Dusk Soldier
WTF at Tyrion telling Shae to fuck off. Now she will go to Tywin willingly and will have a clear motive to betray him during the trial, what the hell.
Now with this scene the shock of Tyrion killing Shae is lost, why would he now? He told her she is a whore and should leave, she acts accordingly and then he kills her to add insult to injury? That's stupid, Tyrion is not such an asshole in the series.
Unless... wait, are they planning on Tyrion NOT killing Shae...?
Not gonna talk about Stannis and his show stupidity, I'm trying to get used to it.
To be honest, I think they're going to change it to Tywin killing Shae. He already threatned to hang her anyways.
It also gives Tyrion a much more sympathetic motive for wanting to kill his father.