yeah, the northern Florida counties are, unsurprisingly, all red.
hmm obama ahead in N.C. That's HUGE if he steals that. 33% in.
Fox is in full panic mode right now.
10% from Broward in. Romney winning.
hmm obama ahead in N.C. That's HUGE if he steals that. 33% in.
Romney is totally going to win NC.
I'm so nervous guys
I swear to god if you fuck this up Florida...
Linda McMahon getting buried.
How soon can we say Obama won?
Check this out. If Obama wins Florida then winning any of the other swing states means he wins, whereas Romney must get ALL of them to win.How important is Florida? It's worth a buttload of points, right? Were the democrats expecting to keep it?
Al Jazeera's coverage seems pretty good, from what I've watched.
With 1% of the votes in for MA, I'm pretty sure that nothing has been decided.
I can't tell if you're trolling or actually know nothing about politics.
My thoughts to. Has he not seen those Florida threads posted on gaf daily?What kind of threat is that? What could you possibly do to Florida that the residents of Florida haven't already been doing to each other for decades?
yeah, the northern Florida counties are, unsurprisingly, all red.
Akin going down in flames?
not much about florida, but i heard that county is red am i trolling? the fuck.
OMG Romney is winning in FL
He's not gonna win N.C.
The really are your best bet for unbiased reporting IMO when compared to the MSNBC's and FOX News out there.
CNN just put Obama in the lead for Florida. Wat.