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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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iamcool388 said:
The quality is up there with the best, and the style is very similar to the first one. However, in this one I think Greg Edmonson got even more opportunity to use different genres and instruments because the game takes place in SO MANY locations.

The music for some levels is truly outstanding. Some songs I really enjoy are Broken Paradise, Reunion (beautiful, just beautiful... very soulful), Cornered... The whole album is fantastic, and I heartily recommend picking it up. (Its on itunes.)

There is a song in the UC2 soundtrack whose name is actually a spoiler, but its not by Edmonson, its by Carmen Rizzo... fucking fantastic. Goddam.

Thanks for the impressions. I just noticed that UC2's sountrack is actually on iTunes (belgium) so i might pick it up after i have played the game. Sadly, the soundtrack from Uncharted 1 is still not on iTunes (Belgium store).


autobzooty said:
Chloe looks like she was lifted straight out of Dune sometimes, but most of the other characters aren't so bad I think. I sorta like it in a way too, it adds to the stylized art style.

Yeah, it's mostly Chloe. It's not terrible but a little distracting at times. Like when someone has a wart on their nose and you can't help staring at it while conversing. :lol
alr1ghtstart said:
in the middle of that little hut next to the cliff. There's an RPG too that spawns after the tank comes through.
wait wait theres two? you mean the grenade launcher is in the hut... then the rockets spawn after tank. gotcha.

I actually enjoy the characterization of Chloe much more than Elena. Elena is just boring.
I'm about halfway done and it's great but I have to say
forcing the player to escort/protect someone and then killing them anyways is by far my most hated game cliche ever. I would have just shot that camera toting bitch myself if I had know. Not just that, but the hanging shooting segment after is easily my least favorite in the game. The game took a really annoying turn for this chapter, I think I'll come back and play more later.
TacticalFox88 said:
Once again, people don't understand the context of what I was saying. I was saying that ND may be good, but they aren't good enough to match what Crysis has done. U2 is a PHENOMENAL game, but Crysis on High and Very High settings, utterly destroys it.
You mean they dont have the rendering power. Crytek itself showed Xbox 360 and PS3 content that failed to match what a maxed out Crysis offers. Neither console has the horsepower.
wouwie said:
Thanks for the impressions. I just noticed that UC2's sountrack is actually on iTunes (belgium) so i might pick it up after i have played the game. Sadly, the soundtrack from Uncharted 1 is still not on iTunes (Belgium store).

Well, I guess I could send you the soundtrack if its not available in your country and you cant get it. The first one is also outstanding!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Flipping the L2/R2 function is a godsend. I can now "aim a grenade" with L1/R2. But I'm too used to having R2 be reload so I keep throwing grenades blindly when trying to reload. Killed too many teammates with this. :lol


TacticalFox88 said:
Once again, people don't understand the context of what I was saying. I was saying that ND may be good, but they aren't good enough to match what Crysis has done. U2 is a PHENOMENAL game, but Crysis on High and Very High settings, utterly destroys it.

How do you measure whether ND's as good as Crytek or not? UC2 is on an inferior system, which also happens to be harder to code for than say, PC (direct x).

I happen to think the interior in Crysis don't really look very good. And I am actually liking UC2's water more (but it is because of it's art style).
BobTheFork said:
I'm about halfway done and it's great but I have to say
forcing the player to escort/protect someone and then killing them anyways is by far my most hated game cliche ever. I would have just shot that camera toting bitch myself if I had know. Not just that, but the hanging shooting segment after is easily my least favorite in the game. The game took a really annoying turn for this chapter, I think I'll come back and play more later.

Usually I'd agree with you but
A) technically you save him until flynn arrives; b) its a pretty intense chase sequence


Rez said:
how did people feel about the
the return of the respawning waves of enemies in arena areas toward the end of the game, particularly in the Monastery? I had no problems with it, but then I didn't mind them in UC1 either.

I didn't mind it, since like you said, it didn't feel like UC1's spawn, kill, rotate level, spawn, kill rehash you saw far too often. Somehow they got 95% of the encounters to feel fresh even though some of them were frustrating.

*End-game Spoilers/Complaints*
Anyone else feel like the guardians were annoying on Hard? I kept finding myself running and gunning until they'd initiate the grab/punch sequence and repeat until they died. Particularly on the part when you first enter Shambhala and you have to fight them with their auto-crossbows when they have the high ground, I kept dying in really annoying ways. I thought these areas were some of the worst executed in the game and a little like they were put together hastily. Did I miss some way to defeat the guardians? Some trick? I did get through them after a while, but it just stuck out to me as odd compared to silky smooth nature of the rest of the game and by far these were the most frustrating parts for me.
DevelopmentArrested said:
Usually I'd agree with you but
A) technically you save him until flynn arrives; b) its a pretty intense chase sequence
well that's the point,
I don't care who's fault it is, I still had to cart him all that way. It's like in killzone 2, all that work to save someone and they just die anyways. That chase was pretty badass though.
BobTheFork said:
well that's the point,
I don't care who's fault it is, I still had to cart him all that way. It's like in killzone 2, all that work to save someone and they just die anyways. That chase was pretty badass though.

did you feel like Jeff would have been a strong character though? he seemed pretty throw-away to me regardless. oh well i still agree to an extent


DevelopmentArrested said:
Am I the only one that fucking hates the AK in this game? Especially in the multiplayer, even with bursting it is SO WEAK; particularly compared to the M4.

Also.. question: where's the rocket launcher on Village?

The AK really improve as well to me,I enjoy using it more now.
Just another scene I remember:

This is at the absolute end of the game... So dont read if you havent finished the game yet. If you did finish it, what did you think of this scene?

After defeating Lazarovic, when Drake, Elena and Chloe have reached the safety of the end of the path, a guardian suddenly shows up behind Chloe. At the same time, the walkway begins to crumble... so you are sliding down a precipice with all kinds of rocks and environmental crap flying around everywhere, while shooting at the fucking guardian who is locked in hand to hand combat with chloe...

Wow... it was definitely a curve ball and it completely blew me away. Just trying to aim while being in that precarious situation, knowing you are so close to the end and not wanting to fail, but having your view being blocked by stuff just falling and flying all around you...
The entire sequence felt like trying to walk on a tightrope in the middle of a fucking earthquake.

Intense, totally unexpected and truly jaw-dropping. When Naughty Dog calls Uncharted 2 an "Active Cinematic Experience", they arent just reiterating a bullet point, they've absolutely nailed it.

So many such little touches, so many incredible scenes... this game. This fucking game. I have no words. SMH. :lol
ashism said:
Anyone up for some MP?
yo let's do hard coop later or objective/tdm. midnight est if youre on!..

Zeliard said:
Besides, I happen to consider a PS3 exclusive to be the best game of the gen so far (Demon's Souls).
You've said that multiple times; not sure how that relates to talking about Uncharted 2's (supposed) inferiority to Crysis.


DevelopmentArrested said:
Because Zeliard is now posting in this thread?
Oh please. I'm not the one who brought up Crysis in the thread.

Besides, I happen to consider a PS3 exclusive to be the best game of the gen so far (Demon's Souls).


iamcool388 said:
Just another scene I remember:

This is at the absolute end of the game... So dont read if you havent finished the game yet. If you did finish it, what did you think of this scene?

After defeating Lazarovic, when Drake, Elena and Chloe have reached the safety of the end of the path, a guardian suddenly shows up behind Chloe. At the same time, the walkway begins to crumble... so you are sliding down a precipice with all kinds of rocks and environmental crap flying around everywhere, while shooting at the fucking guardian who is locked in hand to hand combat with chloe...

Wow... it was definitely a curve ball and it completely blew me away. Just trying to aim while being in that precarious situation, knowing you are so close to the end and not wanting to fail, but having your view being blocked by stuff just falling and flying all around you...
The entire sequence felt like trying to walk on a tightrope in the middle of a fucking earthquake.

Intense, totally unexpected and truly jaw-dropping. When Naughty Dog calls Uncharted 2 an "Active Cinematic Experience", they arent just reiterating a bullet point, they've absolutely nailed it.

So many such little touches, so many incredible scenes... this game. This fucking game. I have no words. SMH. :lol

Not really a fan of that part, but I thought it was an interesting thing to throw in there. I just wanted the story to wrap at that point.


Offtopic but a kid I know from school today was showing his friend the e3 demo of god of war 3 and he refused to believe that game was real time. According to him, its a tech demo thats never going to get released...


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Okay, now that I've adjusted a little. Having L2/R2 default's flipped is pretty good. Throwing a grenade while aiming with R2 to bring your finger (if you don't hold the trigger buttons with two fingers...) up to R1 to fire at a dude puts pressure on them. So nice. I killed a couple of dudes just pointing, throwing a nade and then firing at them.
Virro said:
I didn't mind it, since like you said, it didn't feel like UC1's spawn, kill, rotate level, spawn, kill rehash you saw far too often. Somehow they got 95% of the encounters to feel fresh even though some of them were frustrating.

*End-game Spoilers/Complaints*
Anyone else feel like the guardians were annoying on Hard? I kept finding myself running and gunning until they'd initiate the grab/punch sequence and repeat until they died. Particularly on the part when you first enter Shambhala and you have to fight them with their auto-crossbows when they have the high ground, I kept dying in really annoying ways. I thought these areas were some of the worst executed in the game and a little like they were put together hastily. Did I miss some way to defeat the guardians? Some trick? I did get through them after a while, but it just stuck out to me as odd compared to silky smooth nature of the rest of the game and by far these were the most frustrating parts for me.

They aren't bad when you know how to deal with them. I died maybe 2 or 3 times from guardian parts. The key is to let your partners (or enemies) shoot the shit out of them while you run, and shoot when you can. If you are trying to rush it, you'll die.

Kill one, and take their crossbow, shoot the others two times each, and Wa-La, they are dead.


Gold Member
thaOwner said:
Offtopic but a kid I know from school today was showing his friend the e3 demo of god of war 3 and he refused to believe that game was real time. According to him, its a tech demo thats never going to get released...

Well, in about a month you can let him play it himself! That should be enough to make him believe™.


Virro said:
I didn't mind it, since like you said, it didn't feel like UC1's spawn, kill, rotate level, spawn, kill rehash you saw far too often. Somehow they got 95% of the encounters to feel fresh even though some of them were frustrating.

*End-game Spoilers/Complaints*
Anyone else feel like the guardians were annoying on Hard? I kept finding myself running and gunning until they'd initiate the grab/punch sequence and repeat until they died. Particularly on the part when you first enter Shambhala and you have to fight them with their auto-crossbows when they have the high ground, I kept dying in really annoying ways. I thought these areas were some of the worst executed in the game and a little like they were put together hastily. Did I miss some way to defeat the guardians? Some trick? I did get through them after a while, but it just stuck out to me as odd compared to silky smooth nature of the rest of the game and by far these were the most frustrating parts for me.
Behind one of the pillars facing the side, when the guardians jump onto the ledge across from you toss a couple of grenades up off the opposite wall, should take one down on hard, two if you're lucky and they're both on the ledge. From then on you're just fighting them one at a time in that segment, so it should be easier. Every encounter after that point you should have much better weapons to handle the situation. Minigun in particular tears them a new one ;D


works for Gamestop (lol)
KilgoreTrout said:
Probably already been posted:

Hotness. Now just add an option so I can play co-op matchmaking with hard difficulty and not easy!

Milk Lizard said:
Is there any way to cancel a grenade throw ? So many times i have accidentally clicked the grenade button.

Press triangle


Been playing the single player all day. I think i'm almost done-
just discovered the hidden entrance to Shambhala after doing the puzzle

Really enjoyed it so far, but the
ice temple
section was pretty horrible. Visually it was tight, but I found it tedious.
The train and tank/truck set pieces
were all fantastic, definitely my favourite bits. Tomorrow i'm hoping to get back into the MP well proper. :D


KilgoreTrout said:
They aren't bad when you know how to deal with them. I died maybe 2 or 3 times from guardian parts. The key is to let your partners (or enemies) shoot the shit out of them while you run, and shoot when you can. If you are trying to rush it, you'll die.

Kill one, and take their crossbow, shoot the others two times each, and Wa-La, they are dead.

End-game Spoilers
Yeah, I just got stuck in a cycle where I died, it respawned me in a weird area and every time I emerged I'd get shot to death by his two friends. If I stayed put one would come down and kill me before I could roll out and if I tried to roll out and keep mobile I'd get stuck on terrain for a sec or a random crossbow shot would hit me. Maybe I was trying to run/gun more than I should have and instead just let Chloe/Elena do the dirty work.

Question about Chloe/Elena support
Maybe other people have noticed this already, but do Elena/Chloe ever kill anyone? It always seems like they stun people and I finish them off, but I can't recall them ever killing an enemy.


I'm on about Chapter 18 and the
ram-monkey is ridiculous. I felt like I was fighting an NBA mascot
. I'm having an unbelievable time otherwise. It's easily the best looking game I've ever played.
DevelopmentArrested said:
I really hope ND supports the MP. It's suprisingly a lot of fun and there needs to be more maps. Then again, I cannot see myself playing this much after Nov. 10th.

I think they'll support it if the community supports it.
It's all pretty much up to the players.

They've confirmed they're working on DLC anyways.
Live patching can fix a lot of things quickly too, so it makes working on MP easier.
Virro said:
End-game Spoilers
Yeah, I just got stuck in a cycle where I died, it respawned me in a weird area and every time I emerged I'd get shot to death by his two friends. If I stayed put one would come down and kill me before I could roll out and if I tried to roll out and keep mobile I'd get stuck on terrain for a sec or a random crossbow shot would hit me. Maybe I was trying to run/gun more than I should have and instead just let Chloe/Elena do the dirty work.

Question about Chloe/Elena support
Maybe other people have noticed this already, but do Elena/Chloe ever kill anyone? It always seems like they stun people and I finish them off, but I can't recall them ever killing an enemy.

Teammate AI kills people. Not many, but they do.

They sure do hurt them a lot.
bridegur said:
I'm on about Chapter 18 and the
ram-monkey is ridiculous. I felt like I was fighting an NBA mascot
. I'm having an unbelievable time otherwise. It's easily the best looking game I've ever played.

:lol :lol :lol
I think that is the way everyone felt.
In a few chapters you will feel different.


RoadHazard said:
Other people have confirmed it (and others have, strangely, denied it, even though they claim to be playing with 1:1 pixel mapping).

RoadHazard said:
So, it's obviously not just the PAL version, and I can't think of any other answer than that your TV, Onself, has overscan. It shouldn't, if you have activated 1:1 pixel mapping, but what other answer could there be?

In any case, I really hope ND are aware of this (I don't see how they couldn't be) and will do their best to fix it. It's not a deal breaker in any way, but it is a bit annoying. I can't help being distracted by it now that I know it's there.

Ok, I'll make things clear; my TV doesn't overscan. Not a single bit. It's been professionally calibrated and we can see it displays 1:1 perfectly by passing multiple calibration tests on multiple blu-ray and HD DVD calibration discs.

I did some more tests and I saw a gray box exactly at the same place your purple box appears BUT only at the title screen after pressing start... quite weird. The black bars are fine, while playing it's fine, nothing else happens. Here are the pics, enjoy:

Edit: it also appears when I pause the game.

Edit 2: the square box is green when I pause during an in-game cutscene.

Edit 3: ok it's all over the place on the pause screen, I can get a box on the top right corner as well, never the same color and tiny white lines on the top of the screen, sometimes 4, sometimes 9 .. strange.. I took pictures this time, I'm just to lazy to upload.
The AI definitely cannot kill an enemy outright without you assisting in some way. I tested it by watching Elena pump about 30 shots into an enemy without him dying... on Normal.
I then popped him with 1 shot, continued to watch... still fine.
Took another shot, and after a few more shots from Elena he went down.

So yeah, they either do the smallest amout of damage possible or enemies can only be killed if they're near death by the AI.


Hey that aim throw wasn't in UC1, was it? I find it super handy(bonk some guy in the head with the grenade usually stuns him) It's almost 100% chance of them dying from the grenade. So awesome.


Revolutionary said:
The AI definitely cannot kill an enemy outright without you assisting in some way. I tested it by watching Elena pump about 30 shots into an enemy without him dying... on Normal.
I then popped him with 1 shot, continued to watch... still fine.
Took another shot, and after a few more shots from Elena he went down.

So yeah, they either do the smallest amout of damage possible or enemies can only be killed if they're near death by the AI.

Well, glad to see someone else saw what I was seeing and I'm not completely crazy

Only other thing that bugged me with the AI teammates was
when you have Elena accompanying you in some missions and you have the option of stealth killing a small number or having a huge room spawn on you, she'll follow you automatically and sometimes reveal your presence. Had that happen once or twice. Not like forcing me to deal with enemies was a big deal, but I'm not sure why they would allow her to follow you and trigger enemy recognition.


bish gets all the credit :)
Did they make co-op more difficult? It seems like compared to the beta it's tougher, even on the lower difficulties.


About 3 1/2 hours in. Really good. Good god Nate falls a lot. Was it like this in the first game and I just never noticed? It seems like every 5 minutes he's falling off of something epic or something breaks under his weight. Poor guy. The game really has a heightened action level (action level has been raised from gamboge to salmon) compared to the first, without anything feeling tacked on for action's sake. Well, at least so far. I wish the gunplay improved though, feels meh.
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