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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Would you really? WOULD YOU? We should totally YouTube this. I'm on my way!

Luckily, I probably won't have to drive the car again, so I'm in the clear from the ole' cock meets acid situation.

I was going to say I'd put it in vinegar as a bit of a cop-out, but I bet that'd sting like a fucker too.


Yorkshire. Doesn't matter anyway, i start a new job in November so wouldn't be able to find time.

Just saying that it is a valid excuse, even if a few people did come from Scotland for one.


Yorkshire. Doesn't matter anyway, i start a new job in November so wouldn't be able to find time.

Just saying that it is a valid excuse, even if a few people did come from Scotland for one.

Yeah, it is a vaid excuse, but you could most likely still make it work if you wanted to if the issue was purely distance, I think is the point :)

Jedeye Sniv

Yeah, it is a vaid excuse, but you could most likely still make it work if you wanted to if the issue was purely distance, I think is the point :)

Its kinda funny how in England we're like "it's an hour away? fuck that" when you hear about lunatics in the states who'll drive 5 hours to go to concerts all the time.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
A lack of money, plus the distance and Uni/Theatre commitments at the time will prevent me from coming.

Just enjoyed a nice BK meal, I should probably cut down... Had a Big Mac meal when I was drunk last night.
Just enjoyed a nice BK meal, I should probably cut down... Had a Big Mac meal when I was drunk last night.

I think I'm up to about a year now without fast food, but it's very difficult to refrain when drunk!

EDIT: And of course any health improvements made by abstaining are more than counteracted by the alcohol calories :(


Whenever I get back to Scotland we're having a meetup in Edinburgh or Glasgow.



Maturity, bitches.
In order to cut back on fast food I just get a wrap on McDs. Cutting back on the drink and fries should help.


You weren't invited
all he'd do is complain anyway.

oooh this pint tastes slightly bitter I know a guy down south right friendly broke who ferments his own ale and let me tell you know one can beat him at his trade I'll give you his number he's the best he lives in London don't you know


We really do need to sort a Northern meetup.

I'd be willing to visit Newcastle or Manchester for a meetup. Hell, I might be down in Manchester to see Pearl Jam in February so if there's a meetup a day before or after the gig then I'm there!
I'll be hanging out at the Oran Mor in the West End this Saturday if any gaffer feels like having a chat.


I've just recieved news which will make anyones poor day seem like you're walking on sunshine: My work has implemented a new OTE pay structure in work. Just got told my wages for the end of the month and I'm £600 worse off. £600.

I feel sick.


I've just recieved news which will make anyones poor day seem like you're walking on sunshine: My work has implemented a new OTE pay structure in work. Just got told my wages for the end of the month and I'm £600 worse off. £600.

I feel sick.

WTF dude, that's terrible!
Anything you can do to get some of that back?


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I've already said I'd come to any Scottish meet up arranged.

Whilst I've said I'd organise a Scottish meet-up, the earliest I'll be back home is probably late next year due to my health issues. That gives aw yoose Sassensachs and Taffies plenty ae time tae start savin' yer pennies. :)
I've just recieved news which will make anyones poor day seem like you're walking on sunshine: My work has implemented a new OTE pay structure in work. Just got told my wages for the end of the month and I'm £600 worse off. £600.

I feel sick.

How much were you earning per month before?


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I've just recieved news which will make anyones poor day seem like you're walking on sunshine: My work has implemented a new OTE pay structure in work. Just got told my wages for the end of the month and I'm £600 worse off. £600.

I feel sick.

I worked for a local government in Scotland in 2007/2008 when the whole Single Status debacle hit.

With great timing, everyone got their letters of their new payscale/salary a few days before Christmas 2007. Most people I knew were £5000-8000 down the shitter - especially the loyal employees with over 5 years service (which in the civil service means 80% of the staff.) I have never seen a greater morale dump in my entire life - which was only matched by the number of strikes, union membership applications and a good number of people taking early retirement and/or fucking off to the private sector.

Time to start firing off CVs I think, Spookie.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
So my main problem is that I think it has potential to be a really interesting world to tell stories in, but it's become too big for what I can actually manage right now. There are some fairly big plot holes that I need to mull over, because they could mean completely axeing characters and having to come up with new ones to fill in other plot aspects etc.

It all started as a fairly simple, a little bit cheesy story about a dying boy and his father, who is trying to do his best to make sure he can send the boy off to a pleasant afterlife - A lot of themes about the power of storytelling & folklore in religion.

But then I started considering the setting and have got a SORT OF steampunky victorian London vibe going on that I'm enjoying building up on. So then I wanted to populate it with some other characters, which happened to fit into my story really well and made the story feel much grander than it started, with a lot of different themes of relgion & belief explored. Then I realized I wanted the personal struggles of my characters to be mirrored in the world they lived in better, so I developed THAT further.

At this point, it's easily an 800 page book which I think has some interesting things to say & I could talk about for hours. I would cut it all back down and work on my original, simple idea, but I think I'd rather save this if I can't write it now.

So I think I'm going to shelf it for another year & work on something that won't turn into an epic that's beyond my experience. I just need another spark to get me going.

Thing to do probably, is just write it without overthinking it.

I've always had this problem with writing stuff, but it turns out I'm a way better editor than I am a writer - so whatever stupid guff I come up with first time round I can always edit the hell out of it afterwards.

I think it was Gore Vidal who, when asked how he set about research, said the he writes the book first, because then he knows what he has to research.

Just write the damn thing. Nobody else will see it until you have fiddled with it to your satisfaction, plot holes and all.

The belligerent no-hoper chav scum in this city (and this country) are just horrible and I don't care what made them that way or what happens to them... I want them to stop breeding, I want them to stay out of my face, and I would honestly prefer it if the police could just make them fucking disappear overnight or something. I wouldn't ask any questions, they wouldn't be missed. Not even poverty is any excuse for being a cunt. There are plenty of nice poor people, so it's not that. I just don't understand why some people enjoy being that way - mean spirited real-life trolls, invasive, angry, aggressive, bitter, violent twats. These poisonous, semi-retarded, aggro-pedalling Neanderthals just make daily life worse for everyone else.

Talk to them maybe?

I spent a lot of my life talking to tramps/drunks/skanks, possibly even chavs - whatever they are. Might even make a difference to some of them sometimes. Last time I had a burglar I asked if he fancied a cup of tea and we had a good old chat in the kitchen through the small hours and I like to think it did him a bit of good.

Mr. Sam

I wish they'd make another Burnout or Black though. I've no interest in Need For Speed - but this new one does look... rather impressive.


Mike, was your book the alternate history/clock one? If you're having trouble, the best advice I can give you is this: anthropomorphic dogs.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Burnout Paradise was the first game I Platinum'd. I loved that game - even if the final stretch on getting that Platinum was an absolute chore.

I'd love a straight up Vita racing game like Burnout Legends though. I spent a shitload of time with that UMD in my PSP.


Mike, was your book the alternate history/clock one? If you're having trouble, the best advice I can give you is this: anthropomorphic dogs.

Yeah, that's the one!
There are a lot of different elements in the book to think about and what tipped me over the edge in deciding to hold off was seeing Dishonored.

I've got this steampunky kinda setting, then I see what Dishonored did with steampunk (made it fresh and interesting by inventing Whale-Oil Punk) and I want something to make MY world stand out too.

It can all come in time! :)
I wish they'd make another Burnout or Black though. I've no interest in Need For Speed - but this new one does look... rather impressive.

Ideally, I'd like them to have the opportunity to create a brand new game, and NFS as a brand is so vague at this point they can basically do anything so long as it involves cars, which is close enough. So I'm happy.

Beats EA's god-awful efforts at making NFS games, anyway. Most Wanted was the last good one before Ward and the gang stepped in, and even that's a step short of true greatness.


You weren't invited

all he'd do is complain anyway.

Shots fired.

How d'you know?

I was making a joke about the stereotype. Probably should have made that clear. It appears to upset some of you.

WTF dude, that's terrible!
Anything you can do to get some of that back?

Nope. MD is panicking about the core business losing money hand over fist. He knee jerks trying to find ways to recover the money. He's already blanket fired all of the field staff who brought in new subscribers to the magazine. Now I imagine he's going to lose most of his sales staff due to a 30-60% wage cut. Just needed to get that off my chest as my brain is spinning at the moment.

Oh and thanks for the book recommendations y'day. Never did get round to saying that. I got distracted by X-COM.


Shots fired.

I was making a joke about the stereotype. Probably should have made that clear. It appears to upset some of you.

Nope. MD is panicking about the core business losing money hand over fist. He knee jerks trying to find ways to recover the money. He's already blanket fired all of the field staff who brought in new subscribers to the magazine. Now I imagine he's going to lose most of his sales staff due to a 30-60% wage cut. Just needed to get that off my chest as my brain is spinning at the moment.

Oh and thanks for the book recommendations y'day. Never did get round to saying that. I got distracted by X-COM.

easily done!
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