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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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UKGAF! Top 5 favourite bands/acts/artists. Go!

My top 5 can change depending on what mood I'm in, but recently it's been pretty static at

The Rasmus (always my number one)
Avenged Sevenfold
System of a Down
Faith No More
Papa Roach

Purely because if I can't think of what I want to listen to, or not sure what I'm in the mood for, guarenteed I can stick any of them on and immediately have my mood lifted and be in my happy place.

Terry Nutkins passed away :(

RIP :(


UKGAF! Top 5 favourite bands/acts/artists. Go!

1. Led Zepplin
2. The Stones
3. Daft Punk
4. The Who
5. Bowie

Runners up: Queen, The Clash, The Beatles (circa Abbey Road), Grandmaster Flash, Public Enemy, Elton John, Peter Gabriel...


UKGAF! Top 5 favourite bands/acts/artists. Go!

Phew, blimey, I dunno.

1: The Prodigy
Joint 2nd: Nina Simone, Radiohead, Bob Dylan, Miles Davis.

I think. I really can't decide. The only 'lock' in that list is number 1.

Now I look at the list and think "where the fuck is Captain Beefheart? Am I mad?!".

She's on YouTube and goes by the name of MissHannahMinx. However I warn you she seems to be a bit of a Weeaboo and puts on annoying "kawaii" voice. Though I suppose you could always press the mute button.
Ah, the good old 'Pussycat Doll' method. Nice.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
No order.
  • Fall Out Boy
  • Radiohead
  • Blink 182
  • Justin Timberlake
  • The Smiths

It changes a lot but those are consistently there, in my regular rotation.

EDIT: Argh, you guys are are killing me, gotta add honorables:
Smashing Pumpkins, Iron Maiden, Offspring, My Chemical Romance, Kanye, Jay Z, Rage Against The Machine, Thrice, Billy Talent, RHCP, Bloc Party.
I should stop now the list is getting long.

I'm terrible at remembering, should just go to my music library.


Creep reminds me too much of being 13 and TERRIBLY SERIOUS. There is some great stuff on Pablo Honey though, and I will defend it to my grave. It reminds me very much of an old friend, and we used to listen to it probably even mroe than the Bends back in the day. You, Anyone Can Play Guitar, Lurgee, Thinking About You... oh man that's a good record, I know what I'm listening to after this Conor Oberst record.

I do like all the RH records though, I'd say Amnesiac is probably my least favourite, In Rainbows probably at the top. And as with most things I'm into, I tend to the obscura - Radiohead's b-sides are sublime. When i was 16 I listened to them more than anything, and some of the best stuff they've ever done isn't on any albums. B-Side Radiohead were a bona fide ROCK BAND for a while, with riffs and snarls and everything. Great stuff.

EDIT: best RH songs (by each album, plus b-sides):
How Do you
Talk Show Host
Palo Alto
How to Disappear Completely
Life in a Glass House
There There
True Love Waits
The Reckoner
Four Minunte Warning
Lotus Flower
These are my Twisted Words

I like Sigur Ros too, although I find them a bit patchy. I like Agaetis Byurjun (I mangled the fuck out of that didn't I?) and Takk the best, although I find Takk is so emotionally charged it's hard to listen to, especially in public. Big distortion makes me weepy.

UKGAF! Top 5 favourite bands/acts/artists. Go!

I never really got into PH in the early days, I was only 10 when OK Computer came out (I like to think I was the youngest person to love that record at the time) so that's my defense.

I REALLY need to check out the b-sides more. I have the 2-cds of most Radiohead albums, but I need to give those Disc2's a listen.

Am a huge fan of These Are My Twisted Words and Harry Patch, though :)

If you're a B-sides fan you should check out the label that Guy Garvey (of Elbow) is setting up - they're only going to release b-side EPs. Rules to release on his label: 4 songs total, one must be instrumental, one must have vocals, no singles or album tracks.

Yeah, Sigur Rós is an odd band to listen to in public as I find most of their music quite personal and introspective. Amazing AMAZING live though.

Top 5 Bands (in no order)
1. Radiohead
2. The Shins
3. The Beatles
4. Sigur Rós
5. Bright Eyes/Brand New (fighting over that 5th spot)

Have seen 'em all live except The Beatles. :(

Aye. They played Latitude festival when I went and were absolutely incredible: headliner going in to the night, gorgeous music and then it just exploded in colour and confetti and felt pretty magical at the time.

I WAS THERE! That was fucking fantastic. It's the one time I took magic mushrooms - I was offered them by a random guy in a campsite with a whole Tesco carrier bag of them. He let me take a handful - I took a large handful and snarfed them, being unknowledgable about how many to take. He went white and looked worried about me so I freaked out and ran back to my tent. Amazing trip though, made Sigur Rós even more epic. Didn't the sky just open with rain during Samskeyti?

Jedeye Sniv

1. Led Zepplin
2. The Stones
3. Daft Punk
4. The Who
5. Bowie

Runners up: Queen, The Clash, The Beatles (circa Abbey Road), Grandmaster Flash, Public Enemy, Elton John, Peter Gabriel...

Did you time travel to us from the year 1980? :p FAKE EDIT: aww, daft punk throwing off the averages there!

My top 5 can change depending on what mood I'm in, but recently it's been pretty static at

The Rasmus (always my number one)
Avenged Sevenfold
System of a Down
Faith No More
Papa Roach

Purely because if I can't think of what I want to listen to, or not sure what I'm in the mood for, guarenteed I can stick any of them on and immediately have my mood lifted and be in my happy place.

Did you time travel to us from the year 2002? :p

I kid I kid, I'm always facscinated by people's music tastes. It says something. I'm not particularly sure what that is, but there's a vibe you get from someone's top 5. I know Musha would fuck me up in a moshpit for instance. And Steve is obviously a skinny white dude with a mullet and a mustache. He must be.

I've been thinking carefully, here's my list

1. Los Campesinos!
2. Slow Club
3. Reuben
4. Radiohead
5. Smashing Pumpkins

So obviously going by my list I am a stripey t-shirted, skinny jeans hipster with a thing for analogue recording and Big Muff pedals. Ok, I concede I do love a Big Muff.
Did you time travel to us from the year 2002? :p



I've been thinking carefully, here's my list

1. Los Campesinos!
2. Slow Club
3. Reuben
4. Radiohead
5. Smashing Pumpkins

So obviously going by my list I am a stripey t-shirted, skinny jeans hipster with a thing for analogue recording and Big Muff pedals. Ok, I concede I do love a Big Muff.

Yeah, you're a hipster right there.

It's hard not to have a place for Reuben in top 5, but I always felt like they were 1 album away from recording my favourite album of all time.

Jedeye Sniv

Phew, blimey, I dunno.

1: The Prodigy
Joint 2nd: Nina Simone, Radiohead, Bob Dylan, Miles Davis.

I think. I really can't decide. The only 'lock' in that list is number 1.

Now I look at the list and think "where the fuck is Captain Beefheart? Am I mad?!".

Ah, the good old 'Pussycat Doll' method. Nice.

That is incredibly all over the shop, but all good choices. You are very obviously in your thirties.

No order.
  • Fall Out Boy
  • Radiohead
  • Blink 182
  • Justin Timberlake
  • The Smiths

It changes a lot but those are consistently there, in my regular rotation.

This is like two lists by two people jammed together. Admirably diverse. I think the Smiths is the key to understanding this discog, the pop and poetry that the others reflect like facets of a diamond.

I never really got into PH in the early days, I was only 10 when OK Computer came out (I like to think I was the youngest person to love that record at the time) so that's my defense.

I REALLY need to check out the b-sides more. I have the 2-cds of most Radiohead albums, but I need to give those Disc2's a listen.

Am a huge fan of These Are My Twisted Words and Harry Patch, though :)

If you're a B-sides fan you should check out the label that Guy Garvey (of Elbow) is setting up - they're only going to release b-side EPs. Rules to release on his label: 4 songs total, one must be instrumental, one must have vocals, no singles or album tracks.

Yeah, Sigur Rós is an odd band to listen to in public as I find most of their music quite personal and introspective. Amazing AMAZING live though.

Top 5 Bands (in no order)
1. Radiohead
2. The Shins
3. The Beatles
4. Sigur Rós
5. Bright Eyes/Brand New (fighting over that 5th spot)

Have seen 'em all live except The Beatles. :(

Oh yeah, Harry Patch is wonderful isn't it? Whenever I hear it I walk around singing that string section for like a week.Their B-Sides are great. IMO, the Bends and Hail to the Thief are the best eras for them. Cuttooth! OMG, listen to this song asap! It's like Radiohead writing an REM song.

Your top 5 is very interesting, some very vulnerable and introspective choices there. Tell me, did you like The Get Up Kids too? Your list puts me in mind of backpacks and cursive handwriting in a line ruled pad. Converse trainers.

I really like that Guy Garvey label you mention too - I've been saying for years that a string of EPs is the optimal format to release music. You get a much strong sense of progression and development of the artist, as well as allowing the listener to really focus in on the songs you've put out. Not sure about the didacticism of the "one instrumental, one wordy" thing but I like the idea for the label for sure.
No order

The XX
Arctic Monkeys
LCD Soundsystem
Kanye West
Daft Punk

None of these would probably be in my top 5, but they're all excellent choices and the closest yet in this thread to my own taste (well, maybe I wouldn't include Arctic Monkeys). I feel it's a bit too soon to make such a statement about The xx, but I can easily see them being top 5 after an album or two more.


That is incredibly all over the shop, but all good choices. You are very obviously in your thirties.

It's torturing me. Why did I leave out Hendrix? What about Pulp? WHAT ABOUT PULP?!!

You've done a number one me, man. I'm no good with these top 5's.

Edit: Oh god, Joan Baez. It's only been a matter of months since I looked her in the eye and went weak at the knees and yet she isn't on my list :(

Jedeye Sniv

Yeah, you're a hipster right there.

It's hard not to have a place for Reuben in top 5, but I always felt like they were 1 album away from recording my favourite album of all time.

I loved In Nothing We Trust and again, I'm all about the B-Sides for those guys. Pre LP1 was the best for me.

1. Pink Floyd
2. Iron Maiden
3. Led Zeppelin
4. Dire Straits
5. Metallica

Seen the ones it is still possible to see.

46 year old father of three? 5 o'clock shadow. Air guitar. "Greatest Driving Anthems In the World... Ever" sunbleached cover always on top of the dashboard.

1.) Rage Against the Machine
2.) The Offspring
3.) Metallica
4.) Nas
5.) Iron Maiden/Kanye West/Lupe Fiasco depending on my mood.

That's an interesting list. I know lots of people like you. Metal + hip hop. Can't go much wrong with that! I think you like to wear a hat more often than not. You maybe used to skate.

Jedeye Sniv

No order

The XX
Arctic Monkeys
LCD Soundsystem
Kanye West
Daft Punk

You are young, but not quite as young as you would like to be. Your choice of old Arctic Monkeys vs new will inform me a lot about you. If you say new, you are much more likely to try heroin in your future. In a couple of years time you will be over the XX (much like Bloc Party fans now vs 6 years ago).

1) Susumu Hirasawa
2) Howard Shore
3) The Beatles
4) Grum
5) Digitalism

Nope, nothing :p actually, your surly refusal to even skirt the mainstream (minus the Beatles who are almost a 'fuck you' to the notion of popular music) tells me that you probably have a beard. People think you are more stern than you are.


Obsidian fan
1: Hendrix
2: Queen

Then in no particular order

Daft Punk
Germany Germany

More electronic music than I was thinking. Wanted to put some rap/hip-hop in there but I couldn't put any artist above the ones I listed without lying to myself :/

I've probably forgotten some names that will probably come back to me later. Always happens when I need to list stuff like this.


No order

The XX
Arctic Monkeys
LCD Soundsystem

Kanye West
Daft Punk

Love these guys so much - all 3 could happily be in my top 10. Might have to give Kanye West a try for being on this list.

Oh yeah, Harry Patch is wonderful isn't it? Whenever I hear it I walk around singing that string section for like a week.Their B-Sides are great. IMO, the Bends and Hail to the Thief are the best eras for them. Cuttooth! OMG, listen to this song asap! It's like Radiohead writing an REM song.

Your top 5 is very interesting, some very vulnerable and introspective choices there. Tell me, did you like The Get Up Kids too? Your list puts me in mind of backpacks and cursive handwriting in a line ruled pad. Converse trainers.

I really like that Guy Garvey label you mention too - I've been saying for years that a string of EPs is the optimal format to release music. You get a much strong sense of progression and development of the artist, as well as allowing the listener to really focus in on the songs you've put out. Not sure about the didacticism of the "one instrumental, one wordy" thing but I like the idea for the label for sure.

Never liked TGUK, actually, but a lot of my friends when I was 16 loved them. More of a messenger bag wearer than backpacks but I do love me some Converse. I do write a lot in notepads too, actually. I'm so glad the 'emo' thing seems to have died out of popularity, because I fit the bill with a lot of the music I listen to, clothes I wear and how I live, but I really didn't like being associated with all those poser shitheads - which absolutely plagued me from 15-21.

I'm a big fan of Elbow and I'm excited to see what happens with that record label - like you I'm not too sure about forcing one instrumental and one wordy but I like that there's a framework to put bands out of their comfort zone.

The thing that I really love about a b-side is that it never has to sell so you get to either experiment with what you want to do in the future with your music, record something you love, but never think is going to be popular or just make a track that you know your hardcore fans are going to love.

You are young, but not quite as young as you would like to be. Your choice of old Arctic Monkeys vs new will inform me a lot about you. If you say new, you are much more likely to try heroin in your future. In a couple of years time you will be over the XX (much like Bloc Party fans now vs 6 years ago).

New Arctic Monkeys is amazing stuff - they remind me of the Beatles purely in the way that their style has evolved from their first record to now.
You're probably right about the XX too - but I really hope they come out with a fucking fantastic 3rd album to prove you wrong.

I like Jedeye's way of figuring out who we are through our music here.

I'm just waiting for somebody to troll him with Beiber, Britney, Gaga, Lopez and Jessie J

Jedeye Sniv

CHEEZMO™;41852873 said:
1: Hendrix
2: Queen

Then in no particular order

Daft Punk
Germany Germany

More electronic music than I was thinking. Wanted to put some rap/hip-hop in there but I couldn't put any artist above the ones I listed without lying to myself :/

I've probably forgotten some names that will probably come back to me later. Always happens when I need to list stuff like this.

I would never ever ever have pegged you as a Hendrix fan. You have just cracked my mind wide open with a crowbar of awesome. I - you are unquantifiable to my skills. You're young, furry and into classic rock?? Psychedelic rock too! How many drugs do you do? If you say none, I'm going to have to rethink my entire universe. It makes no sense any more.

Love these guys so much - all 3 could happily be in my top 10. Might have to give Kanye West a try for being on this list.

Kanye is OK IMO but way overrated too. Very self indulgent. Try it though for sure.

Never liked TGUK, actually, but a lot of my friends when I was 16 loved them. More of a messenger bag wearer than backpacks but I do love me some Converse. I do write a lot in notepads too, actually. I'm so glad the 'emo' thing seems to have died out of popularity, because I fit the bill with a lot of the music I listen to, clothes I wear and how I live, but I really didn't like being associated with all those poser shitheads - which absolutely plagued me from 15-21.

From 16 - 23 I was very emo. My prize possession was a tight Rival Schools t-shirt that I rocked with short, side parted hair (like I was in Cave In or something). But this was emo before the media warped it into the pop-punk-goth look that it's known as today. I liked our emo. Jimmy Eat World reprazent!

I'm a big fan of Elbow and I'm excited to see what happens with that record label - like you I'm not too sure about forcing one instrumental and one wordy but I like that there's a framework to put bands out of their comfort zone.

The thing that I really love about a b-side is that it never has to sell so you get to either experiment with what you want to do in the future with your music, record something you love, but never think is going to be popular or just make a track that you know your hardcore fans are going to love.

Exactly! And with b-sides your hardcore fans get to be all superior and elitest. Especially when they play them at gigs and like, 8% of the crowd goes utterly mental.

New Arctic Monkeys is amazing stuff - they remind me of the Beatles purely in the way that their style has evolved from their first record to now.
You're probably right about the XX too - but I really hope they come out with a fucking fantastic 3rd album to prove you wrong.

Ugh, I really can't stand new Arctic Monkeys. I get what they're going for, I just find it really boring. They started off sharp and angular and funny. I like their guitar tones these days but they're sonambulistic, a sleeping pill in musical form. I was looking forward to the new record after that heavy first single too. And then... saaadness...

I'm just waiting for somebody to troll him with Beiber, Britney, Gaga, Lopez and Jessie J

Thank fuck popgaf and UKGAF don't really overlap. Those people are weird.


None of these would probably be in my top 5, but they're all excellent choices and the closest yet in this thread to my own taste (well, maybe I wouldn't include Arctic Monkeys). I feel it's a bit too soon to make such a statement about The xx, but I can easily see them being top 5 after an album or two more.

You are young, but not quite as young as you would like to be. Your choice of old Arctic Monkeys vs new will inform me a lot about you. If you say new, you are much more likely to try heroin in your future. In a couple of years time you will be over the XX (much like Bloc Party fans now vs 6 years ago).

I put The XX because despite having their debut only 3 years ago they have been hugely influential to other albums since then that I really like (Drake being the best example I think). Also they give me good not too flashy avatars that suit me.
I've only really been into music for the last 3 years (I'm 22 in a month), but Arctic Monkeys were the one band that were favourites before then. I'm sure there is some nostalgia, but it's very impressive how every album changes their sound up a bit and I still find it thoroughly enjoyable. I'd probably put Whatever People Say... as my favourite, but Suck and See is 2nd. I don't see much heroin in my future though.

The list also doesn't really show what I've been listening to recently, been fucking with hip hop a bit. Schoolboy Q - Habits and Contradictions is probably my album of the year so far (haven't bothered with The XX leak yet). Looking forward to ASAP Rocky album as well.

I'm really not big into music. I wish I was, though.

Never too late. As I said I've only really been paying attention in the last few years and it's not hard to start developing a taste. Part of my starting point was year end lists ("fine guys I guess I should probably check out this Kanye album...") from sites like Pitchfork (some people have irrational hate for them), AVClub, GAF etc.


I put The XX because despite having their debut only 3 years ago they have been hugely influential to other albums since then that I really like (Drake being the best example I think). Also they give me good not too flashy avatars that suit me.
I've only really been into music for the last 3 years (I'm 22 in a month), but Arctic Monkeys were the one band that were favourites before then. I'm sure there is some nostalgia, but it's very impressive how every album changes their sound up a bit and I still find it thoroughly enjoyable. I'd probably put Whatever People Say... as my favourite, but Suck and See is 2nd. I don't see much heroin in my future though.

The list also doesn't really show what I've been listening to recently, been fucking with hip hop a bit. Schoolboy Q - Habits and Contradictions is probably my album of the year so far (haven't bothered with The XX leak yet). Looking forward to ASAP Rocky album as well.

Never too late. As I said I've only really been paying attention in the last few years and it's not hard to start developing a taste. Part of my starting point was year end lists ("fine guys I guess I should probably check out this Kanye album...") from sites like Pitchfork (some people have irrational hate for them), AVClub, GAF etc.

I get the impression that you'd really like Weezer.
Listen to The Blue Album at the next opportunity.
Thank me later - I have a Paypal and such.


venison crêpe
Now here's a man who enjoys his drugs! Shine on you crazy diamond! The inclusion of Royksopp suggests you've been part of a threesome. MMF.

Interesting because I've never taken drugs in my life! Nor have I ever smoked. None of it appeals to me at all. Maybe the euphoria from those five is my escape!

In return, much kudos for mentioning Slow Club. I'd really like to see them live some time. Lets Fall Back In Love is a favourite of mine but all their songs are very easy listening, particularly great for driving to I found.


Interesting because I've never taken drugs in my life! Nor have I ever smoked. None of it appeals to me at all. Maybe the euphoria from those five is my escape!

In return, much kudos for mentioning Slow Club. I'd really like to see them live some time. Lets Fall Back In Love is a favourite of mine but all their songs are very easy listening, particularly great for driving to I found.

MMF threesome confirmed.


Obsidian fan
I would never ever ever have pegged you as a Hendrix fan. You have just cracked my mind wide open with a crowbar of awesome. I - you are unquantifiable to my skills. You're young, furry and into classic rock?? Psychedelic rock too! How many drugs do you do? If you say none, I'm going to have to rethink my entire universe. It makes no sense any more.


Also, I just thought of Morricone. Cant think who I'd swap him with though.

If it was extended to 10 then there'd be a bigger spread of music but I can't be bothered right now.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Thank fuck popgaf and UKGAF don't really overlap. Those people are weird.

HONEY you'd better watch YOURSELF. GODNEY is incoming to ENACT her vengeance and randomly capitalise SOME words.

Yeah when they spill out into other threads man.

Also you didn't try to guess my personality and interests from my music ;)


Only counting mainline releases

Super Mario World > Super Mario 64 > Super Mario Galaxy/2 > Super Meat Boy > Super Mario Sunshine > Super Mario Bros 3 > the 'New Super Mario Bros' series > Super Mario Bros > Super Mario Bros 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Super Mario Bros 2 "The Lost Levels"

That's a bit like saying having your testicles stamped on is preferable to a blowjob though. One is a far more advanced and masochistic version of the other. Both a perfectly valid ... if you're into that sort of thing.
This is my favourite post ever.


Nope, nothing :p actually, your surly refusal to even skirt the mainstream (minus the Beatles who are almost a 'fuck you' to the notion of popular music) tells me that you probably have a beard. People think you are more stern than you are.

I used to have a beard. I don't think I act stern at all really. The first two are film composers. Their stuff is so good though that I just listen to it all the time. The last two are digital artists. Grum is actually a glasgow man. Some good tunes.


No order

The XX
Arctic Monkeys
LCD Soundsystem
Kanye West
Daft Punk

Apologies in advance for labelling you based on your music choice but why does every indie music listener have a soft spot for Kanye? it seems bizarre to me.

That's an interesting list. I know lots of people like you. Metal + hip hop. Can't go much wrong with that! I think you like to wear a hat more often than not. You maybe used to skate.

I wore caps at one point when I was little. Never skated except on Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 :p

Metal/punk fixation started off during the late 90s. Classmate on the bus used to let me listen to his Maiden cassettes and we'd always talk about how cool the album covers were. The first Metallica album I heard was Reload. I had the X Files movie soundtrack and this kid at cub scouts wanted it so we swapped tapes. Crazy Taxi in the arcades re-introduced me to the Offspring after Pretty Fly put me off them for a little while. Rage Against the Machine followed after I got tired of the Nu Metal scene. I wasn't into Korn when they were big but Paparoach, Staind, Linkin Park and Limp Biskit (Boiler, My Way, Faith and Take A Look Around were instrumentally great in my opinion) were played in the house. RATM felt genuine and raw compared to the stuff that was currently out at the time. Space Jam, Men in Black soundtracks and Michael Jackson albums post "Bad" got me into hiphop and it didn't intensify until Eminem's The Way I Am was released. I then ventured into old skool hiphop territory (Primarily Nas and Public Enemy) after discovering how bad 50 Cent's second album was.

I only know one person that is into both hiphop and rock/metal. Each crowd seems to always hate the other crowd's music. "uugh! Rap is crap!" and " Metal is just growling noise!"

To be honest, I'd like to think that my music taste all originated from my dad's constant playing of Beatles, Who, Bob Marley and Mike Oldfield. I still steal some of his CDs today.


I just realized how much I hate how restrictive the top 5 is.

I really wanted to mention At the Drive-In, The Mars Volta, Death Cab for Cutie, Kate Bush, Springsteen... the list could go on for years.

Now you're just taking the piss.

Wish I wasn't so busy in work so I could participate in this discussion more. Shorty, you have awesome taste in music.

Yeah, I think a full-blown discussion would be good. I'll be about tonight for it.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Can't imagine trying to make a top, I'll go with my most listened to over the past year or so.

The xx
Explosions in the Sky
The Smiths
The Hood Internet.


Ah, fucks sake, I forgot Roots Manuva. He'd probably make it into my original top 5.

Edit: Maybe Roni Size too. Can we have a top 50?

Jedeye Sniv

I put The XX because despite having their debut only 3 years ago they have been hugely influential to other albums since then that I really like (Drake being the best example I think). Also they give me good not too flashy avatars that suit me.
I've only really been into music for the last 3 years (I'm 22 in a month), but Arctic Monkeys were the one band that were favourites before then. I'm sure there is some nostalgia, but it's very impressive how every album changes their sound up a bit and I still find it thoroughly enjoyable. I'd probably put Whatever People Say... as my favourite, but Suck and See is 2nd. I don't see much heroin in my future though.

The list also doesn't really show what I've been listening to recently, been fucking with hip hop a bit. Schoolboy Q - Habits and Contradictions is probably my album of the year so far (haven't bothered with The XX leak yet). Looking forward to ASAP Rocky album as well.

Never too late. As I said I've only really been paying attention in the last few years and it's not hard to start developing a taste. Part of my starting point was year end lists ("fine guys I guess I should probably check out this Kanye album...") from sites like Pitchfork (some people have irrational hate for them), AVClub, GAF etc.

Personally I'd rate all the Monkeys albums is decending order from the first down to the newest. I like the second album a lot but everything post that is too syrupy for me.

Interesting because I've never taken drugs in my life! Nor have I ever smoked. None of it appeals to me at all. Maybe the euphoria from those five is my escape!

In return, much kudos for mentioning Slow Club. I'd really like to see them live some time. Lets Fall Back In Love is a favourite of mine but all their songs are very easy listening, particularly great for driving to I found.

A pleasure. Slow Club live are brilliant, and Rebecca is even sexier in person than your mind can comprehend. That northern charm!

CHEEZMO™;41853516 said:

Also, I just thought of Morricone. Cant think who I'd swap him with though.

If it was extended to 10 then there'd be a bigger spread of music but I can't be bothered right now.

You're thinking of swapping someone out for Morricone, and you're not a drug head? Dude...

HONEY you'd better watch YOURSELF. GODNEY is incoming to ENACT her vengeance and randomly capitalise SOME words.

Yeah when they spill out into other threads man.

Also you didn't try to guess my personality and interests from my music ;)

Oh dear, you appear to be possessed by the ghost of a dead crack addict. I'd see someone about that if I were you.

Well, you guys have all well and truly fucked my head. I need to rethink the world.


Maturity, bitches.
To be frank I prefer songs rather than bands so I may only like one or two songs from one group and that's it.

I like The Seekers though which just goes to illustrate how out of touch I'm going to be in a music conversation.
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