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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Eric WK said:
Bought a PS3 yesterday, just for Uncharted 2. I've never been more impressed with a videogame. I didn't know the medium was capable of the things this game does.

I'm almost scared to keep playing it because I just don't want it to end.

Some of the set pieces they pull off in this game are just incredible


My connection is so bad on Uncharted right now, I keep levelling down everytime I try to play online, and I don't know what's different now compared to when I first started playing Uncharted online until I got to level 30. :(
decon said:
Got the game two days ago and god is it amazing. ND has to be my favorite developers. First game I got with the PS1 was crash, one of the best PS2 was Jak and Dexter and now they Uncharted: DF with this!

I have one minor problem though: I got a lot of trohpies in DF, but they won't load into Uncharted 2 for some reason? Any fix to this?

What do you mean?


I would bang a hot farmer!
decon said:
Got the game two days ago and god is it amazing. ND has to be my favorite developers. First game I got with the PS1 was crash, one of the best PS2 was Jak and Dexter and now they Uncharted: DF with this!

I have one minor problem though: I got a lot of trohpies in DF, but they won't load into Uncharted 2 for some reason? Any fix to this?
I had the same problem. Pop in DF and run it and there should be an update. Once it's updated you can then get the bonus money in UC2.


Fuzzy said:
I had the same problem. Pop in DF and run it and there should be an update. Once it's updated you can then get the bonus money in UC2.

But if you update DF it won't recognize your saves anymore. Are you saying UC2 will?


rhino4evr said:
I played Gears 2 last weekend, and all I could think was, I wish this controlled like Uncharted 2. I mean, people complain about tank controls in RE games, in GoW you move so slow.......compared to U2. You really feel like a tank.
To be fair, you also look like a tank in Gears.
Got the Steel Fist Master trophy, but not the in-game medal. Wonder what's up with that.

Curufinwe said:
What's the best chapter to play to get the Medals for kills with the old-timey guns?

The P08-9mm and the MP40.
What I did was just use them after unlocking them from the in-game store throughout playthroughs.


breaking down barriers in gratuitous nudity
ShinoguTakeruKoeru said:
Got the Steel Fist Master trophy, but not the in-game medal. Wonder what's up with that.
That's happened to me too. Also happened with another Trophy/medal, but I can't remember which.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
ShinoguTakeruKoeru said:
Got the Steel Fist Master trophy, but not the in-game medal. Wonder what's up with that.
Damn, same here.

I got the pop-up message for both the Steel Fist Master medal and the trophy. When I look it up in the menu, the trophy icon is highlighted, but there's no green check mark next it. Some kind weird of bug I guess. But I still got the Platinum trophy, so I didn't care all that much.

Curufinwe said:
How do you choose to use a weapon that you have unlocked?
Highlight and choose the weapon from the in-game store (after purchasing) to enable it during gameplay.


Got my platinum trophy this morning. It was an amazing experience from start to finish, definitely my top game for 2009 so far (my NSMB Wii copy arrives next week, things can still change) :D


I've been playing Assassins Creed 2 all this week, thinking what an amazing looking game that is, I thought to myself "man this shit is almost comparable to UC2 considering the open world nature of the game".

What a retarded thing to think.

Just now I figured I'd finish up the couple of treasures I have left to complete my platinum. I really wish I hadn't done this while playing AC2. :p It's when you go back and forth from the competition that you really start to appreciate Uncharted 2's graphics. All this while the framerate is soooo buttery-smooth. Man this shit feels nice after being subjected to screen tear and stuttering for days.

BTW has anyone else tried out very easy mode? It's fucking hilarious. The game virtually plays itself. The auto-aiming is ridiculous.


Sorry if answered before but can you use cheats in the SP campaign to unlock the weapons trophies? (i.e. can I unlock unlimited GAU ammo and get the GAU kills trophy?

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Justin Dailey said:
Sorry if answered before but can you use cheats in the SP campaign to unlock the weapons trophies? (i.e. can I unlock unlimited GAU ammo and get the GAU kills trophy?
yep! I don't see how anyone would have got the GAU trophy in a reasonable amount of time without it.
just finished the game. Aside from a frustrating final battle, i loved every minute of it. The most surprising thing was how much I loved the controls and battle mechanics of the firefights. They were insanely fun to the point where I was hoping to run into a group of enemies around every corner so I could stalk them and take them out one by one with stealth attacks or go in guns blazing. That was probably the most surprising thing for me. I kinda wish i had picked up UC1 as my next game instead of MGS4. Nothing against Metal Gear as im only about an hour into it, but going from controlling Nate, smoothly going from cover to cover, or interacting with the environment, kinda spoils me when you go from that to Solid Snake, who's moves and controls are so archaic in comparison. I know they are different kinds of games but its still kinda jarring.
I never really like the direction MGS3 and 4 went to. Mostly you're on the floor most of the time. Uncharted 2 seems more of a MGS1 approach which I like better.


Great teamwork in the last plunder game guyz way to go.


Ballistictiger said:
I never really like the direction MGS3 and 4 went to. Mostly you're on the floor most of the time. Uncharted 2 seems more of a MGS1 approach which I like better.

The stealth ideas in MGS never evolved, they have stayed roughly the same. What they did is add the camouflage mechanic, which is just really awful and pure nonsense in the way that is used in the games.

Uncharted 2 has better and more natural stealth mechanics than any MGS game.


Finally managed to finish a co-op game on Sanctuary in crushing with a friend, the two of us alone. God... I think it took us more than 40 minutes to finish it, and the thing is, it was our first time getting past the first bridge between two towers. There are times where you are so overwhelmed by gun fire that you're just able to fire a couple of times and go back to cover and that's definitely not enough to kill armored guys. Those are the times where you miss a third partner, at least to draw some attention away from you.
One down, two to go.

Next time I'll try to capture it in HD, but I think I'm gonna need a new HDD for that :lol
I just finished this one. Can someone explain to me how Uncharted 2 is a huge improvement on the original? They're both great games but I'm trying to figure out why the first game didn't receive as much universal acclaim as the second one. The main thing the second one has over the first one is the stunning graphics otherwise they seem to be pretty identical in terms of gameplay. I thought the first one had a better plot.

Was the first one mainly ignored because of the PS3 hate that existed at the time?
lucablight said:
I just finished this one. Can someone explain to me how Uncharted 2 is a huge improvement on the original? They're both great games but I'm trying to figure out why the first game didn't receive as much universal acclaim as the second one. The main thing the second one has over the first one is the stunning graphics otherwise they seem to be pretty identical in terms of gameplay. I thought the first one had a better plot.

Was the first one mainly ignored because of the PS3 hate that existed at the time?

I too preferred the story in the first. UC2 is completely awesome though.


jett said:
The stealth ideas in MGS never evolved, they have stayed roughly the same. What they did is add the camouflage mechanic, which is just really awful and pure nonsense in the way that is used in the games.

Uncharted 2 has better and more natural stealth mechanics than any MGS game.

I disagree. But then I'm not expectiong MGS 4 level stealth from an action adventure game.


Not pure anymore!
KurowaSan said:
Finally managed to finish a co-op game on Sanctuary in crushing with a friend, the two of us alone. God... I think it took us more than 40 minutes to finish it, and the thing is, it was our first time getting past the first bridge between two towers. There are times where you are so overwhelmed by gun fire that you're just able to fire a couple of times and go back to cover and that's definitely not enough to kill armored guys. Those are the times where you miss a third partner, at least to draw some attention away from you.
One down, two to go.

Next time I'll try to capture it in HD, but I think I'm gonna need a new HDD for that :lol
Village on Crushing is way harder than Sactuary with just two people.
lucablight said:
I just finished this one. Can someone explain to me how Uncharted 2 is a huge improvement on the original? They're both great games but I'm trying to figure out why the first game didn't receive as much universal acclaim as the second one. The main thing the second one has over the first one is the stunning graphics otherwise they seem to be pretty identical in terms of gameplay. I thought the first one had a better plot.

Was the first one mainly ignored because of the PS3 hate that existed at the time?

I don't know, we must have played different games because Uncharted 2 was balls to the wall action with near perfect pacing whereas the gameplay of Uncharted 1 walked a fine line between fun & tedious. Nothing in Uncharted rivals the awesomeness of any of the big crazy set pieces/levels they cooked up for the sequel.

I popped Drake's Fortune in a week or so before Amongst Thieves came out to take it for a spin and could only bring myself to play a little past when the plane crashes as thats where it transitions into a chore to play thru for me. I don't anticipate I will have those feelings on my 2nd playthrough of Uncharted 2.


Catalix said:
Highlight and choose the weapon from the in-game store (after purchasing) to enable it during gameplay.

Thanks, I have all the Weapon Medals now except for the GAU, and I must be close to 200 kills with it.
Finished it last night. I dug the ending, even though the
run-like-hell-while-everything-crashes-down-around-you sequence
was utterly predictable. At least they avoided the temptation to
rip off Last Crusade by giving a dying Elena some of the amber.

Overall a great experience. Bravo, Naughty Dog. As someone said earlier, when you consider ND's body of work since the PS1 it's really an impressive string of titles. Not only have they been great games in their own right, but they've defined the PlayStation hardware library throughout.

Any advice for jumping from easy to hard and skipping normal? Easy was indeed easy, so I'm thinking it won't be too big a deal to skip normal.
I am gonna stop playing this game competitive online until I get a playlist without explosives. Preferably without autoaim shotgun and pistole as well. They can keep the weapons, just remove the autoaim.
Until then its Coop only.


Uncharted 2's steep multiplayer leveling curve makes me wonder why console games haven't adopted a world of warcraft style rest xp system.

There are plenty of good reasons for doing this

Yes, it would make the leveling faster, but if you've played into the deep 40s or 50s you'd know that's not such a bad thing.

Casual players would be able to make better progress and would be more inclined to log on every weekend after accruing rest XP. And if they have to take a really long break from the game, they have a good incentive waiting for them when they return. Basically, I think it would help retain a larger player base.

And yeah, a lot of people would play the game once a day for 2 hrs or so and then probably stop after their rest XP ended, but what's wrong with that?

I guess a simple solution would be to make every weekend double XP, but Uncharted 2's leveling system is really making me long for MMO-style rest xp system.

What say you GAF?


How do you guys reach level 30 and stuff so easily? I am on lvl 13 right now and I find it so hard to level up. I've tried all the modes and on a good day the maximum I can get is $6000 in a game. Am I doing something wrong?


kikanny said:
How do you guys reach level 30 and stuff so easily? I am on lvl 13 right now and I find it so hard to level up. I've tried all the modes and on a good day the maximum I can get is $6000 in a game. Am I doing something wrong?
Well I believe the max you can get is 50k a match. This is not really attainable in normal circumstances. You may fare better in the cooperative modes for cash if you're not so good at killing or doing objectives.

Eventually you will unlock a skill called deposit which doubles your objective based rewards. Other than that, there's really not much to it beyond simply playing a lot and being good at killing and getting medals.

Rolf NB

lucablight said:
I just finished this one. Can someone explain to me how Uncharted 2 is a huge improvement on the original? They're both great games but I'm trying to figure out why the first game didn't receive as much universal acclaim as the second one. The main thing the second one has over the first one is the stunning graphics otherwise they seem to be pretty identical in terms of gameplay. I thought the first one had a better plot.

Was the first one mainly ignored because of the PS3 hate that existed at the time?
They did a lot of tweaking to enemy behaviour and all the little cues that go along with it. One recurring issue with UDF was that people would swear up and down they pumped clips worth of bullets into an enemy when they actually did nothing but miss. They simply misread the "dodge" animation for a "stagger".
Audio and animation cues are clearly tweaked to make the game clearer, while maintaining difficulty.

I think the rest is all level design. UDF was fine, but with Uncharted 2 they hit it out of the park.
kikanny said:
How do you guys reach level 30 and stuff so easily? I am on lvl 13 right now and I find it so hard to level up. I've tried all the modes and on a good day the maximum I can get is $6000 in a game. Am I doing something wrong?

You should have taken advantage of the Halloween weekend thing, I went from level 1 to 30 that weekend. Anyway, the rest is just scoring kills and medals


I never had any issues with Drake's Fortune, so I'm definitely not in the camp that says "holy crap what a massive difference in control", but going back to DF after U2 it's pretty easy to notice the improvements. First off is the increased closeness of the camera when you aim, it's much more like GeoW in U2, and it really does help to aim somewhat. Taking cover is also way smoother. In U2 Drake he just walks over somewhere and crouches down, it's actually pretty lame to watch after playing U2. :p Even just the way Drake moves around, everything flows better in the sequel. They're minor things, but it makes a difference. Just controlling Drake feels so smooth and just feels right.

Or then again maybe those people are playing U2 on very easy or easy mode which have a disgusting amount of auto-aim, making them believe they are better at playing Uncharted now :p


lucablight said:
I just finished this one. Can someone explain to me how Uncharted 2 is a huge improvement on the original? They're both great games but I'm trying to figure out why the first game didn't receive as much universal acclaim as the second one. The main thing the second one has over the first one is the stunning graphics otherwise they seem to be pretty identical in terms of gameplay. I thought the first one had a better plot.

Was the first one mainly ignored because of the PS3 hate that existed at the time?
The first one had horrible pacing that made the game less than fun to play from start to finish. The integration of the platforming with the shooting was half-assed. The first one is a good game. the second one is an amazing game. Good pacing is the difference between a B game (Uncharted) and A+ (Uncharted 2).


Multiplayer Question. I finally played a bit of competitive multi with some friends a few nights ago. My friend and I could NOT talk to each other. It didn't even detect that we had mics. However, my other two friends could hear us both perfectly. We were actually communicating to each other through the echo in one of my friends' TVs. Has anyone had this problem where they can't connect to certain people and if so, how did you fix it? It's really annoying.


Gold Member
Just platinum'd this tonite!!! :D

I was soo pissed...i got to the end of chapter 25 on crushing and it fricken froze on me!!! I hadnt saved in a bit, so when i restarted my PS3 i was back at the beginning of 25 again.

Anyhow, glad thats over with....:lol


Bearillusion said:
I too preferred the story in the first. UC2 is completely awesome though.

Damn, now I'm thinking about picking up the original, I'm just worried gameplay/graphically it's going to pale in comparison to it's sequel.


unomas said:
Damn, now I'm thinking about picking up the original, I'm just worried gameplay/graphically it's going to pale in comparison to it's sequel.

And graphically, it's not too bad as well. The sequel may have more "wow" effects/features (e.g. SSAO), but I found that the textures in the original were equally detailed. Also, in my opinion, Uncharted: DF had far fewer noticeable repeating textures (other than the open sea, which you only see two-to-three times).


Uncharted was the first game I bought for the PS3, and it was great to play through. After five times, it never got too boring, and it's $29.99 now as well.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Ninja Scooter said:
Nothing against Metal Gear as im only about an hour into it, but going from controlling Nate, smoothly going from cover to cover, or interacting with the environment, kinda spoils me when you go from that to Solid Snake, who's moves and controls are so archaic in comparison. I know they are different kinds of games but its still kinda jarring.
Yeah, I kinda feel like that with every other game I play now. It's always like going from controlling a living being in UC2, to controlling what seems like robot, everywhere else. They nailed controls and animation so much, it's unbelievable.

jett said:
BTW has anyone else tried out very easy mode? It's fucking hilarious. The game virtually plays itself. The auto-aiming is ridiculous.
I tried it, and while it's funny how easy the shooting becomes, it's an ideal addition for someone who wants to go through it just for the story, characters, scenery etc. but has no aiming/shooting skills, or no interest in dying and retrying. I think it's smart they added it considering I can totally see someone who has never played a game before enjoying this game.

Catalix said:
Damn, same here.

I got the pop-up message for both the Steel Fist Master medal and the trophy. When I look it up in the menu, the trophy icon is highlighted, but there's no green check mark next it. Some kind weird of bug I guess. But I still got the Platinum trophy, so I didn't care all that much.
This happens when you go into chapter without saving and win the medal/trophy. When you load your save next time you play the game, the trophy will be remembered (as it's saved system wide) but medal won't be as it's saved in game's save file. If you want to, you can just get the medal again by doing what you are supposed to do for it, but make sure you have your save file active while playing.
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