Do you think its risky to lose so many popular characters and actors, when characters are killed so often?
Liam: No, I dont think it is. The show is as good as it is in part because its not the usual way of doing things. At the end of season 1, when Ned Stark gets it in the neck, its a gamechanger for everyone. I know when I saw it, I read the reactions and people were shocked. And then the first shot we see of Ned in the following episode is Seans head on a stick. I think as an audience, we look at that and we understand that this is not the drama that were used to, that its fucked up and going somewhere else. Its like a banner, letting people know we werent going to do things the usual way. Thats what makes it interesting. People have a real connection to the show as something theyd never seen before. Just look at the Youtube reactions to the Red Wedding.
Carice: Its 2 Girls, 1 Cup taken to the next level.
Liam: ... I dont know what youre referring to!