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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


DevelopmentArrested said:
One thing that's kind of strange in this game.. to the point where I thought maybe it was hiding some loading:

the very tight space sections you walk through, there are 5-6 in the game. there were none in either of the first 2 uncharted's.
It happens in UC2, in the icy bit with the guy. It happens a few times in GoW3 too.
Solo said:
I know that so far they've taken an arrogant denial stance, but I have to believe that with so many people experiencing the issue and all these videos clearly demonstrating that the aiming portion of a shooting game is completely fucked that they will have to fix this.

Arne claimed it wasnt the aiming that changed, its the fact that now almost all the guns have a different recoil. Thats whats fucking everyone up. Once again: ADAPT.

Im really good at Kane and Lynch 2 so maybe thats why I have no qualms with UC3s aiming mechanics. hahaha.


DevelopmentArrested said:
One thing that's kind of strange in this game.. to the point where I thought maybe it was hiding some loading:

the very tight space sections you walk through, there are 5-6 in the game. there were none in either of the first 2 uncharted's.
Could be. But mostly they only do stealth loading during a cutscene. You would have noticed some fps drops if it was indeed loading during those sections.


DevelopmentArrested said:
One thing that's kind of strange in this game.. to the point where I thought maybe it was hiding some loading:

the very tight space sections you walk through, there are 5-6 in the game. there were none in either of the first 2 uncharted's.

Uncharted 2 had one in
the big cave entrance to Shambhala
, that I remember. I think there was at least one other as well. But yeah, it was kind of funny to see the 5+ points of no return in every chapter where they could dump the previous section from memory.


StuBurns said:
You want analog aiming? ND went to gold like this, I doubt they're going to fix it.

Well, many have said that MP controls perfect. Surely this is something that can be fixed in SP.


StuBurns said:
I think it's a big issue, just not one that will be 'fixed'.

I do not think it is, didn't affect my time with the game at all. I'm playing Uncharted 2 right now, it behaves exactly the same way. If you move the stick horizontally in a constant motion any vertical motion will be mostly ignored. Who complained then? Nobody. Now it's some sort of gamebreaking, no purchase until it's fixed "problem". Mountain out of a molehill.


Somebody should make a dedicated thread where we can discuss and get to the bottom of this aiming issue once and for all, or something.


arne said:

Is there anyone in this thread with these gripes that can make it to our studio in Santa Monica no later than NOON TOMORROW, FRIDAY November 3?

I know it's a lot to ask since we all have real lives (yeah, right, this is gaf), but that would be extremely helpful.

If so, please PM me ASAP!

(can we get this added to the OP?)

Checkmate. Waiting was an inspired choice. Good on ya, ND. I look forward to playing a fixed aiming version post-Skyrim.
jett said:
I do not think it is, didn't affect my time with the game at all. I'm playing Uncharted 2 right now, it behaves exactly the same way. If you move the stick horizontally in a constant motion any vertical motion will be mostly ignored. Who complained then? Nobody. Now it's some sort of gamebreaking, no purchase until it's fixed "problem". Mountain out of a molehill.

I just tried this and damnit Jett your right. I think ND clarified why its a issue for some people. The enemies move faster and the guns actually have varying degrees of accuracy. Combine that with guys that are bum rushing you constantly and it all of sudden feels completely different.


The aiming controls do feel quite different, but they are nothing to which you can't adapt. I think Uncharted 2 feels a little better, but the extent to which people are going crazy over it seems a little unwarranted to me.


Meisadragon said:
Could be. But mostly they only do stealth loading during a cutscene. You would have noticed some fps drops if it was indeed loading during those sections.

There is no stealth loading during cutscenes because you're allowed to skip the cutscene at any time.

jax (old)

talk about the aiming issues in the aiming thread please.

in the meantime; can we get back to the DLC patch to fix elena's face?


Just finished and my conclusion is Uncharted 3 is without a doubt one of the greatest video games I have ever played!

The plot was top notch, very creative and had me hooked from the very first chapter. Nathan Drake and Co. are now my all time favorite characters in a game.

The gameplay once again went above and beyond to me. I always love the shoot outs and the different ways you can take to clear a room. I never get frustrated, its just that fun to play.

The music rocked my room with the best soundtrack of the series.

Now the graphics, GOOD LORD THE GRAPHICS!!! Above and beyond anything I have ever seen. I can't really say what my favorite part is because they were all awesome. I will say the E3 demo part was pretty freakin amazing.

Ladies and gents we are witnessing gaming history. I had a grin on my face from start to finish. No other game has ever done that for me. Not only does this game provide the ultimate Hollywood action movie but it does it in a way that doesn't come off as corny or cheesy. From the very first Uncharted I knew that this would be a special series and at the conclusion of the 3rd game I have to say that this is the best game I've ever played and as a whole my number one franchise. Bravo Naughty Dogs, Bravo.


jett said:
I do not think it is, didn't affect my time with the game at all. I'm playing Uncharted 2 right now, it behaves exactly the same way. If you move the stick horizontally in a constant motion any vertical motion will be mostly ignored. Who complained then? Nobody. Now it's some sort of gamebreaking, no purchase until it's fixed "problem". Mountain out of a molehill.

Yep. There is for sure a difference, but it's not very big. I'd say there was as big a difference (maybe even bigger) in the aiming between 1 and 2. I adjusted after literally 10 minutes with the game and ended up getting every single headshot trophy early on in my first playthrough.
I'm surprised that no one is bitching about the gfx and sound bugs, except me. I know they will patch it soon, but I want to play this again now!!


BadData said:
There is no stealth loading during cutscenes because you're allowed to skip the cutscene at any time.
You could skip cutscenes in UC2 as well, or was that only for the pre-rendered onces?
KeioSquad2 said:
I'm surprised that no one is bitching about the gfx and sound bugs, except me. I know they will patch it soon, but I want to play this again now!!

What bugs? I haven't really experienced any bugs at all with the exception of the game freezing once when I reached
around Chapter 9, that's it.


KeioSquad2 said:
I'm surprised that no one is bitching about the gfx and sound bugs, except me. I know they will patch it soon, but I want to play this again now!!

The only bug I encountered was one time, the sound of the game cut out for about 3 seconds. It was pretty weird.
KeioSquad2 said:
I'm surprised that no one is bitching about the gfx and sound bugs, except me. I know they will patch it soon, but I want to play this again now!!

Umm what graphic and sound bugs?
Wouldn't hold out for that patch man.


Been saving this for a special day.


... Alright, alright. I forgot this in the refrigerator for a month, or 9.

Done with campaign, and it has been sweet. I've enjoyed it as much as U2.

Some things that stood out to me beside the usual that NDI keeps getting so, so right.
+ The story was everything I wanted, Uncharted's Last Crusade.
+ Couldn't stop asking myself over and over how in the hell did they manage to do this? My jaw hurts, it's spent so long in the floor.
+ The puzzles were the best in the series; very creative and just difficult enough.
+ I <3 the shootouts
in shipyard, ballroom, desert village, etc. They did remind me of U1, and not necessarily in a bad way.

A few small gripes;
- Agree with those who say the end game wraps up a bit soon.
Like Shambala, you get such a small taste of Iram. It was beautiful while it lasted, and I wanted to see more.
- Marlowe feels to me
a bit underused, underdeveloped. She had lots of potential as a villain, yet Talbot steals (and honestly, could have run) the show.
- Not a fan of Chloe and Elena's character redesign. They're looking a little too perfect now, somehow, and it robs them of character. Chloe in particular was absolutely flawless in her imperfections; she barely looks like herself now. And she was right at the end of U2, i do miss dat ass.
- The
post plane crash desert
sequence was glorious. I wish it would have played seamlessly, though, not
whiting out and cutting away to indicate the passage of time

Now, onto Crushing and all the extra MP content. <3
pharmboy044 said:
Wat? I love her new look.

We need options!

Uncharted 2 Chloe On/Off
Uncharted 2 Elena On/Off
Sully's contextual tips on puzzles On/Off
LagFree Aiming On/Off
Aiming assist On/Off
Melee QTE On/Off
Grab button O/X
Autoget ammo On/Off
Climbing assist On/Off
Motion blur On/Off
AA On/Off
Drake contextual animations when he walk near the walls On/Off

And everybody will be happy.
On the boat chapter, the sound just stoped and the gfx disappeared..... Its like that hard drive fragmentation thing they said they fixed, but it happened to me anyway, and i have a 500 gb 7200rpm drive....


KeioSquad2 said:
On the boat chapter, the sound just stoped and the gfx disappeared..... Its like that hard drive fragmentation thing they said they fixed, but it happened to me anyway, and i have a 500 gb 7200rpm drive....

Yeah, the boat chapter is where the sound cut out for me too, but the graphics didn't disappear or anything, and it only lasted 3 seconds, max.


Whoever ends up going to Naughty Dog should demand that we get our motion blur back!

KingK said:
Yep. There is for sure a difference, but it's not very big. I'd say there was as big a difference (maybe even bigger) in the aiming between 1 and 2. I adjusted after literally 10 minutes with the game and ended up getting every single headshot trophy early on in my first playthrough.

Well yeah the difference between UC1 and UC2 is huge. Not just shooting but the movement is a lot better as well, cover is more responsive, etc. UC2 is just has fantastic feeling gameplay.

To be completely honest now that I'm putting some good time into UC2 the aiming is definitely smoother and feels better there than in UC3, despite having the same underlying mechanics. Aiming is definitely too stiff in UC3. Actually the entire feel in controls between both games is very different, not just the aiming.

If ND manages to get to the root of the problem it'll be for the best. "Feel" is such a nebulous concept. If they don't change the controls, well whatever. I still stand behind my option that it's not something that affects the game much, or that it makes the game harder to play. UC3 is the easiest Uncharted game yet.


Juancho9 said:
Is it just me or does Uncharted 3 look terribad in some areas? So many jaggies and horrible textures, especially when you get to meet up with Elena.
Oh man that 2D backdrop is embarrassing.
Juancho9 said:
Is it just me or does Uncharted 3 look terribad in some areas? So many jaggies and horrible textures, especially when you get to meet up with Elena.

It's just you, the gfx are the best on console this gen!!
jett said:
It's quite honestly a non-issue.


Either you have a magical copy with aiming controls exactly the same as U2, or you just can't tell something is wrong. Plain and simple.

You can go from the SP to the MP and it feels like you're playing 2 completely different games.

But you like powerplays and overtime, so maybe you're just accustomed to shit. :p


I was having issues with the aiming initially, but I think that was because I was trying to line up a headshot with every single enemy. Once I stopped giving a fuck and dedicated myself to just dumping bullets into the body, I did much better. My hit ratio went from like 20% to 42%.
Juancho9 said:
Is it just me or does Uncharted 3 look terribad in some areas? So many jaggies and horrible textures, especially when you get to meet up with Elena.

is the only spot during the game I thought eeesh didn't have time to spruce that up. Course I easily forgive them based on every single other stage of the game.
If only it had another month or so in the oven. All the pieces to make the best game ever are here, it just needed more polish. :(

Chapter 15 makes everything in Uncharted 2 seem PATHETIC.
Finished first playthrough just now and honestly I think it's an incredible game.

But not as incredible as Uncharted 2.

Some set pieces are far too similar and the stealth seems rigged to be ridiculously hard at times. With that said the set pieces it does have are absolutely amazing, and definitely match and sometimes outdo those in U2. Some of the chase sequences are equally incredible, though I agree with those that aren't fans of the running towards the camera sections.

One thing I kept feeling during this game is that I love the combat situations the game puts you in. There are a number of viable ways to approach most situations and almost every combat area seems varied from the last so it never seems boring. I played my first playthrough on Hard, so some of the sections did get frustrating as it was, well, hard. I died quite a number of times in some areas. I also loved the hand to hand combat, not quite as fluid as Batman or AC, however Drake is not an assassin or crimefighter, so it does kind of fit there. It's also not the main thrust of the game, so I enjoyed it for what it was. Much more so than the previous games.

When it comes to the story, writing, and overall cinematic production, the game is frankly unmatched in video games. The voice acting is top notch, the writing is very good, and sometimes also top notch. The story, while silly overall, fits with the universe, and did enough to keep me interested throughout it's entirety. I never felt, story wise that there was a dull moment. Not enough Chloe for my liking mind. Also: Elena WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUR FACE?!

The graphics, as we all expected, are astonishing. The forest and sand sections of the game, as well as the final level all impress visually in a way very few games can come close to. The only thing letting the game down in this regard are the ever annoying aliasing issues. It's far from something which destroys the overall look of the game, indeed it's only noticeable some of the time. The PS3 is certainly getting on a bit, and I don't think at this point it would even be possible to get this level of detail, at this resolution and solid frame rate without aliasing issues. Drakes face as a whole is absolutely incredibly well done, the others look amazing also, but it's obvious a hell of a lot of work went into making Drake just right. It's honestly competing with top-end PC games at this level of fidelity (though as a PC gamer I have to include the disclaimer that I am merely talking about visual fidelity here, excluding aliasing, resolution and framerate of course.).

I noticed some people also complain about the sound design, something I never had a problem with. Not being much of an audio nut anyway it wasn't something I noticed, other than that everything was fine. The music was nice and set the tone appropriately, guns have appropriate audio feedback etc.

One improvement I feel ND could make to the franchise, should they wish to continue it (lol) is less constricting platforming. The combat allows many paths to complete the combat sections, but the platforming is as linear as linear can get for the majority of the time. I can definitely see where the frustrations of the Eurogamer reviewer and some others have come from when I jumped to a ledge which if it were coded to, Drake could have easily grabbed, only instead he fell to his death. To ease this, the checkpoint system is incredibly generous, never forcing you to replay any significant portion of the game. An excellent choice for such a narrative driven game in my opinion.

Regarding the aiming issue, I did notice it felt a bit off at first but also felt that I adjusted fairly quickly to it. I still missed a lot but in the end I finished on Hard in about 9 hours, and I'm not one to head for the finish line, I did my fair share of gawking and exploring.

I don't know why I wrote this spoiler free, but I guess it would be annoying and time consuming to go into detail regarding any individual part, and I guess this is good for those who haven't finished yet!

Hope you enjoyed the read, I didn't even set out to right a review, and I'm sure I've forgotten to comment on some important things, but it sort of is a now. Hell let's give it a score:


Uncharted 2 would be a super Banana

Oh god someone read this >.<
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