Seems like his counties gave been cast and the rural ones havent. Gonna be closec'mon Obama!! Am I right to say that Florida's lookin good for him?
A Democrat winning Texas won't happen for at least another decade. Unless he/she happens to be from Texas.
If the Democrats gain house seats I will drink 1 Beer. If the Democrats win a Senate seat I will drink 2 beers. If Obama wins Texas I will drive a truck full of Steveweiser to the first Romney Ryan signs I see, spray them with beer and then give them a stunner.
SC goes to Romney despite 25% of the vote. Lol
Huff Post Saying South Carolina is Obeezy's.
It could be true 80% more of my friends are voting for the first time this year. (For Obama)PBS saying Latino and young voters are turning out in high numbers for Obama
Huff Post Saying South Carolina is Obeezy's.
why is everyone talking about ohio (or virginia) when florida results seem to be coming so fast? as far as i can tell, if florida goes to obama, ohio's importance will be diminished greatly.
Huff Post Saying South Carolina is Obeezy's.
Huff Post Saying South Carolina is Obeezy's.
How's Congress looking?
I always think "the south of the US is kinda fucked up" but really it's everything except the west coast and the north east coast.
Seems like his counties gave been cast and the rural ones havent. Gonna be close
What is the best constantly updated map to keep in a tab to follow everything?
The BBC oneSo what's a good internet stream to watch?
I understand.
That was a good nap, did I miss anything?
Jesus Christ Florida is constantly a matter of a few thousand votes.
So who's winning?
So if Obama wins FL, it's basically GG for Romney?
^5As another poster said, NYTimes with my Nexus 7 is awesome.
Red Chicken Curry just arrived!
That same thing happened last election where McCain had a big advantage until Obama took over at the last minute. Keep in mind like VA's governor said (who is R) that the bigger areas will likely not have their results in until later. Hampton Roads, Northern VA, Richmond area, etc. are where Obama will pull most of his votes.Obama is not doing good in VA with 3% in.