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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 5 - Sundays on HBO

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You are overacting! It has only been 6 episodes./sarcasm
I hope D&D get their shit together for the next 4 episodes which they have done in the last 4 seasons.
Haha, you guys are too oversensitive. That wasn't nearly as bad as Jeyne Poole's stuff. And how do you know that the scene served no purpose?

Great episode for me.
It has already been established that Sansa has suffered a lot and Ramsey is a monster, what does the rape scene really do?
I actually didn't have a problem with the Winterfell stuff, it still makes no sense that Sansa ever agreed to go there but now that she's there those scenes were fine.

The Dorne stuff just pisses me off because they across a so cheesy.

Yeah, I don't really have much of a problem with the Winterfell stuff, it's not great or anything, but it's pretty much what's expected given the road they're going down. I'm sure before the season is done Sansa will team up with Theon and they'll turn things to their advantage. They needed something to give Sansa a reason to pal up with Theon and this was it.

Dorne is shit (Siddig hopefully gets more to do), and Bronn is going to die a shit undeserving death, which seems to be the MO this season.


As unpleasant as the last scene was, I think they handled it about as tastefully as possible. It was all in Theon's reactions.

I don't think many any this thread are even that upset about the nature of how it was displayed, but more that it makes no fucking sense from a character arc perspective why she put herself in that position willingly, so it undoes years of character development simply because the show needed to combine a couple storylines and needed a shock moment for this season.

It's completely lazy to just splice together different characters to save time without any thought or consideration to where those characters are in the story, and the result makes absolutely no fucking sense.


Look at all the badasses here telling us we are too sensitive or that it wasn't so bad.

We get it, you are not disgusted... that doesn't make you cool though.
You are overacting! It has only been 6 episodes./sarcasm
I hope D&D get their shit together for the next 4 episodes which they have done in the last 4 seasons.

It's crazy to think the show is going to get better rather than worse as it goes on. David, Dan, and the rest of the writers just aren't as good as George.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Look at all the badasses here telling us we are too sensitive or that it wasn't so bad.

We get it, you are not disgusted... that doesn't make you cool though.

And it sure as hell doesn't make the rest of this episode any good.


It has already been established that Sansa has suffered a lot and Ramsey is a monster, what does the rape scene really do?

To show that she's completely out of her element and not in control at all. I think this Reddit comment sums it up:

I don't know what people are complaining about, what did you expect ? did you really think Sansa dying her hair, wearing a black dress and descending some steps will make her intelligent and cunning enough to fuck with Ramsay or Roose Bolton ? She was doomed the minute she set a foot in Winterfell.


I don't think many any this thread are even that upset about the nature of how it was displayed, but more that it makes no fucking sense from a character arc perspective why she put herself in that position willingly, so it undoes years of character development simply because the show needed to combine a couple storylines and needed a shock moment for this season.

It's completely lazy to just splice together different characters to save time without any thought or consideration to where those characters are in the story, and the result makes absolutely no fucking sense.

It didn't really surprise me. She married Ramsey. Ramsey's a monster. He does monstrous things.

What did people expect would happen, him to be chivalrous or for her to shank him on the wedding bed? (Admittedly the latter would be great.)


Hey everyone, you're not going to believe this. For the second year in a row they unintentionally made a rape scene.


My first question to Cogman was what would he say to fans who ask: “How could you do this to Sansa?”

Cogman seemed to take this question very seriously and took a moment to consider his response. “This is Game of Thrones,” he said soberly. “This isn’t a timid little girl walking into a wedding night with Joffrey. This is a hardened woman making a choice and she sees this as the way to get back her homeland. Sansa has a wedding night in the sense she never thought she would with one of the monsters of the show. It’s pretty intense and awful and the character will have to deal with it.”

This is a hardened woman making a choice. LOL.


So, this may not be the best question right now. BUT: Is there any reason a strong character/character in the middle of becoming strong can't suffer in the middle?

God this sounds horrible. Basically what I'm saying is that Sansa cannot be physically strong enough to resist rape, but she can still come out on top from a development perspective right?

There's no point man, just sit back and enjoy the kneejerk reactions. People saying it's pointless and just for shock are already against the show and just want more ammunition. Whatever they have planned for Sansa, they had to do the wedding, and Ramsay isn't suddenly going to be a sweet guy and treat her well. I mean, it's Ramsay fucking Bolton, and this could have been 10x worse if they actually just wanted "shock value". There is obviously a plan in place and if nothing changes by the end of the season and Sansa is still just getting raped then I'm willing to admit I was a fool and the show is garbage, but that's not very likely.


And it sure as hell doesn't make the rest of this episode any good.

Yep, it was pretty boring (and that fight was meh) but is also unrealistic to expect to get all good episodes. I guess in the TV show business is better to have a shocking controversial episode instead of a boring one... well, who can blame them even the books are losing their shine later.


Victarion kidnapping Jaime and Bronn and taking them to Meereen would be 1000x better than anything in Dorne. Just send the Sand Snakes to King's Landing and Make Doran a background figure until the end of the season.

I didn't at first, I actually found them quite interesting. But after everything Sansa went through in terms of plot development, she should have been the one manipulating Ramsay that wedding night. I mean just look at the end of last season, how she interacts with Baelish. Having her be raped destroys all her character development and, frankly, is just terrible writing.

I'm sorry if you think this was going to be a happy time for her, then you have not been paying attention to Ramsey.


Bronn getting killed by that stupid cut would be terrible.

The rape scene isn't bad for the what it shows but thematically, it goes against Sansa's entire arc. It seems stupid right now but we'll see how the rest of the season plays out.
There's no point man, just sit back and enjoy the kneejerk reactions. People saying it's pointless and just for shock are already against the show and just want more ammunition. Whatever they have planned for Sansa, they had to do the wedding, and Ramsay isn't suddenly going to be a sweet guy and treat her well. I mean, it's Ramsay fucking Bolton, and this could have been 10x worse if they actually just wanted "shock value". There is obviously a plan in place and if nothing changes by the end of the season and Sansa is still just getting raped then I'm willing to admit I was a fool and the show is garbage, but that's not very likely.

Except the fact is that the writers didn't even have to put her in this situation to begin with, hence "shock value"


There's no point man, just sit back and enjoy the kneejerk reactions. People saying it's pointless and just for shock are already against the show and just want more ammunition.

Oh so that's the problem, you think there are factions? that there are people against the show?

Dude, if I was against a show, I wouldn't watch it, get over yourself. That I don't like something specific of the show doesn't mean that you have to jump to defend it.
Hey everyone, you're not going to believe this. For the second year in a row they unintentionally made a rape scene.


This is a hardened woman making a choice. LOL.


The writer producer also confirmed that, for those suspecting Littlefinger might have known about Ramsay’s sadism, that Baelish was definitely ignorant of the situation. “The difference between the Ramsay Snow of the books and the show is the Ramsay of the show is not a famous psycho,” he said. “He’s not known everywhere as a psycho. So Littlefinger doesn’t have the intelligence on him. He knows they’re scary and creepy and not to be folly trusted and it’s part of a larger plan.”


Look at all the badasses here telling us we are too sensitive or that it wasn't so bad.

We get it, you are not disgusted... that doesn't make you cool though.

Ohh dont get me wrong, my fucking stomach turned, I hoped that Theon would save her, or perish the thought that she would save herself.
But this should all not come as a shock to anyone, we knew it was coming for crying out loud.
This doesn't sound right, Cogman is better than this.

Sounds like he knows it's stupid/terrible etc. but got overruled by D+D.

Christ lol

One thing about this scene, if there’s any remaining Sansa bashers out there, it’s like, if you don’t feel bad for Sansa now…
Right, then you really have something wrong with you. I swear, this show, after the first season when people were hating on Sansa. Showrunners [David Benioff and Dan Weiss] must have been like, “Okay, let’s do everything we can to make her the most abused, manipulated character!”

And Ramsay is, if anything, a far more difficult person to manipulate than Joffrey.
Right, because you can’t get on his level. He’s such a mentalist. He’s such a mind-beep. There’s no way of understanding his motives or his thinking. So this season it’s also her trying to figure out his intentions and trying to please him.

Interview with Sophie Turner


There's no point man, just sit back and enjoy the kneejerk reactions. People saying it's pointless and just for shock are already against the show and just want more ammunition. Whatever they have planned for Sansa, they had to do the wedding, and Ramsay isn't suddenly going to be a sweet guy and treat her well. I mean, it's Ramsay fucking Bolton, and this could have been 10x worse if they actually just wanted "shock value". There is obviously a plan in place and if nothing changes by the end of the season and Sansa is still just getting raped then I'm willing to admit I was a fool and the show is garbage, but that's not very likely.
I've listened to people try and defend this storyline and it's absolutely absurd.

If they thought that Sansa's storyline was boring, there were numerous things that they could have done. The show has established that Rickon is at Last Hearth. Why not send her there and have her work with the Umbers/Stannis to bring down the Boltons? This was done simply for shock value. D&D wanted Sansa to be raped so badly, they've completely let go of any logic and have undermined a major character's development.

It was done as tastefully as they could though.

They can't be that stupid.
The same thing the Jeyne scene did in the books?

For Theon and Ramsey's characters II would agree it serves the same purpose as the Jeyne scene, generally. The problem comes when Sansa is inserted into the scene.

To show that she's completely out of her element and not in control at all. I think this Reddit comment sums it up:

But doesn't this scene drop her character development off of a cliff? Sure at this point in the books, or in the show prior to this scene, she probably hasn't changed much since escaping King's landing, but she's on an upward trajectory in her story. Being raped on her wedding night with no agency of her own resets her once again.


Except the fact is that the writers didn't even have to put her in this situation to begin with, hence "shock value"

Unless the arc ends with her in complete control of the North and free from someone else's grasp this is all a pointless endeavor.
If there's any semblance of the Jeyne Poole arc, she escapes with Theon and kills Myranda, only to regroup with Stannis. Was that worth putting her in this situation, and throwing aside 5 years of growing her from a naive little girl into a naive woman? I'm intrigued to see the end-game, at least there's that



I mean...it wasn't as traumatic as I expected, but I didn't need to hear her moaning and crying out.

I wonder if Ramsay's preference is doggy.

Goddamn I read the comments after the episode and just needed to highlight this post.

Ok, so before I go off to drink that scene from my memory, I maintain Alfie Allen is still the best fucking actor they have.

Too fucking true.

Atra, that was a great scene. Maybe not as great as Mercy or killing the Night's Watchman, but still really great.

Speaking of which I keep forgetting she's supposed to do that. I hope we get that scene. Doesn't need to be Sam either, just have her in a bar and see a guy and he's drunkenly telling everyone how he used to be a member of the night's watch.

Make it Thorne.


Except the fact is that the writers didn't even have to put her in this situation to begin with, hence "shock value"

They gave their reasons. They wanted Sansa to be in a more prominent role and everything that happened to her so far makes sense for the role they gave her. I'm sure during season 2 when they started thinking about this their thought process was how much shock value they could get out of the storyline.
Unless the arc ends with her in complete control of the North and free from someone else's grasp this is all a pointless endeavor.
If there's any semblance of the Jeyne Poole arc, she escapes with Theon and kills Myranda, only to regroup with Stannis. Was that worth putting her in this situation, and throwing aside 5 years of growing her from a naive little girl into a naive woman? I'm intrigued to see the end-game, at least there's that

Rape Ok if that happens then, gotcha.


contribute something
I just realized that the episode's title is a lot darker in light of the final scene.

Unbowed, unbent, unbroken.


Except the fact is that the writers didn't even have to put her in this situation to begin with, hence "shock value"

That's how I feel. I feel that what they've done to Sansa is just boring TV. It's a tragic and shocking thing to happen to Sansa fucking Stark, but they've been doing "tragic and shocking things happening to Sansa Stark" for a while now. It's old.

There are a few episodes left this season, so maybe it will lead into some big plot payoff, but it really wasn't necessary. They're already off the books here, they could have just.. written something else. Gasp!
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