nevermind also
What is a "MUSH"?
You mean the old text based browser games, often used for role-playing? What brought this question on?
One of those blogs from Linda that Ratsky posted is about why black characters aren't allowed in "the MUSH". I guess she must DM some roleplaying game?
Oh yeah that is some crazy shit. She said wasn't mentally ready to read that chapter or some shit.Has Linda read the Red Wedding yet?
Has Linda read the Red Wedding yet?
Wait, the co-founder of and co-author, with GRRM, of the encyclopedia-like The World of Ice and Fire hasn't read the Red Wedding chapter?
Should move us to Community section in off-season so we can gossip to our hearts' contents.
I feel sorry for them. They just wasted a lot of money/time/effort for what people thought was just a featured extra.
Wait wrong thread.
This is what happens when you're reading three threads at once over two forums at the same time in different tabs.
I don't consider it wasteful. We'll be seeing more of the Children of the Forest, I'm sure.I feel sorry for them. They just wasted a lot of money/time/effort for what people thought was just a featured extra.
If only they could have put that time, money and effort into Bloodraven instead, rather than giving us Tree-Saruman.
I don't consider it wasteful. We'll be seeing more of the Children of the Forest, I'm sure.
A now-lost post in which Ratsky reveals HE'S BEEN LINDA ALL ALONG??
They made it look non-human, the bone structure is a bit different, eyes that are farther apart, etc. Not something you can do with makeup.
What? No they didn't. She still looks like a regular human, just more childlike.
I do see the differences now that there are comparison pics, but I still think this could have been achieved with make up (I seen some shit on those youtube tutorials!).
I fucking you people for convincing me to read these books so many years ago.
You might want to leave this thread then.Guys, I've managed to remain spoiler-free on this upcoming season and have only watched the initial trailer so far. This is the most unspoiled I will go into a season ever and I can't wait to be completely surprised a la the White Walker baby scene last year.
Hey so is someone already on deck to make the thread when the season starts? Need any help?
Hey so is someone already on deck to make the thread when the season starts? Need any help?
.Steelyuhas said:Yeah I'll be doing it again.I assume Steely is doing it again. That'll go up one week before the season starts, so we still have a while.[IMG]
I fucking you people for convincing me to read these books so many years ago.[/QUOTE]
I don't get it... he's supposed to celebrate that he still hasn't finished the book?
Yes they did, they widened the upper part of her face and narrowed the lower part of her face, and made her eyes farther apart to an extent beyond what is normal for a human.
It's subtle for sure, but subtly non-human. Just to the point that it looks strange but not unnatural, which I'm sure was the intent.
They made her look like a different human, but still human. I'm sure they could have cast someone with features pretty much indistinguishable from that.I think you guys are slightly missing what they did to her face. They made it look non-human, the bone structure is a bit different, eyes that are farther apart, etc. Not something you can do with makeup. The end result though is we only see her face on screen clearly in this one shot pretty much, so there isn't much there to spot that stuff anyways.
New interview with D&D + Cogman. Nothing too much new. The main thing I noted is thatthey say winter is still confined to Northern areas, which would seem to imply that the shot of Brienne in the snow in the trailer really is in the North, instead of her seeing snow in the Riverlands.
Ok it confirmed that thewere fake? I'm not sure how I feel about that. It actually seemed like a really cool scenario."leaked" details about Tormund's death and the Night's King at Hardhome
We've been discussing this very thing at another board. One of our members emailed Hibbard asking if he deliberately typed 'North' rather than 'north' or 'northern.' He answered back pretty quickly that he shouldn't have capitalized North and he's changed it to read 'north,' meaning generally the northern part of Westeros. So, Brienne could well be in the Riverlands, the Vale or who-knows-where.
Yes they did, they widened the upper part of her face and narrowed the lower part of her face, and made her eyes farther apart to an extent beyond what is normal for a human. It's subtle for sure, but subtly non-human. Just to the point that it looks strange but not unnatural, which I'm sure was the intent. Makeup only adds to what is there, no amount of makeup will move an actor's eyeballs or narrow bone structure. It's one of the limitations of makeup, you can't take away.