I just think the end of the series will be a flash forward and some singer will be telling the "Song of Ice and Fire." And, it'll talk about Jon Snow who could change into a wolf at will, about the great Jamie Lannister who had a right hand of pure gold, and of Brienne of Tarth the most beautiful woman to have ever lived who could match any swordsman in the realm. She was so beautiful in fact that an enemy cut off half her cheek just so he could no longer endure her mesmerizing beauty and yet still she was fairer than half of the woman in the realm. In other words, all of the main characters in the story will pass into legend like those in the Age of Heroes with their deeds and character traits severely enhanced after centuries of countless retelling.
The singer might even end speaking about how such days as that are long past and how the current wars among lords and kings makes one wish for those simpler times. For in this new world of the Seven Kingdoms, fighting continued, blood was spilled, and many lived and died - just as they had in the Old World. Because war... war never changes.
Guys, what if GRRM writes the script for the final episode of the TV series. What then.
I just think the end of the series will be a flash forward and some singer will be telling the "Song of Ice and Fire." And, it'll talk about Jon Snow who could change into a wolf at will, about the great Jamie Lannister who had a right hand of pure gold, and of Brienne of Tarth the most beautiful woman to have ever lived who could match any swordsman in the realm. She was so beautiful in fact that an enemy cut off half her cheek just so he could no longer endure her mesmerizing beauty and yet still she was fairer than half of the woman in the realm. In other words, all of the main characters in the story will pass into legend like those in the Age of Heroes with their deeds and character traits severely enhanced after centuries of countless retelling.
The singer might even end speaking about how such days as that are long past and how the current wars among lords and kings makes one wish for those simpler times. For in this new world of the Seven Kingdoms, fighting continued, blood was spilled, and many lived and died - just as they had in the Old World. Because war... war never changes.
Oh man I really can't wait to see how mad Linda and Elio get when the show finally passes the books though.Then the stage is set, and the War of the Five Endings begins:
GRRM writes the script for the last episode but dies before completing the last book. The showrunners claim that the show's ending is the legitimate ending to the series, but GRRM's publisher releases the final book, finished by another fantasy author who perhaps takes his/her own liberties. Hardcore fans storm GRRM's household and find manuscripts which they believe represent the true ending of the series, and post an edited version of A Dream of Spring online. Linda and Elio then step in and use their claim as close collaborators with GRRM to put forward their own edited version of the final novel, suspiciously written as if intentionally meant to contradict the show's ending. After a particularly nasty online rant from Linda, Elio distances himself from her and their book edit, saying that the true ending is still out there somewhere and he will find it. The fifth and final ending is a dark horse, and we cannot know its nature until the moment of truth approaches.
Oh man I really can't wait to see how mad Linda and Elio get when the show finally passes the books though.
I assume we'll get some Linda meltdowns this year.
I assume we'll get some Linda meltdowns this year.
I just think the end of the series will be a flash forward and some singer will be telling the "Song of Ice and Fire." And, it'll talk about Jon Snow who could change into a wolf at will, about the great Jamie Lannister who had a right hand of pure gold, and of Brienne of Tarth the most beautiful woman to have ever lived who could match any swordsman in the realm. She was so beautiful in fact that an enemy cut off half her cheek just so he could no longer endure her mesmerizing beauty and yet still she was fairer than half of the woman in the realm. In other words, all of the main characters in the story will pass into legend like those in the Age of Heroes with their deeds and character traits severely enhanced after centuries of countless retelling.
The singer might even end speaking about how such days as that are long past and how the current wars among lords and kings makes one wish for those simpler times. For in this new world of the Seven Kingdoms, fighting continued, blood was spilled, and many lived and died - just as they had in the Old World. Because war... war never changes.
I assume we'll get some Linda meltdowns this year.
Bingo.I think they haven't done a lot of the prophecies in the show simply because it would be hard to do them on a TV show without it coming across as on the nose foreshadowing.
I assume we'll get some Linda meltdowns this year.
The people who hate Linda are far worse than Linda herself. Reading their meltdowns of her meltdowns is always fun tho.
The people who hate Linda are far worse than Linda herself. Reading their meltdowns of her meltdowns is always fun tho.
Maybe my memory's extremely faulty (it's been a while), but I could have sworn Jon had already been elected Lord Commander by the end of ASOS.I honestly can't wait. Jaime in Dorne, Sansa in Winterfell, Hardhome,, Aegon/Quentyn/Arianne/Iron Islands being non-existent, the Dornish castings, nonsensical hatred of Lena Headey... it's going to be glorious.Jon's sped up Lord Commander arc, Sam/Aemon staying at Castle Black
Pretty muchnah she's a weird misogynist nerd
It isn't faulty, he was.Maybe my memory's extremely faulty (it's been a while), but I could have sworn Jon had already been elected Lord Commander by the end of ASOS.
The people who hate Linda are far worse than Linda herself. Reading their meltdowns of her meltdowns is always fun tho.
Maybe my memory's extremely faulty (it's been a while), but I could have sworn Jon had already been elected Lord Commander by the end of ASOS.
Sped up in the context that it's not as drawn out as it was in the book i.e. a lot more sudden.
GRRM said:(Should I complete and deliver WINDS OF WINTER before these cons roll round, I reserve the right to change my mind).
Uhhhhh who the fuck is Linda?
I will get my hopes up.So, uh, there seems to be a chance we could get The Winds of Winter this year? GRRM posted a new blog about how he would not be attending the Saratoga World Fantasy Convention nor the San Diego Comic Con this year as he has too much on his plate, the biggest thing being The Winds of Winter. However, he ended with this little nugget:
I'm not saying get your hopes up, but maybe get your hopes up.
Probably shouldn't get your hopes up.
Still, to my knowledge, this is the first hint of progress we've received in a while.
I will get my hopes up.
Considering how he's been silent about his progress for a while, and ever since how that Dance promise in Feast turned out, I find it difficult to believe he'd say such a thing if he did not think a near end is in sight for the book.
a publicly negative person
wont speak beyond that, because i dont know the woman
but christ, her shit opinions get under a lot of peoples skin
nah she's a weird misogynist nerd
Is she a user here or a blogger or?...
Linda Antonsson and her husband Elio García run www.westeros.org, the largest "A Song of Ice and Fire" & "Game of Thrones" website. It was in the early days of working on the website (originally as a resource for the Westeros-based game they were creating) that they became acquainted with George R.R. Martin, a connection which eventually lead to them being invited to co-author "The World of Ice and Fire" with him.
I'm not saying get your hopes up, but maybe get your hopes up.
Probably shouldn't get your hopes up.
So, uh, there seems to be a chance we could get The Winds of Winter this year? GRRM posted a new blog about how he would not be attending the Saratoga World Fantasy Convention nor the San Diego Comic Con this year as he has too much on his plate, the biggest thing being The Winds of Winter. However, he ended with this little nugget:
I'm not saying get your hopes up, but maybe get your hopes up.
Probably shouldn't get your hopes up.
Still, to my knowledge, this is the first hint of progress we've received in a while.
Edit- And just for everyone's information:
San Diego Comicon: July 9-12
World Fantasy Convention: November 5-8
Seems like a late 15/early 16 release is feasible.
so the estimate that he's at least past 1000 MS has to be true.
How many manuscripts did his previous books have?
I think he said Dance was 1200 pages
How many manuscripts did his previous books have?
a publicly negative person
wont speak beyond that, because i dont know the woman
but christ, her shit opinions get under a lot of peoples skin
Mhm, so her detractors like to trumpet ad nauseam.
Nice! I assumed the publishers would want it pushed back to be released right before this season, but if this season's still largely about AFFC/ADWD material and it'll be roughly "caught up" with the books by the end of the season, it makes the most sense by far to release it between seasons 5 and 6 for maximum attention and dollars. Not that implying to people who've only seen the show that they're appropriately caught up for the books, of course, but that doesn't mean the publishers won't allow it to be implied for profit's sake, lol. And it might be handy for people who've read the books but who've sort of had their memories somewhat-refreshed by the show.So, uh, there seems to be a chance we could get The Winds of Winter this year? GRRM posted a new blog about how he would not be attending the Saratoga World Fantasy Convention nor the San Diego Comic Con this year as he has too much on his plate, the biggest thing being The Winds of Winter. However, he ended with this little nugget:
I'm not saying get your hopes up, but maybe get your hopes up.
Probably shouldn't get your hopes up.
Still, to my knowledge, this is the first hint of progress we've received in a while.
Edit- And just for everyone's information:
San Diego Comicon: July 9-12
World Fantasy Convention: November 5-8
Seems like a late 15/early 16 release is feasible.
I know he's expressed some sadness (if that's the word) about the show passing the books, and I don't mean my above comment to sound conspiracy theory-ish, but it's got to be really really nice for everyone with money involved in the books to have book 6 come out just as the show hits that material. So I get that he's bummed about e.g. the inevitability of the show ending before he finishes the books, but I don't know if he's feeling desperation about it (and, for someone who takes so long between books anyway, I think it's obvious that he's much more committed to writing the book he wants to write than he is to hitting whatever deadline).Some voice in the back of my head is telling me this is just GRRMs desperate saving throw to try and beat season 6 out the door, but fuck it get hyped! Winds within the next 12 months it's happening.
So it looks like Tormund won't be dying at Hardhome.
So it looks like Tormund won't be dying at Hardhome.
I like this.
This is beautiful
Is this what people mean when they say that "Linda doesn't allow people of color in her head canon"?
Or is there more to it and I haven't delved deep enough into the rabbit hole?...
ah, people say it a lot. must be false
What an embarrassing thing to say.The people who hate Linda are far worse than Linda herself.
Or you know, people that aren't neophytes have been in the community many years and have witnessed how Linda interacts with other human beings long enough to know she is an awful person.as opposed to 'people say it a lot. must be true'? crumble plx
as opposed to 'people say it a lot. must be true'? crumble plx
SHOW HARDHOME SPOILERS:Huh. I'm kind of surprised by that. I figured there was no way they would do Hardhome without at least one major casualty. Tormund seemed an easy fit for that.
MAJOR SPOILERS:wasn't Edd seen in the crew heading to Hardhome? They wouldn't dare....
Is Arya the least hyped in these teasers and trailers every year or does it just seem that way to me?
Everytime all I see is Dany, Tyrion, and Jon. Which makes sense but it would be nice to get some hype for her story.