I don't think they would bring back all the Frey actors from season 3 if their only plan was to chat with Jaime.
Someone's dying.
Question (BIG spoiler question)
After the Boltons are gone, is it possible that Littlefinger could try to murder Sansa for Cersei, or was he totally lying to her?
The Freys haven't been on the show since either, furthermoreBalon Greyjoy is still alive in the show and was cursed way back in season 3 which they are now just getting around to reintroducing.
Also it gives purpose for showing the brotherhood in the first place, as that has been their main role in the books.
Don't we kind of know thatThe Lannister's lay siege to Riverrun, which would seem to be the logical end for Walder Frey
The Freys and Balon are assumed to still be alive and doing things off screen. The viewer has that expectation in place when those characters return after an absence. The unspoiled viewer has no reason to believe that Catelyn has been running around still alive for the past three years, and if you reveal it now, there's nothing in the previous seasons that they could go back to and say "Oh I should've seen it coming!" It would feel 100% out of nowhere to them.
Freys and Lannisters are allies. The siege at Riverrun was about taking out the remaining Tullys
It was 100% out of no where in the books too, it occured in an epiliouge where Arya was first learning to Warg.
Including Lady Stoneheart would not have ruined Jon`s revival
Remember that when LSH comes back she is not the same anymore, "She hates" ,the anticipation would have been to see how 'damaged' Jon would be after coming back. LSH would have set the standard as an undead ruthless killer and people would anticipate the same for Jon I assume.
nobody remembers beric dondarrion
That was only a handful of chapters after her death though. The show would've had to bring her back in 310 to make it work exactly like in the book. Once they decided to omit that and delay any reveal beyond that point, they had a bigger storytelling burden necessary to sell the resurrection, and they haven't done that work at all. Maybe they'll do it anyway, I just think it would be a bad idea at this point, given the decisions they made in seasons 3-5.
Freys and Lannisters are allies. The siege at Riverrun was about taking out the remaining Tullys
i remember but you are right the show runners are at fault here for not making these character 'stick out'nobody remembers beric dondarrion
season 1 beric or the later more bearded version?I remember his actor reciting his dialogue like he just picked up the script 5 minutes before.
LSH is not happening, let it go. The closest we could get would be probably Sansa absorbing some parts of it.
That would literally be the shittest thing ever.
i remember but you are right the show runners are at fault here for not making these character 'stick out'
season 1 beric or the later more bearded version?
don't know if i brought this up before but is there any fear out there that the show and reactions to its content by the masses impacts how GRRM writes his material, as in would he change his original plans in order to appease readers?
He's addressed this many times. It doesn't.
Like, Sansa stabbing people? That's out of character, no? I could see her executing Littlefinger but slaying Freys in vengeance is a huge leap.
It wouldn't even be the shittiest thing they've done with Sansa.
There looks to be another swordsman fighting for the Targaryens. Any ideas?
The guy playing the dual-wielding Kingsguard is Luke Roberts, who some posters here will know as Woodes Rogers in Black Sails season 3. We've suspected for a long time that he's playing.Arthur Dayne in the TOJ flashback
"And now it begins."
"Now it ends."
I know! Guess we'll get a small snippet of it for this season.The new thread will be hilarious, can't waitDorne!
Dolores Edd
Kinda thought they've abandoned Dorne entirely then Elaria pops in the teaser
She's going to get beheaded. I doubt they spend more than 5 minutes in Dorne in the whole season.
She's going to get beheaded. I doubt they spend more than 5 minutes in Dorne in the whole season.
Lol, the idea that they're just going to execute Ellaria and cut off the Dorne plot there is just wishful thinking. They will find some way to weasel Doran out of his threat to kill her and keep those characters going.
Lol, the idea that they're just going to execute Ellaria and cut off the Dorne plot there is just wishful thinking. They will find some way to weasel Doran out of his threat to kill her and keep those characters going.