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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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I've got a 52" 1080p Bravia I'm gonna be playing my copy on tonight and it is set up for 1:1 pixel mapping. I'll let you guys know if I see anything.
McLovin said:
Hey that aim throw wasn't in UC1, was it? I find it super handy(bonk some guy in the head with the grenade usually stuns him) It's almost 100% chance of them dying from the grenade. So awesome.

Yeah I really like it. I have a hard time using the arc throw because the camera aims at the top of the arc instead of where the grenade will actually land. This has been extremely frustrating for me, and it's something that all games do for some reason.
McLovin said:
Hey that aim throw wasn't in UC1, was it? I find it super handy(bonk some guy in the head with the grenade usually stuns him) It's almost 100% chance of them dying from the grenade. So awesome.
Yeah I went back to playing Drake's Fortune last night after playing the beta for a very long time and forgot how shitty the grenade throwing was. It drove me nuts.


holy goddamn fuck @ CHAP 6 spoilers:
when the building starts collapsing underneath the helicopter fire

Jesus the detail in that scene was unreal
Virro said:
Not really a fan of that part, but I thought it was an interesting thing to throw in there. I just wanted the story to wrap at that point.

I LOVED that whole sequence. It was a great part and really paid service to the nature of the game....IMHO.


Gold Member
McLovin said:
Hey that aim throw wasn't in UC1, was it? I find it super handy(bonk some guy in the head with the grenade usually stuns him) It's almost 100% chance of them dying from the grenade. So awesome.

In U1 you could either aim using the throwing arc (which showed up when pressing L1 while having the grenades equipped) or throw blindly. What's new in U2 is that you can throw grenades while aiming with another weapon. In U1 grenades had to be seperately equipped (there was no dedicated grenade button), so you couldn't do that. Which is what you meant, I guess.

autobzooty said:
Yeah I really like it. I have a hard time using the arc throw because the camera aims at the top of the arc instead of where the grenade will actually land. This has been extremely frustrating for me, and it's something that all games do for some reason.

That's why you activate Sixaxis aiming. Then you can adjust the throwing arc without moving the camera.
Milk Lizard said:
Is there any way to cancel a grenade throw ? So many times i have accidentally clicked the grenade button.

I know in the single player it is triangle... as for the multi, I dont know if that works BUT if you roll it cancels the grenade (I think).


So, I started on Hard, and I think I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to have to replay it on easy to get the "Kill 70 enemies w/out dying" trophy. Oh well, game is still knocking my socks off.
so i have 91% of the trophies in uncharted 1, and 4 x save games from uc1 on my system.... and UC2 doesnt recognise any of them when i do the scan???

both are uk pal copies of the game

am i doing something retarded?


Wow is this game an improvement on the original or what. The dialogs are way better than before and the animation is out of this world, very believable. This is like the best Hollywood action-adventure movie that Hollywood can't seem to make. And it has fantastic gameplay as well! I doubt multiple playthroughs will be worth it, but as it is, the experience is quite something.


NinjaFusion said:
so i have 91% of the trophies in uncharted 1, and 4 x save games from uc1 on my system.... and UC2 doesnt recognise any of them when i do the scan???

both are uk pal copies of the game

am i doing something retarded?

You have to activate them in the single-player store where you buy stuff for the SP campaign, not the multiplayer store.


About treasures does anyone know
Whats on that Jade Belt Slide? cant tell what it is
I know its silly but I enjoy looking at them.
TheExecutive said:
I LOVED that whole sequence. It was a great part and really paid service to the nature of the game....IMHO.

I believe this is word by word transcription of what went on in my head at that part (extreme end spoilers):

Finally... what a game, what a ride... Awesome... now to figure out this love triangl-- WHAT?... wtf? Goddamn chloe look behind you... behiiii... shitttt... fucking hell wtf happened here... Jesus gotta kill him gotta kill him awww shit i'm sliding not now wtf... goddam shoot his head... head you idiot his HEAD!!! jesus the camera went crazy cant aim for shit... fuck fuck... do i have enough ammo fuck i should look for a crossbow for this shit... nothing around me shit gotta make do with this weak ass gun gonna just pump him with bullets... pew pew pew... shit wtf why is there a pillar blocking my view ooooohhhhh shit i'm gonna fall i'm gonna fall oh jesus i dont wanna die goddam chloe cant look behind her... pew pew pew... oh thank god he's dead... and so am i.

Oh shit... saved! :D
RichardAM said:
Been playing the single player all day. I think i'm almost done-
just discovered the hidden entrance to Shambhala after doing the puzzle

Really enjoyed it so far, but the
ice temple
section was pretty horrible. Visually it was tight, but I found it tedious.
The train and tank/truck set pieces
were all fantastic, definitely my favourite bits. Tomorrow i'm hoping to get back into the MP well proper. :D

I agree that section dragged on for entirely too long and the amount of times I died when jumping to the wrong place is staggering. Which brings me to my biggest gripe of the game: Not knowing where to go/jump. Too many times I died when jumping to the wrong spot. Also the platforming is extremely limited to where you are supposed to go. There are TONS of window sills that I would have liked to traverse but couldn't. Good thing that wont be an issue on additional playthroughs :D



I paused the game during the sequence where you're
ruining away with Elena after Jeff has been killed
during the slow motion part where Drake jumps... and had to leave it there for a few hours by accident. So I shut down the PS3 by pressing the button on the console nad everything is fine.

Except now when I start the single player again, the entire game is stuck running at slow motion speed It plays fine for cutscenes (I've gotten to the
section), and multiplayer runs FINE.

NOTHING I've tried has fixed the problem, restarting, taking the disk out, deleting the game data. Absolutely nothing, which means I might have to restart the game since it's probably a glitch taht's being carried over with my save.

Stupidest glitch ever.
Zen said:

I paused the game during the sequence where you're
ruining away with Elena after Jeff has been killed
during the slow motion part where Drake jumps... and had to leave it there for a few hours by accident. So I shut down the PS3 by pressing the button on the console nad everything is fine.

Except now when I start the single player again, the entire game is stuck running at slow motion speed It plays fine for cutscenes (I've gotten to the
section), and multiplayer runs FINE.

NOTHING I've tried has fixed the problem, restarting, taking the disk out, deleting the game data. Absolutely nothing, which means I might have to restart the game since it's probably a glitch taht's being carried over with my save.

Stupidest glitch ever.

Man, I hope no one saw that besides me especially those that haven't played that far. :lol

That glitch sounds like a bitch though.
iamcool388 said:
I believe this is word by word transcription of what went on in my head at that part (extreme end spoilers):

Finally... what a game, what a ride... Awesome... now to figure out this love triangl-- WHAT?... wtf? Goddamn chloe look behind you... behiiii... shitttt... fucking hell wtf happened here... Jesus gotta kill him gotta kill him awww shit i'm sliding not now wtf... goddam shoot his head... head you idiot his HEAD!!! jesus the camera went crazy cant aim for shit... fuck fuck... do i have enough ammo fuck i should look for a crossbow for this shit... nothing around me shit gotta make do with this weak ass gun gonna just pump him with bullets... pew pew pew... shit wtf why is there a pillar blocking my view ooooohhhhh shit i'm gonna fall i'm gonna fall oh jesus i dont wanna die goddam chloe cant look behind her... pew pew pew... oh thank god he's dead... and so am i.

Oh shit... saved! :D

Case in point. That whole sequence
from running and jumping on that bridge to saving chloe
is utterly amazing.
TheExecutive said:
I agree that section dragged on for entirely too long and the amount of times I died when jumping to the wrong place is staggering. Which brings me to my biggest gripe of the game: Not knowing where to go/jump. Too many times I died when jumping to the wrong spot. Also the platforming is extremely limited to where you are supposed to go. There are TONS of window sills that I would have liked to traverse but couldn't. Good thing that wont be an issue on additional playthroughs :D

I think in this respect inFAMOUS kinda spoilt me. Now I just expect EVERYTHING which looks remotely climbable to be, well, climbable. :lol


works for Gamestop (lol)
In case anyone wondering what the new playlists are:

Standard deathmatch only
Elimination matches only

Objectives playlist
Ranked matches (deathmatch and objectives)
All competitve modes (basically ranked playlist without the separate rank) - I think this is new
Co-op Objective
Cop-op Arena
NinjaFusion said:
so i have 91% of the trophies in uncharted 1, and 4 x save games from uc1 on my system.... and UC2 doesnt recognise any of them when i do the scan???

both are uk pal copies of the game

am i doing something retarded?

any help?

Tried this on the main menu... nothing.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Zen said:

I paused the game during the sequence where you're
ruining away with Elena after Jeff has been killed
during the slow motion part where Drake jumps... and had to leave it there for a few hours by accident. So I shut down the PS3 by pressing the button on the console nad everything is fine.

Except now when I start the single player again, the entire game is stuck running at slow motion speed It plays fine for cutscenes (I've gotten to the
section), and multiplayer runs FINE.

NOTHING I've tried has fixed the problem, restarting, taking the disk out, deleting the game data. Absolutely nothing, which means I might have to restart the game since it's probably a glitch taht's being carried over with my save.

Stupidest glitch ever.
Have you checked the store to see if Slo-Motion is enabled? There's a glitch that allows you to enable stuff before you meet the requirements to buy it. I don't know how I did it, but I was able to enable the "Pump" taunt before actually buying it. Maybe Slo-Motion got turned on in your save by accident.

NinjaFusion said:
any help?

Tried this on the main menu... nothing.
I've heard booting into Drake's Fortunes, loading a save, saving, and then quitting to launch Among Thieves has worked for some people.


TheExecutive said:
Sorry bro, definitely wasnt my intention. its not a really huge spoiler or anything dont kick yourself too hard.

im so pathetic.. stuck at work.. so im slowly revealing the spoilers by highlighting them word by word and scrolling over slowly... Im going to stop now :lol

Im at 23, but probably starting over when I get home on hard to prolong the inevitable.
Uncharted 2 does look absolutely amazing. I think on the side of character models, textures<<<<< and draw distances it blows everything else out of the water. But c'mon guys, we cant discredit killzone 2. I think its either on or still close to the graphical quality of uncharted 2. Just sayin...I love both equally. Althought I haven't finsihed uncharted 2 yet, I'm on the train level.
commedieu said:
im so pathetic.. stuck at work.. so im slowly revealing the spoilers by highlighting them word by word and scrolling over slowly... Im going to stop now :lol

Im at 23, but probably starting over when I get home on hard to prolong the inevitable.

NO NO NO dude... finish the game, and then immediately start a new one. Seriously, you cant stop now... only 3 more chapters!!


Not sure why, but when you access the xmb while the water is around with the caustic texture/effect everything will freeze of course..the XMB access makes a still of the game.

except the caustics effect..

amazing no?


Killthee said:
Have you checked the store to see if Slo-Motion is enabled? There's a glitch that allows you to enable stuff before you meet the requirements to buy it. I don't know how I did it, but I was able to enable the "Pump" taunt before actually buying it. Maybe Slo-Motion got turned on in your save by accident.

I've heard booting into Drake's Fortunes, loading a save, saving, and then quitting to launch Among Thieves has worked for some people.

Thanks I'll see if it works.


What's the difference between ranked and non-ranked playlists? The game says 'ranked matches are skill-tracked', does that mean only those matches' stats get uploaded to ND's site? If so, I've played several matches in non-ranked deathmatch-only playlist and noticed that their stats were uploaded to my profile in ND.com. Can someone explain this, please?
I am amazed at this game, it takes the core gameplay of the first game and ramps everything up x 20. The level design is much improved making each encounter just different enough from the next, also its so nich to have areas with so many oppertunities to go vertical or stealth kill.

The train sequence I feel is the single greatest action sequence in the history of video games. It has everything all rolled up into one epic setpiece.

This will be a legendary part 2, like Mega Man 2, Sonic 2, GoW2, RE2. It takes everything we loved about the original and perfects it.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Just got my copy, and holy shit the rebranding makes this game stick out like crazy on the shelf.


Ok, not sure if this counts as a bug but this just happened to me. I tried playing online for the 1st time since the demo a couple of minutes ago and tried deathmatch elimination via matchmaking. After finding people, the game kept looping those pictures and tips you see before a match begins. After 2 mins of waiting I decided to quit via in-game xmb. This made my PS3 restart.

Upon restarting, I could not sign into the PSN. I kept getting DNS errors (my PCs on the network had no internet problems btw). So after several failed attempts I tried testing my network connection under Network and it succeeded in connecting to the PSN. Now when I boot up U2 and go back into mp, the Elimination postcard from the playlist is gone (selectable but no picture). Restarting the game didn't fix and I'm not sure if restarting or shutting down my ps3 will.


bish gets all the credit :)
agaru said:
What's the difference between ranked and non-ranked playlists? The game says 'ranked matches are skill-tracked', does that mean only those matches' stats get uploaded to ND's site? If so, I've played several matches in non-ranked deathmatch-only playlist and noticed that their stats were uploaded to my profile in ND.com. Can someone explain this, please?

you get a nice little blue number next to your name. I tried the modes, but it still doesn't seem to match up with like-ranked opponents.


So after playing the SP for 3 hours and 15 minutes, I'm apparently 45% through the game. Does the second half stretch out longer, because otherwise I'm going to be done well before the 12 or so hours the reviews mention.

I'm at chapter 13 so far before it froze randomly when I picked up a weapon, so I decided that was a sign to call quits for the night.

I did play a bit of the multiplayer after though. I played the beta fairly often, so I knew my way around the maps. It felts really strange playing on the new maps, not having a clue what the layout was.


Killthee said:
I don't know how I did it, but I was able to enable the "Pump" taunt before actually buying it.

I got the same glitch, Pump is such an awesome taunt though and it saves you half a million dollars.:D
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