat Boy > Every Mario ever with the possible exception of Super Mario World.

That's a bit like saying having your testicles stamped on is preferable to a blowjob though. One is a far more advanced and masochistic version of the other. Both a perfectly valid ... if you're into that sort of thing.

I really loved super meat boy but I think there are perhaps a few (dozen) too many levels, and it makes me rage like no other game ever has. I think I got about 4 worlds in and quit
I thought you were better that that. You almost deserve to have your degree taken from you for Rick-rolling in 2012. I'll let it slide for the Pokémon bit.

And to contribute to this greater than comparison topic.

My opinion > Your opinion


Haha. All the example ones I got sent ended in like "here's a reading of a poem", and I was tempted to quote the great poem by the author Journey, 'Don't Stop Believing. Doing a rickroll in 2012 was worth it for chatting with tutors after and one of them mentioning it and doing a little dance when remembering the song.

And no my opinion > your opinion

Jedeye Sniv

Radiohead is full of unrecognisable whiny lyrics over awesome instrumentals.

Creep and Lotus Flower are great songs though.

Kent, I don't talk trash about euphoric trance or whatever it is you listen to while chomping on a benzo so don't be talking shit about my Radiohead brah :p

The only people who don't like Radiohead are people who have never sat down and listened to Radiohead.

Jedeye Sniv

PS. I love that this thread is by far most active during working hours in the UK.

lmao this is so true. The place is dead at weekends when we're all out living it up, and then buzzing in the week. Good employees all.

Today I have 200 kids handing their essays in. Turns out there are a myriad of ways to take the piss out of 16 year old. I haven't even needed to repeat my jokes yet...

Jedeye Sniv

Ignore everything on Pablo other than Creep.

No BizarroSniv, ignore Creep and enjoy the rest of a nice mid-90s indie record. Some very nice songs on there.

Maybe on the cuboid Bizarro earth you all enjoy Creep, it's one of those Radiohead songs I like to pretend never existed :p
The only people who don't like Radiohead are people who have never sat down and listened to Radiohead.



Radiohead collaborated with UNKLE. That's all I know about Radiohead. That and listening to people karaoke Creep on Rock Band.

Thom Yorke collaborated, not Radiohead. Unless I've missed a whole heap of sexy.

That's my only contribution to this horrifying conversation. If we can't all agree that Radiohead rock, the earth is fucked. This is what killed the dinosaurs.


Thom Yorke collaborated, not Radiohead. Unless I've missed a whole heap of sexy.

That's my only contribution to this horrifying conversation. If we can't all agree that Radiohead rock, the earth is fucked. This is what killed the dinosaurs.[/QUOTE]

You know the times I've disagreed with you recently? Yeah, forget it. I'm ready to start a beautiful bromance.

No BizarroSniv, ignore Creep and enjoy the rest of a nice mid-90s indie record. Some very nice songs on there.

Maybe on the cuboid Bizarro earth you all enjoy Creep, it's one of those Radiohead songs I like to pretend never existed :p

Ehh, I never really liked Pablo, but Creep touches me in deep, boxer-covered places.

As long as we can all agree that a delicious combination of OK Computer/In Rainbows folded together into a masterful playlist ain't a bad thing to listen to as you slowly chip away your working hours, then I'm all good :)

Any Sigur Rós fans hereabouts?


I guess I shouldn't mention my opinion on the two Radiohead songs I've heard then.

Out of interest, what 2 songs are they?

Recommended gateway drugs:
Fake Plastic Trees
Karma Police
Paranoid Android
All I Need
Exit Music (For a Film)
The Bends


I have to post a link to a GIF I just saw because it has made my life complete. It's mildly NSFW (no nudity but cleavage for days). Please let's not derail into any hot chick stuff, I just wanted to share this one GIF on a sunny Friday afternoon:



You know the times I've disagreed with you recently? Yeah, forget it. I'm ready to start a beautiful bromance.

Ah, see I was ready because you disagree with me!

2+2=5 is another gateway track.

Jedeye Sniv

Ehh, I never really liked Pablo, but Creep touches me in deep, boxer-covered places.

As long as we can all agree that a delicious combination of OK Computer/In Rainbows folded together into a masterful playlist ain't a bad thing to listen to as you slowly chip away your working hours, then I'm all good :)

Any Sigur Rós fans hereabouts?

Creep reminds me too much of being 13 and TERRIBLY SERIOUS. There is some great stuff on Pablo Honey though, and I will defend it to my grave. It reminds me very much of an old friend, and we used to listen to it probably even mroe than the Bends back in the day. You, Anyone Can Play Guitar, Lurgee, Thinking About You... oh man that's a good record, I know what I'm listening to after this Conor Oberst record.

I do like all the RH records though, I'd say Amnesiac is probably my least favourite, In Rainbows probably at the top. And as with most things I'm into, I tend to the obscura - Radiohead's b-sides are sublime. When i was 16 I listened to them more than anything, and some of the best stuff they've ever done isn't on any albums. B-Side Radiohead were a bona fide ROCK BAND for a while, with riffs and snarls and everything. Great stuff.

EDIT: best RH songs (by each album, plus b-sides):
How Do you
Talk Show Host
Palo Alto
How to Disappear Completely
Life in a Glass House
There There
True Love Waits
The Reckoner
Four Minunte Warning
Lotus Flower
These are my Twisted Words

I like Sigur Ros too, although I find them a bit patchy. I like Agaetis Byurjun (I mangled the fuck out of that didn't I?) and Takk the best, although I find Takk is so emotionally charged it's hard to listen to, especially in public. Big distortion makes me weepy.

UKGAF! Top 5 favourite bands/acts/artists. Go!


Maturity, bitches.
Out of interest, what 2 songs are they?

Recommended gateway drugs:
Fake Plastic Trees
Karma Police
Paranoid Android
All I Need
Exit Music (For a Film)
The Bends
The two in bold.

I have to post a link to a GIF I just saw because it has made my life complete. It's mildly NSFW (no nudity but cleavage for days). Please let's not derail into any hot chick stuff, I just wanted to share this one GIF on a sunny Friday afternoon:


She's on YouTube and goes by the name of MissHannahMinx. However I warn you she seems to be a bit of a Weeaboo and puts on annoying "kawaii" voice. Though I suppose you could always press the mute button.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
I'm a huge Radiohead fan, that's all I'll say as I'm at work and don't wanna type out a nice big album/song favourite list.

Anyone ever flick on to Really in the evening? That Extreme Makeover show and Ace of Cakes have been my viewing for when I get back from work and don't have internet at home in Newcastle atm.
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