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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Incredibly pretty, her parents frequently worked abroad and she didn't move back to the UK until the end of high school so we kinda related on that factor, more into sports than music but she did play the flute, loves to travel, coming close to the end of her undergrad course in psychology, started taking judo classes, only watches 90210...yeaaah, I'm gonna check a list of recommended tv shows the next time I see her. We'll see how it goes.

Got anything special planned during your 5 days off?

Sounds good mate - hopefully you can open her eyes to some decent TV shows! The main thing is chemistry and it sounds like you're picking it up with her so that's a great start.

Nothing special for my 5 days - I had to use up some holiday before the end of the year, so I took 3 days this month (friday, monday, tuesday) and a couple in November.

I'm probably going to veg out, play XCOM, Dishonored and FIFA, have a bit of a sort out at home and maybe even do a bit of writing if I can motivate (which I'm fucking terrible at).


I'm betting it's the same thing all boys do when they have time off work - up at noon, junk food, drugs, video games and copious self abuse.

Man I really need a holiday...

Yes to junk food and video games, but I'm really going to try and be at least a tiny bit productive. I've been talking about writing this fucking book for forever and it still seems like this insurmountable task which is too daunting to start, so I'm going to try a smaller project and flex my muscles a bit. I just need a smaller idea to go with. Maybe I should try some short stories that could also help me world-build.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Nope, Nottingham, always Nottingham.

Oh no son, don't make me come down there!

Incredibly pretty, her parents frequently worked abroad and she didn't move back to the UK until the end of high school so we kinda related on that factor, more into sports than music but she did play the flute, loves to travel, coming close to the end of her undergrad course in psychology, started taking judo classes, only watches 90210...yeaaah, that won't do..Gonna give her a list of recommended tv shows the next time I see her. But yeah, she was interesting so we'll see how it goes.

Got anything special planned during your 5 days off?

:O nice!! song list...now! that's awesome, I'd love to head to a 90s hiphop night but I can never find one around here.

EDIT: New Django Unchained trailer!!! Anyone looking forward to this?


I do not remember a single fucking song right now. I know there's a couple I sang along to but I wasn't really paying attention to it, I know we got Wu Tang Clan Ain't Nuttin' To Fuck with.

I like to hope those came on.

I don't think I saw one unattractive girl in this place last night, just HONEYS EVERYWHERE MANG. I slept with like... none of them.
The belligerent no-hoper chav scum in this city (and this country) are just horrible and I don't care what made them that way or what happens to them... I want them to stop breeding, I want them to stay out of my face, and I would honestly prefer it if the police could just make them fucking disappear overnight or something. I wouldn't ask any questions, they wouldn't be missed. Not even poverty is any excuse for being a cunt. There are plenty of nice poor people, so it's not that. I just don't understand why some people enjoy being that way - mean spirited real-life trolls, invasive, angry, aggressive, bitter, violent twats. These poisonous, semi-retarded, aggro-pedalling Neanderthals just make daily life worse for everyone else.

Lived in Bath for 3 years, didn't encounter 1 serious arsehole, similar experience in Bristol - although I know there's plenty there... back in the North and its like I meet at least 3 horrible gobshites a day. I always see fuckin junkies and drunks walking around in their trackies, holding cans in the middle of the day, I have to worry about the security of my home and my car, I can't have a drink with the family without having my wits about me, its not safe to walk around some places at night alone, I've had people physically attack me for no reason, everybody around here has a thick skin or humour towards random verbal attacks because they're so much more common, there's always some scally coward trying to spoil things for everyone..

I wish we could just look into the future of kids and have them killed if that's all they're going to be.

It's making ME angry and bitter. It's making ME not a nice person. Proper pisses me off.

Jedeye Sniv

Yes to junk food and video games, but I'm really going to try and be at least a tiny bit productive. I've been talking about writing this fucking book for forever and it still seems like this insurmountable task which is too daunting to start, so I'm going to try a smaller project and flex my muscles a bit. I just need a smaller idea to go with. Maybe I should try some short stories that could also help me world-build.

Do it! The good thing about short stories is that they're actually finishable and give you a great confidence boost that you can ride into a full novel. And don't forget it's NaNoWriMo next month, so if you really want to push yourself you could always make it your mission to get 50k words down next month. I'm not doing it again this year at least, my fragile ego can't take three years running...! I still have a NaNo novel from two years ago that I want to flesh out into something actually good, but it's so laden with cliches that I can't bring myself to get back to it. I gotta kill my babies if I go back to it, it's going to be traumatic.

I know how you feel about motivation though, I'm meant to be writing a comic at the moment and I've got like 7 pages done. It's arduous and I don't even have to draw the fucker!

What are of the novel are you stuck on? Plotting or just getting the words onto the page?


I'm betting it's the same thing all boys do when they have time off work - up at noon, junk food, drugs, video games and copious self abuse.

Man I really need a holiday...

Sounds good mate - hopefully you can open her eyes to some decent TV shows! The main thing is chemistry and it sounds like you're picking it up with her so that's a great start.

Nothing special for my 5 days - I had to use up some holiday before the end of the year, so I took 3 days this month (friday, monday, tuesday) and a couple in November.

I'm probably going to veg out, play XCOM, Dishonored and FIFA, have a bit of a sort out at home and maybe even do a bit of writing if I can motivate (which I'm fucking terrible at).

ah writing! there's something therapeutic about writing. If you're needing motivation then head to a quiet coffee shop with a huge window. I can never get anything done at home when I got the TV and Xbox staring at me so I just head to a starbucks in the mornings and write there. Although, Jedeye's suggested plan isn't bad either. There's nothing wrong with staying in and playing video games and junk food-ing it as long as you're not stuck in an office wearing office clothes then it's all good :p

I do not remember a single fucking song right now. I know there's a couple I sang along to but I wasn't really paying attention to it, I know we got Wu Tang Clan Ain't Nuttin' To Fuck with.

I like to hope those came on.

I don't think I saw one unattractive girl in this place last night, just HONEYS EVERYWHERE MANG. I slept with like... none of them.

You got Wu-tang!! That alone is worth going. They must've played some Run DMC, Cypress Hill, De La Soul and Public Enemy. I'd be very impressed if they played some Eric B & Rakim and Afrika Bombaataa. Still, I'm pretty jelly :)


The belligerent no-hoper chav scum in this city (and this country) are just horrible and I don't care what made them that way or what happens to them... I want them to stop breeding, I want them to stay out of my face, and I would honestly prefer it if the police could just make them fucking disappear overnight or something. I wouldn't ask any questions, they wouldn't be missed. Not even poverty is any excuse for being a cunt. There are plenty of nice poor people, so it's not that. I just don't understand why some people enjoy being that way - mean spirited real-life trolls, invasive, angry, aggressive, bitter, violent twats. These poisonous, semi-retarded, aggro-pedalling Neanderthals just make daily life worse for everyone else.

Lived in Bath for 3 years, didn't encounter 1 serious arsehole, similar experience in Bristol - although I know there's plenty there... back in the North and its like I meet at least 3 horrible gobshites a day. I always see fuckin junkies and drunks walking around in their trackies, holding cans in the middle of the day, I have to worry about the security of my home and my car, I can't have a drink with the family without having my wits about me, its not safe to walk around some places at night alone, I've had people physically attack me for no reason, everybody around here has a thick skin or humour towards random verbal attacks because they're so much more common, there's always some scally coward trying to spoil things for everyone..

I wish we could just look into the future of kids and have them killed if that's all they're going to be.

It's making ME angry and bitter. It's making ME not a nice person. Proper pisses me off.
Goddamn, you make me wish I hadn't lost all hope. Seriously. If we all gave a shit then it wouldn't be like that, I reckon.

As it is, I figure this is the society we willingly created so this is the one that we're stuck in. It's been obvious that paying poor people to breed indiscriminately is a bad policy. We've known that making people dependent on state handouts makes them resent the hand that feeds them since the 70's, if not before. We walked into this situation with eyes wide open.

I hope to move to a nice little suburb and bring my children up in an excessively twee upper middle-class area before fucking off to France when they've left home. I always thought I'd want 'em to grow up poor because I did and I feel better for it, but now I feel differently.

Some parts of North Nottingham are so fucking grim that a quick 10 minute walk can leave you suicidal. Lots of 3rd generation unemployed households with '0' income.


The belligerent no-hoper chav scum in this city (and this country) are just horrible and I don't care what made them that way or what happens to them... I want them to stop breeding, I want them to stay out of my face, and I would honestly prefer it if the police could just make them fucking disappear overnight or something. I wouldn't ask any questions, they wouldn't be missed. Not even poverty is any excuse for being a cunt. There are plenty of nice poor people, so it's not that. I just don't understand why some people enjoy being that way - mean spirited real-life trolls, invasive, angry, aggressive, bitter, violent twats. These poisonous, semi-retarded, aggro-pedalling Neanderthals just make daily life worse for everyone else.

Lived in Bath for 3 years, didn't encounter 1 serious arsehole, similar experience in Bristol - although I know there's plenty there... back in the North and its like I meet at least 3 horrible gobshites a day. I always see fuckin junkies and drunks walking around in their trackies, holding cans in the middle of the day, I have to worry about the security of my home and my car, I can't have a drink with the family without having my wits about me, its not safe to walk around some places at night alone, I've had people physically attack me for no reason, everybody around here has a thick skin or humour towards random verbal attacks because they're so much more common, there's always some scally coward trying to spoil things for everyone..

I wish we could just look into the future of kids and have them killed if that's all they're going to be.

It's making ME angry and bitter. It's making ME not a nice person. Proper pisses me off.

It sounds to me like you need a holiday. Or we could send all the scumbags off to Australia or somewhere?

I meant to reply to your post about this on Facebook, but it was 2am when I saw it, so I wasn't quite awake enough to reply.

Hit me up if you need a vent, buddy!

Do it! The good thing about short stories is that they're actually finishable and give you a great confidence boost that you can ride into a full novel. And don't forget it's NaNoWriMo next month, so if you really want to push yourself you could always make it your mission to get 50k words down next month. I'm not doing it again this year at least, my fragile ego can't take three years running...! I still have a NaNo novel from two years ago that I want to flesh out into something actually good, but it's so laden with cliches that I can't bring myself to get back to it. I gotta kill my babies if I go back to it, it's going to be traumatic.

I know how you feel about motivation though, I'm meant to be writing a comic at the moment and I've got like 7 pages done. It's arduous and I don't even have to draw the fucker!

What are of the novel are you stuck on? Plotting or just getting the words onto the page?

So my main problem is that I think it has potential to be a really interesting world to tell stories in, but it's become too big for what I can actually manage right now. There are some fairly big plot holes that I need to mull over, because they could mean completely axeing characters and having to come up with new ones to fill in other plot aspects etc.

It all started as a fairly simple, a little bit cheesy story about a dying boy and his father, who is trying to do his best to make sure he can send the boy off to a pleasant afterlife - A lot of themes about the power of storytelling & folklore in religion.

But then I started considering the setting and have got a SORT OF steampunky victorian London vibe going on that I'm enjoying building up on. So then I wanted to populate it with some other characters, which happened to fit into my story really well and made the story feel much grander than it started, with a lot of different themes of relgion & belief explored. Then I realized I wanted the personal struggles of my characters to be mirrored in the world they lived in better, so I developed THAT further.

At this point, it's easily an 800 page book which I think has some interesting things to say & I could talk about for hours. I would cut it all back down and work on my original, simple idea, but I think I'd rather save this if I can't write it now.

So I think I'm going to shelf it for another year & work on something that won't turn into an epic that's beyond my experience. I just need another spark to get me going.

Goddamn, you make me wish I hadn't lost all hope. Seriously. If we all gave a shit then it wouldn't be like that, I reckon.

As it is, I figure this is the society we willingly created so this is the one that we're stuck in. It's been obvious that paying poor people to breed indiscriminately is a bad policy. We've known that making people dependent on state handouts makes them resent the hand that feeds them since the 70's, if not before. We walked into this situation with eyes wide open.

I hope to move to a nice little suburb and bring my children up in an excessively twee upper middle-class area before fucking off to France when they've left home. I always thought I'd want 'em to grow up poor because I did and I feel better for it, but now I feel differently.

Some parts of North Nottingham are so fucking grim that a quick 10 minute walk can leave you suicidal. Lots of 3rd generation unemployed households with '0' income.

Once again, I'm reminded what a bubble I live in here in Berkshire/Surrey!
Goddamn, you make me wish I hadn't lost all hope. Seriously. If we all gave a shit then it wouldn't be like that, I reckon.

As it is, I figure this is the society we willingly created so this is the one that we're stuck in. It's been obvious that paying poor people to breed indiscriminately is a bad policy. We've known that making people dependent on state handouts makes them resent the hand that feeds them since the 70's, if not before. We walked into this situation with eyes wide open.

I hope to move to a nice little suburb and bring my children up in an excessively twee upper middle-class area before fucking off to France when they've left home. I always thought I'd want 'em to grow up poor because I did and I feel better for it, but now I feel differently.

Some parts of North Nottingham are so fucking grim that a quick 10 minute walk can leave you suicidal. Lots of 3rd generation unemployed households with '0' income.

As Mike implies something happened to me last night and I posted about it on Facebook, I am surprised how under my skin it got and how angry I still am this morning -- it feels like my patience has finally snapped.

There's a girl I work with here, she's an apprentice of sorts - she was telling me the other day that she used to do bump scams -- slamming the breaks on in a car to force someone to rear-end you, so you can put a compensation claim in. She made 400 quid a day doing them. She was telling me about her mother who is in her forties and hasn't worked a day since she was in her twenties... She was telling me that her mother has stopped claiming dole because the DWP was trying to put her on courses, and encourage her to get a job basically. So she'd rather have no money, not even welfare, than put herself to work. The idea that someone else's mind can function in such an oblivious self-destructive way blows MY mind.

There's a working class or lower-middle-class charm in some cities: the good people who live in them work hard for very little reward, they are hardy, have a great spirit, look out for one another, and have a good ethic. Common struggles bring people together, and closer as families. Some people display a lovely wit and humour, I love that kind of self-aware dark humour - grounded in 'real life'. I found myself romanticising about that idea a lot when I lived away -- but coming back, the grim reality is gradually seeping back into my life and reminding me why I left. I miss greenery and hills and people who aren't horrible to the core.

It sounds to me like you need a holiday. Or we could send all the scumbags off to Australia or somewhere?

I meant to reply to your post about this on Facebook, but it was 2am when I saw it, so I wasn't quite awake enough to reply.

Hit me up if you need a vent, buddy!

If I could gentrify the slums of the north west and ship them all out on some sort of airborne prison barge bound for the surface of the sun, I would.

I do fancy a holiday, I've got to admit - thanks for the offer of an ear Mike, I think I'm nearly done venting anyway! :p

I didn't realise you were writing! Sounds good!
The belligerent no-hoper chav scum in this city (and this country) are just horrible and I don't care what made them that way or what happens to them... I want them to stop breeding, I want them to stay out of my face, and I would honestly prefer it if the police could just make them fucking disappear overnight or something. I wouldn't ask any questions, they wouldn't be missed. Not even poverty is any excuse for being a cunt. There are plenty of nice poor people, so it's not that. I just don't understand why some people enjoy being that way - mean spirited real-life trolls, invasive, angry, aggressive, bitter, violent twats. These poisonous, semi-retarded, aggro-pedalling Neanderthals just make daily life worse for everyone else.

Lived in Bath for 3 years, didn't encounter 1 serious arsehole, similar experience in Bristol - although I know there's plenty there... back in the North and its like I meet at least 3 horrible gobshites a day. I always see fuckin junkies and drunks walking around in their trackies, holding cans in the middle of the day, I have to worry about the security of my home and my car, I can't have a drink with the family without having my wits about me, its not safe to walk around some places at night alone, I've had people physically attack me for no reason, everybody around here has a thick skin or humour towards random verbal attacks because they're so much more common, there's always some scally coward trying to spoil things for everyone..

I wish we could just look into the future of kids and have them killed if that's all they're going to be.

It's making ME angry and bitter. It's making ME not a nice person. Proper pisses me off.

Solution: move South


A former nurse at the Leeds hospital where Savile worked as a porter, said he molested a brain-damaged hospital patient. June Thornton was recovering from an operation at Leeds General Infirmary when she says she saw Savile abuse the young girl.

"She had brain damage, and Jimmy Savile came in and kissed her," she told Sky News.

"He started kissing her neck, running his hands up and down her arms, and then started to molest her. Because I was laid flat on my back, there was nothing I could do."

Leeds General Infirmary said it had received two complaints after allegations that Savile sexually assaulted teenage girls became public 10 days ago.



^ Will it further depress or enrage me?

These Savile allegations are getting more extreme -- my image of him has transformed from bad tracksuit wearing weirdo to child-catcher characature, whose only brain function was molesting the vulnerable, waiting in the wings of hospitals and creeping into the shadows of TV studios waiting to slather people with his diddly old hands and tongue or something..


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
^ Will it further depress or enrage me?

These Savile allegations are getting more extreme -- my image of him has transformed from bad tracksuit wearing weirdo to child-catcher characature, whose only brain function was molesting the vulnerable, waiting in the wings of hospitals and creeping into the shadows of TV studios waiting to slather people with his diddly old hands and tongue or something..

Its very fucking depressing. Its not all bad thought it does the tell the story's of people in the estate who work but end up with 0 money left after paying bills ect. The north of England really does seem like hell on earth.


If I could gentrify the slums of the north west and ship them all out on some sort of airborne prison barge bound for the surface of the sun, I would.

I do fancy a holiday, I've got to admit - thanks for the offer of an ear Mike, I think I'm nearly done venting anyway! :p

I didn't realise you were writing! Sounds good!

I'm not sure I'd call it writing at this point, let's see what I come up with!

You should come down when we do our Ag trip (rock music nightclub) in early November to get away from t'North.

There's some cheap as chips hotels around here and I'll happily drive you to/from train stations or whatever. I'd offer to put you up but...back living with the parental at the minute :(

Fuck that, I love meeting random people on trains/tubes/at the stations.
Life's so much gloomier when you don't say hi to strangers :(

Jedeye Sniv

So my main problem is that I think it has potential to be a really interesting world to tell stories in, but it's become too big for what I can actually manage right now. There are some fairly big plot holes that I need to mull over, because they could mean completely axeing characters and having to come up with new ones to fill in other plot aspects etc.

It all started as a fairly simple, a little bit cheesy story about a dying boy and his father, who is trying to do his best to make sure he can send the boy off to a pleasant afterlife - A lot of themes about the power of storytelling & folklore in religion.

But then I started considering the setting and have got a SORT OF steampunky victorian London vibe going on that I'm enjoying building up on. So then I wanted to populate it with some other characters, which happened to fit into my story really well and made the story feel much grander than it started, with a lot of different themes of relgion & belief explored. Then I realized I wanted the personal struggles of my characters to be mirrored in the world they lived in better, so I developed THAT further.

At this point, it's easily an 800 page book which I think has some interesting things to say & I could talk about for hours. I would cut it all back down and work on my original, simple idea, but I think I'd rather save this if I can't write it now.

So I think I'm going to shelf it for another year & work on something that won't turn into an epic that's beyond my experience. I just need another spark to get me going.

Wow yeah that is some really involved stuff but it sounds very much like something I'd like to read too!

As I was reading, these suggestions came to me. I can't promise they'll all be useful, but they might help you to break it down.

Firstly, there is no rule against rewrites. What I've done with one of my novels was just to word vomit, get every idea out onto the page. The act of doing so, even when you're writing shit that you know you won't use, helps you to further solidify the story in your mind. So you can say "I liked this idea, but this idea sucks. My main character is a dick but this side guy is way more interesting, let's kill this guy off and do something over here"... I think the trouble with keeping stuff in your head is that it's so ethereal and nebulous, and what you end up writing often bares little in common with your original ideas. But even better, is that you subconscious will come up with THE BEST ideas as you are actually writing. That's what suprised me the most as I was writing - the glee in not know what is going to happen next because you just did something outrageous.

Secondly, I think for a world as expansive as you're setting out short stories or novellas could be an excellent way of cementing it a little and exploring concepts without tying yourself into them for a novel length. Perhaps even think about writing some stuff in a comics-esque format - each short story is an 'issue' with an arc to it that could tie into a larger whole but you'll still have these satisfying mini arcs throughout the series of stories (check out an interview with Dan Harmon where he talks about his story wheel - it's a method of plotting that can be applied on macro and micro scales and is quite useful to keep in mind).

But really, my best advice is to simply get putting stuff on paper and damn the consequences. You can go back and delete, you can contradict yourself and make a mess of it, you can kill your babies gruesomely and with abandon before reining yourself back in.

Actually, this is making me want to finish my novel up too. Just need to finish this pesky comic first...!

Jedeye Sniv

^ Will it further depress or enrage me?

These Savile allegations are getting more extreme -- my image of him has transformed from bad tracksuit wearing weirdo to child-catcher characature, whose only brain function was molesting the vulnerable, waiting in the wings of hospitals and creeping into the shadows of TV studios waiting to slather people with his diddly old hands and tongue or something..

Am I the only person that is super unsurprised that Jimmy was a perv? Come on, nobody has a haircut like that if they're not a kiddy fiddler, he had it written all over him.

I know it's terrible but I do find the whole thing blackly comic.


Wow yeah that is some really involved stuff but it sounds very much like something I'd like to read too!

As I was reading, these suggestions came to me. I can't promise they'll all be useful, but they might help you to break it down.

Firstly, there is no rule against rewrites. What I've done with one of my novels was just to word vomit, get every idea out onto the page. The act of doing so, even when you're writing shit that you know you won't use, helps you to further solidify the story in your mind. So you can say "I liked this idea, but this idea sucks. My main character is a dick but this side guy is way more interesting, let's kill this guy off and do something over here"... I think the trouble with keeping stuff in your head is that it's so ethereal and nebulous, and what you end up writing often bares little in common with your original ideas. But even better, is that you subconscious will come up with THE BEST ideas as you are actually writing. That's what suprised me the most as I was writing - the glee in not know what is going to happen next because you just did something outrageous.

Secondly, I think for a world as expansive as you're setting out short stories or novellas could be an excellent way of cementing it a little and exploring concepts without tying yourself into them for a novel length. Perhaps even think about writing some stuff in a comics-esque format - each short story is an 'issue' with an arc to it that could tie into a larger whole but you'll still have these satisfying mini arcs throughout the series of stories (check out an interview with Dan Harmon where he talks about his story wheel - it's a method of plotting that can be applied on macro and micro scales and is quite useful to keep in mind).

But really, my best advice is to simply get putting stuff on paper and damn the consequences. You can go back and delete, you can contradict yourself and make a mess of it, you can kill your babies gruesomely and with abandon before reining yourself back in.

Actually, this is making me want to finish my novel up too. Just need to finish this pesky comic first...!

Yeah, writing some short stories and novellas in the same world is pretty much what I'm deciding on. Hopefully it'll help me to fix some of the characters who aren't quite working in the story, too.

I've seen/read loads of Dan Harmon interviews - including that one. Very useful, yeah - he's a genius at this stuff. Such a shame he's gone from Community for season 4.

Right. That's the time off sorted. I think I'm going to write one of my big story arcs from the main book as a short story and see where I go from there.

UK-GAF settle a debate, should a CV be longer than 1 page?

Depends what type of job you're going for, but if you can get it on one page with a covering letter then you're off to a good start.


Maturity, bitches.
I hardly ever get to use my CV. Every time I apply for a job I have to fill in one of their forms. And that's what I'm going to have to start doing again this weekend.
UK-GAF settle a debate, should a CV be longer than 1 page?

I aim for a single double sided page.

Mine is setup like:

  • Professional summary
    • small advertising blurb that describes the kind of professional I think I am, and what I bring to a role. A litany of embellishments!
  • Summary of Qualifications
    • only most relevant ones detailed
  • Skills
    • I tailor this to the job
  • Personal Skills
    • like the first blurb, but this one is about personal qualities, transferrable skills I haven't already mentioned etc... lies, all lies
  • Professional Experience
    • break down of relevant jobs / roles
  • Interests
  • Charity Work (I have done a bit)
  • References
    • I used to put specific people / companies down when I hadn't had many jobs, but now I just say they can be given on request


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
UK-GAF settle a debate, should a CV be longer than 1 page?

I use 2 pages with the following:

1st page: Contact details, core skills, education, references.
2nd page: Applicable work history for the job I'm applying for with achievements noted and reasons for leaving.

Anything more than 2 pages is white noise. And make sure everything is symmetrical with enough white space so that every section/item is focusable.


This whole "it's all in the north" thing is a crock, there are shitholes everywhere. In Manchester I live a life of twee middle class wonder, I shop in Waitrose or Boothes when it suits, I see nary a chav in the city as I don't go anywhere near the Printworks (and why would I?)

When we move out of town it will be to somewhere like Glossop, rural, nice affordable cottages and not a single chav unless you drive a few miles into Hyde (and again, why would I?).

The South has some of the worst estates in the UK, but any city has it's shitty outskirts, nice bits and every county has great little towns that are usually affordable.

So self obsessed southern gaf, don't chuck stones in this ere glass house, reet?


This whole "it's all in the north" thing is a crock, there are shitholes everywhere. In Manchester I live a life of twee middle class wonder, I shop in Waitrose or Boothes when it suits, I see nary a chav in the city as I don't go anywhere near the Printworks (and why would I?)

When we move out of town it will be to somewhere like Glossop, rural, nice affordable cottages and not a single chav unless you drive a few miles into Hyde (and again, why would I?).

The South has some of the worst estates in the UK, but any city has it's shitty outskirts, nice bits and every county has great little towns that are usually affordable.

So self obsessed southern gaf, don't chuck stones in this ere glass house, reet?

Oh, I totally agree that there are some great places up there, but you must admit, it's easy to typify the North as being an urban shithole with some of the cities you've got up there. (as opposed to the glory of London, lol. I live near Reading. The worst city in the world, and it's not even a real city!)

Though I'd rather live up there than Cornwall or Plymouth or anywhere horrid like that.


Oh, I totally agree that there are some great places up there, but you must admit, it's easy to typify the North as being an urban shithole with some of the cities you've got up there. (as opposed to the glory of London, lol. I live near Reading. The worst city in the world, and it's not even a real city!)

Though I'd rather live up there than Cornwall or Plymouth or anywhere horrid like that.

I'd much rather live in Cornwall. In fact, I'm taking steps to make that happen. As much as I love London most of the time, I'd have no problem whatsoever leaving everything behind if it meant living where I wanted down there.


Mine is 2 pages. I've got every job I've applied for.

It should be 1 or 2. You have to be really concise to get it to fit on one, but it looks impressive. I don't think there's anything wrong with 2. No more than that though.

I think 2 pages works well if you've made use of the extra space to help the flow & make it less TEXTBLOCKY.

2 pages max.

I aim for a single double sided page.

Mine is setup like:

I hardly ever get to use my CV. Every time I apply for a job I have to fill in one of their forms. And that's what I'm going to have to start doing again this weekend.

I use 2 pages with the following:
Thanks for the replies and advice. You guys are better than the careers office at my Uni.

This whole "it's all in the north" thing is a crock, there are shitholes everywhere. In Manchester I live a life of twee middle class wonder, I shop in Waitrose or Boothes when it suits, I see nary a chav in the city as I don't go anywhere near the Printworks (and why would I?)

When we move out of town it will be to somewhere like Glossop, rural, nice affordable cottages and not a single chav unless you drive a few miles into Hyde (and again, why would I?).

The South has some of the worst estates in the UK, but any city has it's shitty outskirts, nice bits and every county has great little towns that are usually affordable.

So self obsessed southern gaf, don't chuck stones in this ere glass house, reet?
Is that Hyde in Tameside?


I'd much rather live in Cornwall. In fact, I'm taking steps to make that happen. As much as I love London most of the time, I'd have no problem whatsoever leaving everything behind if it meant living where I wanted down there.

I must admit, my hatred of places is usually based on visiting some shitty business park or random company full of idiots and having to fix their PCs whilst they try to subvert my help by disabling antivirus or plugging in virus infected USB sticks WHILST I'M STILL THERE.

I specifically remember this happening in Cornwall, but also I had to get some lunch, so I satnav'd my way to the nearest supermarket and THEY DIDN'T HAVE A SINGLE SANDWICH IN THEIR SNACKS FRIDGE.

So yeah, I've written Cornwall off forever.

Jedeye Sniv

I aim for a single double sided page.

Mine is setup like:

  • Professional summary
    • small advertising blurb that describes the kind of professional I think I am, and what I bring to a role. A litany of embellishments!
  • Summary of Qualifications
    • only most relevant ones detailed
  • Skills
    • I tailor this to the job
  • Personal Skills
    • like the first blurb, but this one is about personal qualities, transferrable skills I haven't already mentioned etc... lies, all lies
  • Professional Experience
    • break down of relevant jobs / roles
  • Interests
  • Charity Work (I have done a bit)
  • References
    • I used to put specific people / companies down when I hadn't had many jobs, but now I just say they can be given on request

I never really know how to do a CV, I always feel it's so bland and not representative of me as a person at all. Luckily I have a job I don't plan on leaving for a good while, so I don't need to worry about it too much. At my last interview hobbies (writing, including NaNoWriMo and music) were bought up and we talked about them for ages, the actual job stuff was much less relevant.

I was also quite proud that I managed to take "dropped out of university" and turn it around into an epic struggle against adversity (which it kinda was I guess) which I think got me more goodie points than a degree would have even.


I must admit, my hatred of places is usually based on visiting some shitty business park or random company full of idiots and having to fix their PCs whilst they try to subvert my help by disabling antivirus or plugging in virus infected USB sticks WHILST I'M STILL THERE.

I specifically remember this happening in Cornwall, but also I had to get some lunch, so I satnav'd my way to the nearest supermarket and THEY DIDN'T HAVE A SINGLE SANDWICH IN THEIR SNACKS FRIDGE.

So yeah, I've written Cornwall off forever.

Sandwich? Why no pasty, you philistine!?


Yep, it's not as bad as places like Salford, but it's not great either.
Thought it might be, just a bit weird seeing the place where I grew up mentioned on GAF.

You're post touched on why I think Greater Manchester is such a strange place, the City of Manchester is a great place to live but a 20 minute train journey to any of the surrounding boroughs will take you to some of the most depressing estates in England


Thought it might be, just a bit weird seeing the place where I grew up mentioned on GAF.

You're post touched on why I think Greater Manchester is such a strange place, the City of Manchester is a great place to live but a 20 minute train journey to any of the surrounding boroughs will take you to some of the most depressing estates in England

You could say the same about any city, except for the "great place to live", that's a mixed bag.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I never really know how to do a CV, I always feel it's so bland and not representative of me as a person at all. Luckily I have a job I don't plan on leaving for a good while, so I don't need to worry about it too much. At my last interview hobbies (writing, including NaNoWriMo and music) were bought up and we talked about them for ages, the actual job stuff was much less relevant.

I was also quite proud that I managed to take "dropped out of university" and turn it around into an epic struggle against adversity (which it kinda was I guess) which I think got me more goodie points than a degree would have even.

I struggled with writing CVs until I started working in HR for local government (Health & Safety + Training section, but still HR nonetheless.) Once you see how the recruitment people work, their workloads, etc, you learn how to be as quick to the point as possible.

Then with looking for work in Korea, Japan and Taiwan I ended up going into the deep end of simplifying my English as much as possible:

  1. No sentences longer than six words.
  2. Bullet points for everything.
  3. No technical terms whatsoever.
  4. As GAF would say: "Bold plz."
Other advice for job-seeking:

  • Always include a photo.
  • Always hand in your CV/Resume in person. Between the potential of getting lost in the mail, trapped in the middle of a busy inbox or being shunted straight into a Spam folder you should leave nothing to chance. Always hand it in personally unless it's economically unfeasible.
  • If you're applying for any technical position in the IT field, an online resume is a must.
I hate writing CVs (and the job seeking process in general.) It brings back uncomfortable memories of Q4 2008 (i.e. the economy going to shit overnight.) I figure I must have created at least 35 CVs/Job Application Forms and jumped through more than twice as many hoops and only got a single interview out of it -- and a group interview at that. :/


Sandwich? Why no pasty, you philistine!?

A cold pasty? Eugh.

If I'm working somewhere on-site, I tend to only take the minimum amount of time possible so I can grab a sandwich and a drink, shove them down my throat and get on with it, I'm very concious of those kinds of contractors who spend half their time fucking about, taking breaks and talking on the phone.

In other news, I just had to move my MD's (who happens to also be my nan) Mercedes out of the way because it was parked infront of about 4 parking spaces.

Worst car experience ever, and I've written 2 cars off. So I get in, remind myself to put the foot on the brake before I start it because it's an automatic. I put the key thing in the ignition and the seat raises up so I have to duck not to put my head through the roof and shoves my knees up against the steering wheel.

Then it turns out it's the most sensitive accelerator EVER, but there's about a yard worth of movement before it actually does anything.

WTF, Mercedes? This is a luxury car? I'd rather put my cock in acid than drive that thing again.
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