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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

They have no rights to an expansion. He never mentioned they have no rights to Marvel at all. And Marvel are notoriously gunshy on deals since they got screwed by Fox and Activision that they probably would have clauses regarding patching and DLC till they could trust a company.

Call it a hunch, but between the seeming stall on Fighters Of Capcom (Capcom Usually shows off their new FG this time of the year) and Marvel's positive reaction to the fan demand for an expansion. It seems that instead of an expansion, maybe we're going Fourth soon? Hell, Would people accept the fourth coming? Interesting times, no?
This sounds like typical "I want more Marvel" gymnastics.
That sounds Sven's Careful Wording dictionary getting a workout though.

They have no rights to an expansion. He never mentioned they have no rights to Marvel at all. And Marvel are notoriously gunshy on deals since they got screwed by Fox and Activision that they probably would have clauses regarding patching and DLC till they could trust a company.

Call it a hunch, but between the seeming stall on Fighters Of Capcom (Capcom Usually shows off their new FG this time of the year) and Marvel's positive reaction to the fan demand for an expansion. It seems that instead of an expansion, maybe we're going Fourth soon? Hell, Would people accept the fourth coming? Interesting times, no?
How could we get a 4th game soon when Capcom doesn't have the license and the teams are broken up? It's done and gone.
How could we get a 4th game soon when Capcom doesn't have the license and the teams are broken up? It's done and gone.

How could we get a Fighters Of Capcom so soon, that was described as "Marvel Without Marvel" when the Marvel team has broken up as well? How can a company that doesn't have a licence keep updating the facebook and twitter for their videogame to support it more heavily on social networks after over year than most publishers support their AAA games after a month?

There's a ton that doesn't add up on the handling of this. Like how Capcom were so insistent on there never being an expansion last year and then saying "Oh go ask Marvel for More Marvel" in January. And Sven has explained before that their deals with Marvel are "One shots" where they just sign a contract for a deal as required rather than a multi-year licence.

Yeah, there's some gymnastics. But it's just so odd how the handling of it has been and how obtuse they have been on it. They don't even come out and say "Guys we don't own the rights full stop any more. Stop asking" on a question like that. But both sides have acknowledged the interest in more Marvel and Sven's said, especially with the Ducktales announcement, that if people ask on Unity, he'll try make it happen. All I'm thinking is that with the interest check last January, it's possible they were fishing for interest in general to do a sequel rather than an expansion. If "Fighters Of Capcom" is "Marvel Minus Marvel" as rumoured. Whats to say they might get a new deal going and just add back in the Marvel? People want it, after all.
How could we get a Fighters Of Capcom so soon, that was described as "Marvel Without Marvel" when the Marvel team has broken up as well?
Broken up doesn't mean shattered to bits.

How can a company that doesn't have a licence keep updating the facebook and twitter for their videogame to support it more heavily on social networks after over year than most publishers support their AAA games after a month?
Haha what?

There's a ton that doesn't add up on the handling of this. Like how Capcom were so insistent on there never being an expansion last year and then saying "Oh go ask Marvel for More Marvel" in January. And Sven has explained before that their deals with Marvel are "One shots" where they just sign a contract for a deal as required rather than a multi-year licence.
Capcom did not insist any such thing. The repeated response was "Wait and see". You may be vaguely and incorrectly referring to S-Kill's claim that MvC3 was built for DLC so they wouldn't have to do expansions. Niitsuma subsequently explained that the tsunami changed their business plan.

Yeah, there's some gymnastics. But it's just so odd how the handling of it has been and how obtuse they have been on it. They don't even come out and say "Guys we don't own the rights full stop any more. Stop asking" on a question like that. But both sides have acknowledged the interest in more Marvel and Sven's said, especially with the Ducktales announcement, that if people ask on Unity, he'll try make it happen. All I'm thinking is that with the interest check last January, it's possible they were fishing for interest in general to do a sequel rather than an expansion. If "Fighters Of Capcom" is "Marvel Minus Marvel" as rumoured. Whats to say they might get a new deal going and just add back in the Marvel? People want it, after all.
What is obtuse about "we're not working on anything"? There was no interest check in January, it was Eventhubs misinterpreting a post by Sven.
How could we get a Fighters Of Capcom so soon, that was described as "Marvel Without Marvel" when the Marvel team has broken up as well? How can a company that doesn't have a licence keep updating the facebook and twitter for their videogame to support it more heavily on social networks after over year than most publishers support their AAA games after a month?

Where was it described as being anything except a conceptual title? Links please, I would love to know. And the company isn't in charge of the Facebook account, a low-level employee with no company sway is, most likely.

There's a ton that doesn't add up on the handling of this. Like how Capcom were so insistent on there never being an expansion last year and then saying "Oh go ask Marvel for More Marvel" in January. And Sven has explained before that their deals with Marvel are "One shots" where they just sign a contract for a deal as required rather than a multi-year licence.
A disc expansion was never planned, but lots of DLC was. The Japanese natural disasters put a dent in that plan, though. The "campaign" (if you can even call it that) to go bug Marvel about more UMvC3 was just a diversionary tactic to get people to stop bugging Capcom. Anyone with half a brain could see that.

Yeah, there's some gymnastics. But it's just so odd how the handling of it has been and how obtuse they have been on it. They don't even come out and say "Guys we don't own the rights full stop any more. Stop asking" on a question like that. But both sides have acknowledged the interest in more Marvel and Sven's said, especially with the Ducktales announcement, that if people ask on Unity, he'll try make it happen. All I'm thinking is that with the interest check last January, it's possible they were fishing for interest in general to do a sequel rather than an expansion. If "Fighters Of Capcom" is "Marvel Minus Marvel" as rumoured. Whats to say they might get a new deal going and just add back in the Marvel? People want it, after all.
They have said, in more ways than one, that Marvel 3 is finished. Niitsuma said it at EVO when he mentioned that there was to be no more updates and the team was scattered in the wind. Straight from the horse's mouth. And nobody believed him because they were acting like 12 year olds playing Yugioh stretching the rules because they had a better grasp of the grammar on the card rulings. Marvel 3 is dead. DEAD. They don't have the license, they don't have the team, and nobody in charge is interested in pouring more money into a game that didn't sell all that well to begin with.

People want a lot of things. That doesn't mean that they're going to get it.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";51769452]Oh yeah Karst Dark Phoenix comes out with multiple man and fin fang foom in heroes and heralds.[/QUOTE]
Hahaha, good stuff.

I'm giving two new teams a shot:

I'll still run Dormammu/Morrigan/Phoenix for fun, but at locals I'm encountering too many people who use TAC glitches and kill poor Phoenix. :-(


A few of my friends and my brother said it looks like a bad movie but, I'm remaining hype!!
People still have the shit taste of Wolverine Origins in their mouths and they are unconsciously associating this movie with that shitfest. Reasonable but thankfully trailers aren't indicative of quality. If this movie is more about Wolverine's character and has more subtlety plus better direction it is hard to convey that in an action packed trailer. Batman Begins was the same, I was never blown away by the trailer.

I want this movie to be good so bad it hurts.
People still have the shit taste of Wolverine Origins in their mouths and they are unconsciously associating this movie with that shitfest. Reasonable but thankfully trailers aren't indicative of quality. If this movie is more about Wolverine's character and has more subtlety plus better direction it is hard to convey that in an action packed trailer. Batman Begins was the same, I was never blown away by the trailer.

I want this movie to be good so bad it hurts.
Batman Begins sucked, though.
Hahaha, good stuff.

I'm giving two new teams a shot:

I'll still run Dormammu/Morrigan/Phoenix for fun, but at locals I'm encountering too many people who use TAC glitches and kill poor Phoenix. :-(

You still have a option with Phoenix, if you know they're going to use the TAC glitches then you already know that Dark Phoenix isn't going to show up much. Burn the meter at will with Phoenix if she is forced in before the meter is full or you know that they have a XF less TAC glitch character. Probably doesn't mean much since your a lot better then me, but don't count her out yet. Then again, Vergil would be a lot easier since the foo has more life then her. XP
You still have a option with Phoenix, if you know they're going to use the TAC glitches then you already know that Dark Phoenix isn't going to show up much. Burn the meter at will with Phoenix if she is forced in before the meter is full or you know that they have a XF less TAC glitch character. Probably doesn't mean much since your a lot better then me, but don't count her out yet. Then again, Vergil would be a lot easier since the foo has more life then her. XP
I've been doing that, actually. I abuse the hell out of that teleport x Phoenix Rage trick you annoyed the hell out of me with, and it's really successful. I also Phoenix Rage when people snap me in sometimes, and she rarely gets killed now because no one wants to risk getting happy birthday'd by the wall bounce (which I'll XFC into a kill). With all of that stuff, I'd say I go about even against teams I should be losing to that are played by people who are good at the game. But Dark Phoenix should never go even. If they fix the game I'll play her more seriously, but until then I'm going to focus on making a team that can close to guarantee me consistent wins with Dormammu.

I want another round at that team of yours again. I feel that I can actually get two wins now lol
Also, I'm thinking about adding more people here to play some more.
I'll have a bit of time to play tomorrow at around noon CMT. I'll probably pick the new teams so I can get used to them.
Hahaha, good stuff.

I'm giving two new teams a shot:

I'll still run Dormammu/Morrigan/Phoenix for fun, but at locals I'm encountering too many people who use TAC glitches and kill poor Phoenix. :-(

I want another round at that team of yours again. I feel that I can actually get two wins now lol
Also, I'm thinking about adding more people here to play some more.
I'll probably be free around 4:30 or 5:00 since that is most likely when I'll get home from work. I'll send you a message so you know it's me and not some one else using my PS3.
I'll probably be free around 4:30 or 5:00 since that is most likely when I'll get home from work. I'll send you a message so you know it's me and not some one else using my PS3.
Ah, I won't be available at that time. My wife will be home from work, and I promised her my time. Another time, then. I don't want to set up anything for Final Round, since I'll be working from home while enjoying the stream. If the stars align, though...
I've been doing that, actually. I abuse the hell out of that teleport x Phoenix Rage trick you annoyed the hell out of me with, and it's really successful. I also Phoenix Rage when people snap me in sometimes, and she rarely gets killed now because no one wants to risk getting happy birthday'd by the wall bounce (which I'll XFC into a kill). With all of that stuff, I'd say I go about even against teams I should be losing to that are played by people who are good at the game. But Dark Phoenix should never go even. If they fix the game I'll play her more seriously, but until then I'm going to focus on making a team that can close to guarantee me consistent wins with Dormammu.

I don't follow what you mean about Dark Phoenix?
Yeah your Dorm is the center of your team. Shit gets real when spells are about.
And with Morrigan cheerleading in the back makes me want to throw my game out the window...
I don't follow what you mean about Dark Phoenix?
Yeah your Dorm is the center of your team. Shit gets real when spells are about.
And with Morrigan cheerleading in the back makes me want to throw my game out the window...
I mean that Dark Phoenix should = win. If it happens, the game should be over, and I win as long as I don't do something stupid. You have to sacrifice nearly all meter expenditure and an assist to get her, and she's frail as a lady's fingernail.

It's like Capcom sat down and thought:
"You know what we need in Ultimate? A check for Dark Phoenix. Two, in fact."

Then they made Vergil and Strider, and it never occurred to them that if a character can keep Dark Phoenix in check, that character is going to open up a whole new can of balance problems.

I love cheerleader Morrigan, but I'm close to dropping her because she's so goddamn hard to play. I'll keep working on it, though.


Vergil and Strider only "counter" Dark Phoenix if they are already set in play and land the finishing hit on Jean. Strider also needs 3 bars to counter her and Vergil needs 2 (single Spiral Sword doesn't do shit against her, she will block for a couple seconds and then will proceed to freely shit on meterless Vergil). If the two are in 2nd or anchor position when DP pops then in most cases they will die on the incoming. DP has the utility of surviving the mix up because of the transformation.

I mean outside of removing TAC infinites they should just give you a manual ground only transformation activation for Phoenix. I agree that if you actually earned the 5 bars (without using TAC infinites) you deserve DP activation option.
Vergil and Strider only "counter" Dark Phoenix if they are already set in play and land the finishing hit on Jean. Strider also needs 3 bars to counter her and Vergil needs 2 (single Spiral Sword doesn't do shit against her, she will block for a couple seconds and then will proceed to freely shit on meterless Vergil). If the two are in 2nd or anchor position when DP pops then in most cases they will die on the incoming. DP has the utility of surviving the mix up because of the transformation.
Not true. Plenty of players will do something like lame Phoenix out with Doom, and DHC Vergil or Strider in. The only thing the player needs is to kill Phoenix in a non-dumbass way. And by that I mean don't get hit by the explosion, and, if you can, don't even be in a position to have to block it. As long as you can do that, you'll win easy. Yeah, my opponent needs meter, but that's easy to come across since my opponent can TAC down all day and there's nothing I can do about it (LOL). One thing that pisses me off is that I'm calling Dark Harmonizer all day for my meter, and my opponent gets a super Dark Harmonizer any time he touches me because I use Phoenix. :-( 'Tis bullshit!

I mean outside of removing TAC infinites they should just give you a manual ground only transformation activation for Phoenix. I agree that if you actually earned the 5 bars (without using TAC infinites) you deserve DP activation option.
Yeah, that's all I want. Let me activate Dark Phoenix if I'm feeling skittish about my position. I would totally TK Overdrive H into people's faces with normal Phoenix, activate Dark Phoenix, XFC, and go to town. I'm actually cool with the Strider and Vergil matchups, I just think Capcom didn't think them through fully. They put every Vanilla anchor to shame. It's a bit too much in general, though Strider is mostly fine; a few adjustments to his assist and it'd be okay.
I mean that Dark Phoenix should = win. If it happens, the game should be over, and I win as long as I don't do something stupid. You have to sacrifice nearly all meter expenditure and an assist to get her, and she's frail as a lady's fingernail.

It's like Capcom sat down and thought:
"You know what we need in Ultimate? A check for Dark Phoenix. Two, in fact."

Then they made Vergil and Strider, and it never occurred to them that if a character can keep Dark Phoenix in check, that character is going to open up a whole new can of balance problems.

I love cheerleader Morrigan, but I'm close to dropping her because she's so goddamn hard to play. I'll keep working on it, though.

Ah. I think they didn't want it to be easy though. From an entertainment view she'd be boring as hell.
Coming from MUGEN into the Marvel community, Dark Phoenix still looks a lot more powerful compared to the others in game. But I see what you mean.
May break like a nail but still cuts and shreds like a knife through butter, just not a hot one. XF does that. Which still pisses people off.
I like to think that Dark Phoenix keeps them in check too. For example if Dark Phoenix is out and Strider gets orbs, she can use the feathers as cover and set a trap up for his teleports or a TK shot to keep out a dash attack. As for Vergil, mix ups would be a must since his teleports are a bit slow compared to hers and his anti air is not that good. Needs meter to handle her air movements. I still have to prove it against an able Vergil and Strider player. Playing against a recording isn't much help...

I mean outside of removing TAC infinites they should just give you a manual ground only transformation activation for Phoenix. I agree that if you actually earned the 5 bars (without using TAC infinites) you deserve DP activation option.

Hey Karst,

What is your solo bnb with Morrigan? I've hit the lab a couple of times with her but I only practice the fireball spam and never combos. Also, any tips on do's and dont's would be great. Going to run a morridoom team but still figuring out my third.
You guys flatter me. Comments like those make me stick to Morrigan.

Hey Karst,

What is your solo bnb with Morrigan? I've hit the lab a couple of times with her but I only practice the fireball spam and never combos. Also, any tips on do's and dont's would be great. Going to run a morridoom team but still figuring out my third.
j.S, s.LMH, d.H, f.H, j.MMH, qcf.H, qcb.S, ADD, j.H, qcf.H, qcb.S, s.S, sj.MMH, dp.M, ender (qcb.S, j.H, TAC; qcb.S, dp.H; dp.M, qcf.AA; or qcb.S, j.HS, qcf.S, dp.AA).


j.S, s.LMH, d.H, f.H, j.MMH, qcf.H, qcb.S, ADD, j.H, qcf.H, qcb.S, s.S, sj.MMH, dp.M, ender (qcb.S, j.H, TAC; qcb.S, dp.H; dp.M, qcf.AA; or qcb.S, j.HS, qcf.S, dp.AA).
Looking at those inputs makes me realize that Morrigan will never be the character for me.

I think Strider is fine but Dark Vergil is over the top. XF3 + DT is busted, they need to fix that scaling.
I agree, Strider is a great anchor. But XF3 Vergil +DT is just stupid good.

I agree! And What about Wolverine XF 3 + Berseker Charge?, is way too fast!... lol
What about XF3 Jill + Mad Beast?!


I agree! And What about Wolverine XF 3 + Berseker Charge?, is way too fast!... lol
No one uses it but it IS too good because of the scaling. Thing about Wolverine vs Vergil/Strider/Phoenix he doesn't have protection or projectiles he can toss while mixing you up... if there are hitboxes on the screen he can't get his offense going. Wolverine has and always will be a point character but you should never snap him out... kill the 2nd character then kill anchor but don't snap out Wolverine thinking you can kill him last.
What about XF3 Jill + Mad Beast?!
Jill can't block during Mad Beast so she gets hard countered by Vergil/Orbs/Phoenix etc. If she had comboability off of throws she would be a solid anchor.


I don't think it's possible to pilot Firebrand Luminous Body + XF3. He's faster than Wolverine Berserker Charge + XF3.

I tried once during Random All. He was moving faster than my button mashing could keep up.

I think Strider is fine but Dark Vergil is over the top. XF3 + DT is busted, they need to fix that scaling.
Yeah, Strider is fine because in a 1v3 setting, unless you get a clean hit into XF3, you probably will only be able to kill 2 characters(unless they're all under 900k health or they've managed to lose health along the way) and have to fight the third without it - though in that case you'll usually have 5 bars to work with. With Dark Vergil, he can go through like four Thors before his XF time runs out. Probably more if you master the SHSHSHSHSHSH infinite that causes insane hitstop to the X-Factor timer.


Everyone is bitter. I mean the game is so fun and just on the cusp of greatness but just a few cheesy tactics and set ups ruin the fun for everyone.

At the bare minimum, the game was made so that we wouldn't have to deal with infinites again yet infinites have become a major part of the meta. A major mechanic of the game is not working as intended and thus should be fixed.
j.S, s.LMH, d.H, f.H, j.MMH, qcf.H, qcb.S, ADD, j.H, qcf.H, qcb.S, s.S, sj.MMH, dp.M, ender (qcb.S, j.H, TAC; qcb.S, dp.H; dp.M, qcf.AA; or qcb.S, j.HS, qcf.S, dp.AA).

Thanks for this. It's pretty stressful for a bnb and I can already tell how much this is going to suck online. I was wondering if you had any clue why I'm too far away after the second soulfist for the launch. I've tried adjusting my timing but it still happens from time to time. Can't have that happening or I'll be eating footdives.
I don't think it's possible to pilot Firebrand Luminous Body + XF3. He's faster than Wolverine Berserker Charge + XF3.
Fun experiment: IIRC, Firebrand can link s.M 6-7 times into itself in XF3 + Luminous Body.

Everyone is bitter. I mean the game is so fun and just on the cusp of greatness but just a few cheesy tactics and set ups ruin the fun for everyone.

At the bare minimum, the game was made so that we wouldn't have to deal with infinites again yet infinites have become a major part of the meta. A major mechanic of the game is not working as intended and thus should be fixed.
*solemn nod*

I think Strider is fine but Dark Vergil is over the top. XF3 + DT is busted, they need to fix that scaling.
It just bothers me that a top comeback character is also a top assist. Phoenix has mediocre assists.

Looking at those inputs makes me realize that Morrigan will never be the character for me.
Looking at those inputs, I thought the same thing, haha.

Thanks for this. It's pretty stressful for a bnb and I can already tell how much this is going to suck online. I was wondering if you had any clue why I'm too far away after the second soulfist for the launch. I've tried adjusting my timing but it still happens from time to time. Can't have that happening or I'll be eating footdives.
The answer to the bnb failing is almost always transitioning from the first Soul Fist to the ADD j.H too slow.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";51851184]Don't drop the cheerleader or I'll never forgive you Karst. It's the defining aspect of your playstyle.[/QUOTE]
I intend to keep to it. I've just been feeling my execution limits lately. I'm not a ChrisG. :-(

I might also try Morrigan/Dormammu/Doom. I've just been facing a lot of Wolverine/Plasma Beam users at locals, and holy shit I can't deal with that without an assist to help Dormammu. That's the big reason why Phoenix has been hurting me. She has been having to make reverse OCVs a lot against those teams because Dormammu is a big meat bag for Wolverine at the start of the round. If I survive that first 5 seconds I tend to do just fine, but I need a new plan I think.
I intend to keep to it. I've just been feeling my execution limits lately. I'm not a ChrisG. :-(

I might also try Morrigan/Dormammu/Doom. I've just been facing a lot of Wolverine/Plasma Beam users at locals, and holy shit I can't deal with that without an assist to help Dormammu. That's the big reason why Phoenix has been hurting me. She has been having to make reverse OCVs a lot against those teams because Dormammu is a big meat bag for Wolverine at the start of the round. If I survive that first 5 seconds I tend to do just fine, but I need a new plan I think.

Have you tried practicing throw-dash option selects to beat Wolverine's opening mixups?
GGs to Onion!

Note to self: Do not try to do acid rain loops on gods beards connection.

Or you know, plink dashing. Woulda made the hawkeye matchup easier.

Also, apparently you don't need training mode to do Vergil combos, I was getting pretty close for stuff I've never tried to learn! And I hit you with the Yipes special that one time! Didn't convert though, lol


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";51867207]GGs to Onion!
Also, apparently you don't need training mode to do Vergil combos, I was getting pretty close for stuff I've never tried to learn! And I hit you with the Yipes special that one time! Didn't convert though, lol[/QUOTE]
Good Games Beardo!
Close matches tonight, I had a ton of fun!
Your connection was actually pretty good this time, aside from a few dropped connections earlier on. I did manage to adjust to the lag and do my full Dante combo. My sentinel is the wackest of wackbots.

Wesker/Vergil/Magneto was probably your best team.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";51867207]
Or you know, plink dashing. Woulda made the hawkeye matchup easier
Hawkeye vs Doom is my favorite matchup ;D

How did you like my Hsienko/Dante/Sentinel team? I am anywhere near making Hsienko look real ?
Well, yeah. Wesker/Vergil/Magneto is just a twist on my main team, Strider is my theory team but I'm ass with Strider so I stopped using it and Deadpool I've only been using for a couple weeks now. I'm sad you said "probably" :-(

Hsienko was cool, I didn't know what to expect because I'd never played one before. You have some tricky stuff but it seemed like it wasn't that hard to block after the first time I saw what you were doing. I was really confused early on, but later it seemed like I could just fly away and wait for a chance the whole game. It'd be really scary if you got super aggressive once you got her assist going, but you still played Dante normally so I wasn't too afraid. Her shields are more useful than I thought they'd be, though.

I haven't used Doom seriously since Vanilla, so I pretty much just tried to copy my memory of FChamp for the Hawkeye matchup. I don't think I was actually doing too bad, I got the hit in a good percentage of the times even though I didn't convert much. Just trying to normal jump 6H and flight cancel a lot.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";51874401]
I'm sad you said "probably" :-(
"Probably" wasn't very accurate. The Wesker/Vergil/Magento team was definitely the best. I could tell that the other teams were obviously newer.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";51874401]
Hsienko was cool, I didn't know what to expect because I'd never played one before. You have some tricky stuff but it seemed like it wasn't that hard to block after the first time I saw what you were doing. I was really confused early on, but later it seemed like I could just fly away and wait for a chance the whole game. It'd be really scary if you got super aggressive once you got her assist going, but you still played Dante normally so I wasn't too afraid. Her shields are more useful than I thought they'd be, though.
This is true, it may not be all that effective in general, but I haven't played Hsienko enough to know if its as good as I think, or only good the first few times I use it. It seems like she should have really good left/right mixups once you have someone cornered and pinned down with an assist... So far it only seems to work sometimes.
Also anyone with flight can easily shit all over it by flying/ air-dashing away.

[QUOTE="God's Beard!";51874401]
I haven't used Doom seriously since Vanilla, so I pretty much just tried to copy my memory of FChamp for the Hawkeye matchup. I don't think I was actually doing too bad, I got the hit in a good percentage of the times even though I didn't convert much. Just trying to normal jump 6H and flight cancel a lot.[/QUOTE]
It wasn't too bad since once you landed a hit hawkeye was pretty much dead.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";51861090]Have you tried practicing throw-dash option selects to beat Wolverine's opening mixups?[/QUOTE]
You mean like jump as the round starts, and ADUB with MH? It just leaves Dormammu sitting there, unable to block, and free to a dive kick.
You mean like jump as the round starts, and ADUB with MH? It just leaves Dormammu sitting there, unable to block, and free to a dive kick.

As soon as the round starts, plink H to M then hold up-back and do it again. It techs the throw if he's mashing H, you get a dash if he jumps so you can just jump and air tech or throw him out of his dive. If he doesn't do any of those things, you get a chance to run.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";51883356]As soon as the round starts, plink H to M then hold up-back and do it again. It techs the throw if he's mashing H, you get a dash if he jumps so you can just jump and air tech or throw him out of his dive. If he doesn't do any of those things, you get a chance to run.[/QUOTE]
Sounds like it loses to Wolverine's instant overhead j.L, which is something Dormammu has to worry about.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";51889437]Maybe, maybe not. But if Wolverine's willing to io jL and x-factor off the bat, you might have to give it to him. It's not perfect, but it covers more options than most.[/QUOTE]
j.L + tatsu call simultaneously.
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