Sir Stoneheart.
That would be incredible.
Qyburn brings back Tywin, who in death learns the error of his ways. While en route to his ancestral home, he meets Beric Dondarrion's men, and decides to right his wrongs.
Sir Stoneheart.
Good change, I think he is going to be replacing dareon. Way more impactful and makes more sense for her to risk getting in trouble, than if it was some random nights watch guy
Oh I totally forgot about Dareon. I thought they were going to make it like thechapter and have her knick his leg. Not in the midst of foreplay, obviously, but maybe something like he recognizes her and she kills him.Mercy
I think it will be a mix of both, but mostly Dareon and especially the consequence that kill had on her and her standing with the faceless men. They kind of already did the latter part last season, but I'm hoping syrio's name comes up in some way if they go for the realization angle before he gets offed
Oh mercy me, is that what i think it is...
Boy I guess I should really read Mercy huh.
Kind of weird that they decided to break the no flash back rule 4 seasons in.A certain actor will be returning in season 5
We know he'll probably just playing his dead body but maybe in some flashbacks as well? Or maybe he isn't dead yet and has a final conversation with cersei/jamie/kevan before he dies.
Kind of weird that they decided to break the no flash back rule 4 seasons in.
They're saving that. It may get a whole season.It's kind of strange that they would choose to do Maggy the frog instead of Brandon, Lyanna, and Robert's Rebellion.
Maybe just to reinforce Cersei downfall, Valonqar and all that.It's kind of strange that they would choose to do Maggy the frog instead of Brandon, Lyanna, and Robert's Rebellion.
Or a spinoff series, in case that GRRM needs another five years to write a book.They're saving that. It may get a whole season.
They waited until Bran became the Ex Machina for them. Cersei's is crucial for explaining her motivations.
Tree internet works with flashbacks, but there's this piece of news:
Bran Stark won't be in 'Game of Thrones' season 5
Interesting, perhaps we'll see more hints about Jon Snow true parentage.This isn't necessarily true. He's talking about Ellie Kendrick and himself, probably. Isaac confirmed he was shooting scenes.
It's kind of strange that they would choose to do Maggy the frog instead of Brandon, Lyanna, and Robert's Rebellion.
It's kind of strange that they would choose to do Maggy the frog instead of Brandon, Lyanna, and Robert's Rebellion.
They're saving that. It may get a whole season.
Tree internet works with flashbacks, but there's this piece of news:
Bran Stark won't be in 'Game of Thrones' season 5
I hope they connect Maggy to Talisa but I know they won't.
That would be cool since Maggy was Jeyne Westerling's great-grandmother or something wasn't she?
I still wonder if they'll get to the Battle of Winterfell this season. If everything is simplified (No Manderlys, No Karstarks, No Mountain Clans, No Deepwood Motte, etc) then it's certainly possible. None of these things are confirmed to be gone but the lack of casting has me really worried about the story going forward.
I still wonder if they'll get to the Battle of Winterfell this season. If everything is simplified (No Manderlys, No Karstarks, No Mountain Clans, No Deepwood Motte, etc) then it's certainly possible. None of these things are confirmed to be gone but the lack of casting has me really worried about the story going forward.
I still wonder if they'll get to the Battle of Winterfell this season. If everything is simplified (No Manderlys, No Karstarks, No Mountain Clans, No Deepwood Motte, etc) then it's certainly possible. None of these things are confirmed to be gone but the lack of casting has me really worried about the story going forward.
I don't think they'll get there this season. They didn't even finish Jon's ASOS storyline, and that's half a season worth of content at the very least. This season is the perfect opportunity to introduce Manderly. The show lost Tywin and Shae, so that's a lot of screen time to fill.I still wonder if they'll get to the Battle of Winterfell this season. If everything is simplified (No Manderlys, No Karstarks, No Mountain Clans, No Deepwood Motte, etc) then it's certainly possible. None of these things are confirmed to be gone but the lack of casting has me really worried about the story going forward.
I don't think they'll get there this season. They didn't even finish Jon's ASOS storyline, and that's half a season worth of content at the very least.
Sorry, I meant his storyline before Stannis goes to rally the clans, retake Deepwood Motte, and then Winterfell.They skipped one Jon chapter and one Sam chapter, that's not "half a season worth of content at the very least."
No way the burning of Rattleshirt happens in the show. Would be way too confusing for viewers. Best case scenario I can see is Jon hears about (f)Arya and sends Mance and a few Wildlings to Winterfell to retrieve her.Sorry, I meant his storyline before Stannis goes to rally the clans, retake Deepwood Motte, and then Winterfell.
The election+Stannis' offer will take at least 2 episodes, then fetching a block, sending Sam off and switching babies, burning of Rattleshirt, and making plans with Stannis will take many episodes. That's assuming they won't cut most of the story, of course.
I think leaving the outcome in Winterfell unclear+Jon stabbed and the pink letter is good season finale material.
You're right about Rattleshirt, but someone has to be burned. Since the Thenns are absolute savages in the show (ugh), I think Styr is a safe bet.No way the burning of Rattleshirt happens in the show. Would be way too confusing for viewers. Best case scenario I can see is Jon hears about (f)Arya and sends Mance and a few Wildlings to Winterfell to retrieve her.
And I think we'll actually see who wrote the Pink Letter this season. We don't need to see the entire Battle of Winterfell this season, only the portion where (TWOW Speculation based on released chapter)Stannis uses the frozen lake to defeat the Freys and fakes his own death.
I think Stannis ending pretty close to where his Dance content ends probably makes the most sense. Probably Castle Black for the first half of the season, and then you could probably get the northmen clans, deepwood, and Theon reaches him by the season's end.
I think Stannis ending pretty close to where his Dance content ends probably makes the most sense. Probably Castle Black for the first half of the season, and then you could probably get the northmen clans, deepwood, and Theon reaches him by the season's end.
You're right about Rattleshirt, but someone has to be burned. Since the Thenns are absolute savages in the show (ugh), I think Styr is a safe bet.
You're right, he had a duel with Jon, my memory sucks. I guess only random characters can be burned, since Tormund and Mance are still part of the story.Yeah, I could see Stannis at Castle Black through episode 5, then do Deepwood somewhere in 7-9, and then those Asha chapters with the army in the snow can be pretty heavily condensed so that you're ready to roll with the big battle at the start of season 6. They could try to rush it to get it in time for the season 5 finale, but after years of dragging viewers slowly through the Stannis/Bolton plots, it would feel pretty lame to have the payoff to that be a ten minute action sequence in an episode that'll be completely overshadowed by events with Dany and Cersei.
Styr is dead already though. Jon took a hammer to his skull. I don't think we're getting a Wildling burning, or if we are it'll be some nobodies. I don't think they can kill off Mance or Tormund yet.
I'm guessing Tormund to replace Rattleshirt. Or not. Who knows I can't wait for season 5 though especially since we can see what Varys is up too.
It's kind of strange that they would choose to do Maggy the frog instead of Brandon, Lyanna, and Robert's Rebellion.
It's kind of strange they chose to film a one scene flashback that fleshes out a character as opposed to a protracted multi-million dollar war flashback?
Ya I forgot about that, I am just not sure what they will do with Mance though, or Bowen Marsh. I think think since it seems they still have a lot to cover this season, that maybe pardoning Mance could escalate the hate for Jon Snow fast though, that and the wildings joining them, and finally the pink letter to push them to kill Jon Snow. Three strikes and he's out.They can't burn Tormund otherwise who would Jon treat with to make a deal with the Wildlings? Plus, we're assuming that we'll actually get to see the fake Mance burning, they may just cut it as they have so many other magical elements from the books. We still have yet to see Stannis wielding Lightbringer properly in all its glory, for all we know they've cut that as well.
The events before the show, especially in season one, are more important than a prophecy.
Except there is very little book material to actually support flashbacks to Robert's Rebellion, Brandon and Lyanna outside of extremely vague dialogue between characters reminiscing. The prophecy is a very detailed scene.
I don't think they'll get there this season. They didn't even finish Jon's ASOS storyline, and that's half a season worth of content at the very least. This season is the perfect opportunity to introduce Manderly. The show lost Tywin and Shae, so that's a lot of screen time to fill.
The other reason, and the strongest one, is the fact Daenerys is such a fan favourite and never got a battle episode. Tyrion and Jon got one, she didn't.
Still, even if they wanted to give her one this season, she's away when the 2nd Siege of Meereen takes place and it will also require Tyrion, Jorah and, hopefully, Victarion to be there as well.
I belive they'll save money for S06 and there won't be any battle on screen next year.