Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Why would Hizdahr poison Dany when she just agreed to peace and it was achieved. The actual poisoner is probably the Shavepate, who when Danerys married Hizdahr, was stripped of his position, and could gain the most from this. Hizdahr also suggested the locusts right in front of Ser Barristan and others, it is a sloppy plan, put together fast. The Shavepate also controls the Brazen Beasts, as was said by him when he and Barristan form a coup. The Brazen Beasts were the ones guarding Dany that day.Thanks.
Hizdahr presumably wanted to poison Denearys, and open Mareen to slavery again. She made a poor judgemet call to marry him, but she did it for the people. But i still think it´s a very bad judgement call.
I am going to note, that these are not my original thoughts, but of someone else's that put a lot of time and effort into. It's called Untangling the Meereenese Knot. I am going to provide a link for you, because it makes a lot of sense, especially on a re-read.