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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Lord Error said:
Hmm, what voice actors are in both games? None of the main ones I think.

Both the Flynn and Chloe VA's are in Dragon Age: Origins as the main characters (Alistair and Morrigan, respectively).


Lion Heart said:

This destroys every vista in UC2. Maybe not technically but artisitcally, it has no flaws. No bad textures imo. Everything fits so cohesively. Borneo looked not nearly as good as UC jungles but thats just my opinion, if someone wants to do so direct screen comparisons of the two games, I would really appreciate it. Still, probably nothing tops Chapter 16 in UC2 and the very beginning of Chapter 17 (god i've said this a million times now). I wish the game did a lot more snow levels in the daytime OUTSIDE. its the best looking shit this gen.
No :/

Sorry to say but it looks so stale now :/
Looks a little uninspired...Hell it looks like the prototype for UC2. Like an alpha version.


that youtube video just made me realize just how much better U2 looks compared to the first one. Drakes model alone is so much more improved.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Late to the party as usual, but started this game last night and just finished it up this evening, very impressive, not much too say really as it's probably already been said a million times but definitely my GOTY.


Cellbomber said:
I prefer uc2's jungles over the ones in the first title. Seems like there is more detail and life to them.

U2 has loads of details you easily miss. I didn't notice in my first playthrough, but there's an alligator swimming in the swamp (just for a second or two) in the beginning of the jungle level. :)


Currently playing through hard mode. Gameplay is like the first like expected(with improved grenade throwing and stealth) although it's easier this time which is fine for me since I don't like shooters I'm just playing the game for the big budget presentation(helicopter sequence was jaw dropping!). I think this game has hit the high ceiling of visuals of this gen's consoles I'll be surprised if even Uncharted 3 tops it.

Also new news on the movie. I think the characters in this franchise would make for a good movie. http://www.firstshowing.net/2009/11...ampaign=Feed:+firstshowing+(FirstShowing.net)

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
rhino4evr said:
that youtube video just made me realize just how much better U2 looks compared to the first one. Drakes model alone is so much more improved.
His animation is improved quite a bit too. There's more, and better animated swaying as he turns, jumps etc. It's relatively subtle stuff, but pretty obvious now that I've played the second game.

vazel said:
Also new news on the movie. I think the characters in this franchise would make for a good movie. http://www.firstshowing.net/2009/11...ampaign=Feed:+firstshowing+(FirstShowing.net)
Heh, the news about this movie just went from bad to worse it seems. From an unknown writer to ones who never did anything good. It might do some good to raise the awareness about the game no matter how bad it is, I guess, like the Resident Evil movies did.

It's a shame that Hollywood doesn't seem to have any people yet who really understand games. For the longest time comic book adaptations suffered the same fate, but then there came a crop of people who really understood them, and knew how to adapt them into interesting and fun movies. I hope it will happen to games one day as well. This new Prince of Persia movie actually looks decent.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
jett said:
*looks at the number of people playing online*

You gotta wonder if that would be even remotely profitable for them.
As someone said, their number probably shows the number of people online at that very moment, as opposed to number of people who played in the last 24h, like most games seem to do. If that's true, I don't know if it was a good decision to do. But even with few thousands people playing at the same time, I never had to wait much for matchmaking, in a couple of times I tried it.


sillymonkey321 said:
A new mini-campaign please!

This, I would buy. Although they better hurry it up or else I'll spend my PSN money on AC2 DLC. :p

Lord Error said:
As someone said, their number probably shows the number of people online at that very moment, as opposed to number of people who played in the last 24h, like most games seem to do. If that's true, I don't know if it was a good decision to do. But even with couple of thousands people playing at the same time, I never had to wait much for matchmaking, in a couple of times I tried it.

Well, I guess we'll see what's what if they decide to provide DLC or not. What I find so strange is that the closed beta had more simultaenous players.
game doesn't have as many people playing it as MW2, it must be a failure.

jett said:
Well, I guess we'll see what's what if they decide to provide DLC or not.

Who cares, as long as they provide a MM playlist that properly integrates DLC content and not shit they did with Killzone 2 which made the DLC useless. As long as I can get on and play the new content, I'm fine, but if its restrictive and no one is going to be playing it, fuck it.


Metalmurphy said:
Didn't you buy a decent PC a while ago? What on earth possessed you to get AC2 on the PS3? :p

I couldn't wait 4 months(pc port was delayed). :| I'm weak like that sometimes. No worries, this copy will get sold once the PC version is out.


Interstellar said:
Free would be nice if possible, it would help not to split up the (small) community.

I'm thinking this is the way to go, too. We know DLC is being worked on, but do we have any idea on whether they plan to charge for it?

This gets me thinking on what else NDI should be playing with to keep the community engaged. Halloween weekend was an awesome idea. That along with the live patching tech gave me the impression that a variety of things would be happening with some frequency. I think it'd be fun if they kept playing with random timed events that would enable different gametypes, playlists, perks, characters, etc. Hell, a patch for the map exploits would be a start.

I don't know what's possible under the framework they've laid out, but I get a feeling there's a lot they can do we haven't been shown yet. Hopefully they'll put it out there before the community's reduced to only the most loyal fans of the online component.

jax (old)

jett said:
*looks at the number of people playing online*

You gotta wonder if that would be even remotely profitable for them.

I played about 3 hours last night. was awesome. I'd buy.

more skins. UC1 themed maps. etc etc. Good shit. Be good if they can introduce more environmentals into the maps (eg.. the exploding blue sap you can shoot in shambala etc). destructible environements..etc

That said, now that people have "moved on", the guys you end up playing with, are all high level pros which makes the game even better. Not noobie idiots. The games I plaeyd last night had tonnes of level 40++ ---> 55++

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I think ND should permanently double the XP gain.

Why? Because I'd have even more fun. ;)


The jumps in the money you need to level up are just far too huge. I'm level 47 and I don't EVER see myself getting to 50, nevermind 60. It'll just take far too long. Kinda makes me lose motivation to play it.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
FFObsessed said:
The jumps in the money you need to level up are just far too huge. I'm level 47 and I don't EVER see myself getting to 50, nevermind 60. It'll just take far too long. Kinda makes me lose motivation to play it.
Agreed. They should have lowered the requirements for the penalty perks to lv 47 and up.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Yoboman said:
The post-launch support so far seems pretty lacking. Why hasn't the stat tracking on the website been fully fixed yet?
Don't worry, they've been working with Media Molecule so they will be going to fix it after Media Molecule fixes the Play - Create - Share counter in LBP.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Jocchan said:
Don't worry, they've been working with Media Molecule so they will be going to fix it after Media Molecule fixes the Play - Create - Share counter in LBP.


I haven't played the MP in a long while. I really need a reason to get back into this. I've just been getting burnt out a bit on gaming so I took a little break for a few days.


Yoboman said:
The post-launch support so far seems pretty lacking. Why hasn't the stat tracking on the website been fully fixed yet?

You have no idea what we have been through since then. But I'm looking at stat tracking from a development stats feed and it looks like we're finally gonna be back in business really soon. It's been, uh, quite the challenge.


brandonh83 said:
I will buy maps. Every single one of them.
Yeah, and the prospect of new maps hopefully brings the prospect of new multiplayer weapons. The magnum, the MP40, the tranquilizer dart gun, the crossbow etc.. Either way, more maps + more skins, yes!

Also just as an aside, to me it seems the riot shield needs a little more utility. Being able to toss it up to higher places would be ideal. It's really the only item in the game that is 'stuck' to ground level.


arne said:
You have no idea what we have been through since then. But I'm looking at stat tracking from a development stats feed and it looks like we're finally gonna be back in business really soon. It's been, uh, quite the challenge.

Hang in there.
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