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Universal Game Cables Question


See, here's my situation. I just got an X-Box and right now, I'm using the standard A/V cables. However, my PS2 is hooked up to the S-Video jack. I've seen these cables that let you hook up both systems to the same jack. Although one part of me wants to stick with the offical company cables, I really don't want to constantly have to switch S-Video cables everytime that I want to play a game. If the thrid-party cables (not Monster cables mind you) don't really have any drop in picture quality, I would get them. It would also make it easier since I do have my PS2 hooked up to a speaker setup and using the same cables would make both of them hooked up at the same time I think these are Pelican cables if that means anything.

So, does anyone know anything about this? Do you use thrid-party cables? Or should I just invest in one of the 'system selector' things?


You could probably just buy a system selector and be happy...

That is if you aren't too lazy to get up and press the buttons on it to switch systems.
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