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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6 Offseason Thread

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Man, I've been playing the Telltales GOT game, and even in that Ramsay is this unstoppable super villain. It's made worse by the fact that you know your characters in the game have a 0% chance of getting any retribution.
Man, I've been playing the Telltales GOT game, and even in that Ramsay is this unstoppable super villain. It's made worse by the fact that you know your characters in the game have a 0% chance of getting any retribution.

Episode 4's slightly morale boosting which must be a bad sign The other three are beat-down after beat-down.
I hope not. Why would they cast a new actress only to give her ten minutes of screen time?

The fact she died moments after a touching moment with her father was so phoned in. Terrible writing. Not sure if it will be similar in the books.

I do hope she lives.
But after all, all of cersei's children have to die, so.. :/


Next year, she becomes head of the iron bank.

In the book Arya gets down in the dumps about her Faceless training and the kindly man offers to set her up with a husband -- rich or humble as she pleases -- or as a Top Shelf courtesan etc etc etc. Dude could probably land her an internship at the bank at least.


My co-worker has been doing some pretty rad Game of Thrones recap comics



I understand that the Bronn character is really popular with the TV series ( and I like the guy as well), but most of the spotlight and completely new dialogue he got as a result was pretty awful.

So next season do we merge the threads?
I wouldn't count on it since the TV series and the books have diverged quite a bit. People talking about Lady Stoneheart would surely piss off TV watchers.


So has anyone figured out what exactly happened with Jaqen?

Did the person who has been with her this season actually commit suicide to make up for the death, but "Jaqen" was always just a face they used and not who she met in Westeros? And wearing the mask blinded her?

Was it some kind of trick and revealing Arya's face on the dead mean she actually drank/was given the poison herself somehow?

I like the scene and the trippy stuff works for the faceless men, but it'd be nice to ultimately know exactly what happened.
Just watched the episode. Having been unable to resist, I ended up reading a bunch of spoiler-filled impressions which made this sound like the WORST EPISODE EVER, but on watching it, I actually enjoyed a lot of it. Other parts...less so.

-I'm disappointed the Battle of Winterfell was glossed over so quickly, but at least we got one last acting masterclass from Stephen Dillane. I was never a Stan Stan, but man, I'm going to miss that guy. He really sold every scene he was in, despite not often having the best material to work with,
and I find Show!Stannis insanely hot. Yes, I probably have issues
. Felt so bad for him when his shit day kept going from bad to worse. (Surprise, half your army have deserted you! Oh, and your wife's just offed herself. Oops, Melisandre's taken off too. Hey, here come a million mounted Bolton fighters! Oh, and the whole burning your daughter thing? Well, there's no way in hell you're winning this battle now, so your sacrifice was all for nothing. Whoops!) I don't even mind that Brienne killed him (anyone's better than fucking Ramsey), but it seemed a little out of character for her to kill a man who's wounded and on the ground, even if she's been wanting to avenge Renly since forever.

-Loved the scene of Meli arriving back at the Wall, looking like a little kid who's just found out Santa doesn't exist.

-God Mode Ramsey continues to implausibly survive. God, just kill him already. Roose is infinitely more watchable, and gets half as much screen time.

-Cersei's walk was absolutely perfectly executed. I expected it to be a short, maybe two minute sequence, but man, they really didn't hold back. Uncomfortably so, but it definitely inspired the reaction it should have. Lena killed it, and I can't wait to see her in full-on destructive mode next season, especially when she finds out another one of her kids is dead.

-UnGregor was dumb. Why the hell did they make him look like a smurf under his helmet?

-So when all's said and done, Sansa was literally Jeyne Poole this season...just without the "being raped by dogs" part (I guess we should be thankful D&D didn't decide to make this the one instance where they stayed 100% faithful to the books). I'm beyond sick of her being used and abused, and if next season sees her being captured yet again, I'm going to scream. Still in disbelief that in spite of all the bullshit claims from people behind the scenes that she's becoming "empowered" and "making a decision to take back what's hers", she STILL didn't end up playing an active role in her own escape. OK, so she unlocked her door using Chekhov's Corkscrew, but I'd still have preferred her to shank Myranda with it. They could have kept Theon coming to her defence, but have her be the one to take Myranda out...at least she would have done SOMETHING.

-I loved Arya's scenes. The killing of Trant was brutal, almost gratuitously so, but it made sense considering where her character is right now.

-The Jaime/Myrcella scene was sweet, albeit creepy ("I totally don't mind that you're my dad and not my uncle! Tee-hee!"), and then THAT happened. Totally threw me off-guard.

-I didn't think any Sand Snake dialogue could make me cringe more than "I AM OBARA SAND", but then "You need the bad pussy" happened. Let us never speak of it again. The poisoned lipstick seemed weirdly out of place, but I guess it fits with the general WTF nature of the Dorne material this season. Are we supposed to like the Sand Snakes and Ellariannestar? Because they basically just murdered an innocent girl in their stupid and unwarranted pursuit of revenge. Oberyn wasn't murdered, he willingly entered a trial by combat and lost because he couldn't resist taunting and showboating instead of just finishing the job. Get the fuck over it.

-Meereen...zzz. Sorry, not even Tyrion and Varys (what the fuck is he doing there?) can salvage it.

-For the Watch happened. Didn't make me feel anything, possibly because I'm one of the people who believe there's precisely zero chance of Jon staying dead. I fucking knew Olly would be the one to deliver the final blow. I almost feel bad for hating the kid so much, because his feelings towards the wildlings are completely understandable and justified.

All in all, a mixed bag of an episode to close out a mixed bag of a season.


I knew Jon was going to be stabbed so it made less of an impact on me and I didn't feel anything, but also because I'm sure he's going to be revived next season by the Lord Of Light, or else his story doesn't make much sense, particularly regarding his mother.


Apparently the actress trained with the whip for the show. She actually hit the bucket off that dude's head in the Sand Snakes intro scene. :eek:

But yeah, that shit above looks terrible. lol


Yeah , that whole fight in the water gardens was poor on every level. Almost like it was the last thing they filmed and they were running out of time/money for the season so they just did one take for every shot lol


I hope I never have a day as bad as the last one Stannis has.

That would be like "Sir, your parents are dead."

"You're being evicted."

"You have terminal cancer."

Last season was relatively upbeat compared to this one. Now I'm just upset.
I posted a tired angry rant on FB about how I'm almost done with the show because it's just been awful and I get told by one of my peers that "You have no reason to say that. It's still a good show."

He defended Dorne because you know, terrible plot lines make total sense. When I said that Dorne was effectively a waste of 60ish minutes, he went "it's not important."

Sometimes Unsullied just piss me the hell off with how "THE SHOW IS STILL GOOD."


Can you imagine Arya doing her oyster cart routine while blind?

Arya "Oysters!"

Customer *faintly* "Clams!"


*Arya falls off the dock*
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