Stannis was interesting. I didn't hate him but I felt he was deranged and on an inevitable path of self-destruction.
I've always had a soft spot for the Hound. The show version far more than the book version(I didn't read the books till after S1).
Hate is a bit of a strong word, because I do find the character interesting as well. I just never understood the "Stannis the Mannis" style adulation of the character. I thought he was just as bad as the other assholes in the books.
I like both book and show Hound. I think show Hound is a bit easier to empathize with because of the subtle emotion that Rory McCann displays during a lot of key scenes. In the books, it's a bit harder to see that the Hound is feeling anything other than anger and rage, and since he isn't a POV character, we don't get into his head. On the show, though, we can see more of his humanity, which helps us empathize with him more. He's definitely one of my favorite characters on the show. Not a good guy, but not black and white evil either. I think the episode where he helps Sansa after Joffrey is being a cunt in Season 1, is when I realized there was more to him than I thought (I was actually in the middle of reading the first book when an asshole co-worker purposefully spoiled Ned's storyline for me, so I just said fuck it, and started watching the show and reading the book at the same time, which was actually kind of neat to see how the show was adapting what I was seeing. I still finished the book before the season ended, though).