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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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GG tonight.


Not as deep as he thinks
shagg_187 said:
Nope. Infact, a little big harder.
A little bit? It's like 10x harder than Uncharted 2. I'm half-way through Crushing in 2...I dread the day I decide to take on Crushing on the first Uncharted.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
the most impressive thing about this game is that it was made in eighteen fucking months. I mean, seriously, what the fucking fuck.

I'm playing some of it now just to check to see if it was just pure hype talking before, but god damn, it's just so good.


Rez said:
the most impressive thing about this game is that it was made in eighteen fucking months. I mean, seriously, what the fucking fuck.

I'm playing some of it now just to check to see if it was just pure hype talking before, but god damn, it's just so good.

I think they were able to take the exisiting engine and just approve upon it..which made development time more focused on tweaking the graphics, and the gameplay. I hope they can turn around part 3 as quickly.


unomas said:
Damn, now I'm thinking about picking up the original, I'm just worried gameplay/graphically it's going to pale in comparison to it's sequel.

I went back to Uncharted 1 again after finishing 2 and it still wows me.

Uncharted 1 has much better looking jungles, that's for sure, you will still be blown away.

I also prefer the setting of Uncharted 1. Something about being trapped on a cursed island screams awesome to me.


Finished the game. AWESOME.

Best game this gen, and easily one of my top 5 of all time.
I really hope i see U3 soon, but i'd also like to see ND use this engine with a similar game but different hero and settings. Maybe sci-fi?


Just wanted to chip in real quick, had a great time with multiplayer this weekend. This game keeps getting better and better, it's ridiculous how much fun I've had with it so far.

Definitely get a headset for this, things play very different when you get to coordinate with 4 other GAFers actually committed to the match's objective. :)

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Rez said:
the most impressive thing about this game is that it was made in eighteen fucking months. I mean, seriously, what the fucking fuck.
I have always wondered what a good software team could do if they worked with dedication through whole dev cycle, instead crunch only the the last week before every milestone, and an hour of actual work every other day, between chatting and internet browsing (Office Space proves to be the truest to life comedy of all time again). I guess now we know.

kaitoe said:
Also, in my opinion, Uncharted: DF had far fewer noticeable repeating textures (other than the open sea, which you only see two-to-three times).
I can't say this game had much of it either. There were some walls, but most of them were some off the way surfaces where there was no real reason to look at anyways. I'm glad they fixed the repetition problem on large water surfaces though. It's true that it was only a few times in UC1, but it was pretty much in your face every time.
lucablight said:
I just finished this one. Can someone explain to me how Uncharted 2 is a huge improvement on the original? They're both great games but I'm trying to figure out why the first game didn't receive as much universal acclaim as the second one. The main thing the second one has over the first one is the stunning graphics otherwise they seem to be pretty identical in terms of gameplay. I thought the first one had a better plot.

Was the first one mainly ignored because of the PS3 hate that existed at the time?
The thing I liked about the first is that it felt more cohesive then the second. Always moving from one location to the next is good for gameplay but not good for the story. It's a tough balance but the cohesion was lost in this title. It was nice seeing where you were going in the distance in the first title.


The final boss on Hard was less fun than a 16th century tooth extraction.

I think a checkpoint when you get up to the point where
he gets an infinite supply of grenades that he can throw three or four of at a time would have been fair for Hard. And I'm not even going to bother with Crushing.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
Lord Error said:
This happens when you go into chapter without saving and with the medal/trophy. When you load your save next time you play the game, the trophy will be remembered (as it's saved system wide) but medal won't be as it's saved in game's save file. If you want to, you can just get the medal again by doing what you are supposed to do for it, but make sure you have your save file active while playing.
Ah, I see, good to know. Seeing that empty check mark space might start to eat away at the completist in me. I'll see if I can get the medal again later.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Curufinwe said:
The final boss on Hard was less fun than a 16th century tooth extraction.
Really now? I think it was not any more difficult than the first time, when I played on normal, as I already learned what to do and where to go. Frankly, I don't even know what they can do to make this fight tougher on crushing either, unless they make him run faster.
Haven't played as much due to work, only a 38 now. The gf is a 49. :lol

Due to the short week, I'll need to hit the 40s before the weekend is out. Anyone else going to do competitive over the long break?


tass0 said:
I went back to Uncharted 1 again after finishing 2 and it still wows me.

Uncharted 1 has much better looking jungles, that's for sure, you will still be blown away.

I also prefer the setting of Uncharted 1. Something about being trapped on a cursed island screams awesome to me.

Uncharted is still awesome, but the Borneo part of U2 really wowed me. I might need to go back to the first, it has been a few months since my last Crushing run, but the water and trees in Borneo made me drop my jaw.

Some things look much better in U:DF, though, some of the mud textures on the ground and the stones in the drowned city, god damn.

I think playing them back to back will be a lot of fun and make the wait for u3 harder, not easier :lol

Rolf NB

Lord Error said:
I can't say this game had much of it either. There were some walls, but most of them were some off the way surfaces where there was no real reason to look at anyways. I'm glad they fixed the repetition problem on large water surfaces though. It's true that it was only a few times in UC1, but it was pretty much in your face every time.
That's probably the most impressive thing here, that it all looks so natural and how much it enhances the exploration. You're dicking around in a mostly plausible space with juust enough highlighting that you can find the traversal points comfortably once you're close enough. No repetitions, obviously artificial areas, clear patterns, lazy symmetries etc. Even with man-made structures that have to have repetition -- say, how many trains have you seen where every cart is a different design? -- they vary the surface aging in such a way that you never feel like you're seeing the same piece again.

The one, single moment in the game that looked artificial to me was
the wolf's fur texture in that one cut-scene
in chapter 16.
Lord Error said:
Really now? I think it was not any more difficult than the first time, when I played on normal, as I already learned what to do and where to go. Frankly, I don't even know what they can do to make this fight tougher on crushing either, unless they make him run faster.
I guess they did. He definitely does more damage. Took me about 10 tries on crushing.
Rewrite said:
A little bit? It's like 10x harder than Uncharted 2. I'm half-way through Crushing in 2...I dread the day I decide to take on Crushing on the first Uncharted.
:lol Well, I haven't played it in Crushing yet so I don't know about that. In normal, U: DF is a bit harder than U2 especially since enemies don't die as quick as they do in U2.


love on your sleeve
kikanny said:
How do you guys reach level 30 and stuff so easily? I am on lvl 13 right now and I find it so hard to level up. I've tried all the modes and on a good day the maximum I can get is $6000 in a game. Am I doing something wrong?
Play more.

Seriously, level is just a measure of how long you've been playing (and how many cheesy afterlife kills you have). There's no real secret to it.


so it seems like the only way to get good amount of money is DM. I played a lot of turf war earlier and got barely any. some with elimination. the money needs to scale better for different game types.

oh and turf war on sanctuary, I was using the shield moving from 3 to 2. there 3 or 4 guys waiting and my team wiped them out because they were all shooting at me with the shield.
dralla said:
so it seems like the only way to get good amount of money is DM. I played a lot of turf war earlier and got barely any. some with elimination. the money needs to scale better for different game types.

oh and turf war on sanctuary, I was using the shield moving from 3 to 2. there 3 or 4 guys waiting and my team wiped them out because they were all shooting at me with the shield.
I guess it depends on whether the teams are balanced and if the game goes on for a long time. I've made a lot more cash out of long-ass Chain Reaction or Plunder matches than in most of my DMs.
They ever going to make an option to play JUST Plunder? Since the beta, I think I've played 2, maybe 3, plunder matches. I'm sick of all the zones variations. Fuck.

As result, I've been playing more DM. Plunder is where my heart is at... please let me play it, ND.
MoonsaultSlayer said:
They ever going to make an option to play JUST Plunder? Since the beta, I think I've played 2, maybe 3, plunder matches. I'm sick of all the zones variations. Fuck.

As result, I've been playing more DM. Plunder is where my heart is at... please let me play it, ND.

I think that is an option to vote for, you better vote for it

EDIT: http://www.naughtydog.com/
Seems to be leading with 44% of the vote


Plunder is so much better when you don't have a great team of five. Every plunder match seems like so much of a challenge that way. I had a great time with Kittonwy and Agaru last night. The only time a party of five tends to have a great plunder match is when they face another party of five.
Cyberia said:
No fucking way.

Yes it does :p

I also liked the Story in U1 better, also the acting was more subtle, more natural. In the second, it felt too much like a movie, where the first felt like real people (of course, in extreme situations).

I think the reason U2 downgraded the texture quality was because of the tearing/frame-rate. I was never bothered by it so I wish it was kept at that quality but I understand it would suck for MP so its not a big deal.
Lion Heart said:
Yes it does :p

I also liked the Story in U1 better, also the acting was more subtle, more natural. In the second, it felt too much like a movie, where the first felt like real people (of course, in extreme situations).

I think the reason U2 downgraded the texture quality was because of the tearing/frame-rate. I was never bothered by it so I wish it was kept at that quality but I understand it would suck for MP so its not a big deal.

Hmm... Opinions oh well.
Lion Heart said:
Yes it does :p

I also liked the Story in U1 better, also the acting was more subtle, more natural. In the second, it felt too much like a movie, where the first felt like real people (of course, in extreme situations).

I think the reason U2 downgraded the texture quality was because of the tearing/frame-rate. I was never bothered by it so I wish it was kept at that quality but I understand it would suck for MP so its not a big deal.

Well, I disagree on everything. Uncharted 1 story was way more simple, characters less funny and developed and the graphics were definitely worse on pretty much everything.
Lion Heart said:
Yes it does :p

I also liked the Story in U1 better, also the acting was more subtle, more natural. In the second, it felt too much like a movie, where the first felt like real people (of course, in extreme situations).

I think the reason U2 downgraded the texture quality was because of the tearing/frame-rate. I was never bothered by it so I wish it was kept at that quality but I understand it would suck for MP so its not a big deal.

I'd rather play a game with no textures than one with tearing.


Just finished the game. I loved it. I think its the best "sequel" out of all the awesome games from 2007.

The chemistry of the leads are much better than the first game. I played 1 and I had problem with it. My main problem was that it was not the "Romancing the Store" video game it hyped it to be. To me a good "Romancing the Store" story has to have a great love story in it. I thought the romance subplot was forced.

This game totally stepped up. Awesome title theme, Awesome love story. Great bartering and the voice actors were given the freedom to act! This is kind of game if I played it in my teenage years,it would have become my favorite game of all time.

Head up to naughty Dog. Never let it be said that video game is not art.


tino said:
Just finished the game. I loved it. I think its the best "sequel" out of all the awesome games from 2007.

The chemistry of the leads are much better than the first game. I played 1 and I had problem with it. My main problem was that it was not the "Romancing the Store" video game it hyped it to be. To me a good "Romancing the Store" story has to have a great love story in it. I thought the romance subplot was forced.

This game totally stepped up. Awesome title theme, Awesome love story. Great bartering and the voice actors were given the freedom to act! This is kind of game if I played it in my teenage years,it would have become my favorite game of all time.

Head up to naughty Dog. Never let it be said that video game is not art.

the 'chemistry' was missing the first game because you were running around solo most of the time, there was none of the banter between Drake and whoever. the characters were also much more one dimensional in part one. having 2 females brings out different sides of Drake too, he's definitely more fleshed out.
Epic Tier 3 Engineer said:
Man, nothing in Uncharted 1 looks better than 2. U2 is just so vastly superior, stop nitpicking!

I don't know. Seeing the shiny rocks and thick glossy plants really helped make me feel like I was in a wet jungle U1.... especially the wet ground of the river banks. I was very disappointed when I first visited Borneo's jungle in U2 and saw that there was no such wet rock look... not even the trees that were IN the damn water. I got over it but I did wish that level looked as wet and moist as it seemed to be. Those trees seemingly spent hundreds of years in that swampy area... why don't they look wet and mossy?

Keyword: WET!


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Uncharted 1's jungles look good, but they give off a strong "plastic" vibe. They don't look realistic... it looks videogame-y. I think it was an intentional choice by the art team.

U2 went for 100% realism in contrast.


Catalix said:
Ah, I see, good to know. Seeing that empty check mark space might start to eat away at the completist in me. I'll see if I can get the medal again later.

I got the trophy but not the medal for Steel Fist Expert, and doing it again (killing 10 guys in a row with one attack after softening them up with gunfire) didn't give me the medal again.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
I don't know. Seeing the shiny rocks and thick glossy plants really helped make me feel like I was in a wet jungle U1.... especially the wet ground of the river banks. I was very disappointed when I first visited Borneo's jungle in U2 and saw that there was no such wet rock look... not even the trees that were IN the damn water. I got over it but I did wish that level looked as wet and moist as it seemed to be. Those trees seemingly spent hundreds of years in that swampy area... why don't they look wet and mossy?

Keyword: WET!

I dunno. I thought that too, then I replayed UC1 after UC2. Nope, UC2 pretty much tears a couple of new assholes into that bitch.


Gold Member
Lion Heart said:
Yes it does :p

I also liked the Story in U1 better, also the acting was more subtle, more natural. In the second, it felt too much like a movie, where the first felt like real people (of course, in extreme situations).

I think the reason U2 downgraded the texture quality was because of the tearing/frame-rate. I was never bothered by it so I wish it was kept at that quality but I understand it would suck for MP so its not a big deal.
No, it really doesn't. There is no way at all that U2 looks inferior in any area's to U1 in any aspect. That said U1 still looks amazing and better then alot of games that have come out over the last 2 years so that's got to count for something.
MoonsaultSlayer said:
I don't know. Seeing the shiny rocks and thick glossy plants really helped make me feel like I was in a wet jungle U1.... especially the wet ground of the river banks. I was very disappointed when I first visited Borneo's jungle in U2 and saw that there was no such wet rock look... not even the trees that were IN the damn water. I got over it but I did wish that level looked as wet and moist as it seemed to be. Those trees seemingly spent hundreds of years in that swampy area... why don't they look wet and mossy?

Keyword: WET!
That level was plenty wet! :lol

Not coated-in-Vaseline wet, but it had plenty of water to wade through. Drake got soaked. :\


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Only just started playing this game tonight as I've had a huge back log, anyway my Slim has froze on me twice now on the
chapter, I have the latest FW, is this common problem ?
Synless said:
No, it really doesn't. There is no way at all that U2 looks inferior in any area's to U1 in any aspect. That said U1 still looks amazing and better then alot of games that have come out over the last 2 years so that's got to count for something.


This destroys every vista in UC2. Maybe not technically but artisitcally, it has no flaws. No bad textures imo. Everything fits so cohesively. Borneo looked not nearly as good as UC jungles but thats just my opinion, if someone wants to do so direct screen comparisons of the two games, I would really appreciate it. Still, probably nothing tops Chapter 16 in UC2 and the very beginning of Chapter 17 (god i've said this a million times now). I wish the game did a lot more snow levels in the daytime OUTSIDE. its the best looking shit this gen.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
with all of that being said, the jungle in UC2 was the worst looking level in the game.

which is to say, still better than just about anything else.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Borneo Jungle in UC2 was a swamp jungle. Not the same thing at all as the tropical jungles of UC1. It's not going to look the same, of course, and I can see how artistically someone could like that jungle less. Still though, shaders were more impressive in UC2 jungle, the only problem was that due to an insane abundancy of shadow maps in that level, their resolution suffered a bit compared to the rest of the game. Or they just mishandled the shadow LOD in some places there.

All that said - the jungle that the train runs through in UC2 looks hands down better than jungles in UC1. The lighting, and plant shaders are practically incomparably better, they seem to have subsurface scatter on plants etc. It looks amazing.

AshMcCool said:
Just got to rent it. Nice to hear so many familiar voices after finishing dragon age origins before. :lol
Hmm, what voice actors are in both games? None of the main ones I think.
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