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Hey GAF, looking to try some hard (then crushing) runs through coop objective. I've been dying to do these proper, but most random games result in useless partners, or someone at a low level who inevitably forces the game to easy difficulty.

I don't have a mic, but I will have your back. I'm on most week nights around 8-11p CST.


I realized I should probably post this here too, in addition to the main U2 thread:

As there is only one person that I usually play Co-Op mode with, I've mostly been doing it two-man. It's definitely challenging (the final area on The Sanctuary, for example, is pretty tough even on Normal if you don't cheese it by staying in the spawn area waiting for dead teammates to revive), but we did Nepal Warzone on Hard in one night, and it was a hell of a lot of fun. So we decided to try it on Crushing last night.

And damn, it's BRUTAL. Took probably 2 or 3 tries (as in after having failed the mission) to get the strategy for the second area down, and then the 3rd just owned us. The only good cover area is behind the desk near the alleyway, and with the enemies who drop down from the windows in the alleyway being semi-random, we often aren't able to tell when an armored shotgun enemy drop down from there. And if it happens while we're running between cover due to a grenade, there's almost no chance to react fast enough to deal with him first.

That said, I loved every moment of it (even the moments of cursing after I got shot-stunned while running from a grenade and then got blown up by a second grenade). And if anyone else is interested in doing Co-Op/Survival games (we usually do them pretty late at night, like after 2AM EST, as I'm a night owl and he's on PST) and have a mic, lemme know or just send me a PSN friend request (name is GokieKS) :D

TLDR Version: Add me (PSN GokieKS) for late night (Hard/Crushing) Co-Op/Survival games, but please have a mic. =D


gokieks said:
I realized I should probably post this here too, in addition to the main U2 thread:

TLDR Version: Add me (PSN GokieKS) for late night (Hard/Crushing) Co-Op/Survival games, but please have a mic. =D

I'd be up for it if no mic isn't a deal breaker for you two.
Played Nepal Warzone on hard yesterday night with a random, and it was tense as hell.
Your team definitely makes or breaks hard and above. Really rewarding as you go through it. :)


Gyrian said:
I'd be up for it if no mic isn't a deal breaker for you two.
Played Nepal Warzone on hard yesterday night with a random, and it was tense as hell.
Your team definitely makes or breaks hard and above. Really rewarding as you go through it. :)

If you want, could give it a try, but not having a mic to communicate updates on enemy spawns and talk strategy really adds another layer of difficulty to it. You might be able to get away with it if 2 people have mics and only 1 doesn't, and have the mic-less guy just be a simple shooter who stays in one spot in any given area, but I can't imagine that being as much fun for the person in question either.


gokieks said:
If you want, could give it a try, but not having a mic to communicate updates on enemy spawns and talk strategy really adds another layer of difficulty to it. You might be able to get away with it if 2 people have mics and only 1 doesn't, and have the mic-less guy just be a simple shooter who stays in one spot in any given area, but I can't imagine that being as much fun for the person in question either.

No communication is definitely a handicap, but even on games where no one has a mic there's ways to figure out what the others are facing. On other games, I don't get to confirm I've heard and understood, but I always try to act on what's being said.

Or, maybe it's time to bite the bullet and get a damn mic. If this game won't make me, I don't know what would, haha.

I'll see if I can find you around. Anyone else looking for hard / crushing coop matches is more than welcome, too. :)
Gyrian if you still want to get some coop games going I would most def. do it, I just upgraded some weapons for hard coop mode, I'm not bad at it either.. Since I started playing U2 more these days I'm up for some good challenge while I'm still hot. :lol


I just started playing multiplayer a few days ago and loving it. Looking for co-op partners ideally will be getting mic in next few days.

psn is sheeboy64


I just started playing tonight. My PSN nick is bebpojp. Looking for people to play coop with since matchmaking is not finding me coop games :(
GAF only games going all day today.

Room for 3 currently.

Post here if you wanna join. We'll add you.

I'll also be updating this all day to let people know how much room we have.
Hi guys. I'm new. =)

Just added myself to the list. I want to start playing U2 multiplayer again, but none of my friends are willing to stop playing MW2... and it's no fun playing alone!
Just added myself to the spreadsheet, PSN is same as Gaf name, sorry if it was a bit of a faux pas to just add myself like that, but I'd really like to play!


Just added myself to the list

PSN: bdrob86

I've been playing with a lot of you guys since Beta but since I've just got forum privileges I thought I'd pop in and say hey :D

Wonder if I can finally find some people to finish some Hard and Crushing games now ...


Is the matchmaking broken for low level people, cause I can't find any matches through it.

I added myself to the list I'm trying to get back into this, but I really like co-op survival just don't play many online games on ps3. The only other game I really enjoyed online is tf2.
Hey, I added my info to the spreadsheet. If anyone wants to play some co-op (I think I should be able to cope on hard) then add me on PSN.
PSN ID electroshockwave


Really starting to get into this game and I am having a blast. Would love to actually play with some friends or at least party up and have some fun.

Add me if you have room.. I am a very solid player so no worries about bringing your team down.



Added myself to the list. I'm new to the co-op portion of UC2, but I feel I have a good enough grasp of the game to be a decent partner. I have a mic, PSN ID = Jucifer.


Anyone from the UK who doesn't mind someone screaming and blaming lag every time they die add me. :lol

PSN - CozMick

I have all the DLC btw.
hey guys, i just got back into this multiplayer in a big way because of the new modes and maps. i love co op too, just havent had friends to get through all the way. at one point we were doing crushing runs, but couldnt beat it with only two people.

PSN: TrAcEr_x90
What's up guys. Looking for a few good men/women to tackle some Crushing co-op runs. I'm good enough to get to the last courtyard in Sanctuary, but alas have not beaten it yet, at least since they added trophies for it. I'm also a beast at Siege/Survival mode!:D
Add me, my PSN is the same as my username.
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